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Perimenopause Treatment

Perimenopause treatment may vary depending on the severity of symptoms and medical history of the patient. Synthetic hormone replacement therapy is not a good idea for someone who is at risk for breast cancer or heart disease. Symptoms of perimenopause may include hot flashes, cold chills, heart palpitations, irritability, mood swings, insomnia, night sweats, fatigue, anxiety, memory lapses, aching joints and muscles, breast tenderness, vaginal dryness, indigestion, nausea, weight gain, hair loss, urinary incontinence and dizziness. Many of these are due to declining estrogen levels or an imbalance of declining estrogen and progesterone. Try to get a physical examination when suffering with any of these symptoms because they could be indications of other medical problems. Controlling weight along with exercise and eating healthy may lessen the severity of the symptoms.

Women who are going through the beginning of menopause often have a unique opportunity to make some lifestyle changes that will not only help with symptoms but will help decrease the risks of developing other health problems. With age and a decrease of hormones there is a higher risk for developing heart disease, breast cancer, and osteoporosis. Other age related illnesses might include diabetes, stroke, hardening of the arteries, and autoimmune diseases. Other beneficial changes include eating healthy and participating in a regular exercise program. This sounds like a lot of changes but making them gradually, by eliminating bad habits and incorporating good habits, will make it easier. Symptoms of perimenopause are also going to be less severe and possibly nonexistent with positive lifestyle changes.

Some ways that menopause may be experienced early is through surgical intervention, a hysterectomy or just having both ovaries removed. Look for a specialist who understands the importance of hormone therapy and is up to date on the best alternatives for hrt. Women who have had a hysterectomy may experience more severe symptoms of perimenopause than someone who is going through it gradually. Cancer drug treatments can cause a woman to need perimenopause treatment earlier than normal because the drugs may interfere with the amount of hormones produced. However, some doctors will not use hormone replacement therapy for a cancer patient especially when suffering with breast cancer. Sometimes a physician may prescribe low-dose birth controls to help control symptoms.

Phytoestrogens found in flaxseed, soy, and red clover may be an alternative to hormone replacement therapy. These are weak plant hormones that are similar to hormones in the human body. These may also be found in a natural therapy called bio identical. Bio identical hormone replacement therapy is a natural treatment and should be considered over synthetic drugs that are available. Drug companies readily make synthetic hormones available because the compounds can be patented and sold but more risks are associated with them in comparison to natural therapies. A physician may consider synthetic therapies for short-term perimenopause treatment but may not want to continue treatment for long periods of time. Another alternative to consider is natural bio identical progesterone cream.

Depression is a condition that can affect anyone at any time but women who are experiencing symptoms associated with menopause may experience some depression as well. There are many anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications on the market today. It is best to start out with one that has fewer side effects and a lower dosage. Some anti-depressants have withdrawal symptoms that may be hard to tolerate and have undesirable side effects such as, nausea, insomnia, urinary frequency, among other things. Before taking the drugs try other ways to combat depression. Joining a support group with other women who are having the same types of problems might help. It is might also be helpful to participate in a church support group, using God's Word to find help and comfort. "Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses." (Psalm 107:13) Give the Lord an opportunity to show Himself true to His Word by asking Him for help when symptoms of perimenopause are causing depression and anxiety.

Incorporate more omega 3 fatty acids into diet by eating salmon, mackerel, and tuna. Studies on omega 3 fatty acids found in flaxseed oils have shown to help with lowering bad cholesterol and raising good cholesterol. It may help ease symptoms of perimenopause including, breast tenderness, cramps, and overall discomfort. Add calcium supplements to help prevent osteoporosis, lower blood pressure, and reduce triglyceride levels. Magnesium will also help aid perimenopause treatment by boosting energy levels. Black cohosh is an herb that is known for helping with hot flashes, cramps, and helps to prevent bone loss. Taking potassium may help with heart palpitations, water retention, and bloating. Other herbs that are recommended are evening primrose oil, and valerian. St John's wort may help to relieve depression associated with menopause and kava kava may help to reduce anxiety and level out mood swings.

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