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Home Pregnancy Tests

Home pregnancy tests offer privacy for testing no matter what the circumstances. Understanding the functionality of such products leads to making the best decision concerning which brand to purchase. In the privacy and comfort of a persons house a woman is able to remain more relaxed therefore further creating the best results. Even the best products can fail if the assessment is done improperly, therefore careful attention to directions and multiple use of an inexpensive pregnancy test may be required. Furthermore, if a woman has existing conditions such as a history of ovarian cyst or even obesity the results may be inaccurate. The most through and accurate way to detect pregnancy is with an ultrasound. However, early in pregnancy a baby can hide behind other organs and tissue.

Clinical research shows testing conducted in order to identify the best brand, but like any testing different results occur leading to unclear answers. If a woman tests negative, but senses something different in addition to a missed menstrual cycle she may desire further medical testing for other non-related illness or disease. Timing is important when using home pregnancy tests. Read the instructions carefully to ensure the best results. Likewise the type and amount of urine collected drastically changes the results due to chemical changes in the urine stream. Most often analysis requires totally clean urine from inside the bladder thus a woman should wait until midstream to use the examination. If the results come back negative and a woman is unsure, then a healthy diet and refraining from alcohol and smoking are good ways to ensure a healthy environment in case the result is wrong. Likewise, avoiding atmospheres such as bars or coffeehouses that may expose a woman to these toxins is advisable. Changing diet to organic or at least less processed foods can dramatically change the outcome for both baby and woman. Subtle changes over the course of gestation is better than making no changes at all.

Tracking days of the menstrual cycle is a must for any sexually active woman. If a period is missed for more than a week or adverse unexplainable flu-like symptoms occur (morning sickness) then an inexpensive pregnancy test should be conducted. Just because one product is cheaper than another does not necessarily determine its effectiveness. In some cases three tests can be purchased by one company for the same cost as one from another. The quality depends on the chemical accuracy of the test. Because the FDA controls accuracy of packaging the boxes can accurately be compared to ensure the best result. When comparing home pregnancy tests in the store read the requirements for accurate testing. Some products use cups while others use convenient sticks. The method used depends on the woman and the claim of accuracy the company states.

If a woman wishes to become pregnant there are many ways to track the times during the month that offer a better possibility than others. Some methods include temperature monitoring, day counting, and fertility drugs if necessary. Unknown illness and disease may alter a womans ability to conceive; therefore optimal health in all possible ways dramatically increases the probability of conception. Illnesses that may decrease a womans chance to conceive include stress, poor diet, environmental exposure, and diabetes. Home pregnancy tests are easy to use and offer no chemical harm to the user; therefore multiple uses is only a burden to the pocketbook. The convenience of these products creates an atmosphere of privacy or inclusion of a spouse if desired. On the other hand, if possible conception occurs due to unwanted circumstances, then using home pregnancy tests create a safe environment without the knowledge of friends and family. This can be important if a woman is scared or uncertain of reaction to a potential conception. There is no need to upset daily life if the result of the inexpensive pregnancy test is uncertain. But he said unto me, Behold, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and now drink no wine nor strong drink, neither eat any unclean [thing]: for the child shall be a Nazarite to God from the womb to the day of his death. (Judges 13:7)

Once a positive result from an inexpensive pregnancy test is obtained then living a healthy lifestyle remains the main focus for successful pregnancies. This includes reducing stress, eating healthy with focus on specific vitamins for development of the baby, and exercise for the wellness of the woman. These goals are attained through scheduling and possible change in routine. If a woman has other health problems, a doctor guided plan can further ensure the best health for baby and woman. Many books are written about general focus on pregnancy, but dont address issues such as obesity, genetic disorders, and heart disease. Confronting these health problems with the help of a specialist may include additional prenatal testing, bed rest, or even plans for a C-section at a specific time during the pregnancy. Taking these steps can increase a womans chance of healthy gestation. Some women with health issues related to the reproductive system may find themselves in the position of a ectopic pregnancy which has a 50% chance of always coming up negative on the inexpensive pregnancy test. In this case, more extensive testing must occur to ensure results. If a woman desires to become pregnant then boosting folic acid through vitamin supplement or dietary changes may increase the probability.

Issues Against Abortion

There are a number of compelling issues against abortion that should be considered before making a final decision on this controversial topic. The beginning of life is a major bone of contention that separates those who oppose and those who support legalized abortion. Individuals who take an anti-abortion stance believe strongly that human life begins at conception. Among the arguments that are frequently presented to make the case for life beginning at conception include the fact the the DNA code originates with the moment that a child is conceived. This code establishes such factors as the gender, eye color, and hair color that the child will have. But beyond these basic features, minute details such as resemblance to a parent or loved one, future height or even whether or not a child will have dimples, freckles or curly hair has been determined at conception. Such facts would tend to go a long way toward bolstering the notion that human life does indeed begin at conception. For many, this fact alone is one of the most persuasive issues against abortion. Those who oppose the legalized termination of pregnancy firmly believe that if life begins at the moment of conception, all abortions would therefore constitute cold blooded murder.

Frequently listed issues against abortion might include the extraordinary measures that are taken to save the lives of infants that are born prematurely. The hypocrisy of applying appropriately heroic measures to save the life of an innocent preemie while at the same time promoting procedures that violently take the life of near full term infants is not lost on most abortion opponents. The same medical community that works to save the life of an infant born prematurely will utilize cruel and inhumane methods to destroy the life of infants of the same gestational age. Such disrespect for life has convinced many to align themselves with the anti-abortion movement.

While dealing with an unwanted pregnancy is never easy, there are long waiting lists of prospective parents who are willing to adopt healthy newborns. This fact effectively destroys the argument that some children are simply not wanted. One of the issues against abortion limits centers on the idea of a woman's right to control her own body. Abortion right supporters believe that no woman should be forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term. But those on the other side of this issue point out that with the large array of effective birth control that is widely available, there is no reason why any woman would not have the resources to control whether or not she becomes pregnant.

The emotional issues that many women deal with after a pregnancy has been terminated offer some often overlooked issues against abortion. There has been a clearly demonstrated link between emotional difficulties that can occur even years after abortions have taken place. Women who previously chose to end a pregnancy will frequently experience a sense of guilt or grief years later when they are ready to start a family. This can particularly be true when the woman was coerced into the initial decision to abort. Unresolved doubts can rear up later creating feelings of shame and deep regret. Often, previous abortions are kept secret making the individual much more susceptible to suppressed emotions that can have a major negative impact later on. The stigma that this issue represents will often encourage women to suffer in silence. Particularly difficult are situations in which a woman later changes her mind on how she feels about this controversial topic. Both men and women who had previously been part of a decision to terminate an unwanted pregnancy can end up feeling great guilt and grief later on, particularly if they eventually decide that aborting a pregnancy is morally wrong. These factors represent just a few of the strong emotional issues against abortion. The Bible clearly states that children are one of God's greatest gifts. "Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward." (Psalm 127:3)

The potential for medical complications can provide additional issues against abortion that should be considered. An increase in the likelihood of experiencing a pregnancy complication called an ectopic or tubal pregnancy has been reported to occur more frequently for women who have previously had abortions. Another possible complication is a condition called placenta previa which can lead to miscarriage or premature delivery. The notion that legalized abortions provide a safety net for times when other birth control methods either failed or were neglected altogether is unthinkable to most individuals who oppose legalized abortions. Terminating an unwanted pregnancy does not constitute a wise or responsible method of birth control in the eyes of most abortion opponents. Along the same line, taxpayers who feel strongly that it is morally wrong to terminate a pregnancy do not feel that it is right to use taxpayer money to pay for a procedure that they so strongly oppose.

In many cases, women who undergo abortions are very young. The immaturity of teenage girls is often sited as one of many compelling issues against abortion. Minors who are not able to completely understand the full ramifications of their actions will often regret the decision to abort at a later time. Even those who felt that such a decision was justified at the time may later experience deep regrets. An honest look at the facts surrounding the issue of abortion, as well as the subsequent problems that may follow, has pointed many in the direction of a respect for life and an opposition to this controversial procedure.

Pregnancy After Miscarriage

Pregnancy after miscarriage involves physical and emotional complications requiring more attention than a normal pregnancy. The emotional readiness for enduring the vulnerable state of possibly losing another child may never present itself, however taking the risk and having faith in the outcome may be the most realistic option. As a couple, a decision for readiness is generally agreed upon after speaking with medical professionals in order to better understand the reason for miscarrying. Getting pregnant after miscarriage may present additional risk to the mother in addition to the baby. Having faith may better prepare a person for understanding the right timing for conception, however the information medical professionals can gather may also play into the final decision.

Because of the personal decision associated with when to attempt another conception, the medical rules are grey unless there is a distinctive medical reason for the loss. These reasons may include infection, disease, accident, or malnutrition of the mother. Many pregnancy losses are unexplainable and therefore do not have distinctive indicators for timing of pregnancy after miscarriage. The best a woman can do is build up her body so that the uterus is ready to safely house a baby and the mother does not suffer. A normal recommendation is to wait at least 2 or 3 months before trying to conceive in order to prepare the mother physically. The mental preparedness may never occur; however strong support from family, friends, and organizations can help her cope.

In addition to consultation with a general practitioner, speaking with a specialist may be a good idea if a woman is over the age of 35, had more than 2 miscarriages, illness related to miscarriage, or fertility problems. Any or all of these symptoms may indicate increased risk of instance, therefore it is important to solve the problem or come to grips with the increased risk. Understanding the possibility of repeat incident may discourage some couples from getting pregnant after miscarriage. Adoption is a growing industry due to countries, which restrict population and unwanted pregnancies in the United States. Though the cost is high compared to personal conception, this opportunity may be viable in some situations. Medical conditions that put the baby and/or mother at risk most certainly discourage getting pregnant after miscarriage. But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year. (Genesis 17:21)

A couple should remain close during times of healing as well as when it is determined to start trying again. Many worldly influences may lead a person to blaming the other for the incident when it is simply irrational to do so. Medically testing can clear up some reasons for previous problems and indicate more specifically when to attempt pregnancy after miscarriage. This may include general health in order to produce health sperm or eggs. A dietician can aid in developing a plan for healthy eating and exercise leading to stronger bodies. Likewise, environmental issues may have affected the first pregnancy therefore changes in water consumption, environmental exposure, and stress may need dramatic change before getting pregnant after miscarriage. Even when these suggestions are made and followed through on, it does not ensure successful birth.

In any pregnancy the level of stress a mother endures affects the outcome of the term therefore, careful monitoring and care of the mother is essential to success. This may even include waiting to hold a baby shower until after the baby is born in order to minimize the stress of succeeding for the mother. Additionally, when the pregnancy after miscarriage is successful feelings of sadness and guilt may surface concerning the lost baby. Many women go through this, however it is not abnormal to feel complete closure once the new baby has arrived. Every woman experiences this difficult life experience differently thus eliminating the instance of perfect method or complete recovery. Local support groups may be available through churches or government-funded programs. No matter where a support system is sought, the importance of connecting with other people with similar experiences helps a person or couple gains knowledge and support. If nothing locally is available searching the Internet for online support groups remains a viable option, though face to face meetings are optimal.

Testing for reasoning why a complete pregnancy was unsuccessful starts with an interview with the couple in order to possibly learn new reasons in which the event occurred. This in no way is a tactic to place blame, but rather educates the couple for future pregnancies. If nothing is found during the initial interview further diagnostic tests may be conducted to check for disease and unknown illness. Sometimes sexually transmitted diseases, chromosomal abnormalities, and genetic diseases can cause miscarriage. Any positive results of these tests may sway a couples decision about pregnancy after miscarriage. The more knowledge gained, the more prepared a couple is to endure the next time. Though some problems such as infection and vitamin deficiency can be treated, other issues such as chromosomal conditions may eliminate the chance of successfully getting pregnant after miscarriage. Techniques to increase the chance of success may include dietary changes and medication to control or normalize any abnormalities hindering future conception. Additionally, if blockage or cysts are found in the reproductive system then surgery may be suggested. Getting a second opinion before undergoing any treatment, especially surgery, is crucial in setting ones mind at ease.

Laws Against Abortion

Laws against abortion have been around for approximately two hundred years though they have varied by state. By 1965 most states had laws that banned the procedure except in extreme cases. Some of the extreme cases included, saving the life of the mother, cases of rape or incest, and if the fetus was deformed or had some sort of medical problems that would deny a reasonable quality of life. Abortion laws in the United States changed after 1973 when a Supreme Court Case made the state laws unconstitutional or nonexistent. This law made all others null and void with a woman in her first trimester of pregnancy. However, there were some restrictions with the later stages of pregnancy. Since that time there have been some states that require restrictions on having the procedure done.

Restrictions for a woman to have an abortion include, a twenty-four hour waiting period from the time a woman consents until the procedure is actually done and that a parent or guardian is notified when a woman consents to have the procedure before her eighteenth birthday. One of the restrictions or laws against abortion that has been adopted is called a partial birth abortion ban. This procedure is normally done in the second and third trimester of pregnancy and is considered by most as being inhumane and horrid. One of the controversial issues surrounding the procedure includes questioning at what point a child is considered an actual person. Medical science can not fully answer that question but some of the things that are known is when the baby's heart begins to beat, when the baby starts dreaming, and that premature babies born as early as 20 weeks after conception have a chance to survive.

Some physicians belong to organizations that refuse to do the procedure after 20 weeks from conception. Abortion laws in the United States could change if the Supreme Court Case from 1973 is overturned. Many states have tried putting forth abortion bans by introducing political bills. Those who oppose these bills talk about the rights of women being violated but do not mention the rights of the unborn. They seem to be concerned with the health of women; however, there are serious risks associated with having the procedure. Some of these include heavy bleeding, infection, sepsis, problems with anesthesia, damage to the uterus and cervix, scarring, damage to other internal organs, and death.

Psychological damage that can occur to women who have had an abortion include depression, anxiety, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, extreme guilt and remorse, suffering with nightmares, problems with relationships, and suicidal thoughts. Laws against abortion are seen by many as laws that will actually protect women from undergoing a procedure that will have lasting physical and emotional affects for the rest of their life. There are other options available to women who do not believe that they can take care of a child. There are classes available that help to empower women to become a good parent. In addition, there is the option of adoption; many couples who can not have children would consider themselves fortunate to be able to adopt a child and raise him or her up as their own. Women who suffer with extreme guilt and remorse can find forgiveness from the Lord. "In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace" (Ephesians 1:7).

There have been some changes in laws and policy since the 1973 Supreme Court ruling to legalize abortion. Medicaid funds can not be used to pay for the procedure unless the woman's life is in danger or there is a case of rape or incest. Abortion laws in the United States require that women obtain a court order to have the procedure paid for by public funds. However, some states allow public funds to be used for women who fall in the category of being poor. In addition, clinics that are funded by the public help women to obtain birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Christian counseling can be very beneficial for a woman who needs guidance. Fellowship with other Christians, praying, and reading the Bible can provide comfort and support when needed.

There are many organizations that will help women who are young and single that wish to have their babies. Some of these can be found on the Internet by doing a search on laws against abortion. These organizations help women with housing, medical assistance, financial assistance, educational assistance, counseling, and child care expenses. Parenting classes are available to help single women and couples that need help accepting their new role. Foster care is another option for those women who find they are in a place that they can not be a good parent or have the necessary faculties to do so. In addition, there are adoption agencies that can help place the child with loving and responsible parents. The Bible says that children are a blessing and that mothers should love their children. "But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto Me: for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matthew 19:14).

For the women who feel that they have no other choice but to have an abortion; there is always another way. A little time and research, along with making a few phone calls can help a person to discover that there are other choices with unwanted pregnancies. Abortion laws in the United States since 1973 have made it easy for the choice to be abortion. A woman who finds herself in this situation should get some counseling on how the decision is going to affect her for the rest of her life. Women should avoid the trap of desperation by making an instantaneous decision to pray and consider all other options.

Long Term Risks Of Abortion

Sterility and ectopic pregnancy are long term risks of abortion especially with women who have undergone a surgical procedure. Medical abortions are labeled safe because women can take two pills and abort a baby if they are not past eight weeks from conception. However, sometimes the pills cause heavy bleeding and infection so the patient has to undergo surgery anyway. When performing a surgical abortion the physician has to stretch the cervix exponentially causing microscopic tearing. During this process the uterus and other organs can be punctured. Cervical and uterine damage are long term risks of abortion that can cause sterility. Weakness in the cervix can keep a woman from carrying another child to term. Studies have shown that cervical damage can result in miscarriages and premature births with future pregnancies. When scar tissue forms the egg cannot make the journey from the fallopian tube to the uterus. Ectopic pregnancies are a threat to a patient's life as internal bleeding can result. "But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God" (Luke 18:16).

Abnormal development of the placenta and cerebral palsy are long term risks of abortion. After having an abortion a female can experience complications of labor. Premature births can and often do result in the child developing cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a combination of disorders that affect body movement, balance, and posture. This simply means that the child will be born with damage in parts of the brain that control motor activity and muscle control. Abnormal development of the placenta can cause the unborn child to suffer from hypoxia. Lack of oxygen can cause the brain damage that leads to cerebral palsy. This can be serious as the child may suffer with mental retardation, have learning disabilities, seizures, eating difficulties, bowel control problems, and deformities.

Psychological problems often result in women who have had abortions. Long term risks of abortion in patients include depression, social regression, hasty marriages, and the need to get pregnant again. Data from studies done has shown that patients may go through a period of denial lasting up to ten years after terminating a pregnancy. Psychological and behavioral problems surface because the patient has never come to terms with the abortion. Common reactions that surface later in post-abortion patients include dramatic personality changes, anxiety attacks, difficulty grieving, difficulty concentrating, flashbacks, and sleep disorders. Self-destructive behavior results in addictions and eventually suicide attempts.

Higher rates of child abuse are linked to an increase in abortion. Pro choice followers claim that legalizing the termination of a pregnancy decreases child abuse because women are getting rid of unwanted children. Statistics show the opposite. Though research shows an increase in child abuse, pro choice followers will claim that this increase has nothing to do with aborting unwanted children. So, do females who have had an abortion grow to hate their own living children? Research shows that this is a complex problem associated with long term risks of abortion. When a female feels rage when a living baby cries it is a reminder that the aborted child will never cry or be able to experience life as the living child will. So in effect, living children suffer for a decision that has nothing to do with them. They have to pay the penalty for unresolved issues over an aborted sibling. This is one reason why counseling is imperative to avoid psychological long term risks of abortion.

After abortion was legalized in 1973 some women have fooled themselves into thinking that killing their unborn child was ok or else it wouldn't be legal. Then they talk themselves into believing that the decision is the best one for their current situation in life. Some of the reasons include not being to support the child, not being a good mother, there is always time to have a baby, and it will not be fair to the rest of the family to have a child at this time. Studies show that the majority of women who decide to terminate a pregnancy believe that it is morally wrong to do so. "And she went, and sat her down over against him a good way off, as it were a bow shot: for she said, 'Let me not see the death of the child.' And she sat over against him, and lifted up her voice, and wept" (Genesis 21:16). They are going against their own morals and beliefs. Many are convinced that they have no other choice. This is usually the case because a spouse or other family members are pushing the issue. Long term risks of abortion are real for these mothers who truly believe that what they are doing is wrong.

Medical science has proven that life begins at conception. A mother to be will have a hard time reconciling the act of abortion in her own mind when she truly believes that this little unborn child is a live human being who was never given a chance to live. There is a great deal of truth in saying that women often feel as if a part of them has died with their child. The guilt is even greater for a patient who chooses to use medication to terminate a pregnancy. As the bleeding increases the tiny baby can be seen and this visual will add to long term risks of abortion. The mother may suffer with flashbacks and nightmares related to the death of the child. Seeing another baby could trigger the flashbacks or even talking about children might cause the woman to relive the tragedy over and over. God knows about these struggles and he is a forgiving God. Doing some research can provide valuable information that will help a female to rethink her position and decide to have the child as there are many other possible options for those who cannot raise a child themselves.

Medical Complications Of Abortions

There are a number of medical complications of abortions that are well documented, although such issues are often denied or minimized by those who support abortion rights. Among these complications are a perforated uterus, injury to the bladder or bowel, increased risk of breast cancer, increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, infection, hemorrhaging, a lacerated cervix, problems due to RH incompatibility, an increased chance of placenta previa during subsequent pregnancies, retained products of conception, and, in extreme cases, sterility. These medical complications of abortions should be explained thoroughly to any woman who is contemplating this procedure.

A perforated uterus can be a very serious complication. If a woman sustains a perforation in her uterus, she could bleed to death within ten minutes of the initial injury. Injury to the bladder and bowel may also result from medical complications of abortions. When this occurs, the risk of infection and the possibility of surgery later on to repair the damage will greatly increase. The need for a blood transfusion represents additional medical complications of abortion. Some women also suffer from infections following a terminated pregnancy. While any medical procedure can present a number of possible problems, the complications with abortion procedures are often down played in order to bolster the argument that abortions are simple gynecological procedures, only slightly more involved than having a tooth pulled.

Some studies also indicate an increase in the chances of developing breast cancer later on in life. Of the medical complications of abortions, this one may be the most frightening. This may be due to the changes that the cells in the breast undergo when a woman is pregnant. As the breasts prepare to nurse the infant, estrogen in the woman's body will increase. These additional hormones will cause cells in the breast to divide. During the normal course of pregnancy, these divided cells will mature and eventually become able to secrete the milk that is intended to nourish the unborn child. An abortion is not a natural way to end a pregnancy. When a woman has an abortion, these cells in the breast do not mature. Some experts contend that a woman's likelihood of being diagnosed with breast cancer at some later time will increase due to the presence of these immature cells. It should be noted that the number of breast cancer cases have risen by fifty percent in the United States since 1973, the year that abortion was legalized. Statistics also show that a woman who has had an abortion may be much more likely to experience an ectopic or tubal pregnancy at some later point. An ectopic pregnancy occurs anytime that the fetus does not complete the journey to the uterus and lodges in some other place in the body.

An often overlooked among the many medical complications of abortions are the psychological issues that undergoing this procedure can initiate. A number of women who had previously terminated a pregnancy through surgical intervention have complained of symptoms that are similar to those that accompany post traumatic stress syndrome. This fact certainly calls into question to assertion that abortion is merely a simple and painless procedure with no lingering after effects. While the initial reaction of many women who have alleviated themselves of the problem of an unwanted pregnancy may be one of relief, such emotions often do not last. This sense of relief may soon be followed by a feeling of numbness. Many women report feeling emotionally paralyzed. Such disconnection is often followed by a deep sense of guilt or regret. Other symptoms might include problems with sleep and a sense of nervousness and depression. Sexual dysfunction ans social regression may also be exhibited. These medical complications of abortions are often discounted or denied by those who favor liberal abortion laws. The Bible stresses the fact that each human life is a unique creation of God. "God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands." (Acts 17:24)

For women who choose to terminate a pregnancy, the medical complications of abortions can have a major impact on future pregnancies. A woman who has had an abortion may be more likely to experience bleeding during the first trimester of a subsequent pregnancy. The ability to deliver the child vaginally may be seriously impaired as well. If a vaginal birth is possible, there may still be additional complications. In a normal pregnancy, the placenta is expelled naturally after the baby is born. For women who have had abortions, the likelihood of needing manual assistance in the removal of the placenta may increase. Other complications for the infant may occur such as low birth weight or premature birth. The chances of experiencing a miscarriage can also increase if an abortion occurred earlier in life.

A condition called retained products of conception represents additional medical complications of abortions. During an abortion the unborn child, the umbilical cord, the amniotic sac, and the placenta are cut into small pieces and removed. If the abortionist fails to remove all of these "products of conception" a woman may suffer from a number of issues. These issues could include bleeding, pain, infection, and fever. When this occurs, antibiotics are usually prescribed and the woman may need to undergo additional surgery to correct the problem. With all of these negative health issues, it remains quite clear that abortion is not a simple gynecological procedure.

Mental Risks Of Abortion

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is one of the mental risks of abortion where women have flashbacks of the termination of a pregnancy. A psychiatrist will diagnose acute stress associated with an abortion as PTSD if the symptoms last longer than one month. Reliving the trauma, avoiding anything that has an association with the stressor, and emotional distress are symptoms. Depression and even suicide have been linked to PTSD. A woman will often become detached with very little emotional response to normal stimuli. Mental risks of abortion are real and should never be ignored. Signs to look for in someone who has PTSD include difficulty sleeping, irritability, jumpiness, inability to concentrate, and distress is experienced every time the patient is reminded of the traumatic event. Studies have determined that around 10 percent of women suffer from PTSD or acute stress disorder after having an abortion. "But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall" (Malachi 4:2).

Physical symptoms associated with mental risks of abortion often include tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, fatigue, sweating, and an empty feeling in the pit of the stomach. Social withdrawal is not uncommon to try and avoid an unpleasant subject that can remind one of the traumatic event. Some women suffer with a loss of appetite. Using substances to try and forget the abortion is one way that some find a way to cope. Mental health physicians may treat PTSD through counseling by helping the patient to understand that they may be having an exaggerated response to the trauma. Women who miscarry without intervention may suffer from PTSD but those who have terminated the life of an unborn child through intervention usually have more guilt. This can make treatment harder to accomplish because the patient can not get past the guilt feelings. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee" (Isaiah 26:3).

Unresolved issues associated with a previous abortion can lead to severe depression. Some patients undergoing psychiatric care for severe depression will benefit greatly from counseling because this is a subject most women avoid especially in social settings. They avoid the conversation with family members and even with close friends because they often feel that will be judged harshly by people they care about. Being able to discuss the issue with a counselor who is bound by law to keep sessions confidential will give patients an opportunity to talk about their feelings. Depression can be treated with medication but doing so without counseling may not be productive. Mental risks of abortion can best be treated by using counseling as a way to help the patient learn coping techniques that are positive. Resolution will happen when the patient can come to terms with what has transpired in her own mind and finding a positive way to cope with feelings that surface from time to time.

Unacknowledged stress can lead to repression. Repression can lead to more serious disorders and defense mechanisms resulting in abnormal behavior. Mental risks of abortion associated with repression lead to fear, anxiety, pain and extreme guilt. Extreme arousal can result when the memory of having an abortion is repressed. This means that the person who is suffering with extreme or hyperarousal is in a constant state of stress and on permanent alert so she becomes irritable, aggressive, and may overreact in the face of threat. Denial may lead to negative feelings with anyone or any place that reminds the person of the repressed trauma. When this happens the woman is likely to turn to substance abuse. This could include smoking, drinking alcohol, or using drugs, all mental risks of abortion. Drug usage might include prescribed medication or street drugs, whatever it takes to make her feel like she is in more control of her life. Drugs and alcohol are used to alleviate the feelings of distress and help one forget the trauma and negative feelings associated with the trauma. The increase of substance abuse can have a negative effect on every area of one's life. Alcohol abuse can make a person become more violent. With a dramatic change in behavior a woman may end up losing her job, become separate or divorced from her spouse, and drinking while driving can cause serious auto accidents where innocent lives are lost.

Eating disorders are another illness that can surface after abortion. Mental risks of abortion associated with eating disorders include binge eating, bulimia, and anorexia nervosa. The person suffering with an eating disorder is not only sick mentally they will develop physical problems from lack of nutrition. Patients who suffer with eating disorders often feel like this is the only way they have control over their life. A mental health doctor who can get to the root of the problem may be able to help a patient who suffers with an eating disorder. Psychological treatment can be very beneficial to a woman who suffers with the mental risks of abortion. However, her spiritual state will need help as well. Only God can bring about spiritual healing. A woman should seek Christian counseling, prayer, and ask God for healing. She will need to ask for forgiveness for taking the life of her unborn child and then ask God to lead her in the pathway where complete restoration will take place. Complete healing and restoration can take place when dedicating one's life to the Lord.

Abortion Methods

Abortion methods are often used by women to end pregnancies for medical reasons or personal reasons. There are a variety of procedures that are performed daily throughout the United States and the world. Many of the options that are used can be very dangerous to the mother and some can make the process of ending the life of the child very long and drawn out. The most often used methods, at least in the United States, are not as harmful as those in other countries, where technology and medication is not as readily available. The use of abortion procedures to end the life of the child can sometimes cause severe physical pain to the woman, end her ability to have children, and cause emotional pain. There are many risks and concerns involved with the choice to have an abortion. Anyone considering ending the life of a child should seek counseling and advice before making a choice of this magnitude. Click here for more information about abortion.

Women have many options when considering terminating a pregnancy. There are many types of abortion procedures that are performed. In the past, these abortion methods have been quite painful and drastic for both the mother and unborn child. This is still the case in many underdeveloped countries where the technology is not available. One particular option that is used involves the injection of a saline or salt solution into the amniotic fluid. This procedure of salt poisoning involves the baby swallowing the salt and dying within a few hours. Every part of the unborn baby is affected by the salt. Salt will burn the skin and cause dehydration, leading to organ failure. Many other drugs can be used to abort babies that can lead to serious side effects for women. The pain caused by drugs and the procedure can be long term and very devastating.

While many women choose to have abortions because they are young and unable to care for the child, many of these individuals still want to have children in the future when caring for the child will be easier because of both maturity and financial reasons. Sometimes, abortion methods can end with the inability to conceive children. Some procedures include drugs, chemicals, and surgical procedures. These elements can often affect the reproductive organs. Serious infections can develop leading to problems with conception. Many women will still be completely able to have children, but difficult pregnancies may be the issue when pregnancies have been terminated in the past. Miscarriages, premature birth, labor and delivery complications, hemorrhaging, and many other issues may arise in an individual that has previously undergone an abortion. These problems are very serious and should be understood and considered before making the decision to go ahead with the abortion procedures. Learn more about these issues in God's Word with our Bible resources.

When aborting a child, a woman can experience not only physical pain and problems, but emotional pain may as well. Many individuals will carry the emotional strain of an abortion for years, maybe the rest of their lives. This can lead to the individual choosing to not have children, becoming seriously depressed, and many other serious consequences. Facing a terminated pregnancy can be quite difficult. Feelings of guilt are often overwhelming and these serious psychological and emotional issues should not go untreated. It is very important for an individual to seek counseling through a doctor or church when emotional trauma from an abortion exists. With the pain of abortion or any serious traumatic event, individuals need to be able to lean on someone for help and assistance in coping. "And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me." (Matthew 18:5)

Doctors and medical facilities all over the world use different options to end pregnancies by taking the life of the unborn child. There are many different types of abortion procedures that are carried out to terminate pregnancies. Drugs, chemicals, and surgical procedures are used, often causing severe pain to the woman and the unborn baby. While the United States has been successful in developing abortion methods that may not be as harmful to the individual, many other countries use very crude and dangerous procedures because of the lack of technology. The side effects from these processes can be very severe, sometimes leading to the inability to conceive or an increased risk in having difficult labor and delivery of children in the future. The emotional strain from an abortion is another serious issue that may be faced. Living with the pain of taking the life of a child may affect an individual for the rest of her life. There are many alternatives to terminating a pregnancy by aborting a child. Raising the child is the first and often the best option. In a situation where that is not possible, putting the child up for adoption can be done. Many individuals are unable to have children and are looking for a child to love and care for.

Early Miscarriage Symptoms

Early miscarriage symptoms may include low back pain, abdominal pain and cramping, or passing of fluid and bleeding. Spotting and bleeding is a normal occurrence for some women during the first trimester of pregnancy. However, a woman who has bleeding should check with her doctor immediately to make sure everything is ok especially when coupled with pain and cramping. Normally the term miscarriage is only used when there is a spontaneous abortion before 20 weeks of pregnancy. Possible signs of miscarriage may be related to infection, hormonal factors, health problems with the mother, or caused by an immune system response. Spontaneous miscarriages usually occur because there are genetic or other serious problems with the unborn baby. Women who are older than their mid 30's and have serious health conditions are at a higher risk for a spontaneous abortion.

Other possible causes of spontaneous abortion may include uterine abnormalities or a weak cervix. Smoking cigarettes, drinking alcoholic beverages, and using illicit drugs can all threaten a pregnancy. Some doctors recommend avoiding caffeine in the first trimester of pregnancy and limiting caffeine thereafter until after the baby is born. Women who have diabetes and thyroid disease have an increased risk of early miscarriage symptoms. A woman with diabetes should be carefully watched throughout the pregnancy. Gaining too much weight can make labor and delivery more difficult so it is very important for the expectant mother to follow a careful diet and include moderate exercise.

When a woman experiences any of the possible signs of miscarriage she should immediate call her doctor and refrain from activity; bed rest is often recommended. If the symptoms are serious she should also call emergency services. Sometimes symptoms may emerge but a woman can still carry the child full term. The doctor may recommend only light activities and bed rest. When fear of losing a child has to be dealt with each day a woman and her husband may become depressed and anxious. The Lord can give hope and comfort in times of distress. Reading the Bible can increase a person's faith and help to diminish fear, "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17).

A woman may experience signs of shock during a miscarriage that include dizziness, restlessness, confusion, fear, shallow breathing, cold sweats, weakness, nausea, vomiting, increase in heart rate, and excessive thirst. Possible signs of miscarriage that include signs of shock may be an indication of infection. During an examination if the cervix is dilating and the uterus is contracting then miscarriage is usually inevitable. A woman can choose to have surgery or take medication to help with expelling the remaining tissue from the body. Most doctors will recommend waiting at least one full month before trying to conceive again. If a woman has recurrent miscarriages she may choose to have some tests to find out if there is an underlying cause such as uterine abnormalities, immune system problems, or hormone imbalances.

Some women experience guilt after having a spontaneous abortion associating an activity or incidence with the reason why she lost the baby. Routine activities normally do not cause a woman to have early miscarriage symptoms. Some sources claim that a spontaneous abortion is normally cause by the irregular development of the fetus where genes and chromosomes are in error. Coping with the loss of a baby is always difficult no matter how far along a woman is. Grieving is a natural process and should be encouraged for it is much better that a woman deal with the loss than ignore it. To help deal with all of the emotions and feelings a woman should seriously consider counseling or joining a support group. In addition, Christian counseling and fellowship can help tremendously. Knowing that God is in control and that the precious little one is in heaven with Him brings great comfort to those who are grieving. "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope" (Romans 15:4).

The grieving process will no doubt cause a lot of feelings and emotions that are hard to cope with. The normal grieving process normally starts with the person going through denial. Once the denial process ends then anger usually sets in. Anger is followed by guilt, depression, and finally acceptance. There will probably be days that will bring reminders of the pain making it difficult to cope and there will be days when the event may be viewed as a blessing. A woman may remember the early miscarriage symptoms and then remember the loss like it happened yesterday for months afterwards but eventually the loss will be easier to cope with and the bad days will be fewer.

One possible suspect of spontaneous abortion is stress. However, studies that have been done are inconclusive on whether or not stress is an actual cause. Possible signs of miscarriage will put a woman in a very stressful situation but that does not mean that the stress has caused the loss. Although stress may not be the cause it can certainly make a woman feel much worse. Stress can affect hormone levels and cause a person to have other problems over time. Prolonged stress can cause a person to feel ill and depressed. The best way to deal with stress is to learn how to cope with problems in a positive constructive way. A woman who feels stress is bad enough during pregnancy to cause physical problems with carrying the child to term should consider getting help in dealing with the stress. Christian counseling can provide insight into a Biblical perspective and help to teach a person how to put their faith in God and in His word.

Natural Birth Control Methods

Natural birth control methods do not involve the use of hormones or chemicals but largely depend upon the cessation of sexual relations while ovulation occurs. Ovulation usually occurs about halfway between a woman's menses cycle for a period of up to 10 days. To be able to have success with this process a woman needs to be aware of her own cycle and approximately when ovulation occurs. This can be accomplished by using an ovulation indicator testing kit that can be purchased at most drug stores. If this method does not work there are different birth control methods that may help. One is the calendar rhythm and another one involves checking basal body temperature. In addition, there are oral contraceptives, condoms, and intrauterine devices but only abstinence is 100% effective. Permanent choices involve surgery such as a tubal ligation and a vasectomy. This type of decision is serious and should be made between a husband and wife. God's word is very clear about having sexual relations outside of marriage. "Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body" (I Corinthians 6:18).

An ovulation indicator test kit will help a woman to pinpoint the day before ovulation begins. The presence of a hormone causes the stick to turn color once exposed to urine. The hormone is given off by the pituitary gland and is called LH or Luteinizing Hormone. Natural birth control methods such as an ovulation indicator test kit can help a couple to know when to abstain from relations so the chances of conceiving are minimal. When the stick turns color then ovulation will begin the next day and abstinence should begin then and last for at least 10 days afterwards.

The calendar rhythm involves keeping track of menses for a period of at least 8 months and then determining ovulation based upon approximately the shortest menses and the longest menses. The best way to figure this out is to subtract 18 days from the shortest menses and subtracting 11 days from the longest menses. The difference between the two will give the total number of days that ovulation normally occurs each month. Of all of the different birth control methods the calendar rhythm is one of the most unreliable. A woman who is regular with cycles throughout the year will have better success with this method than one who has irregular cycles. In today's world it is not uncommon to see couples living together out of wedlock. This is not the will of God for his children. "Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband (I Corinthians 7:2).

A woman's body temperature normally drops right before an egg is released and then increases immediately afterwards. Using a process called basal body temperature a woman can determine by taking her temperature if ovulation is about to occur. The temperature fluctuation is only a difference of about 1 degree Fahrenheit. The best way to monitor the temperature is for a woman to take her temperature first thing every morning. The fluctuations in temperature should be recorded each month so that a woman will become fairly certain of her fertile time so that abstinence can be maintained. Natural birth control methods may take some time and effort but a woman who is determined will be able to have some success with this process.

Oral contraceptives are a very common form of birth control. Contraceptives cause an environment in the reproductive organs of the woman that is inhospitable for a fertilized egg to implant and can even prevent ovulation altogether. Of all of the different birth control methods using oral contraceptives is the most reliable and successful at preventing pregnancy. However, if a woman forgets to take a pill at the scheduled time each day then the effectiveness of this process diminishes. Oral contraceptives usually reduce the occurrence of premenstrual syndrome, help to regulate the menses cycle, and the amount of menses flow is reduced. Studies have shown that those who use oral contraceptives have a lower risk of developing ovarian or endometrial cancer. However, the side effects of taking them may be intolerable for some women. The most common side effects are nausea, breast tenderness, fluid retention, and depression. Major side effects include an increased risk of developing heart disease including atherosclerosis, blood clots, and heart attack. In addition, there are increased risks for developing breast cancer, gallbladder disease, cervical cancer, and liver tumors.

Intrauterine devices help to prevent pregnancy by preventing the fertilization of an egg and affecting the uterine lining so that implantation of the egg is not possible. Intrauterine devices are implanted in the woman's cervix. They contain a hormone that prevents fertilization to take place. Some women have cramping and are more susceptible to infection when using an IUD. Most doctors recommend using condoms along with intrauterine devices for more protection. Some women who have adverse reactions to an IUD such as excessive bleeding and heavier menses may want to talk to a doctor about natural birth control methods.

For couples who choose to not have anymore children there are permanent surgical options such as having a vasectomy or a tubal ligation as choices. The procedure for having a vasectomy is done on a male and is less invasive than a tubal ligation that is done on a female. Vasectomy's can be done as an outpatient or be performed in a doctor's office whereas a tubal ligation must be done in a hospital with anesthesia requiring recovery time and longer recuperation time. These surgeries cause sterilization and most of the time they can not be reversed. Couples who are not sure about becoming sterile should consider different birth control methods until they are absolutely positive they do not want to have anymore children. These types of decisions should be made prayerfully and thoughtfully and should not be done on a whim or made in a short period of time.

Partial Birth Abortion Ban

Partial birth abortion ban says that physicians can not deliver an unborn child by using inhumane procedures that are not medically necessary. This type of procedure is considered gruesome and was being performed after twelve weeks of pregnancy. God's word is clear on the sanctity of life and that children are a blessing. "Lo, children are a heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward" (Psalm 127:3). A partial birth abortion procedure did not recognize the sanctity of life or that a child is a blessing. Whether a child is still in the womb or has been born the truth of God's word should answer any questions on how God views children.

The Bible says that young women should be taught to love their children, "That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children" (Titus 2:4) and does not make the distinction that children must be born before women are to love them. A partial birth abortion procedure can not be viewed from a Biblical perspective without coming to the conclusion that it is not the will of God. If a woman conceives and loves her child, she would surely not consider having an abortion. Loving a child means sacrificing for the child, giving the child an opportunity to be born, and to experience life as an individual.

Scripture says that God knows a person in the womb before he or she is ever born. "For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are Thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from Thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth" (Psalms 139:13-15). This scripture leads Christians to believe that God values all human life. Partial birth abortion ban will help to protect the vulnerability of unborn babies in some situations but not all situations. Christians should continue to pray for the unborn children who are in danger of becoming victims and for the mothers and fathers to understand the implications of such acts.

The spirit is formed in the unborn child before birth. In addition, many Prophets in the Bible were called while they were still in the womb. Even Jesus was called from the womb. "Listen, O isles, unto Me; and hearken, ye people, from far; The LORD hath called Me from the womb; from the bowels of My mother hath He made mention of My name" (Isaiah 49:1). John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit while he was still in the womb. Scripture tells us that God sees us as a child of His own even before birth. A partial birth abortion procedure did not consider that the child might be feeling pain or that the child is a living human being capable of loving or being loved.

Jesus spent time with the children and did not allow the disciples to forbid them to come to Him (Mark 10:14). There are over 1500 verses in the Bible that mention children. Christians can be assured that children are important to the Lord. One of the blessings of marriage is to have children and to bring them up with teachings about Jesus so that they can understand the love of God and the great sacrifice He made by sending His only son to die on the cross for sin so that one day both the parents and the children can be with Him forever. Partial birth abortion procedure may take the life of the child but now those little ones are in heaven with the Lord.

In many cases a woman who decides to go through with an abortion is not thinking clearly. There may be many extenuating circumstances involved with this type of decision. Certainly the Bible also teaches that judging others is wrong and that anyone can experience the forgiveness of God by only asking for it. Some women may have gone into a clinic and not been told how the procedure would be done or how it might affect the child. A partial birth abortion ban helps to protect a child from mutilation and pain when the truth of how it is done has not been revealed to the mother.

Another issue that is addressed in the Bible that has become associated with abortion is murder. God clearly says that it is wrong to murder another person. God says that He knows the little ones in the womb before they are ever born. A mother knows the child before he or she is ever born as well. She can listen to the heartbeat and feel the movements inside of her long before the little one is born. A partial birth abortion ban has given many Christians some hope that this step will help to protect those who have no say. "And again, I will put my trust in Him. And again, Behold I and the children which God hath given me" (Hebrews 2:13).

Any mother that has doubts because of her situation on whether to have her child or to have abortion should research how the procedures are done and should weigh her decision against God's word. Any Christian organization will usually be more than happy to help a woman who is in this type of situation. There are many couples who can not have children of their own that would love to adopt a child. For those who have already gone through an abortion, God offers forgiveness and love to them.

Partial Birth Abortion

Any discussion of partial birth abortion will, by necessity, involve grappling with some difficult and emotional truths pertaining to this very controversial procedure. As the name implies, this method of aborting an unborn child requires incomplete delivery that is followed by a deliberate termination of life. The cold medical terminology that is used to explain this method of aborting a late term pregnancy does little to sugar coat the stark cruelty that this procedure represents. Dilation and extraction, or D&X, which is followed by intrauterine cranial decompression is the common medical description. During these procedures, the pregnant woman's cervix will be artificially dilated and the late term infant will then be partially removed from the uterus. At this point, the child is fully alive and only the head remains inside the birth canal. The term intrauterine cranial decompression involves forcefully inserting a sharp object into the baby's head. A vacuum tube is then inserted through the hole that was just made by the sharp object. This tube will then be used to suck the brain tissue out of the infant's skull and ending the child's life. The head will then completely collapse, making it easy to remove the lifeless body from the mother's womb. By anyone's standards, partial birth abortion represents a violent and barbaric method of pregnancy termination.

One common question that is generally asked regarding partial birth abortion is whether or not the unborn child feels any pain during this procedure. The facts strongly indicate that the late term infant's developing nervous system is indeed able to feel pain, therefore the answer to this question is a resounding yes. Those who have witnessed these procedures have testified to seeing an infant react dramatically when during this kind of abortion. In 2003, partial birth abortion became illegal in the United States. Lawmakers who supported this ban felt that the procedure was not only immoral and barbaric, but was never medically necessary under any circumstance. In fact the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 called the procedure gruesome and inhumane. Long term risks to the health of mothers who undergo this procedure were also noted in the legislation. While the topic of abortion can usually illicit a number of differing views and strong reactions, this particular procedure seems somewhat less likely to cause division. Many who normally support the legalized termination of pregnancy do not condone this method of aborting an unborn child. In fact, many who are on the fence concerning this controversial issue choose to become pro life when they consider the facts surrounding this and other types of late term abortions.

The issue of partial birth abortion is a major part of the right to life debate. Anyone who is on the fence regarding this controversial topic can benefit from taking the time to look into what this procedure and other kinds of abortions actually entail. Those who believe in the sanctity of life may come from different backgrounds but they will generally have one thing in common, a commitment to the defense of innocent human life. One major uniting factor is the belief that human life begins at conception rather than at some later time as is argued by those who identify themselves as pro abortion. The 1973 Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme Court is seen as a tragic miscarriage of judgment that has resulted in the intentional murder of millions of unborn children. Most citizens who oppose partial birth abortion may also favor a constitutional amendment that affords equal protection under the law for all unborn children.

The violent acts of protest that are perpetrated by some who oppose the legalization of pregnancy termination do not represent the views or actions of most opponents to legalized abortions. Those who truly treasure life do not condone violent actions for any reason, including as an act of political opposition. In addition to opposing partial birth abortion, issues such as the government funding of abortions and support of organizations that routinely counsel women to abort their children are usually opposed by those who take an antiabortion stance. A fervent belief in what the scriptures have to say about life is another common denominator among those who stand against this violent procedure. The Bible points to God as the creator of human life. "Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture." (Psalm 100:3)

If a woman has experienced a partial birth abortion, or any other method of pregnancy termination, there can be a great deal of grief to deal with for many years to come. Many women exhibit symptoms of post traumatic stress after abortions. This is particularly true if the woman later has a change of heart or whose belief system has completely changed since the event occurred. For these mothers, the forgiveness that is available through faith in God can bring great healing and needed peace of mind. Fellow Christians should also offer help and guidance, both to women who are considering abortion and to those who have already experienced a medically terminated pregnancy. There are a number of organizations and resources that can provide counseling, education and support for these women. A number of twenty four hour hotlines are also available. These resources offer immediate support for women who are contemplating this procedure as well as those who are grieving a past pregnancy termination.

Abortion Pill Birth Defects

Abortion pill birth defects become a big concern for those women who choose to carry the child to term after the use of abortion pills. A woman does have the right to change her mind after having a medical procedure to terminate a pregnancy that is unsuccessful. The candidate for taking the two drugs prescribed may choose to take the chance of the child having abortion pill birth defects rather than going through with a surgical option to terminate the child's life. Although birth defects can happen there is always the chance that the baby will be born with no problems. The success rate of using drugs to extinguish a fetus are around 95% but if it is God's will for the child to be born then no drug can intervene. "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee; and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations" (Jeremiah 1:5).

Abortion medications include a preliminary pill that contains medicine that blocks the hormone progesterone. A second pill is given with 24 to 72 hours that continues the progress causing the lining of the uterus to soften and break down. After taking the second pill the patient will start bleeding, the uterus will start contracting so as to expel the fetus. Some women may experience problems and the medicine may not do the job completely, if at all. In cases such as these the clinic or physician will want the woman to have a surgical procedure to completely end the life of the unborn child. A woman may want to continue the pregnancy after having a bad experience with the medication. Of course, that is not advisable by medical personnel because of abortion pill birth defects.

When the meds do not work correctly and heavy bleeding continues a physician will want to do a surgical abortion to stop the bleeding. Unfortunately a woman may be forced to go through with surgery because her own life is at risk. One important thing to watch out for is running a fever of over 101. The patient may experience other side effects as a result of the procedure that includes but is not limited to extreme tiredness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, severe cramping, and back pain. Abortion pill birth defects are a major consideration for those who are having severe side effects but want to discontinue trying to abort the baby. Medical personnel do not always tell the patient ahead of time about some of these issues. With problems such as these the costs for these procedures can become outrageous. A patient should carefully consider all other options first and consult clergy and Christian friends who can pray for guidance in making such a devastating choice.

Consulting God's Word in times of hardship and weakness can help one tremendously when trying to decide what to do and prayer should be a priority. Pray according to Gods word, "Let integrity and uprightness preserve me (and my child); for I wait on thee" (Psalms 25:21). Some women decide to have their pregnancy terminated because they are afraid of being able to raise the child themselves due to financial hardship. Fortunately many couples are looking for children to care for and love because they cannot have children of their own. After taking meds to end a pregnancy where a patient decides to go ahead and have the child but is afraid of abortion pill birth defects, a couple wanting a child may want to adopt anyway and see that the baby is given the proper medical care.

Unfortunately, there is a possibility that the use of medication to abort a fetus can have effects on future pregnancies. No one knows at this point if there is lasting effects to a woman's health. A clinic or physician that performs medically induced abortions may not always tell a patient all the facts. There can be a very real danger to some women including bacterial infections and in fact there is a small percentage that death can occur. This is a very serious procedure to the woman. One that could affect her reproductive health for the rest of her life. A woman's mental state can also suffer. This procedure takes longer than a surgical procedure and there is the possibility that the woman will see the unborn fetus extinguished from her body during the abortion process. The fetus will be small but it may be possible to see the little hands and feet. Some women will have difficulty living with their decision after experiencing such a devastating end to life. Get all the facts about abortion pill birth defects and do some research; find out the effects of the procedure on ones own health including the psychological effects.

Clinics may have the patient sign something that states if the medical procedure does not work they must relent to having a surgical procedure to remove the fetus. Abortion pill birth defects can impair a child but that does not mean that the child cannot have a wonderful life. Some of defects may include impaired nerves and deformed extremities. When a woman finds herself in this position she should have the right to decide to carry the child to term despite the risks of abortion pill birth defects. When going through with a surgical procedure to remove the child there are many more complications that can occur. Some women have died during the procedure or have suffered infection caused by a punctured uterus. Get counsel from someone that has been through this or from a professional who can offer an unbiased opinion. Pray and seek God before making a decision that will have lasting effects for this is something that cannot be undone once it is done.

Abortion Pill Side Effects

Mothers to be should consider abortion pill side effects before making the choice to terminate the life of their child. A medical abortion includes taking two pills that have been approved by the FDA. Overall statistics for this medical procedure has increased since the drugs were allowed for use in the United States. The first drug blocks the hormone progesterone so the uterus lining begins to shed. The cervix begins to soften and bleeding begins. Within 24 to 72 hours after taking the first pill the patient will take the second one. The second medication causes the uterus to contract which leads to the pregnancy being expelled. Clinics will not always be forthcoming about abortion pill side effects to their patients because they are making money off of the death of an unborn baby. These pills can have such a devastating effect on a woman's body that she may not be able to carry another child to term if at all. There are many other options to consider and they are safe to the mother and the child.

Many couples are looking to adopt children because they cannot have children of their own. Organizations in the United States help women to make positive and moral decisions that do not include taking a life. Many women suffer greatly after choosing to exterminate their child's life. They deal with the physical, emotional, and spiritual impact that this major event has on their life. Organizations have trained medical personnel that can give a woman all of the facts and the risks including abortion pill side effects. In addition, many churches help women in this type of situation. They can provide other resources to consider that do not include murder. "For he is the minister of God to those for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil" (Romans 13:4).

Health risks that could prevent a patient from being a candidate for a medical abortion include severe anemia or blood clotting problems. Adrenal failure, severe diarrhea, possibility of an ectopic pregnancy or a mass in the reproductive organs are all major concerns for having the procedure. A clinic or doctor will not recommend the procedure for a patient who has been taking corticosteroids for a long period of time. Caution will be given to patients who have other types of major health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, or cancer involving the reproductive organs. A patient whose physician does not have concern for her past medical history or for the possibility of severe abortion pill side effects needs to reconsider her options and take time to seek God for the answer.

Here are some of the main side effects that can occur with a medical abortion. Primarily the first pill that a woman takes does not cause problems except for bleeding. However, the second pill can cause headache, dizziness, back pain, tiredness, nausea, heavy cramping, diarrhea, and vomiting. Abortion pill side effects are mild in some patients but may be extreme for others. The heaviest onset of side effects happens between day one and day three. The heavy side effects usually subside after day three and are entirely gone by day 14 except in extreme cases where complications may arise. In some cases bleeding could become so great that the patient will have to be admitted and an aspiration abortion will be performed. A blood transfusion may be required for those who have lost too much blood. Many clinics provide a 24-hour hot-line number that a patient can use to call for any concerns or questions. Should the patient come down with a fever of 101 or higher that lasts for more than a few hours she should call her doctor immediately. Fever along with other abortion pill side effects could indicate a serious infection or a possible ectopic pregnancy where the egg is lodged in a fallopian tube instead of in the uterus.

A woman less than 6 weeks pregnant can choose to have a surgical abortion. A surgical abortion consists of dilating a patient's cervix and then using suction to remove the tiny pregnancy. Clinics may offer several options including the use of a chemical to try and convince the patient to terminate her pregnancy. Some women choose surgical and chemical options because they are trying to avoid abortion pill side effects. Choosing surgery over the pills is much quicker. Patients who take the pills are looking at several days of the process taking place and may even see the baby as he or she is expelled.

Women who have made the decision to take pills regardless of the abortion pill side effects will need to be upfront with the clinic and physician about their age, past medical history and support. The patient is considered for the procedure if she is old enough to give informed consent and has no problem agreeing with a surgical abortion if the pills do not work. Medical personnel like for the patient to live within a reasonable distance from the clinic in case of a medical emergency. They also look at whether or not the patient has the help of another adult who can drive them to the clinic if he or she is unable to drive because of severe complications. Candidates should realize that these types of clinics do not acknowledge nor consider the unborn child and oftentimes do not acknowledge that the fetus they are about to help extinguish is a human life. Take some time to pray and seek God because the consequences of this action are permanent and irreversible. Consider the child who has no voice as he or she is precious to the Lord.

Political Issues On Abortion

Political issues on abortion are very controversial but largely include a woman's right to choose or the child's right to life otherwise classified as pro choice and pro life. Some sources believe that the government has taken away the unalienable rights of the child by questioning when the child actually becomes a person and by recognizing the rights of the mother over the rights of the child. Some believe that the government should not have so much authority as to take away protection from the unborn. In addition, a candidate's position on abortion influences many voters on how to vote and who to vote for. Abortion debate facts are not just black or white, life or death, but instead are largely voiced with opinions based upon the health of the woman and her views of whether or not to have the child or deny that child life. God's word clearly states that murder is sin and says that people are to love their children that they are a blessing. "Lo, children are a heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is His reward" (Psalm 127:3).

Some of the issues that are often discussed when talking about the controversial subject of abortion include the financial state or health condition of a woman who is pregnant. Scripture addresses these concerns by helping the reader to understand the importance of being responsible with what God gives us thus being a good steward. Political issues on abortion do not address the stewardship of the woman. Being a good steward does not just mean with finances but it means to be a good steward with absolutely everything that God gives a person. "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much" (Luke 16:10).

The questions that seem to hang over this controversial issue are whether or not the child is a person while in the womb, the definition of human life and when does it really begin? Abortion debate facts surround these questions. Science has not been able to definitely answer these questions so since there is still a mystery why would a woman take that chance? Well, the ultimate answer to these questions is simply that all people are born sinners. Many researchers have put labels on that sinful nature, instead of calling it sin they use another term such as self-serving bias to explain it. God word says, "I will praise Thee: for I am fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalms 139:14). God values the lives of those little ones in the womb.

Abortion was legalized through lawmakers. Cases that go before the Supreme Court of the United States can change laws. One woman was given the right to choose whether to have an abortion and it set a precedent that all women are given the right to choose whether to have her child or to extinguish his or her life. Political issues on abortion are relevant because whoever is the leader of this democracy has the power to choose the types of judges that preside over the Supreme Court. This is one of the reasons why as citizens the people need to exercise their right to vote for those that are put in the offices where laws can be made and can be changed.

There is help for women who find themselves in situations that they are not able to take care of a child. Many couples can not have children and are willing to adopt a child. There are many Christian organizations that help women who are in a situation where they can not help themselves. Abortion debate facts can cause confusion in a woman who is already going through a tremendous amount of stress and uncertainty in her ability to become a mother. Most Christian organizations will emphasize that each person is made in the image of God and that it is His will that people procreate. He blessed Adam and Eve and told them to "Be fruitful and multiply" (Genesis 1:22). In addition, the Bible does address the taking of a life still in the womb. Exodus 21:22 says, "If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follows: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine."

The Court determined that the time life actually begins was not a question that needed a resolution. Political issues on abortion led to inhuman and gruesome procedures such as partial birth abortion. Thankfully this type of procedure is no longer tolerated. This is one step to a closer resolve that the unborn child should be protected. A political candidate who would condone abortion may be someone who does not recognize the sanctity of human life. Someone who does not recognize that an unborn child needs protection may be responsible of other types of acts that are immoral and unethical.

The development of medical research has provided keen insights into a developing child and how development begins at the time of conception or fertilization. However, even if science can not provide the answers a person seeks, the idea that there is even a doubt should make a person consider this decision carefully and prayerfully. When a doubt exists then abortion should not be a consideration. Abortion debate facts include some truths for consideration; the heartbeat of the unborn child begins 21 days after conception, the brain is fully functional by the 40th day after conception, and a child born as early as 20 weeks after conception has a good chance of survival.

Post Abortion Syndrome

Post abortion syndrome is a very common phenomenon among women who have had an abortion. Women who have this syndrome experience intense feelings of guilt and depression. Many feel that they did not receive adequate counseling or information about the likelihood that the fetus is a live human being before having the procedure. Those who experience post abortion depression often claim of extreme pressure to go through with the procedure from family and friends. With God there is forgiveness. If a person truly repents of sin he or she can find forgiveness through Jesus. "To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in Me" (Acts 26:18).

Guilt and remorse often leads to depression and destructive behavior. Destructive behavior associated with post abortion syndrome can include alcohol and drug abuse, relationship problems, and can even lead to suicide. Some women experience guilt soon after the procedure is done whereas others may not experience guilt until several years afterwards. In extreme cases a woman may go on to committing other crimes and may even spend some time in prison. While this does not happen to every woman that has an abortion it has happened to some. When a person believes that there is no hope he or she may exhibit behavior that is destructive. People in this position may believe that what they have done is unforgivable. They may not realize that their behavior may stem from the guilt over having an abortion.

Counseling can help to alleviate questions in the mind that many women experience after the procedure. Even if a woman believes that the child was not a living human being and are convinced of that during the procedure may wonder about it later on. Those who suffer with post abortion depression should consider getting some counseling. Christian counseling can help the individual to learn what God's word says and what God's love and forgiveness can accomplish. "Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honor thy father and mother" (Mark 10:19). God's word says that murder is a sin but His word also says that forgiveness is found through repentance.

Women who are thinking about having an abortion need to know what is at stake, not only with the unborn child but also with the issues that come up afterwards including post abortion syndrome. The medical community may never be able to answer definitively when life actually begins. Although, they have been able to determine different levels of development that take place at specific times. For instance, the heartbeat usually begins 21 days after conception. Researchers now know that a child in the womb experiences dreams which come from unconscious thoughts. If a child is capable of unconscious thoughts then he or she is certainly capable of conscious thoughts which points to self-awareness. The Bible says that children are a reward and a blessing from God. "Lo, children are a heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is His reward" (Psalm 127:3).

Depression brought on by guilt from having an abortion can be very difficult to deal with because it may manifest in other ways so that the person who is suffering has not realized why they are depressed. Women are not the only ones who experience post abortion depression; it can also plague men. Maybe the man was instrumental in convincing the woman to have the procedure done or perhaps he thinks about the child that was his who was never born. God offers those who are hurting a way to find forgiveness, love, and peace from the aftermath. The Bible says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9). Forgiveness and salvation comes through Jesus, who shed His blood on the cross for all sins.

Some of the symptoms or disorders associated with post abortion syndrome include but are not limited to obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety disorder, eating disorders, and post-traumatic stress syndrome. Symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome include avoidance of anything that serves as a reminder of the stressful event, being hypersensitive to normal life experiences, nightmares, detachment, sleeping problems, and flashbacks. A person suffering with psychological problems often experience difficulty with holding down a job and have relationship problems. They may also exhibit a lot of anger in their life.

A woman who has had an abortion may at times have overwhelming feelings of grief. Feelings of grief may not become apparent at first; it can happen years after the procedure has been done. Post abortion depression may surface along with the feelings of grief and loss. There is hope for those who suffer with grief and bereavement. Losing a child can cause a person to experience feelings of grief but losing a child due to abortion makes the feelings much more intense because along with grief the person is also feeling remorse and hopelessness. The way may seem hopeless but with God nothing is ever hopeless. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Post Abortion Trauma

Abortion risks only confirm the fact that aborting is unnatural, destroying life - not promoting it. As with any medical or surgical procedure, errors and complications are always a possibility. Even though this procedure is claimed to be safe, many women still experience traumatic effects. Other women are more susceptible to problems and could be fighting for their life because of aborting their child. Pro-life advocates need to understand both the ethics of the matter as well as the possible risks to women's health. Although dangers and the possibility of traumatic effects, including post abortion trauma, are not reasons to be anti-abortion, they are important to understand in the fight against this procedure.

Despite the claims of medical doctors and researchers about the safety of aborting, there are still major risks. To many, these threats are not worth the "convenience" of aborting a child. Death, though rare, is a possibility. In places like the United States, the number of deaths is extremely low because the procedure is legal and done by a medical professional in a sterile environment. Another of the abortion risks is an incomplete abortion when the fetus and/or pregnancy tissue is left behind. Incompletion requires more medication or even dilation and curettage (D & C). If the child is carried to term following an incomplete attempt to abort, it is possible that the drug could cause deformities in the child. The fact that a child could survive an abortion just further affirms the fact that this is the destruction of human life. Cramping, especially after medically aborting, is another risk. Following a surgical procedure, it is possible to experience heavy blood loss, pain and even infection. Antibiotics will be used to treat an infection. Heavy bleeding can be treated with medication and D & C. Major blood loss can be treated with a blood transfusion although this is a rare occurrence. Another of the threats is perforation. It is possible during surgery to puncture a hole the uterus. If unrepaired, the perforation could cause other complications.

A woman could face even greater threats should she ignore any strange symptoms following the procedure. A woman who experiences foul smelling vaginal discharge, no bleeding within 24 hour of a medical abortion or a fever of 100 degree Fahrenheit or higher will need to call her doctor immediately. A woman should also be wary of more vaginal bleeding than usual with large blood clots and severe back or abdominal pain. Among the abortion risks after surgery, there is a small risk of infertility should the woman face complications like perforation. Typically, though, such complications can lead to difficulty in future pregnancies or result in future miscarriages rather than infertility. Thus, the choice to deny life affects a woman for the rest of her marriage and family life. For answers to other important topics like abortion, click here.

There are physical threats, but there are also psychological risks, now called Post Abortion Trauma, Stress or Syndrome which further prove aborting to be a damaging procedure. This condition can be experienced by both women and men following the procedure. Many women and men feel guilty about the choice to abort because the guilt symptom is just a human reaction to sin. They experience depression, anger and grief. Traumatized women may experience depression and the same cycle of emotions at the anniversary of aborting the child. Others will repress the memory of the procedure all together. In serious cases of Post Abortion Trauma, a woman could have hallucinations, flashbacks and even suicidal thoughts. Sexual dysfunction is also a symptom of this condition. Women may turn to alcohol or drugs for comfort from their grief or guilt as well. This is just another form of denial, a natural human response to sin.

Unfortunately, since Roe vs. Wade, many women have experienced the reality of aborting a child and its many side effects and complications. Some move on from it, without remorse, while others struggle with grief and guilt. Despite the many dangers, side effects, and the possibility of Post Abortion Trauma to the woman, the procedure is about the baby and the termination of a human life. The issue has divided our nation and become a struggle between the unborn's rights and the woman's rights. As pro-lifers encounter those women who are struggling with this issue, they should talk to them about abortion risks and God's will for their child's life. These women need to be reminded about the life of the child they carry. Caring people need to tell them to pray and talk with someone they trust. Their pregnancy doesn't have to end in murder. A child can be a blessing to them or a couple who can't have a child of their own. "Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward." (Psalm 127:3)

Pre Abortion Counseling

Pre abortion counseling can provide hope to women who have become pregnant and are not happy about it. Considering an abortion is a very serious matter and should not even be contemplated as a choice. The little human child that is developing and growing in the womb did not ask to be there. He or she is there because of a choice that someone else made. God says that children are a blessing from him and they should be viewed as such. The precious little children deserve the same chances to life that all of us have had. They should not have to suffer for the mistakes or sins of others. God also says in His Word that murder is sin. Pre abortion counseling at an abortion clinic may not tell a woman all of this because basically they are trying to make a sale. Medical personnel pretend like they care and some of them may come across sincere because they are blinded to the truth themselves. "Cause me to hear Thy loving kindness in the morning; for in Thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto Thee" (Psalm 143:8).

The Bible says that those who are perishing are often spiritually blinded from the truth. They choose to believe the lie rather than the truth. This is what makes their story so convincing to women who are asking for help. Pre abortion counseling from people who are spiritually blind may be appealing especially if the mother-to-be is looking for a way out from her predicament. Counselors at abortion clinics will not normally tell you that this little life you are carrying can feel pain or be aware of what is going on. Some might tell you that a child inside the mother's womb is not self-aware until he or she can exist outside of the womb. Some will even tell you that the procedure is safe and no harm will come to your body; when in fact the cervix has to be stretched beyond capable limits in order for the surgeon to expel the child from the body. This stretching causes damage to the tissue resulting in weakness and scar tissue. This alone can keep a woman from carrying a child to term. It may cause a woman to miscarry or give birth to premature babies.

There are other physical problems that terminating a pregnancy can cause to a female's body. In some documented cases women who have had a pregnancy terminated have had other organs punctured which has caused a serious infection. This type of infection can lead to sepsis and even death. Pre abortion counseling should include every possible risk that could happen to a woman's body. Some ladies might decide not to terminate a pregnancy when finding out the risks especially when wanting to have future children.

One option that clinics are offering ladies today includes swallowing two pills that will spontaneously cause the child to be expelled from the body. These two pills have not been used for very long so no one really knows what the long-term effects will be after taking them. Many females who have decided to have a medically induced abortion have problems. These problems may lead to a surgical abortion being necessary. Pre abortion counseling does not include all of the possible risks to a woman who takes pills to abort her child. Medical personnel in a clinic do not tell her to not be surprised if she sees a little baby floating in the toilet or shower several days after taking the last pill. Abortion clinics may not tell the patient that she could have severe hemorrhaging which could lead to death after having a medically induced termination of a pregnancy.

Some women will wonder who to talk to when searching for the truth. There is a great deal of information on the Internet about pre abortion counseling. A female who has an unwanted pregnancy should consider looking at multiple sites to get a rounded view of the subject. Most sites have contact information so a person can just give them a call and ask questions over the phone or so she can send an email with questions. Various websites have testimonies of women who have been through an abortion. This is another good way to get some unbiased information. Blog sites have stories of ladies who are asking the same questions you might ask. Take notes and then pray about your situation for a while. Take one day at a time and talk to Christian friends or family.

Unfortunately some females terminate a pregnancy because they feel pressured to do so. This is a difficult situation because family or friends and even spouses can make it difficult to not do what they want. This is where prayer and seeking counseling is especially important. Never give into pressure from others when making such a life changing decision. The decision to terminate a pregnancy is one that you will have to live with for the rest of your life. A person who is trying to make the decision for you should get pre abortion counseling so he or she can understand the severity of having an abortion. Sometimes a female is scared not to follow the advice of a spouse, boyfriend or parents. This is a bad situation and intervention is necessary to convince those involved of the truth of what is being asked. Pre abortion counseling can be attended as a group where all family members are present. Trust in God and don't give in to pressure. God can change the minds of those who are spiritually blinded to the truth.