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Herbal Menopause Treatment

A woman using an herbal menopause treatment could minimize hot flashes and osteoporosis while decreasing headaches and circulatory problems. Menopause is the beginning of the end of menstruation for a woman. The origin of the word is Greek. Mens means monthly while pausis means cessation. Put these words together to form the word Menopause. It's all part of the natural aging process for a woman. The ovaries, which produce the eggs that are fertilized for pregnancy, produce lower levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone and a woman is no longer able to become pregnant. Menopause typically happens for women over a period of time from age 45-55. It is normally gradual, yet for some women, menopause can happen suddenly. What is happening during menopause includes the dissipation of eggs released for fertilization and a readjustment of hormone levels in the body. This process can affect a woman in many different ways. Herbal menopause treatment helps to relieve many of the symptoms various women feel. Some women experience hot flashes, night sweats, and fatigue; while others may have to deal with sleep deprivation, depression, and anxiety; still others may forbear lack of sexual desire, vaginal dryness, and backaches. Of course, any combination of symptoms may be present in a menopausal woman at any time.

While a variety of forms of treatment exist, one of the best treatment alternatives to manage menopause symptoms is herbal menopause treatment. Traditional medical prescriptions are usually a combination of artificial progesterone and estrogen. Often called hormone replacement therapy. Though recommended by most physicians, HRT comes with precautions for risks. There are a variety of types of HRT and everyone has it's own level of risk. Breast cancer, stroke, and heart disease risks can be increased with the use of HRT. Also, at different dosing levels the risk may be increased. A woman's specific risks will vary depending upon her lifestyle and medical history. Millions of woman every year decide that the risks of using hormone replacement therapy outweighs the benefits. Women going through "the change of life are not ill. Plus, taking a medicine of any type is a "mask" for the symptoms; not a cure. And therefore lots of women look to an alternative treatment. As a natural alternative to medicine, herbal menopause treatment works with a woman's body to increase phytoestrogens. These are the hormone regulators. When the regulators are normalized, then menopausal symptoms will naturally decrease.

Wild yam is an often sought after herbal menopause treatment. Wild yam, whose chemical name is Dioscorea villosa is composed of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Producers of wild yam products have proposed that DHEA acts as a antecedent to estrogen and progesterone. Therefore, extracts of the wild yam plant are used to treat hot flashes, painful menstruation, and the headaches that are associated with menopause. Unfortunately, the hypothesis that DHEA acts as a antecedent to estrogen and progesterone has not been proven. However, production of this herbal remedy continues to proliferate because, historically, progesterone was chemically manufactured from Mexican wild yams during the 1960s. There is no evidence that the progesterone was chemically produced in the body; though. Some scientist have postulated that artificial progesterone was used to produce the chemical conversion for the treatment. Another popular herbal treatment is black cohosh. Black cohosh has been used to treat menstrual irregularities and premenstrual syndrome when a woman is still menstruating; to induce labor in pregnant women; and for vaginal dryness, night sweats, and hot flashes for menopausal women. "And one went out into the field to gather herbs, and found a wild vine, and gathered thereof wild gourds his lap full, and came and shred them into the pot of pottage: for they knew them not." (2 Kings 4:39)

According to a clinical study where an herb such as soy, wild yam, St. Johns wort, or black cohosh and a placebo was taken, hot flashes were reduced by half an episode per day in comparison with those who had a placebo, when women were administered the herbs. The women using HRT were able to see a reduction of their hot flashes by four episodes a day when compared with a placebo. Although clinical trials often find herbal menopause treatment less effective, this is not bad news for those women who choose this course of symptom relief. In fact, the flip side of the research reveals that there are no risks for heart disease, breast cancer, or stroke. During clinical trials, there were fewer side effects than those experienced using traditional HRT; though, some women did experience minor side effects such as headaches and stomach discomfort. Herbal menopause treatment users can take heart in knowing that they are doing the right thing.

A government study verified that a higher incidence of breast cancer and heart problems did, in fact, occur in women using the traditional menopause treatment of estrogen and progesterone therapies. As a result of that news, millions of women halted their prescriptions. Doctors substantiated the fact that the subsequent dramatic decline in U.S. breast cancer cases was due to the manifestation that fewer women were on HRT. For a majority of women, the menopausal process can be managed with the use of herbal menopause treatment. Yes, in fact, there may be some discomfort. But, there is evidence that the treatment, along with taking the time to meditate and engage in practical behavioral changes, can meet the needs of most women. A woman can do simple things like sleeping in cooler rooms, using a portable fan, dressing in layers and avoiding triggers like hot liquids, hot rooms and the consumption of alcohol.

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