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Normal Testosterone Levels In Men

A physician will order tests that measure the normal testosterone levels in men when men exhibit certain symptoms. These tests will usually be given in the morning, the time when the hormone level is the highest in the male body. Some of the symptoms that may signify something wrong with the male reproductive system are reduction in body and facial hair, osteoporosis, changes in body composition, especially muscle mass, and higher level of anger, confusion, and depression. Other factors are an increase in fatigue, decrease in libido, erectile dysfunction, and infertility. People usually associate the male hormone, also called androgen, with the male body, but females also produce small amounts of this chemical and can also have symptoms when the chemical is not present. So normal testosterone levels in women can also be a factor in medical assessment. Treatment in the case of females will differ from that of men.

Physicians will often resort to replacement therapy to restore normal testosterone levels in men. These therapies can involve pills, injections, gels, or patches. These therapies are only prescribed after the doctor has seen the results of several laboratory tests that show a deficiency in the hormone. The serum prolactin level should also be measured to see if the pituitary gland is functioning properly. This hormonal deficiency can be caused by problems in the testes, the pituitary gland, or the hypothalamus in the brain. The pituitary gland and the hypothalamus are connected with producing the hormone. Testosterone levels in women are regulated by the ovaries. If the serum prolactin in a man is unusually high, the patient may be referred to an endocrinologist for further treatment. In either case, the patient must keep up his appointments with his doctor to measure how the therapy is functioning in his body. Some concerns from the treatment may be the presence of acne and an increase in breast size and tenderness.

Some patients should not receive these treatments, especially those who have had prostrate or breast cancer. Therefore, the doctor should perform a digital rectal examination (DRE) and a prostrate specific antigen test (PSA) before prescribing treatment to restore normal testosterone levels in men. Then these tests should be performed on a regular basis to make sure that no cancer cells are present. In fact, these tests should be performed on men who are forty years of age and older once per year. If there is an increase in the PSA or an abnormal DRE, then an ultrasound or a biopsy may be ordered. Another test that will probably be ordered when low hormone level is detected is a bone density test since that is one of the symptoms of a low hormone level. Not treating this symptom can result in fragile and broken bones. For females, many times physicians will test for estrogen and progesterone quantities but will ignore androgen capacity. In fact, testosterone levels in women drop before and after menopause, and can be the reason why the fairer sex cannot lose weight and face obesity. If the hormone quantities are not balanced at any age in life, they may experience these problems.

Studies have shown that men will receive many benefits from hormone therapies. They report feeling happier, with greater energy, and increased libido. Longer term advantages include the strengthening of bones and an increased pleasure in sex when normal testosterone levels in men are reinstated. Often, doctors don't realize the link between regaining muscle mass and losing body fat and the institutions of these therapies. Because of the social stigma, not many studies of the effects of hormone replacement among men and women have been undertaken. Testosterone levels in women have especially been lacking in studies. The medical community has long considered giving women androgen as an obesity factor, but new testing has been proving that wrong. In fact, the opposite has occurred and women have lost weight through hormone replacement therapies. Most women gain weight right before or after menopause, and this weight gain can become a problem for those who gain more than a few pounds. That's why it's essential for these studies to continue to find out what will happen as a result of giving women male hormones to replace the capacities they once had.

Genesis 1:27 says, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." This shows that the male and the female bodies are different from each other. The therapies that each gender receives needs to be tailor made for that sex. Men cannot benefit from therapy designed for women and vice versa. Normal testosterone levels in men are completely different than the testosterone levels in women. Hormone replacement therapy should not be undertaken in either sex simply as a weight-loss program. Birth control pills in young women often will leave the balance between all hormones askew, and can result in weight gain and decreased libido. That's because there is a drop in androgen in a woman's body while under birth control pills. Just like men, women also need top preserve hard body mass to preserve health beyond menopause. It can also be a source of increased energy in women. Low interest in sex is a problem for women of increasing age, and therefore needs to be addressed by the medical community. Restoring enjoyment in sex can have so many good repercussions, such as putting the joy back in a marriage, relieving stress and depression, and improve body composition. That's how restoring the hormonal balance can benefit both males and females.

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