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Abortion Alternatives

Women who are seeking abortion alternatives can turn to one of the many service organizations that offer both practical help and emotional support to individuals who are facing an unplanned pregnancy. Anyone who is considering abortion but is experiencing doubts should definitely explore all options before following through with the termination of a pregnancy. The long term emotional impact of abortions can take a serious toll on the lives of women. While there are many organizations that favor legalized abortions, there are also a great number of groups that oppose this practice on moral grounds. It is important that any woman who feels uneasy about aborting the child seek help from a sympathetic counselor who will respect her doubts and not attempt to pressure her to follow through with a step that will have life long repercussions. Abortion is not the only answer for those who are faced with unplanned pregnancies. There are a number of viable abortion alternatives. A woman could choose to carry the child to term and then place the newborn up for adoption. Or she could opt to raise the child herself. Many organizations provide help and support to women who wish to keep their child, but may need assistance of some kind to do so.

A crisis pregnancy center can be a good place to turn if a woman suspects that she may be pregnant and is not sure what to do next. Pregnancy tests and many other valuable resources are available at these facilities. In general, a crisis pregnancy center will be faith based in nature and in the business of offering abortion alternatives. While they will provide information about abortions, they will not act as advocates for this procedure. Their role is to make sure that a woman fully understands the ramifications of aborting a child and to offer help and counsel that will help the woman choose not to terminate the pregnancy. These centers make no apologies regarding their stance on this controversial issue and they will never advise a woman to abort her child.

Understanding abortion alternatives is particularly important for young women who may feel coerced or pressured to terminate a pregnancy. Pressure to sweep the problem under the rug by aborting the unplanned pregnancy can come from a variety of sources. Parents may be concerned about the stigma that is attached to a teenager's pregnancy. The child's father may also attempt to coerce the mother to abort the child. To force another person to submit to abortions is against the law. Any woman who is uncomfortable with the decision to abort should know that they do not have to submit to this procedure if they do not wish to. A responsible doctor will never pressure a patient into taking such a drastic step. In fact, a medical professional should take pains to make sure the the patient has been informed about what the procedure entails and that they have a choice in the matter. Any woman who is feeling pressured should make it plain that this is not how she wishes to handle the situation. It is also important to refuse to sign any documents that give consent to terminate the pregnancy. If the pressure that is being applied is financial there are organizations that offer abortion alternatives. These groups can help a woman find lodging, work, and other types of support that will enable the mother to carry the child to term.

Along the same line, women have specific rights regarding the decision to surrender parental rights and allow the child to be adopted. While placing a child up for adoption presents just one of a number of positive abortion alternatives, the decision can be a difficult one. Most states allow a grace period of around six months after the child is born. This grace period permits the birth mother to change her mind about placing the child for adoption. In an open adoption, if the mother has selected a set of adoptive parents, but changes her mind before the child is surrendered to these parents, she has the right to do so. There are occasions when a mother simply finds it impossible to surrender the newborn, even though she was convinced that this is the step that she wished to take before the child was born.

Any woman who is sensing pressure or coercion regarding adoption issues should know that the final decision is hers. Adoptions are wonderful abortion alternatives, but a birth mother does have specific rights under the law. Those who are reaching out to help are generally committed to compassionate support along with helping an expectant mother deal with the strong emotions that she is feeling. The Bible instructs believers to be happy for those who are experiencing positive blessings and to support and identify with those who are experiencing sorrow. "Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep." (Romans 12:15)

Once a woman has decided to place the baby for adoption, there are still other choices to be made. The mother will need to decide which type of adoption she is interested in pursuing. A closed adoption means that the birth mother and the adoptive parents have no contact whatsoever. Semi open adoptions offer a little more contact. For example, there will usually be no face to face meeting with the birth parents, but there may be an exchange of photographs or letters. In open adoptions, there will usually be a number of in person meetings between the birth mother and the adoptive parents. The amount of contact that continues during the life of the child may vary with each situation. Whatever choice a mother might make, seeking out solid abortion alternatives is of vital importance.

Quick Facts Against Abortion

There are a number of compelling and quick facts against abortion that can effectively make the case in favor of the preservation of life and against the legalized termination of pregnancy. For many, the debate hinges on a determination of when life actually begins. Those who believe that life begins at conception see the act of abortion on the same level as the murder of another human being. For those who believe that life begins at birth, anything that is done before a child is born, including aborting the fetus, is seen as a completely moral choice. With such a flurry of opinions it is not surprising that those who are tempted to consider abortion can find it difficult to come to a conclusion that provides peace of mind. An honest examination of the heart coupled with a sincere searching of the scriptures can help to provide clear answers. Researching a few quick facts against abortion can also help the undecided individual find real answers.

Some of the arguments that are made by those who favor abortion center on the difference between a fetus and a full term infant. But this argument does not hold water under closer examination. A fetus will eventually develop into an infant, barring miscarriage or willful termination of the pregnancy. Following the same logic, a child will eventually become an adult barring any unforeseen tragedy. Does that mean that the life of the child is less valuable than that of the fully developed adult? Even if the notion of life beginning at conception is in doubt, isn't the doubt itself enough reason to preserve life? Why take the risk, not to mention the moral implications of destroying life if such an important conclusion is unclear. A basic review of a number of quick facts against abortion would indicate that it might be wise to err on the side of safety and honor the sanctity of life.

Among the most compelling and easy to understand quick facts against abortion may involve an understanding of fetal development. At the moment of conception, the unique and individual aspects of each human being are already formed. Questions such as the gender of the child, the hair and eye color, even whether or not the child will have a dimpled smile have already been answered. The minute that one cell divides, these things have been determined. It is very difficult to make an argument against life beginning at conception when these truths are considered. A little over two weeks later, the cells that will eventually allow for the formation of sperm or eggs have already begun to group together, laying ground for the next generation. Three short weeks after conception, which is right around the time that a woman would just begin to suspect pregnancy, the infant's spinal cord, nervous system, and brain have already begun to form. At this point, the child's heart has even begun to beat. In fact, twenty one days after conception, the infant's eyes and ears have also begun to form. Within a week two legs and two arms will be apparent. The lungs will also have begun to form at this point as well. These truths constitute compelling and quick facts against abortion.

The amazing level of fetal development that has already taken place at around the time that many abortions occur can provide additional quick facts against abortion. The features of the face are beginning to make an appearance. By the time a mother has missed her second period, the infant will already have a sense of smell and the brain is in the process of dividing into three parts. One part will deal with emotions and language, a second section will process hearing, and a third will handle sight. A woman who is eight weeks pregnant and contemplating getting an abortion will most likely not realize that she is carrying a child with a strong heartbeat, functioning liver and kidneys and with every organ present. A tiny and fully formed being will continue to grow and develop at an astounding rate, providing that nothing is done to interfere with this miraculous process. These quick facts against abortion make a very strong case for the idea of life beginning at the moment of conception. At ten weeks the beginnings of ten tiny fingernails and even fingerprints are forming. The sheer majesty of this process should remove all doubt that something divine is taking place. One week later, this delicate being is able to make facial expressions such as smiles or frowns. And yet there are many who will still argue that life has not yet officially begun. The Bible clearly notes the attention that God extends to new life withing the womb. "For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb." (Psalm 139:13)

The amount of risk to the woman that can be involved when a pregnancy is deliberately terminated may constitute some of the most under reported quick facts against abortion. The risk of such health issues as clinical depression, post traumatic stress disorder, bowel injury, and ectopic pregnancy have been reported to be higher in women who have had abortions. A laceration of the cervix during a medically induced pregnancy termination can also increase the likelihood of a miscarriage latter on in life. The possibility of dealing with a condition called placenta previa during a subsequent pregnancy is also reported to be higher among women who have previously terminated a pregnancy. Considering these and many other pertinent facts is necessary for anyone who is considering abortion.

Abortion Bible Verses

Abortion bible verses show that children are precious to the Lord, "Whosoever shall receive this child in My name receiveth Me, and whosoever shall receive Me, receiveth Him that sent Me. For he who is least among you all, the same shall be the greatest" (Luke 9:48). At eight weeks old a baby is formed with every organ in place. The heart is beating and the liver is making blood. The brain has divided into three distinct sections so the child can experience emotion as well as learn and understand language. Children should be cherished and protected. Children should be cared for and loved. Abortion bible verses may not specifically mention abortion but there are many that show how precious life is to our Creator. "Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture" (Psalm 100:3).

As early as twenty weeks after conception a child can survive outside of the womb. Since medical technology continues to advance this could change. Babies born weighing only ounces have survived. This is miraculous! Knowing this fact alone should make a person realize that this tiny miracle has the will to live, the will to survive. This brand new life should not have to suffer for the mistakes that adults make. Becoming pregnant need not be the end of the world nor should it be the end of a life. Abortion bible verses remind us that there is hope. Placing our hope and trust in God is important in times of indecision and stress. Praying for guidance is an act that shows hope and trust in God. Placing one's faith in God means talking to Him about the problem and then trusting Him for the answer.

One reason that a young girl might want an abortion is because she is scared to tell her parents. Sometimes young girls do tell their parents and it's the parents who push the termination of the pregnancy; or women decide to have the procedure because a boyfriend pushes them to do so. While there are many reasons that females consider abortion there are many why they should not consider this option. Women today have access to more information than ever before. The Internet makes researching any subject easy. A person can easily look up abortion bible verses online to find out valuable information on the moral and spiritual reasons to not consider aborting a child.

Those of us who have been brought up in church singing Sunday school songs can relate to "Jesus Loves Me" or "Jesus Loves the Little Children." These have been etched in our memory. We may even sing these songs to our own children. The same is true of scriptures that we learned in church. Abortion bible verses remind us that God loves us. They remind us of the importance of prayer. In addition, we are reminded of right and wrong and how choices we make are important. Bad choices reap bad consequences but good choices reap blessings. Not accepting Christ will one day lead to eternal separation from God. Accepting Christ will lead to spending eternity with Him in glory. But even those who have been brought up in church are sometimes led astray and make bad choices. When this happens then asking for forgiveness with a repentant heart will restore one in the Lord.

For those who were not brought up in church there may be much more confusion on the issue of abortion. Maybe the girl next door never had Sunday school songs sung to her. Perhaps she has never read God's Word or looked up abortion bible verses. The invitation to come to Christ is for everyone. Most choices that a person makes on a given day have to do with earthly things. The choice to come to Christ is one that has eternal implications. The joy and peace that the Lord gives us here are incomprehensible. When He is Lord of all then life becomes different. Life has a different face. One's perception changes to include knowing that the Lord will take care of us. He will see us through whatever we are going through. Those who are facing a tough decision on whether or not to have an abortion, Christian or not, should consider what the Lord would say on the subject. Abortion bible verses are reminders of right and wrong. They are reminders that Christ has already paid the price for that little babe's sin that he or she might commit in the future. Perhaps this is the best example of the love of God. He loves us so much, that He gave His only son so that we might have eternal life and this is extended to that precious little unborn child too!

A person may believe that she has the right to choose what happens to her own body. However, abortion bible verses tell us that our body is God's Temple (1 Corinthians 3:16-17). Certainly, God gives us free will to make our own choices, but do the choices we make please Him? And will there be consequences for the choices we make when those choices lead to sin? God's word is very clear about the consequences of sin. In the Old Testament one can read about Israel and how they were disobedient and sinned against the Lord. The children of Israel suffered greatly because of the sins they committed. They were taken into captivity and many of them died. Those who did not believe that God could protect them in the Promised Land and who had sinned because of their unbelief never got to see the Promised Land.

Private Adoption Agency

Private adoption agency selection involves criteria such as cost, type of child, requirements, and waiting period. These facilities may specialize in infant, special needs, specific country, or teen as well as many other specialties. In general instate and international adoption agencies run the same involving and initial application and interview followed by information validation, payment arrangements, and pick up of the child. Though these categories are broad, they encompass the generality of the process. Requirements remain different from organization to organization, however the basic need for a loving and financially supportive home remains consistent throughout. Choosing the perfect situation will depend on the specific situation of the family wishing to adopt. Finding the perfect situation for the family wishing to adopt remains the job of the organization, which in most cases is the only way to adopt outside of family.

Choosing to adopt is just as serious and important as the decision to have a baby. The costs of adopting are usually greater than that of birthing, but otherwise it is the same ethical and commitment decision. Additionally, adopting requires scheduled visits from social workers in order to ensure home quality. These visits are not meant to intimidate, but rather ensure a quality fit for parent and child, likewise women choosing to put their children up for adoption due to unplanned pregnancy find comfort in knowing the home chosen for their child will be monitored. International adoption agencies work with social workers in the area to which to the family lives in to ensure quality. Once the child is received into the family they will only see their home country by personal choice of child (when of age) or parent. Contacting a private adoption agency can get a person in touch with area support groups or individual families who have given permission for other people to contact them. These people can encourage, answer questions, and further educated potential adopting families. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with [him], that we may be also glorified together. (Romans 8:14-17)

Though the cost varies depending on the private adoption agency chosen and the type of child desired, in general a person can count on spending at least $10,000 between paperwork and legal fees. Fully understanding the costs of paperwork as well as the cost to receive the child if using international adoption agencies such as plane tickets and amenities should be considered before starting the process. Understanding these costs can also be discussed with families who have already adopted. These people may also offer suggestions for food while overseas, gifts for international contacts, and items required for the new child when they get home. The cost of the actual process should be considered in addition to the normal cost of raising a child. These costs might be compared to those of a hospital stay and prenatal care. A private adoption agency gathers income information as well as inspects the house in order to get a feel for the way in which money is spent and how it is earned. Budget counseling is available through many government and local organizations outside the international adoption agencies. These services can aid in preparation for the financial burden of these costs.

Adopting when biological children are present in the house adds complexity to this enormous life change. The private adoption agency may offer literature or refer organizations that may offer support and assistance in preparing for that life change. Feelings of insecurity and confusion may overcome a child of any age when a parent decides to adopt. Carefully nurturing that child and communicating fully, to the level of their understanding, will help them feel included and loved equally. At this point only traditional feelings of sibling rivalry remain. Even if the child is only 2 years old, life change affects them dramatically. A positive attitude by the parents will further ensure a smooth transition once the adopted child comes home. Family meetings with existing children no matter if they are biological or adopted is necessary for smooth transition as well. Even the smallest of children can help prepare a room or color a picture for the new child. Global adoption agencies may offer additional suggestions based on the country to which the child is coming from.

Honoring an adopted childs home country while welcoming them into a new country may create some confusion, however International adoption agencies are trained and educated to answer these questions and offer suggestions. Purchasing items while in their home country eliminates the confusion about American made international items. Some families choose to save the items purchased at time of adoption as a memory box for when the child is older if adopted in infancy. Honoring traditional holidays such as Chinese New Year is important in order for the child to see people who look like them, especially as they get older, but is recommended from time of acceptance. Researching appropriate celebration rituals and area events make participation easier for the parents as well as the child. Due to the overwhelming amount of immigrants to America, opportunities for international events are somewhat easy to locate. Focus on the loving and honoring the adopted child remains the most important issue and subsequently all other things will follow.

Reasons Against Partial Birth Abortion

Exploring the many compelling reasons against partial birth abortion can involve dealing with information that is both disturbing and difficult to fully understand. Nevertheless, a full comprehension of what this controversial procedure entails is necessary before an honest evaluation can be attempted. In many cases, a woman who undergoes this procedure does not understand the dangers to her own body or what will happen to the unborn child that she is carrying. These types of abortions are now illegal in the United States thanks to the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. When this legislation was under consideration, members of congress heard disturbing testimony from medical professionals on how these abortions are carried out. Such convincing testimony resulted in the first federal ban on this type of late term abortion. However, there are still many proponents of this practice that are seeking to find loopholes around the existing law. Those who disregard the many reasons against partial birth abortion reason that to limit abortions in any way takes away a woman's right to choose. For many, respect for human life far surpasses any imagined rights to kill an innocent and defenseless unborn child. But in spite of the mounting evidence against the kind of barbaric practice that partial birth abortion represents, the debate rages on.

For those who have come to understand what happens during this procedure, looking for additional reasons against partial birth abortion is not necessary. In order for the unborn child to be removed from the mother's body, the mother's cervix will need to be dilated through artificial means. Once this has been accomplished, the infant is drawn into the birth canal and the feet, torso and arms are then delivered. The infant's head will remain inside of the mother's body. Since the head is the largest part of the body, it is the most difficult to deliver. To solve this problem, the abortionist will insert a sharp object into the back of the unborn infant's head, forming a hole. A tube is then place in this opening. Using extremely powerful suction, the brain tissue of the living infant will be removed. This action will frequently cause the child's head to collapse and the now lifeless infant can be removed from the womb. In some cases, the abortionist may be forced to use forceps to crush the baby's skull. During this procedure the child is both alive and able to feel pain. Such graphic descriptions undoubtedly supply the most convincing reasons against partial birth abortion.

When the facts regarding this inhumane procedure are known, it is hard to imagine that anyone could argue with the many reasons against partial birth abortion. But the battle to uphold a federal ban against this gruesome practice continues to be fought. Prior to the federal ban, thirty states had passed legislation that made the practice illegal. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court struck down these laws, spawning a push toward federal legislation. But even this federal law is being fought in court. Those who disregard the many compelling reasons against partial birth abortion argue that there are occasions when this type of procedure is necessary. In reality, there is no evidence to support such assertions. Opponents of legal bans also claim that lawmakers who voted for the ban were guilty of determining medical treatment for women without sufficient understanding of the related medical issues. The truth would seem to be exactly the opposite of this assertion. The more that is understood about what happens to both the mother and the unborn child during this procedure, the stronger and more vocal the opposition to this practice becomes. The Bible clearly indicates that God forms human life within the mother's womb. "Thus saith the Lord, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the Lord that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself." (Isaiah 44:24)

There are a number of myths that are frequently circulated to counter reasons against partial birth abortion. Proponents of these abortions maintain that there are times when the procedure is medically necessary. This is a flat falsehood. When legal, a partial birth abortion was performed on women that were more than twenty weeks pregnant. These second and third trimester abortions are more complicated and potentially dangerous to the mother. As unfortunate as it may be, a woman who chooses to undergo a late term abortion has many options other than the partial birth approach. While none of these procedures can honestly be described as humane, they are certainly preferable to the outright butchery that this controversial practice represents. Additionally, these procedures may cause undo risk to the mother's health and future ability to bear children.

Another argument that is often presented to oppose the many reasons against partial birth abortion is the notion that this procedure is somehow safer than other abortive measures. Many medical professionals maintain that this approach is in fact the most dangerous to the woman and the most inhumane to the unborn child. A number of life threatening complications can occur during these abortions. Some of these risks can include infection, a ruptured uterus and an embolism of the amniotic fluid. In the case of a ruptured uterus, a woman could easily bleed to death in a matter of minutes. The forced dilation of the cervix that is involved in these procedures can have a profoundly negative impact on the woman's health. When all of these factors are considered, any reasonable justification for these procedures is hard to imagine.