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Weight Loss Supplement Program

Many dieters turn to a weight loss supplement program as a way to jump start efforts to shed extra pounds. There are a number of options that are available to consumers when it comes to over the counter products that can give a diet and exercise regime a little extra kick. However, the promises that many of the products make may or may not live up to the dieter's expectations. Still, it's very tempting to try to speed up the process of loosing weight. Taking off unwanted pounds can be a difficult and long term goal. Anything that promises to make the job a little easier will understandably have a certain amount of appeal to some. These products are usually available in stores or could also be found online. A number of these pills are harmless and marginally effective. Others may be downright dangerous. How does an individual sort through all of the choices? Research along with a consultation with a physician can take some of the mystery out of the process. Gaining a little education on what is out there and any dangers that a particular product might present can spare a consumer added health problems down the road.

Bitter orange is a product that claims to speed up the metabolism and help the dieter burn more calories. While the long term effects of this product are not known, this so called ephedra substitute can speed up the heart in an unhealthy way. Chitosan is a dietary supplement that is purported to block the absorption of fat. While it's basically safe, chitosan has been reported to cause constipation. It has not, however, been proven to have any impact on weight loss efforts. Chromium is another product that is relatively safe but has never been proven to actually help a consumer loose pounds. A product called conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, is supposed to reduce fat in the body and decrease appetite. These claims have been disputed, although the supplement has been reported to cause indigestion and diarrhea. A product called country mallow contains ephedra and has been determined to be unsafe. Ephedra itself has been marketed as a substance that will decrease appetite. While this may be true, the substance will also cause high blood pressure, sleeplessness, seizures, heart beat issues, heart attack, and strokes. Ephedra has been banned by the FDA, but still shows up on the Internet and within other products. This substance should never be utilized as a weight loss supplement program.

The decision to take advantage of a weight loss supplement program should be done with a combination of research and care. Many over the counter products can carry certain risks that most consumers are not aware of. For example, the Food and Drug Administration has issued consumer alerts in the past concerning the ingredients in many over the counter supplements. A number of manufacturers have been guilty of putting undeclared and active ingredients into their weight loss pills and other products. These tainted products could harm the health of the unsuspecting consumer. The FDA will usually post lists of products that have violated Food and Drug Administration regulations on their website. The phrase buyer beware would seem to come into play in the area of the weight loss supplement program. That is not to say that all over the counter products are tainted. But a little research, along with a consultation with a doctor, can be wise steps before beginning a new regimen. The Bible offers many descriptions of the strength and guidance that God provides. "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" (Psalm 27:1)

Green tea extract has been described as a product that can speed up the metabolism of fat and calories as it decreases the appetite. This product should not be used in conjunction with a weight loss supplement program since it can contain a large amount of caffeine. Additionally, there is little evidence to suggest that the product is all that effective in causing the consumer to shed unwanted pounds. Add guar gum to the list of products that seem to cause no harm, but also seem to have no helpful impact on the number of pounds that the user looses. A product called hoodia has been touted as a viable part of a successful weight loss supplement program. Documented and conclusive evidence on the effectiveness of hoodia does not exist. The FDA has approved products that will act to help the body absorb less fat. These are reduced strength versions of a prescription medication and are intended to be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program. While they do work, the side effects can be very unpleasant if the user does not limit the amount of fat in their diet.

In many cases, a weight loss supplement program will not face the same scrutiny as prescription and over the counter medications. This is particularly true of products that are marketed and sold over the Internet. Anyone who is taking on the arduous task of trying to loose weight can expect no magic pills or quick fixes. When trying to shed extra pounds, there is no substitute for a healthy diet and regular exercise. Consulting with the family doctor for help and guidance when it comes to shedding pounds is very important. An individual may have other health issues that could make certain activities dangerous. A physician will also be able to help the patient make wise choices and find a weight loss supplement program that is best suited to their individual needs.

Night Eating Disorder

Only a few people suffer from night eating disorder or NED. Of this small percentage of the population, the majority of sufferers are obese. Through recent studies, researchers have also found that the condition occurs more frequently to women than to men. Those who are diagnosed with the syndrome have similar experiences. The person wakes up in the morning with little appetite. The lack of hunger may last throughout the day, but because the individual isn't eating very much, she becomes increasingly anxious and stressed as the hours pass by. The lack of nutrition adversely affects her mood. Then as bedtime nears, the NED sufferer begins to crave snacks that are high in carbohydrates. The amount of calories that the individual eats really won't be very much at one time. However, the individual finds herself returning to the kitchen frequently so that the calories add up. Someone with NED may even wake up during the night from hunger. This person craves food to go back to sleep. Though cynics might scoff at the idea that people actually have to eat to go to sleep, medical researchers claim that changes in various hormone levels have convinced them that night eating disorder is a legitimate medical condition. NED isn't just a bad habit that can be overcome with willpower.

Not only isn't NED a bad habit, neither is it a simple case of insomnia. For one thing, researchers find it relevant that NED sufferers choose to eat foods that are high in carbohydrates. Eating such foods helps increase the levels of a hormone called serotonin in the brain. Scientists know that this is a hormone that helps people fall asleep when tired. Because the individual is subconsciously choosing carbohydrates, it's almost as if the person's body knows what is needed to get rest. Additionally, researchers have made another interesting finding while conducting their night eating disorder studies. People who suffer from NED have trouble with another hormone that suppresses the appetite of someone who is asleep. This hormone isn't at its proper levels for individuals suffering from NED. Because of this, the person wakes up hungry and needs to munch on snacks so that she can go back to sleep. Because the individual has eaten so much during the night, however, she isn't hungry in the morning and the cycle begins again. Not getting a good's night rest, then, leads to problems in the daytime hours. The person may be moody or agitated. NED may not be as well-known as other disorders, such as anorexia, bingeing, and bulimia. But it appears to be as legitimate as these other conditions that receive much more recognition.

Centuries ago, a psalmist wrote: "My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber" (Psalm 121:2-3). Individuals who suffer from night eating disorder can find comfort in knowing that even in the darkest night that God is awake and listening to prayers for relief from such troubles. The sufferers also can be thankful that recent medical studies have given a name to what troubles them. No longer can these people be accused of willful misbehavior and unhealthy habits. Thanks to diligent medical research, help is now available to them. A person who believes she suffers from NED should contact her physician for a medical diagnosis. The process for diagnosing the condition often begins by making an appointment with a sleep lab. The patient will spend at least one night in the lab hooked up to equipment designed to monitor the brain's activity. Bloodwork will probably be ordered, too. Once a proper diagnosis has been made, medication that helps with hormone levels may be prescribed. However, those who are diagnosed with night eating disorder are often warned against taking sleeping pills. That type of medication appears to create additional problems for the patient. The goal is to break the hunger cycle so that a proper night's slumber can be enjoyed.

Some people may be diagnosed as having a related syndrome known as nocturnal sleep-related eating disorder (NS-RED). This differs in that the person's condition is related to other sleeping disorders, for example, sleepwalking. Someone with NS-RED may actually get up during the night and fix an entire meal. Then the individual eats the food that has been prepared. But in the morning, the person has no recollection of their nocturnal activities. Not all sleepwalkers engage in such culinary endeavors, but for those who do, treatment needs to be sought. As stated earlier, those who are already obese often suffer from night eating disorder. The syndrome causes an additional weight gain and may lead to the onset of type 2 diabetes. This is why it's so important to get a proper medical diagnosis.

While medication that adjusts hormone levels often helps alleviate the symptoms of night eating disorder, other types of treatments are also available. For example, a patient may be given a prescription for medications that alleviate stress and anxiety. The physician will most certainly advise the patient to limit or eliminate his intake of alcohol and caffeine. Of course, this is good advice for just about anyone, even though it can be difficult to break a habit of having a cup of coffee first thing in the morning or a cup of tea in the middle of the afternoon. Counseling and therapy may also help patients with night eating disorder overcome the syndrome. Patients can be taught techniques for releasing pent-up stress and anxiety that doesn't include food.

Night Eating Syndrome

Symptoms and indications of night eating disorder include skipping breakfast, continual snacking after dinner, waking up during the night to eat, suffering from insomnia, and suffering from depression. This disorder often plagues individuals who already have a weight problem. Possible causes of night eating syndrome are fluctuations in hormone levels, stress, strict dieting during the day, sleep apnea, biology, genetics and emotions. Treatments may include doing a sleep study, taking medication, changes in diet, and counseling. Consider prayer and meditating on God's Word before bedtime. "That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." (1 Corinthians 2:5)

People who skip breakfast, eat more in the evening and like to stay up late are often referred to as night owls. A couple of the symptoms of night eating syndrome is skipping breakfast and eating more in the evening; however, that doesn't mean that all night owls have the syndrome. Individuals who have the syndrome have other symptoms as well. They usually have trouble sleeping, suffer from insomnia, and awake often during the night, suffer with guilt feelings about snacking and have emotional issues that they try to solve by eating.

Emotional eaters are individuals who are trying to fix the way they feel by using food as a drug. Eating makes them feel better temporarily but it doesn't last. Being on an emotional roller coaster can cause a person to overeat and eventually suffer from obesity and other health problems associated with it. Obesity and night eating disorder often go hand in hand. Obesity can be part of the problem since being overweight can cause changes in hormone levels and neurotransmitters in the brain. Take chocolate for an example, it raises the serotonin levels in the brain and provides a temporary feeling of pleasure and well-being. The problem is the feeling is only temporary so that means having more a little later or just eating it continually to keep experiencing the high.

Dieting during the day and consuming most of the calories in the evening and at night is typical with someone who has night eating syndrome. Those suffering with guilt feelings for snacking so much will often decide not to eat anything during the day or may decide to put themselves on a strict diet. Research has revealed that skipping meals causes the body to go in starvation mode. This causes the body to hold on to fat stores and when this happens any weight that is lost is probably muscle tissue instead of fat. Of course by the end of the day a person's blood sugar will drop causing lethargy and fatigue. So the cycle begins again, the individual eats to feel better and figures that abstaining from food all day makes it alright to eat a lot.

Stress can have a big effect on a person's eating habits and can lead to psychological problems. Prolonged stress can lead to obsessive compulsive disorder and night eating syndrome. Stress can deplete the body, affect hormone levels, cause panic attacks, depression and irritability, cause a person to be less productive in their work and with relationships, lead to feelings of guilt, and feelings that their life is out of control. A person who suffers with unmanaged stress should talk to a doctor. Taking stress management classes can help an individual learn how to cope with their stress. Counseling and therapy may be helpful as well.

Sleep studies are often prescribed for a person who has night eating disorder and other sleep related problems. Other sleep problems include but are not limited to sleep apnea, nocturnal sleep-related eating disorder, restless legs syndrome, narcolepsy, insomnia, and sleep-walking. A sleep study monitors the patient while experiencing sleep cycles in an effort to determine a diagnosis. A patient should keep a diary for 2 weeks before the sleep study to assist the doctor in making an informed diagnosis and treatment.

Dietary changes may provide some significant help with sleeping difficulties. A doctor will suggest discontinuing the use of caffeine and alcohol because both of these substances can interfere with sleep. A dietitian or nutritionist can provide a meal plan that can help with weight loss and provide health benefits that can work towards helping a person with a night eating disorder. Snacking on fresh fruits and vegetables will help to provide an individual with needed nutrients. Whole grains, foods high in fiber, and foods high in omega 3 fatty acids are other good choices. Limit simple carbohydrates and items that are high in sugar and fat.

Medications may be effective for treating illnesses that affect sleep. Some medications that are commonly prescribed for night eating syndrome are anti-depressants, and sleeping pills. Some other things that can be done that provide health benefits and more refreshing sleep include exercising early in the day, keeping the bedroom sleep friendly by turning off all lights, making sure the temperature is comfortable, and turn off all noise makers. Try not to eat at least 2 hours before bedtime. If a snack is needed close to bedtime choose one that promotes sleepiness such as bananas, apricots, almonds, peaches, walnuts, and oats. Don't eat foods high in protein or sugar before bedtime and don't watch television. Practice relaxation techniques and resolve worries of the day before heading to bed.

Obesity Surgery Specialist

Obesity surgery specialist offer individuals who suffer with weight control problems a way to overcome those problems by losing the extra pounds through various surgical procedures. Surgeries available include but are not limited to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, extensive gastric bypass, laparoscopic gastric banding, and vertical banded gastroplasty. Another way to lose extra pounds is through an obesity treatment center. Individuals who enroll in this type of program are provided with a medically supervised diet and undergo psychological behavior therapy. Learning new behavior regarding diet and exercise is essential in keeping off weight lost.

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is a common procedure that has proven to be successful for losing weight. This type of surgery is performed by an obesity surgery specialist in the event diet and exercise have failed. The stomach is stapled resulting in a smaller stomach and the smaller stomach is attached to a lower section of small intestine so less calories and nutrients are absorbed. Caloric intake should be no more than about 800 per day for at least the first 18 months afterwards and then can increase to about 1200 thereafter.

Extensive gastric bypass surgery involves the removal of the majority of the stomach. This procedure is not commonly done because it is more invasive with greater risks involved. The remaining stomach is attached to the lower part of the smaller intestine and can result in less nutrients being absorbed to the point of excessive deficiencies. This procedure is not recommended except in extreme cases where a person has tried everything else and is morbidly obese. Pray and ask God to guide and direct every decision that is made toward achieving weight loss and trust Him to rebuke the storm and in its place there will be peace. "And He saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then He arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm" (Matthew 8:26).

Laparoscopic gastric banding is a fairly new procedure that is becoming popular over other options. This method of weight loss involves the insertion of a silicone inflatable band around the stomach. After the band is inserted into the skin the obesity surgery specialist inflates the band to section off part of the stomach. This is less invasive than some operations because it is usually done using a laparoscopic technique where small incisions are made and there is no cutting or stapling involved. The band slows the emptying of the stomach and the patient feels full for longer periods of time.

A vertical banded gastroplasty involves using staples and a band that creates a smaller stomach. Leakage of gastric juices into the abdomen, erosion of staples and the band might possibly take place overtime. Another concern with this method is that after a while the rate of weight loss slows tremendously. An obesity surgery specialist may not recommend this method and may not even offer it because of the risks involved.

Risks and side effects that are associated with weight loss operations include but are not limited to nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness, diarrhea, stretching of the stomach, nutritional deficiencies, abdominal ruptures, gallstones, bloating, increased gas, and excessive sweating. Patients should not consider invasive surgical methods unless all other options have been exhausted. Candidates for gastric procedures are normally morbidly obese with a body mass index of more than 40 and 80 plus pounds overweight.

Surgery is not for everyone and there are those who will seek after other types of weight loss methods over surgical ones. One such option is available through an obesity treatment center. The professionals that work with individuals enrolled in the program usually include physicians, behaviorists, dietitians, therapists and exercise physiologists. Each individual is evaluated and offered a special meal and exercise plan that will offer the best possible solutions. Some clinics also work with people who suffer from mental disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive overeating.

Full services included with weight loss programs are set up to help those who have addictions to food and strive to educate their patients about healthy living through diet and exercise. An obesity treatment center will also work with people who have health problems, illnesses, and diseases associated with obesity. Some also work with those who suffer from alcohol, drug addiction and dependency.

Many people suffer from being overweight because of psychological disorders and behavioral problems. With a proper evaluation, a psychologist or behaviorist can determine possible causes of underlying psychological and behavior problems that might be contributing to obesity. A person may develop an eating disorder when trying to cope with depression, family problems, and any kind of stress that makes a person feel out of control of their own life, guilt, shame, anxiety, loneliness, and alienation. An obesity treatment center will have professionals who know how to deal with these types of problems.

Fitness through exercise and eating healthy enables a person to not only lose weight but can help to ensure that the weight lost will not be regained. An obesity treatment center provides a fitness plan based upon an individual's needs. Some of the activities available include but are not limited to walking, running, weight-training, dancing, swimming, bicycling, and swimming. It is imperative that each individual tell a physician about all health concerns and illnesses before beginning an exercise program.

The two differences between weight loss surgery and a weight loss program are the rate at which the extra pounds are lost. Seeing an obesity surgery specialist and having gastric bypass or lapband surgery will result in a faster rate of weight loss than going through a planned program using diet, exercise, and behavioral changes. A person should exhaust every effort for treating obesity before undergoing an operation.

Obesity Treatment Center

An obesity treatment center may be the last stop for a person who has tried for years to lose weight. Yo-yo dieting, depression, guilt, a sense of failure and many other components go into a person who has allowed himself to become obese. Obesity has been defined by the American Medical Association and the National Institute of Health as a BMI (body mass index) of over 30. Obesity is caused by both genetic and behavioral factors. Treatment of obesity usually takes more than just a diet change to end the cycle of emotional and behavioral destructive behavior. Obesity is a highly serious condition that leads in many cases to serious illnesses such as sleep apnea, high blood pressure, heart failure, and certain forms of cancer. It has been called a national epidemic by the leading medical experts in the United States.

But those who are obese, unless there is a functional problem such as a thyroid issue, have much deeper issues than just eating the wrong kinds of food. This is why a sermon from a well meaning spouse or friend on eating less, or nagging or yelling can't and won't help the situation. An obesity treatment center is staffed by trained staff persons who can help with the deeply emotional reasons behind the overeating disorder. Overeating brings about a great deal of guilt, depression and low self-esteem that cannot be swept under the table by platitudes. The depression may be dealt with prescription drugs, but the guilt and low self esteem must be dealt with on a psychological level.

The trained staff persons at an obesity treatment center will be those who are trained in cognitive therapy. Counselors familiar with and licensed in using cognitive therapy feel that in many cases, this is the best approach for those dealing with food addiction issues. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is based on the idea that thoughts cause behavior and feelings rather than external things like people and events. This means that people can change the way they think even if the situation does not change. The average number of sessions that a patient has with cognitive behavioral therapy is sixteen. This may amount to sixteen weeks or eight or even four weeks of counseling, depending on the schedule. One of the deep principles of cognitive therapy is to teach the client or patient rational self-counseling skills. This must occur at an obesity treatment center if a client will be successful in the months and years after leaving the center.

In some cases, the intense counseling and group therapy that occurs at an obesity treatment center does the job and through careful diet and physical exercise significant weight loss takes place. But the staff at such a center is always quick to remind the patient that this weight loss battle will be an on-going issue for the rest of the patient's life. This means that those who were formerly overweight in significant measure will need to have a strong support system for the rest of life. But many of those who enter an obesity treatment center, while responding well to cognitive therapy, need an additional intervention to bring about success. Being highly overweight can bring about great guilt, low self esteem and feelings of self hate, and all of these emotions can make a person feel that no one understands. But God is very much aware so tell Him how you feel! "Oh Lord, thou hast searched me and known me...thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off." (Psalm 139: 1, 2)

When additional intervention is needed, an obesity treatment center will present two surgical alternatives that the patient can consider: gastric bypass and gastric lapband surgery. Gastric bypass surgery is the more radical of the two procedures, which involves making the stomach smaller by stapling the stomach into two sections, one much smaller than the other. The smaller stomach is then connected to the middle portion of the small intestine so the larger portion of the stomach is by passed altogether. Gastric lapband surgery uses a band that is adjustable to make the small pouch in the upper end if the stomach. This creates a full feeling in the patient and hopefully less food will be ingested, leading to weight loss. No invasive cutting or stapling is needed in this procedure. In some cases, after the procedures are performed and weight loss occurs, there is a complete reversal of hypertension and even diabetes.

Obesity today is viewed as a disease just as alcoholism eventually came to be seen as more than just uncontrolled drinking that needs to be stopped. Before 1985, obesity was defined as a "single adverse behavior of inappropriate eating in the setting of attractive foods." So according to that definition, the person who was surrounded by mountains of Ho-Hos and dived in to devour twenty five of them was considered obese, even though he may have been six feet two and weighed a hundred and sixty five pounds. Clearly, the nature of obesity has come a long way in its being understood in all of its cultural, physiological and emotional components. Now the National Institute of Health says obesity "is a complex, multifactorial chronic disease that develops from an interaction of genotype and the environment." And while the medical community has finally gotten the message, obesity treatment center staff members must often help its clients deal with society's revulsion of them.

Online Compulsive Overeating Counseling

Online compulsive overeating counseling is one way that a person can seek help for a food addiction problem that actually grips many people who may be obese or may have a nearly normal weight. Compulsive overeating has a number of different components to it, including binging, a sometimes secretive food life, guilt, depression and for many, a feeling of being trapped in a never ending cycle of self loathing and helplessness. The root causes of an overeating addiction are deep and numerous and for many, even the gentle urging of loved ones or friends to stop only drives them deeper into the behavior. For many people, a food addiction such as this one creates a person who slowly becomes physically obese, or at least has a weight problem, which then creates medical issues of its own. So the addiction becomes a many tentacled monster which affects every part of life.

In most cases, a person who really wants to conquer their food addiction will choose to allow a treatment center to handle their counseling. There are food addiction treatment centers all over the country, with many that are very exclusively private and others attached to hospitals as part of outpatient treatment. Many addiction centers that specialize in food addictions will treat anorexia, bulimia as well as overeating disorders. These are all seen as mental illnesses, and all are very serious and potentially life threatening. And while the world waits with bated breath for the miracle weight loss pill that is still to be discovered, there are no "pills" for weight loss, only medicine that might address some of the root causes for the food addiction to exist. Because food addictions are so related to the psyche, there may be limits to the effectiveness of online compulsive overeating counseling programs.

Most food addictions experts are fairly well agreed that a form of psychotherapy called cognitive behavioral therapy is the most successful in dealing with the deep seated causes for food addictions. Cognitive therapy is designed to help a person realize that it is a person's reactions to their own feelings that are the cause of the emotional pain, rather than blaming another person, thing or circumstance. This therapy teaches the patient how to reinterpret the feelings they have so that a more healthy response to them can be made. The relationship between therapist and client becomes very important during the sessions that occur, and this does point up a bit of a weakness when it comes to online compulsive overeating counseling. There are some websites that offer online therapists that are quite good and an expert in his or her field, but the synergy that is developed between therapist and client has a lot to do with physical presence, something that is overtly missing in either a phone or instant messaging relationship that an online compulsive overeating counseling website would have to offer.

The strength of the physical nature of the therapy office allows the therapist to judge the sincerity and the sometime the truthfulness of the client by observing certain body language signals. Despite the fact that the therapist is there to help and it is not a police interrogation, part of the shtick for the compulsive overeater is often secrecy and lying. Hiding food in strange places so no one will know it is there, or lying about what one has had to eat during the day is often the mo of the compulsive overeater. An online compulsive overeating counseling therapist may be able to tell some prevarication over the phone, or may catch a client in an instant messaging lie, but it is to the office therapist's advantage to look for clues that the client is not being honest with him. A person can lie to their therapist, but why do that? He is just there to help, but a person cannot lie to God. "O Lord thou hast searched me and known me; thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off." (Psalm 139: 1, 2)

The advantage of an online compulsive overeating counseling therapist will be for the person who recognizes one's addiction but lives in a location where treatment is not available in an office. Perhaps the person lives in an isolated part of the country, or may even be overseas and wishes that the therapist be someone who speaks his or her own language or may want a fellow countryman. There are a few websites that offer online compulsive overeating counseling, but they may not be advertised that way. offers dozens of counselors in many fields of discipline and the clients can choose a therapist from many profiles. offers a program that is predesigned for compulsive overeaters that is somewhat self-guided. There are a number of other counseling sites, and one should search thoroughly before spending money for online compulsive overeating counseling.

If you think you might be a compulsive overeater but aren't sure, here are some signs. Be honest with yourself, and if they ring true, seek help soon. Someone with this food addiction often has a fear of not being able to control eating, and while eating cannot stop. This person has been on a hundred different diet plans and believes life will be so much better if he just loses weight. Food is hidden in strange places for consumption later and hidden from a spouse if they don't have this addiction. This person often blames their weight for failure in their job or for the lack of friends. Depression, fatigue and mood swings along with decreased mobility are another sign of a compulsive overeater.

Compulsive Overeating Treatment

A compulsive overeating treatment is generally characterized by therapy that targets the psychological and emotional causes of the eating disorder. Experts agree that eating disorders of any type are not really about food. In fact, food is just the 'tool' used to soothe, console or provide emotional comfort to many who suffer with an over eating condition. It is a way to deal with life when stress, anxiety or problems arise. Compulsive overeaters are unable to control their excessive eating and unlike bulimics, they do not purge their calories. Weight gain is the obvious result for those who eat foods when they are not really hungry so that they can handle the pressures of life. Online compulsive overeating counseling can provide help and healing for many who suffer with this uncontrollable eating disorder.

Counseling and therapy designed to deal with the heart of the matter is very important in overcoming the problem. Compulsive overeating treatment plans can be effectively administered online or through many other types of medical or self-help programs. Depending on the severity of the condition, there is generally a program to suit just about anyone. There are online, out-patient, hospital, and retreat oriented programs that have proved to be highly effective for many people. When searching for one, always check on the credentials of the therapists, counselors or medical professionals to ensure proper treatments and professional, personal care.

Those who are overeaters tend to more willingly enter a program than those who have other types of eating disorders. They are well aware of their problem just as bulimics are, unlike those who suffer with anorexia nervosa. Admitting there is a problem is the first step in getting help. For those who choose to enter an online compulsive overeating counseling or any other program, there are some commonalities among all the programs no matter what their style of therapy. "Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord." (Psalm 31:24)

All programs deal with the underlying causes of the condition, since compulsive overeaters usually began their weight gain as a child. This disorder affects a large amount of men and women. Its trigger may be rooted in some childhood trauma such as child abuse or other lesser causes of anxiety. The problem lies in the fact that these sufferers never learned how to deal with stress the proper way and turned to food for solace as a way to block out pain. In fact, when adults with the disorder go through increasingly stressful times in life, they are very likely to continue to gain weight in proportion to the stimuli. It is a cycle that is hard to break without submitting to a compulsive overeating treatment plan. Most treatment programs delve into the deep emotional, psychological and physical causes of overeating. The most successful programs are those that provide a combined approach that includes a type of therapy, nutritional information and medical intervention.

Sometimes, however, rather than seek the help of a professional, overeaters are misdirected to enter health spas, gyms and weight loss clubs. Society in general does not take the problems with over eating as seriously as is necessary for many people. Instead, gaining weight is looked at merely as a self-control problem. The thought is that if a person tries hard enough, he or she can loose the weight, then, voila! Problem solved. However, just loosing the weight does not solve the root cause of compulsivity. When the right stimulus comes along again, a person will very likely indulge the compulsions. The cycle returns, followed by guilt, more anxiety and sometimes self-hatred. Just like other eating disorders, overeating can be very dangerous and even lead to death if untreated. An online compulsive overeating counseling service can provide much more than just a weight loss regimen.

The symptoms of the eating disorder include over concern about weight gain/loss, depression, and not eating much in public. Feelings of embarrassment, and putting a complete focus on weight as the cause of any failures in life are also common symptoms. Other problems associated with the condition are weight gain, diabetes, immobility, fatigue, arthritis, varicose veins, and many other physical ailments. Some people can become so overweight that they cannot perform everyday functions without experiencing shortness of breath.

Excessive weight gain can even hinder job performance, social relationships, and other activities. When the simple things in life become a chore to perform, it is definitely the time to commit to a compulsive overeating treatment plan. If an eating disorder is dealt with at the root of the problem, it is likely that a patient can live a long, healthy life, free from the disabling and tormenting problems of overeating. An easy place to start is through an online compulsive overeating counseling program that offers privacy and competent help. Trained, certified counselors can provide a step by step approach to personal therapy and a nutritional management plan.

People With Anorexia

Anorexia nervosa is one of several eating disorders that adversely affect approximately 5 million Americans yearly, with an all-consuming and often dangerous inner drive to become ever thinner. Viewing their world through a prism of unreasonable and illusive demands in order to satisfy the concept of a perfect body image, people with anorexia generally fall below 15% of the minimum base line body weight needs. People with this disorder directly link their inner feelings of self worth, happiness, approval and acceptance with distorted achievements in weight loss and food denial. Many people suffering from this reach such an emaciated physical state that they do major physical damage to their bodies or literally starve themselves to death.

A distorted self-image is the major propelling force in the psychological and spiritual arena of those who suffer from anorexia nervosa. Even though listed by professional psychologists as a disorder, its onset is the result of human choice, although promoted by a seductive distortion of personal responsibility toward perfection. People with anorexia are generally unaware of where the preoccupation with food control will lead them and it is usually difficult for them to actually realize the decline in their health condition when it becomes critical. The reality of it all is about what's on the inside, although the manifestation of that distortion is seen on the outside.

It usually takes someone close to them to recognize the symptoms of the eating disturbance because their perception of reality in relationship to themselves is abnormal. Emotionally, victims of anorexia nervosa experience a type of self-satisfaction in reverse, which continues to fuel their resolve for body image control through continually self-imposed eating restrictions. Many former victims attest to the fact that a feeling of satisfaction was only maintained as they continued to over-exercise, eat less and less, and even resort to total starvation. The thinner they became, the better they thought they would feel.

Dealing with the root causes of a sufferer is ultimately the answer for people with anorexia. No amount of imposed health concerns, pressured food consumption or number of times hospitalized, will reverse the downhill, emotional plunge that these people suffer. It is critical that they receive competent, experienced help in dealing with the psychological and spiritual root causes of their torment. People with anorexia can be freed from the bondage of a distorted perspective and changed to enjoy the personal wholeness God intended for them. There are many professional sources that can provide caring, experienced help for sufferers of anorexia nervosa. "And ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality and power..." (Colossians 2:10)

Pica Eating Disorder

Pica eating disorder is the consumption of non-edible substances such as clay and dirt. Pica eating disorder treatments are made up primarily of counseling, family guidance, and lifestyle changes due to the psychological nature of the disease. This disease can affect children ages 10-20, people with mental disabilities, and pregnant women. Mental disability is the main characteristic of people with this problem. The onset of these problems is connected to significant change in chemistry or lifestyle causing mental instability and abnormal activity choices. Someone who suffers from pica is either not mentally capable of knowing right from wrong or has an extreme deficiency in their body causing them to crave unnatural things. There really isn't any danger to moderate consumption of nonfood items except in the case of lead. Prevention is not certain though proper nutrition can decrease the instance of pica eating disorder. Removing unhealthy items from a diet and replacing them with healthy choices.

Understanding the desire to eat nonfood items will help anyone overcome the problem. If a vitamin deficiency is present a person may feel the need to consume other items trying to fulfill the need. Through blood and urine testing deficiencies are detected by a doctor. He can tell a person what steps need to be taken next in order to ensure a most successful outcome. Studies have shown iron deficiencies occur the most in pregnant women with this problem. Other thoughts on causes include stress, depression, and other dietary deficiencies. Iron deficiencies have been linked to pica eating disorder though the link is uncertain. Meeting with a psychologist is another route to take in finding pica eating disorder treatments due to the abnormal behavior with no other explanation. Developmental disorders may cause someone to fall into a pica eating disorder simply due to the lack of societal knowledge of right and wrong. Sometimes it is uncertain whether a person truly has a problem. Likewise, eating paint has been linked to people with low-economic status. Though common sense would indicate nutritional deficiencies but studies are not conclusive to support these assumptions. Some pica eating disorder treatments are linked to family problems, brain damage, and developmental disorders. X rays, ultrasounds, and MRI tests can not only indicate the ingestion of nonfood items, but also the damage it may have caused to the body. Damage includes, but is not limited to, tearing of the intestines, inflammation of the esophagus, and even skin infections due to foreign toxins in the body. A total body cleanse can help in correcting the urge to eat nonfood items as well as create a solid platform for a lasting healthy lifestyle. Simply put, this can be accomplished through a week long juice diet. Details can be discussed with a natural medicine doctor or researched online specifically for specific lifestyle problems.

Problems with food consumption are a major concern in America. Stress and society are the biggest factors, which cause problems with eating. Because fast food, working long hours, and little focus on exercise has become norm in the society, obesity is a major problem being addressed by surgeries, food consumption problems, and (lastly) responsible healthy changes in lifestyle. Time and effort is needed in order to succeed in overcoming these types of problems. "My people perish for lack of knowledge." (Hosea 4:6) Understanding what type of problem a person has is just as important as treating it. Treatments may include a total overhaul of what a person eats or it may be simply teaching someone how to cook healthy meals. There are many programs through local extension offices that offer nutrition programs for free as well as doctors offices that may refer or have readily available programs already approved by the insurance. Healthy lifestyles don't have to cost a lot, but spending changes should be expected.

Stress and increased responsibilities grow everyday for people across the country specifically for the breadwinner of a family. These stresses lead people to eat unhealthy or not eat at all lowering and sometimes eliminating needed nutrients in a person's body. This disables a person from functioning correctly and may lead to a food consumption problem. There is nothing shameful from this disease, but it should be treated before it becomes a lasting problem or even death due to poisoning elements being consumed. Scheduling a visit with a psychologist increases the change for guidance and realization of outside and underlying reasons for pica eating disorder treatments. This person can help diagnose the problem and offer suggestions for treatment if simple food changes are not the only thing needed. Medication for other problems may be needed to control the cause. This may include depression, stress, or emotional disability.

Pregnant women have a tendency to desire and even consume nonfood items due to the unbalanced levels of nutrients in their bodies. This is due to the extra person absorbing all the needed nutrients for daily survival. A multivitamin is a good option in pica eating disorder treatments. Other options include increased food consumption in every area until satisfaction is met and a new diet is developed. Realizing a pica eating disorder is an abnormal level of nutrients will motivate a person to find alternative in food consumption. Deficiency in the body can lead to many other problems including brain damage and even death if not addressed appropriately. Oral addictions may lead to knowledge toward treatment options. A person can fight the urge to eat nonfood items by chewing gum.

Plastic Surgery After Gastric Bypass

Plastic surgery after gastric bypass surgery can provide patients with acceptable ways to deal with what can be large and unsightly amounts of loose skin following drastic weight loss from bypass surgery. Many patients, losing over one hundred pounds, have drooping skin in the arms, stomach, thighs, breasts and buttocks. And whether it is for hygiene or for looks, plastic surgeons are being kept busy by the success of the tens of thousands of gastric bypass surgeries that have brought about amazing weight loss results. Both patients and surgeons face some unique issues when there has been weight loss that may have equaled half of the person's total body mass before the surgery. There reason for all of this is due to the extraordinary success of bariatric operations.

Plastic surgery after gastric bypass is needed because of the nature in which the operation causes the patient to lose weight. Obesity has been called the new American detrimental health epidemic with as many as 40% of all Americans being identified as having at least a body mass index of thirty or more. With more and more people remaining inside in the summertime thanks to the proliferation of air conditioning, lack of exercise and the continued swell in the use of processed foods has helped create the newly identified epidemic. With obesity comes a whole new wave of health concerns that often were not in consideration until a person reached his senior years. Heart problems, diabetes, joint pain and arthritis are all affecting many in their thirties and forties now, and it is possible that the Boomer generation may be the first generation to actually suffer a decline in the average length of a life span because of obesity.

Plastic surgery after gastric bypass is necessary in many patients because the operation creates a very small stomach pouch from the rest of the stomach. In Roux en-Y surgery, which is the most popular procedure, the small pouch, creates a new stomach about the size of a golf ball. This new stomach is then connected to the small intestine, bypassing the original stomach altogether. Type 2 diabetes is often reversed, blood pressure can be made normal, apnea can disappear and acid reflux can be dissipated, all as the result of this operation, but may not be true for all patients. But if the patient stays true to the strict diet and the amount of food that is allowed with the new teeny stomach, weight loss can be dramatic and then plastic surgery after gastric bypass surgery is needed.

A look at the many websites that deal with plastic surgery after gastric bypass will show some, well, shall we say, rather revealing photos of people who really had some loose skin problems once their weight loss was realized. There is no doubt that in many of these cases, the patient would have extreme difficulty in finding clothes to fit over what often are major protrusions of skin. It can be a difficult situation that a person who has been morbidly obese faces once the weight has been shed. One of the helps that the medical community offers to patients immediately after having the bypass operation is what is called body shaping compression garments. These are form fitting items that put pressure on the places where the most weight is going to be lost, usually beginning with the abdomen. As the weight loss progresses, the compression from these bandage-type items helps the skin to contract naturally and also reduce the amount of swelling from fluid building up under the skin. Plastic surgery following bypass surgery, usually occurring about two to three years after the surgery is complete, is aided quite significantly by the use of these compression type garments.

The actual techniques used for plastic surgery after gastric bypass include abdominoplasty and liposuction. Abdominoplasty usually involves the cutting of extra skin around the abdomen area and redraping the remaining skin around the muscles, with the surgeon pulling the skin as tight as possible before reattaching. Liposuction is exactly what it sounds like-sucking out fat in places weight loss may not have occurred, especially in the chin and love handle areas. Our extra weight that many carry can make us want to hide from others, but God knows every intimate thing about us. "If I say, 'Surely the darkness shall cover me', even the night shall be light about me. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee." (Psalm 139: 11, 12)

Many people who are obese don't start out that way and for others overeating and the lack of exercise has been a lifelong experience. Certainly the long term implications of over eating don't always enter one's mind when in the middle of self destructive behavior that has a pleasure factor to it. But the long road a person faces in trying to lose a hundred pounds or more through a weight loss operation and the plastic surgery after gastric bypass is daunting and filled with both the good and the bad. Good in the sense that destructive weight that may shorten life and bring a litany of medical dysfunction is gone, but bad that there comes a day when a dark realization dawns. Most people who carry a lot of extra weight envision their lives being so much better if they were thinner. But even if the plastic surgery after gastric bypass goes well, there is the stark reality that the many emotional issues that drove the overeating are still there.

Prepackaged Diet Food

Prepackaged diet food enables busy consumers to stick with a program without the hassle of meal preparation. In addition diet food delivery service will bring prepared meals to the door to eliminate the need to cook as well. In most cases the meals are not frozen and include a variety to keep the dieters interest. Some programs are available through specific weight loss programs and others simply comply with the personally designed program. Cost, timing for delivery, and overall commitment need to be considered before placing an order. People on special restrictions and vegetarians can also get diet food delivery service. Herbal supplements in addition to motivation and careful goal tracking also aid in the overall success of any weight loss program.

Throughout the centuries many methods have been tried to lose weight; some working and some not. Weight loss dates back to the 11th century when William the Conqueror was too heavy to ride his horse. He succeeded in his weight loss by consuming only alcohol and lost 40 lbs. This method is, of course, not recommended but rather to illustrate the wide variety of methods people use to lose weight. Each method has some level of success due to the commitment of the dieter, but ultimately healthy eating and moderate exercise is the key. Prepackaged diet food gets people started on a path to healthy eating without a lot of time taken to change their life. Other drastic, but more reasonable methods include Fletcherism (eating food very slowly) and the vinegar diet where everything is marinated in vinegar. When taking extreme measures common sense should be practiced to ensure further health problems don't result. If any method makes a person feel weak or changes health in any negative way a diet needs to stop and, if need be, medical attention sought. Naturally changes in consumption will disturb behavior due to the alteration of nutrient intake, but lasting negative effects should not be a result.

Jenny Craig, Slimfast, and South Beach are just some examples of companies that offer bars, shakes, and frozen meals available in grocery stores as well as delivery opportunities. These programs offer a quick short-term weight loss solution using strict rules. Prepackaged diet food is not a long-term solution, but rather a starting point for lasting nutritional changes made with everyday grocery store purchases. A wide variety is available with most programs including chicken, fresh vegetables, and fresh fruit. Whether a person chooses the Beverly Hills Diet concentrating mostly on fruit, the Cambridge method with a focus strictly on lower calorie intake, or something drastic such as the Grapefruit diet consisting of grapefruit and coffee, a diet food delivery service offers easy transition to the new eating lifestyle. By having meals delivered to the door temptation of unhealthy foods is eliminated. However, discipline is still required in order to achieve optimal results. Diet food delivery service is just one way to get. Fixed menu, exchange type, and liquid replacement plans all offer safe options for weight loss. A weight loss solution is only as good as the person following it, so choose the most appropriate and realistic plan for the most success.

Determination and self-control are crucial to a persons success. Cleaning out all cabinets of unhealthy products creates an easier environment for weight loss. Prepackaged diet food will occupy the empty space providing the only food available. Limiting trips to the grocery store keeps a person on track. A diet food delivery service eliminates the need to go out to eat thus eliminating the temptation to stray. Losing weight with someone else helps create accountability for both people. Creating goals with specific dates also aids in success including an upcoming vacation or class reunion that may prompt someone to lose the extra pounds. Realistic goals and lifestyle changes are crucial to lasting and healthy success. No diet should promise more than 5 pounds lost every week. Unhealthy weight loss leads to serious medical problems including liver damage, diabetes, and osteoporosis. While obesity can cause some disease, unhealthy weight loss can be just as destructive. Speaking with a dietitian or other health professional helps a person develop the best possible plan. "And God said: Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." (Genesis 1:29)

Alternative weight loss methods can compliment any diet increasing the speed and overall success. Likewise, a total body cleanse using fruit juices also enables the body to lose weight better. Watermelon juice consumed either by drinking or eating the actual watermelon cleanses the liver, gall bladder, and colon resulting in better digestion and releasing any toxins sitting in the body. Speaking with a natural health care provider helps determine more specifically a personal path to total body detoxification. Most weight loss programs do not start with this method therefore it is not advisable to start a method for weight loss and undergo a total body cleanse at the same time. Herbal tea can also aid in weight loss. Green, kelp, nettle, and ginseng all aid in cleansing the body as well as boosting proper digestion and even increase the metabolism needed for weight loss. Whichever weight loss method chosen, a prepackaged food delivery service gives a person a starting point enabling a simpler transition.

How To Prevent Becoming Bulimic

Knowing when to hospitalize a bulimic is very important in stabilizing a sufferer's health or in some cases, even in saving her life. Bulimia is an eating disorder that is typically found in females. The condition usually emerges in the teen years and may not be detected or apparent until the 30's or 40's. It is characterized by a person eating huge amounts of food within a short period of time. A 'binge' usually occurs within a 2 or 3 hour period of time when as much as 3, 000 or more calories can be consumed. Since bulimics also have a distorted view of their self-image, they are driven to purge the quickly ingested calories by inducing vomiting or taking laxatives. Some patients have admitted to purging up to 20 times a day in an attempt to rid themselves of the unwanted fat associated with their binging. The causes of the disorder as well as how to prevent becoming bulimic are not totally understood by the medical community.

Unfortunately, those who suffer with bulimia are quite adept at keeping their condition a secret and parents or other family members may not be aware of the eating disorder. This makes it hard to know when to hospitalize a bulimic. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." (Psalm 46:1) Some general symptoms that are apparent in people with the disorder include weight changes that may often occur, depression, frequent dieting, using unusually large amounts of laxatives, vomiting, and eating in secret with a predilection for easily secured foods. A person who suffers with bulimia is generally obsessed with attempting to keep their weight down, yet they feel driven to eat. This can cause them to gain weight and then drop it very often.

The cycle of gaining and loosing is very unhealthy for a person as well as stressful emotionally. Driven by a desire to remain or become thin, the sufferer often purges, but feels guilty and depressed afterwards. It is suggested that one of the first places to start with a young child in how to prevent becoming bulimic is to provide full affirmation about their sense of image and worth. The secretive nature of the disorder lends to the fact that a person is aware of their unhealthy feelings and actions, but they are unable to control them. When bulimics binge, it is usually through fast foods or easily found pre-packaged foods. Whatever is at hand will do, and if nothing is available, some people spend excessive amounts of money to quickly purchase foods for an hour or two of binging.

Other symptoms of the condition are gastric disturbances since constant vomiting upsets the potassium level and other nutrients in the body. The results are damage to the stomach, esophagus, gums and teeth as well as heart damage, excessive fatigue, loss of bone density and even rashes on the skin. The loss of necessary nutrients through constant binging and purging can put many people at risk for death. The body organs can grow weaker and actually shut down as a result of the disorder. There are several ways to treat the disorder, depending on the severity. Sometimes outpatient therapy can be quite effective while hospitalization is the necessary choice for others. Medical professionals usually can advise when to hospitalize a bulimic after a person is diagnosed with the condition. There have been cases, however, when a sufferer was able to hide the disorder so well that she fainted or started bleeding from the stomach before ever receiving medical attention.

Eating disorders are on the rise throughout the country, causing serious concerns for parents. As mentioned earlier, understanding about how to prevent becoming bulimic is very difficult. Even though there are no absolutes in understanding what actually causes the condition, there are some insights gleaned from professionals that can be helpful. By and large, patients who suffer with the disorder seem to come from homes where there are perfectionist tendencies either in the parents or the patients. Sometimes an unusual stress can cause the onset such as a traumatic move, change of school, or physical growth in puberty.

The disorder is also associated with anorexia nervosa. Many times, those who have that condition will progress into bulimia. Some tips on how to prevent becoming bulimic for parents include: parent a child through an environment of unconditional love; do not emphasize good looks or accomplishments as the most important thing in life; monitor stressful times in a child's life so as to alleviate it if possible; put an emphasis on overall good health that includes a sensible diet, exercise and enjoyable activities. Parents should never make weight a major issue unless there is obviously a problem with abnormal weight gain. The less self-conscious a child feels while growing up, the more likely she will have a better personal perception about herself. For parents who care, it is much more effective to connect with and understand a child when she is young if possible, rather than wondering when to hospitalize a bulimic when there becomes a big problem in the future.

Weight Reduction Surgery

Individuals considering weight reduction surgery as a solution to their struggle with severe obesity are best advised to become completely informed before undergoing this serious, life changing procedure. "The carpenter stretcheth out his rule; he marketh it out with a line; he fitteth it with planes, and he marketh it out with the compass, and maketh it after the figure of a man, according to the beauty of a man; that it may remain in the house." (Isaiah 44:13). In fact, since severe obesity tends to be an extremely difficult condition to overcome, many people feel that they should at least dare to consider this very serious undertaking in the attempt to finally win their battle. By the way, overweight people who have this condition are also described as being 'morbidly obese.' And other terms commonly used for this operative procedure are 'obesity surgery' and 'weight loss surgery'. Incidentally, the condition of being severely obese is a condition that is medically classified as 'chronic.' And finally, in this case the term 'morbid' is used to denote the pathological, or diseased, nature of this condition.

In their battle with this disease, before making the decision to attempt weight reduction surgery severely overweight individuals should first obtain a solid foundation of knowledge pertaining to this procedure directly from experts in the field. Hopeful candidates should also bear in mind that the procedure is not guaranteed to be effective in helping any and every person who has this condition. Basically, weight reduction surgery involves altering a person's stomach or small intestine. As a rule, the aim of the procedure is to either cut down on food intake or interrupt the person's process of digestion. When surgeons first began to perform this kind of operation, the weight loss resulted from a process called 'malabsorption'. And the term malabsorption refers to the surgical patient's diminished capacity to absorb nutrition. This lack of absorption stemmed from the fact that, initially, the surgeon performing obesity surgery either took out the intestines or else found an alternate route around them. But this original bypass practice was dropped as a means of weight loss because it also resulted in malnutrition. Besides this, all too often the consequence of this unpredictable type of surgery turned out to be the patient's death.

Fortunately, advances in medical knowledge and surgical technique have resulted in safer methods of weight reduction surgery becoming available. So there are two main types of this procedure that primarily focus on limiting the amount a patient's stomach is able to hold: restrictive and malabsorptive. First of all, restrictive surgical procedure makes an individual's stomach smaller. In other words, part of the patient's stomach is either closed or taken out. And this results in creating the sensation of being too full to eat any more. Second, the malabsorptive method involves surgery performed on the small intestine. For one thing, the small intestine is composed of two segments designated as the 'jejunum' and the 'ileum'. Here, the majority of nutrients and calories are absorbed into the body. So this latter procedure either reconnects the small intestine to another area of the patient's stomach, or else the small intestine's length is shortened. As a result of this, the amount of completely digested food is decreased. And worthy of note: this procedure is usually performed in conjunction with the restrictive one.

For those who are severely obese, weight reduction surgery may be the only viable way to improve their health. Not surprisingly these individuals often suffer, for example, from limitations in body movement as the result of carrying so many pounds. And the result of an obesity procedure is a substantial loss of weight; pathologically obese patients are classified as such when they are a hundred pounds overweight. In other words, these patients have a BMI that is above 40. Specifically, BMI stands for a person's 'body mass index'. And when an individual has a body mass index that is over 40, they can easily fall victim to other diseases, such as diabetes. One advantage is that the substantial loss benefit kicks in immediately after the procedure. An additional advantage is that this accelerated decrease in BMI continues, generally speaking, for the period of at least a year. Besides, weight reduction surgery results in a marked psychological relief for severely overweight individuals who have been subject to years of obesity related stress.

All in all, weight reduction surgery can be very beneficial for some individuals but before this is embraced as a solution experts advise getting complete information from a weight loss surgery information center. There, one is able to consult with experts and learn everything necessary before choosing this life-changing option. In addition, experts advise seeking out individuals who have already undergone this operation. In this way, real-life accounts of the process will help a candidate to better assess whether this is a suitable route for them to pursue. Also, there are forums and chat rooms on the Internet where a person can learn more, including details of life after the operation. In any case, one should only proceed after the risk has been fully understood. For example, extensive changes in the patient's habits will have to be made subsequent to the procedure. As further illustration, one must fully understand that they are running the risk of post-operative complications (such as hernias), nutritional deficiencies (such as anemia), and in a certain cases: death during the procedure. Also, relatively minor side effects such as increased gas, bloating, and nausea must also be taken into consideration prior to the operation. But finally, if the patient who experiences a successful operation fully understands that weight maintenance in the form of proper diet in conjunction with exercise are mandatory for continued success, then weight reduction surgery can bestow the enormous benefit of a healthy life.

Anorexia Treatment

Anorexia treatment can help people with eating disorders through medication, psychological help, and mental support. Anorexia help not only benefits the person seeking help, but the family and friends of this person as well. This disorder is a psychological and emotional eating disorder that affects largely females, resulting in 90 % of cases diagnosed. The average onset of the disease occurs in adolescents between the ages of fourteen and eighteen. While the exact cause is unknown, those who have sought treatment and are diagnosed with the disorder can say that it is linked to self image.

This is an illness of distorted body image and errors in perception. Symptoms that are signs that anorexia help may be needed are: dieting to the extreme point of starvation, obsessing over food content, and excessive exercise. Typically, girls with anorexia are good students, well behaved in the home, and are often good at sports. Perfectionism is a common symptom among those who have the illness.

In most cases the disorder is easily diagnosed, but a suspecting cause needs to be determined to reach effective help with doctors and psychologists. Many factors can contribute to the onset of the disorder. Some develop the disorder in an attempt to get control of seemingly out of control circumstances. Severe criticism about weight or appearance can lead a young woman to poor self image and the onset. There are those that deal with it as a result of unresolved past painful experiences. Anorexia treatment should be considered if a young woman is manifesting any of the symptoms and circumstances. Eating disorders can lead to serious medical problems. Metabolism can be disrupted, skin can become dry and blotchy, and hair loss can occur. These are just some of the anorexia symptoms to look for. This disorder can eventually lead to cardiac arrest, suicide, or starvation. Getting immediate anorexia help is crucial so that effective treatment may begin.

Keeping a healthy body is crucial. God's Word, the Bible encourages us to care for our bodies because we were bought with price. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, says "What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." Anorexia treatment may involve counseling and drug treatment. Anorexia treatment can help to overcome the disorder and restore a healthy weight gain. However, the longer abnormal eating behaviors persist without anorexia help, the more difficult it can be to overcome the disorder and its effect on the body.

Stomach Banding Surgery

Stomach banding surgery is one of the options that those who are obese have that can dramatically reduce a person's weight. Since obesity is called America's new epidemic, with almost forty percent of all Americans having a body mass index of over 30, the interest is this particular weight loss procedure is growing. Stomach banding, sometimes called lap band surgery, is a less invasive procedure than a gastric bypass operation. For many who have gotten to the point of being obese, it is a prison that seemingly cannot be exited. It is much more for many people than just eating more than exercising. It isn't solved by just telling a person to quit eating or trying the shame him into healthier behavior. But once the issue has come to a head and the person has wrestled with the inner issues that may have brought on the obesity condition, stomach banding surgery may be a favorable option to help end the body mass gain and actually bring about significant weight loss.

Since the cause of obesity is a many headed dragon, a weight loss treatment center will first have to make sure that for the patient, the dragon has been dealt with in a firm manner. In many cases, obesity is a person's response to inner emotional turmoil that results in a food addiction. Depression is a leading cause of eating when not hungry or eating when angry or lonely or sad. For many who are obese, eating becomes the one safe place where there is some reward, yet the guilt that the behavior brings just perpetuates the cycle of more eating. Stomach banding surgery will be of absolutely no value to a person who hasn't first dealt with those emotional causes that bring about the addictive behavior. This is why most health insurance companies will demand that before this procedure is approved for payment, a medical weight loss program be undertaken by the patient.

A medical weight loss program, usually lasting between three and eight months, will be comprised of classes on healthy eating; perhaps some support group therapy and regular weigh-ins. Had the person actually gone to an obesity treatment center, there probably would have been some one on one sessions with a therapist using cognitive behavioral interaction with the client. Before stomach banding surgery is approved, cognitive therapy will seek to help the patient identify the negative thought patterns that often brings about self destructive behavior, such as compulsive overeating. In many cases, the therapist can help the patient develop new ways to look at certain negative and false perceptions without having to resort to addictive behavior. For the Christian, there is also another place to turn. "Hear my prayer O Lord, give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness. Deliver me, O Lord, from mine enemies: I flee unto thee to hide me." (Psalm 143: 1, 9)

A Lapband , which is actually a trademark name for a certain kind of stomach banding surgery apparatus, is one of two options open to the person whose body mass is above thirty five. It is a much less involved operation than a gastric bypass operation, usually involving just some incisions in various places around the stomach area. The band is placed around the upper part of the stomach, creating a separate pouch, much smaller than the stomach before. The band has a balloon which allows the stoma, or new stomach opening to be made larger or smaller. Once the band is in place, the procedure is over, usually taking less than an hour to perform.

The patient will have to learn a whole new way of eating and actually looking at food after the operation. No caffeine is allowed during the first three months following surgery as well as any carbonated beverages. For the first six weeks after the operation, the diet is all liquid, with four ounces consumed every hour for ten to twelve hours a day. Following the liquid diet weeks, the next six involve food that has been pureed in a food processor, consisting of meat, vegetables and salad. Bread, potatoes and other starches are omitted. Sadly, many people don't understand that the stomach banding surgery that they are considering having has so many restrictions and often turn it down once all the facts are made clear, and many more are turned down by the medical evaluation because of age, and pre-existing medical conditions.

In many cases, those who have had stomach banding surgery lose between fifty and sixty percent of their excess weight after two years. For those who have had a lifetime of obesity, this is the beginning of a new life, being able to shop for "normal" clothes and perhaps being able to fit into an airline seat. Being able to exercise in simple ways such as walking around the block without huffing and puffing is a miracle in itself for many, but sadly, others who have the surgery cannot overcome the emotional tangled web that brought about the overeating in the first place. The addiction is too strong, too powerful and weight that is lost is eventually put back on and the stomach banding surgery is for naught. Some surgeons who perform this procedure may go ahead with the surgery without having a sense that those emotional tentacles are severed, but it would seem that the best practice is to deal with the inner turmoil first.

Stomach Stapling Cost

Stomach banding surgery or lapband helps a person to lose weight by reducing the size of the stomach and the amount of calories that can be consumed afterwards. Individuals who have tried weight loss through conventional means with no success may want to consider an invasive approach by opting for bariatric surgery. Some important things to consider include how the procedure is done, the risks involved, the importance of calorie reduction and exercise afterwards, the cost, and what kind of financing is available. Stomach stapling cost vary depending upon the location of the operation, fees charged by the surgeon, the length of the hospital or outpatient stay, anesthesia used, and any miscellaneous costs such as supplies.

Gastric bypass or stomach stapling is accomplished by stapling a small portion of the stomach and attaching it to the lower part of the small intestine so that fewer nutrients and calories are absorbed. Stomach banding surgery is accomplished by banding off a portion of the stomach so that less food is consumed. A patient will feel full quicker and longer because the digestive process is slowed down. Overall weight loss will not just depend upon the procedure but also on the determination and motivation level of the individual. Some doctors suggest that a potential patient undergo a class that spells out the procedure and the importance of motivation afterwards in eating right and exercising.

Compared to other bariatric surgeries the lapband procedure includes less time in the operating room and less time in recovery. Stomach banding surgery doesn't require staples or changes in the digestive tract. Some of the advantages of the lapband operation are that very small incisions are made instead of one large incision using an instrument called a laparoscope and there are usually less complications and less pain involved compared with gastric bypass or other methods. Some of the disadvantages are initial weight loss is slower than with other methods and there is a chance that the band can slip.

The most common weight loss surgery and the one that has been around the longest is gastric bypass. This nonreversible procedure often results in a patient losing up to 70% of their total body fat. Although, stomach stapling cost is more expensive than other methods, it has the greatest success rate thus far. Lapband is becoming very popular because it cost less and is less invasive but it is a fairly new procedure so it doesn't have the successful track record compared with gastric bypass. One thing that makes the lapband more attractive over other weight loss surgeries is that it is considered reversible and adjustable.

When having a bariatric surgery, a patient needs to understand the importance of caloric restrictions and exercise. Right after the procedure most patients are put on a liquid diet for the first 2 weeks. After that approximately 800 calories a day is all that should be consumed. Depending upon the person and the type of operation performed, calories can be increased between 6 to 18 months to as much as about 1200 calories per day. Some people find that they can't tolerate certain foods afterwards. An individual undergoing stomach banding surgery needs to be committed to exercise and eating healthy. This will ensure the best results along with having added health benefits. Nutritional supplements are necessary after having the procedure because the upper part of the small intestine is bypassed so fewer nutrients are absorbed thus increasing the chances of vitamin, mineral, and iron deficiencies.

To be a good candidate for a bariatric operation a person must be 100 pounds overweight with a body mass index of 40 or more. Some patients are considered if they suffer from severe obesity related health problems as long as their 80 to 90 pounds overweight and have a body mass index of 35 or more. Obesity related diseases can include but are not limited to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, high cholesterol and triglycerides, carpal tunnel syndrome, gallbladder disease, sleep apnea, back problems, pain, connective tissue disorders, stroke, immune diseases, respiratory problems, and urinary incontinence. Weighing stomach stapling cost against the cost of illness and disease a person could easily come to the conclusion that in the long run having the operation is less costly than not having it. Before making a final decision on having an invasive procedure to lose weight pray and ask God for guidance. "I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye" (Psalm 32:8).

Side effects of the operation may include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and swelling. Some complications may include stomach rupture from eating large amounts of food, band erosion or leakage through staples, dumping syndrome, and problems from fewer nutrients being absorbed. Dumping syndrome includes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and bloating from the contents of food in the stomach moving too quickly into the small intestines. Sometimes the dumping syndrome can worsen with the intake of high sugar foods.

Financing options are available through some weight loss clinics. Bariatric procedures can be very costly but may be covered by insurance. Stomach stapling cost generally includes the operation, fees of the surgeon, recovery, anesthesia, a maintenance program, banding supplies and checkups. Financing options usually have fixed interest payment options, low down payment, and affordable monthly payments. Interest rates are usually lower than with most credit cards. Some clinics offer no interest with early payoffs.

Stomach Stapling Surgery

Stomach stapling surgery is an alternative for someone who has tried diet and exercise and is still 100 plus pounds overweight. In addition, suffering with health problems can also be a good reason to have weight control surgery. Obesity can bring on illness and disease; losing weight can make these problems less or even nonexistent. Gastric bypass is a procedure that limits calorie intake dramatically because the size of the stomach is reduced and calorie and food absorption is diminished. The benefits far outweigh the temporary discomfort since having the procedure leads to weight loss and renewed health and wellness.

Diet and exercise are the ideal ways to lose weight but it doesn't always work for everyone. Before having weight control surgery an individual should exhaust all efforts to lose weight naturally. Sometimes a person will lose extra pounds too quickly and then end up putting them back on so that is why changes with diet and exercise need to be permanent lifestyle changes otherwise it is easy to gain back those lost pounds. When someone's health begins to suffer because of obesity and there doesn't seem to be any hope then it is time to consider more invasive options. There are several choices involving bariatric surgery that an individual might consider. Some of these include gastric bypass, lapband, vertical lapband, and the most invasive is biliopancreatic bypass. This method requires actually removing a large part of the stomach. Not many doctors recommend this method because it greatly decreases the absorption of needed nutrients.

Extra weight wears down the body and the mind. Some people who are obese can easily become depressed over time when the weight won't come off. Stomach stapling surgery can not only help a person recover from health issues but can do wonders for psychological issues as well. Even just a few extra pounds can make a person feel sluggish and bloated. Continued pressure from being obese will wear down the immune system and affect virtually every system of the body. This is why so many overweight people suffer with diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and so on. Reading God's word can provide hope for those who are suffering with depression and illness. "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope." (Romans 15:4)

Before having gastric bypass surgery a physical examination will need to be done. This will include health history, x-rays, and lab work. For stomach stapling surgery health history is very important and will include previous medical records from a physician. A candidate will need to give the surgeon as much information as possible about any health concerns. The more knowledge the doctor has about health concerns the better for the patient. The surgeon will also need to know all medications, prescription and over-the-counter drugs being taken because there are some meds that can increase a client's risk for complications.

Insurance companies usually cover procedures that are medically necessary. Morbid obesity can qualify a person for approved insurance coverage on weight control surgery if the person is extremely overweight and has health problems. Before having gastric bypass it is advisable to make sure that the doctor and clinic doing the procedure has all insurance information beforehand so that an approval can be obtained. Paying the part the insurance doesn't will be the patient's responsibility, in most cases, before the procedure is done. Each clinic and surgeon will have their own policies on how to handle the financial part. Some doctors offer financing to candidates of bariatric surgery that includes a down payment with reasonable monthly payments.

There are two ways to perform a gastric bypass, one is by making a large incision and doing the open method the other is making small incisions and using an instrument, known as the laparoscopic method. Stomach stapling surgery using the laparoscopic method is less invasive than the open method and recovery time is less. The surgeon will determine the best method based upon an individual's medical history and unique situation. A gastric bypass usually takes from one to three hours for the operation and several hours in recovery. The hospital stay will range from 2 to 4 days depending upon how the patient progresses. Recovery time usually takes about 4 weeks depending upon the severity and complexity of the gastric bypass procedure.

The amount of weight that a patient will lose depends on several factors. Commitment to exercise and eating healthy are two very important factors in losing weight. Other factors include the motivational level and overall condition of a person's health. Right after the surgery most patients are put on a liquid diet for the first couple of weeks. After the stitches are removed, which is usually 10 days from the operation, solid foods can be introduced. It is highly recommended that after weight control surgery an individual not consume more than 800 calories per day for the first 18 months. After 18 months caloric intake can be increased to about 1200 calories per day.

Patients who undergo the procedure usually lose over 50% of their body fat and some will lose much more. It is not likely that the stomach stapling surgery will result in the loss of total body fat and that is why diet and exercise must be included in the program. The benefits of having the surgery far outweigh the risks and the temporary discomfort. Some of these include increased energy level, improved self-confidence, being able to engage in activities that weren't possible before, more clothing choices, improved relationships, and gaining health and vitality.

Weight Loss Surgery Financing

With obesity increasing in numbers, weight loss surgery financing is going far beyond the medical, financial, and administrative bailiwick of many physicians. Physicians are in the "business" of treating patients for various illnesses and conditions. Not many treasure the idea of having to justify the needs of their patients to an insurance company. Though there are diverse reasons and explanations for the increase in obesity, those reasons don't solve the problem. The complications associated with obesity have resulted in greater demands on physicians and on their patients to get these procedures done. Insurance companies don't necessarily see it that way. Doctors are finding themselves immersed in a lot of unwanted and unwelcome administrative duties, because many insurance companies do not cover bariatric surgery for the purpose of weight loss. Without weight loss surgery financing, surgeons must sufficiently argue (through documentation) that the financial burden to the insurance company would be lightened if payment for the procedure is garnered. When the physician runs out of options and the claim is flatly denied, it is up to the patient to pay for their own procedure.

Many people faced with this decision simply cannot write a check and hand it to the doctor. Because obesity, in and of itself, may not be considered a medical condition by insurance companies, weight loss surgery financing is becoming the sole choice of patients in order to pay for these high dollar measures. Its surging prevalence has reached almost epidemic proportions. The risks associated with being obese are many and varied. Diabetes, heart disease, and sleep apnea have all been associated with significant increases in weight. Of course, that holds true for obesity as well. Some patients have sought bariatric surgery to solve their weight loss issues. The market for bariatric surgical apparatus and weight loss treatment medications now exceeds $1 billion worldwide. These markets are growing by more than 25% every year. Bariatric surgery is a procedure that is more effective than weight loss therapies. Surgical patients lose approximately 20% of their body weight, while people who submit themselves to medical therapies only lose about 2%. So, it makes sense for people to seek out these types of procedures because of their effectiveness.

There are a great number of companies chomping at the bit to offer a person weight loss surgery financing. There are companies whose sole purpose for existence is that they broker and process loans for medical or dental procedures. Though not direct lenders; there are some companies that offer rates starting at 0% interest. By working through the physician's office to provide patient procedure financing, their marketing costs are reduced. Some of these types of companies offer 100% pay-outs. There are no sign up fees, no monthly fees, and no contracts. In fact, procedure are paid for in advance. Two additional benefits that at least one of these such companies has, is adoption as well as funeral coverage. Other companies that offer financing of medical procedures work with doctors and directly with patients, too. In cases where they are a direct lender, the opportunity for more personalized service and integrity exists. Though rates begin higher, at 6.9%, the rates are still lower than on a typical credit card. These companies tend to be flexible and allow affordable terms. As direct lenders, instant decisions are usually available. Some weight loss surgery financing is ready in 24 hours or less. Usually, doctors will not need to pay sign up fees, application fees, or monthly fees.

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:11-13) Then, there are those who work directly with patients instead of working through the physician's office. These companies' services are more in line with that of a traditional finance companies. However, even if a person has been turned down in the past for weight loss surgery financing by other, more traditional financing, this type of company may still be able to help. Interest rates depend upon a person's credit score and bill payment history. One feature of medical finance that is usually not present with traditional short term personal loans is that these companies are more likely to offer a rebate on all interest paid, when accounts are paid-in-full within the first 12 months. In addition to term loans, a revolving line of credit could be made available; in some cases.

Besides all of the loan type options, there is at least one company that offers a health care credit card that can be used for weight loss surgery financing. Like other types of credit cards, a person applies for the card once and is able to use the card over and over again. There are cards endorsed by the American Society of Bariatric Physicians, as well as dozens of dental, cosmetic surgery, and eye care associations and societies, as well as a number of veterinarian groups. Unlike many traditional credit cards available these days, there are solutions that offer a "No Interest if Paid Within Promotional Period," for each covered event. That means the payment on the card is dependent upon the event it is covering. Although a minimum monthly payment will be required, under this type of promotion, finance charges will not be assessed on the initial purchase (financing) of each particular event. For example, a person has a $2,500 procedure to be paid in 12 months. Then, another procedure is done at a cost of $12,000 for a period of 18 months. Each of these procedures, if paid off within the specified period will be interest free. These terms apply to promotional purchases as long as the full balance is paid within the promotional period (3,6,9,12, or 18 months) as well as not neglecting the minimum monthly payments. Failure to meet both of these conditions cancels out promotional terms on weight loss surgery financing and regular finance interest rates will be applied.

Insurance Bariatric Surgery

Non-cosmetic insurance bariatric surgery is usually performed on individuals who experience life-threatening health issues due to excessive weight. While some patients opt for weight-loss surgery to trim a waistline or to look ten years younger, some men and women have no choice but to undergo drastic operations to lose life-threatening unwanted pounds. Chronic ailments, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, acute joint pain, osteoarthritis, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, and diabetes sometimes plague those who battle obesity. Pressure on hips and knees may cause joins and cartilage to deteriorate, leading to permanent crippling disability. Morbidly obese patients may experience difficulty breathing, sleeping or moving comfortably. Some become confined to a bed or wheelchair and lose the ability to hold down sustained employment or lead an active life. The sheer weight of excess fat increases pressure on bones and vital organs: lungs, heart, kidneys, and spine. Many females are unable to bear children.

When health conditions are exacerbated by obesity, doctors may recommend insurance bariatric surgery, an operation which reduces the size of the patient's stomach to reduce the amount of food and number of calories consumed; or causes food not to be absorbed. Insurance bariatric surgery may take several forms, including gastric bypass, which surgically redirects food into a smaller area of the stomach; adjustable gastric banding, which ties off a portion of the stomach to decrease the size; or stomach stapling. Insurance companies require patients to complete a six-month program of physician-supervised diet and exercise, psychological evaluation, and nutritional assessment prior to approving weight loss surgery.

The six-month diet and exercise program will demonstrate to the firm that patients have tried unsuccessfully to lose pounds under a doctors oversight. The psychological evaluation may reveal underlying causes of obesity, such as binging, bulimia, or mental and emotional illnesses. Therapists may want to address these underlying factors before proceeding with radical gastric surgery. Some psychological and lifestyle changes may have to be altered before the insurance company will approve procedures. A nutritional evaluation will help disclose poor dietary habits, allergies, or other factors which have contributed to severe weight gain. A diet high in fat, sugar, or carbohydrates is usually a factor in obesity. Candidates for insurance bariatric surgery may respond well to a low-fat, low-carb diet or other restrictions which limit caloric intake, yet provide sufficient nutrients for weight loss and better health. "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not His benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseasesWho satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagles" (Psalm 103:1-3, 5).

Insurance firms will require documentation and diagnostic findings from physicians, psychologists, and nutritionists. The patient's doctor must submit a preauthorization letter to the insurance company which substantiates the patients medical history, along with a record of chronic or life-threatening ailments impacted by obesity. Patients must have a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 40, be at least 18 years of age, and must have sustained morbid obesity for over five years. Candidates must also be apprised of the dangers and risks of insurance bariatric surgery and sign a statement indicating full knowledge of possible adverse outcomes. Patients run the risk of dying from post-operative complications, such as infection, hernias, and blood clots. Smaller stomach pouches can become dilated; and the urge to overeat will result in "dumping" or vomiting food that the new smaller stomach cannot hold. Alopecia areata, a condition which causes hair to fall out in clumps leaving circular patches of scalp, is another side effect of bypass surgery. Chest pain, constipation, and vitamin deficiencies are other uncomfortable effects of having weight loss procedures.

Underwriters may agree to pay for expensive weight-loss procedures if the life of the insured can be prolonged; or if physicians can demonstrate that without surgery, a patient's lifespan would be greatly shortened. Depending on the extent and complications of insurance bariatric surgery, costs can range from $15,000 to $35,000. Complications, such as bleeding at the incision or post-operative infections can cost even more. Agencies treat physician-diagnosed morbid obesity just as any life-threatening illness. Unlike patients who decide to undergo the knife for cosmetic reasons, morbidly obese patients are fighting for their very life. For some, the likelihood of reaching the age of 50 or 60 is impossible without taking drastic measures.

All portions of approved insurance bariatric surgery may not be covered under patients' policies. Insured individuals need to study provisions to make sure that coverage is available and may have to arrange for payment of portions that are not included. Agencies which provide 100% coverage for weight-loss surgery are responsible for paying physicians, surgeons, anesthesiologists, lab technicians, and any independent contractors involved with the operation. Agencies that disapprove applications may accept appeals from the patient's physician. If companies still balk at paying for weight-loss operations, patients have a right to appeal to the state insurance commission, especially in cases where life or quality of health will be greatly compromised without the procedure.

In the event that state commissioners deny claims, and doctors still feel that surgery is warranted; patients may have to secure financing. Hospital business personnel may offer favorable financing options, such as low-interest installment plans. Other financing options include bank loans, tapping into savings, or charging credit card accounts. Before the operation, patients usually have pre-operative examinations, possibly a heart catheterization to determine if the organ is strong enough to sustain lengthy insurance bariatric surgery. Patients can expect to lose as much as 100 pounds within one year after the procedure as they adhere to a prescribed diet and exercise plan. Weight-loss patients with approved coverage can soon look toward enjoying a new body, a new outlook, and a second chance at a healthy life.