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Natural Remedies For Insomnia

Effective natural remedies for insomnia run the gamut from herbal teas and warm milk to soft music and aromatherapy. When it comes to getting a good night's sleep, individuals who lie awake all night counting sheep will try just about anything. Home remedies, such as drinking warm milk are effective; however some insomniacs' bedtime battles require professional help. When a lack of nighttime rest becomes problematic, individuals may seek advice from doctors and therapists to determine the cause of sleeplessness. Emotional and physical illness, worry and anxiety about situations at work, in the home, or with family members or friends can trigger restlessness. Money problems can also contribute to an inability to relax and unwind. People who have trouble falling asleep can't seem to let go of the stress and situations of the day. They tend to rehearse and rehash present, past or future events, conversations, and scenarios so much so that the mind cannot release troubling, perplexing or engaging thoughts. And when individuals habitually lose sleep, physical and emotional problems ensue.

Insomnia can lead to irritability, a lack of concentration, an inability to prioritize and complete tasks; and physical ailments caused by anxiety, such as muscle spasms, pain, and teeth grinding. Doctors can rule out physical ailments which might contribute to sleeplessness by conducting studies to monitor the heart rate, rapid eye movement (REM), and sleep patterns. While patients are unconscious, therapists observe REM, snoring, or sleep apnea, a condition which causes individuals to take abnormally long pauses between breaths while dozing. Once physical conditions are ruled out as a source of sleeplessness, doctors may suggest a visit to a behavioral therapist. Psychologists can help individuals learn how to release worry and anxiety and focus on getting a good night's rest. Therapists may also suggest natural remedies for insomnia, which include modifying behavior to facilitate a more conducive atmosphere for prolonged rest.

Behavioral modifications may include relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, to help patients become calm and peaceful prior to retiring. Deep breathing, meditation, and prayer have a soothing effect, as insomniacs learn how to isolate muscle groups and gradually release tension throughout the body and let go of pent up emotions. Prayer and Bible reading take the mind off of the monetary, marital, and mentally challenging problems which can plague an insomniac and disrupt peace of mind. Setting aside a specific time each night to study the Bible or follow a scripture reading plan are natural remedies for insomnia individuals can adapt with ease. Listening to Christian tapes or music also soothes the savage beast of insomnia, softens the heart, and provides reassurance in times of emotional distress or economic woe. "It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so He giveth His beloved sleep" (Psalm 127:2).

Effective natural remedies for insomnia also include: avoiding caffeine, developing a ritual, consuming sleep-inducing foods and beverages, de-stressing, using aromatherapy, and setting the stage for a good night's rest. Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in chocolate, coffee and tea; but in order to catch some Zs, coffee and candy lovers should curtail consuming caffeine at least three hours prior to bedtime. During the day, insomniacs should also monitor the number of cups of coffee consumed. Habitually drinking several cups a day could lead to caffeine overload and contribute to chronic sleep deprivation. Individuals should also avoid drinking alcohol near or upon retiring. The dependency on alcoholic beverages or over-the-counter aids can lead to addiction, along with chronic health conditions, such as nervousness, irritability, nightmares, and an inability to naturally fall asleep.

Developing a ritual for nocturnal bliss should include unwinding from the day's activities by creating a distinct division between work and household chores and relaxation. Two to three hours before retiring, put away the papers, put the children to bed, and prepare for the next day. Lay out clothing, pack lunches, and put the car keys where they can be found. By completing tasks for the next morning in advance, individuals can mentally prepare to rest and bring closure to a busy evening. Insomniacs can prepare a perfect environment by de-cluttering the bedroom, rearranging furnishings, and adding new bedding or pillows. Low-cost, natural remedies for insomnia can be as simple as placing the bed on a wall furthest away from household noise, or buying new bedding with lots of plump pillows to burrow into for sweet dreams. Darkening a room also creates a cave-like environment conducive to dozing.

Consuming sleep-inducing foods and drinks, such as herbal teas, milk, or certain carbohydrates can also aid in alleviating sleeplessness. Milk contains the amino acid tryptophan, a natural aid; and some herbal teas and supplements are formulated to induce drowsiness. Other natural remedies for insomnia include aromatherapy and listening to special CDs which lull the body into nighttime oblivion. Health food stores and boutiques sell essential oils and candles, which may be placed on a bedside table to permeate the room with relaxing fragrances. Online shops and department stores offer music or MP3 players with recorded sounds of gentle waterfalls, tropical rainforests, or ocean waves.

Natural remedies for insomnia include setting the stage for a luxuriant evening of nocturnal bliss. Developing a pattern of nighttime pampering could include indulging in a bath with fragrant salts or oils. Insomniacs can create a spa retreat right at home for an atmosphere just right for a restful evening. Place aromatic candles along the bathtub filled with fragrant oils. Dim the lights, lock the door, and listen to soft music while unwinding. Former insomniacs will emerge rested and ready to sleep all night long without interruption. While everyone may have a different preference for falling asleep, the key is to not carry cares and worries of one day over into the next. Individuals should employ natural remedies for insomnia and discover how to release pressures, anxieties, and the frustrations of a twenty-four hour period, one moment at a time. Insomniacs should strive to restore balance, find closure, and learn how to conclude the work of the day to enjoy a peaceful and restful night.

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