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Menopause Causing Weight Loss

Menopause causing weight gain is a fact that most women between the ages of thirty-five to fifty-five will have to deal with, though there is a debate surrounding the exact reasons that women tend the add pounds during the perimenopausal years. Any one woman who is within this age range can testify of the difficulties in maintaining her girlish figure or at least the challenges with losing those few pounds that seem to have come from nowhere. But, regardless of why it happens, the woman's body goes through major changes as the ovaries begin to make less estrogen and begin the process of deterioration, and one of the many results is weight gain. It is important to note that there is a small percentage of women who may experience menopause causing weight loss due to some of the side effects associated with the change of life, but for most women the opposite is true and these women are looking for answers that can help them not only look great, but feel good and energetic, as well.

There are many psychological and physical issues involved with the bodily changes that are happening during perimenopause. Menopause causing weight loss is rare, but there are women who have struggles with excessive bleeding, discomfort, and insomnia, the stress can lead to a loss of appetite or poor diet habits. But, most women in the age range of thirty-five to fifty-five will actually put on between ten and fifteen pounds, as their bodies begin the process of slowing estrogen production and making it from alternative sources. There are many debates surrounding the discussion of the exact reasons for menopause causing weight gain during this significant physical event, and women who seeking answers will find that being equipped with information may give them the motivation to keep their bodies in physical shape, but may also learn to live with a new, but fuller body.

Research involving women who are in the prime perimenopausal age group is showing that as the ovaries begin to decrease in their production of estrogen, fat cells begin to increase their levels of estrogen, though there will still be a significant loss in over-all production. This may be one reason that the body begins to lose muscle and increase in fat. Other reasons for menopause causing weight gain have been cited as thyroid changes, as metabolism decreases. When there are changes in the body's composition, the metabolism adjusts, so with less muscle, the body burns fewer calories. And, there does seem to be an increase in food intake as women settle into family routines, except for those who are under extreme stress and may experience menopause causing weight loss.

The changes happening with the body will change the shape of the body regardless of whether there is menopause causing weight loss, or the much more likely weight gain. As the woman's traditional pear-shape evolves into the classic apple shape, the woman will begin to notice less muscle tone in the abdominal area. Some doctors explain this menopause causing weight gain problem as a result of fat storage. The decreased amount of estrogen sends signals to the brain to store fat in alternative areas, decreasing storage in the hips and increasing storage in the tummy. The challenge that women face in trying to stay healthy and avoid the bulge in the middle is to decrease caloric intake, because the body no longer needs the same amount to function, and increase exercise, specifically programs that address the problem areas.

Keeping a good and healthy spiritual perspective will be important when adjusting to the new look that comes with growing older. The last chapter in the book of Proverbs is devoted to the description of a virtuous and beautiful woman. Although the passage never describes the physical beauty of the woman, we are told that she dresses in lovely clothing, is considered as dignified, and that she cares very deeply for her family and also for those who are less fortunate. It's wise to seek to obtain the virtues that God finds important, and not necessarily what billboards and magazines try to sell us. "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies." (Proverbs 31:10)

The best defense against menopause causing weight gain during perimenopause is to get involved with a health program. Eating right and eating less can go along way in maintaining a fit figure and a healthy body. Also, exercise is important to the body, as it tones muscles, keeps bones strong, and increases mental stimulations. Women who are experiencing some of the signs associated with the change of life will want to get help in addressing these symptoms and also begin to consider an over-all health plan that includes diet changes and an increase in activity levels. Speak with doctors before making in drastic changes and be sure to follow medical care instructions carefully.

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