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Hysterectomy Surgery Complications

Hysterectomy surgery complications are extremely serious and long lasting. Approximately 90% of all related surgeries are performed without real need. Most women are advised to get a hysterectomy in order to lessen the effects of other problems, but in fact the result may increase problems in other areas. Although the individual side effects of a hysterectomy is unknown until after the surgery, other options should be given serious consideration before a final decision is made. Many simple changes in diet, exercise, and serious lifestyle changes can offer dramatic relief in menopausal reactions. If a person does come to the conclusion of having surgery, much consideration should be given to the type and way in which it is performed before even choosing a surgeon.

There are only two reasons a woman should undergo this type of surgical procedure: Cancer and complications with childbirth. Some women are advised to take the risk of hysterectomy surgery complications in order to solve problems with sexual performance, mental awareness, and obesity. Although the big female change may bring some unpleasant changes, it is not the only reason for unwanted physical and mental changes. Understanding the actual procedure will aid in gaining full understanding of the seriousness of the surgery. A hysterectomy is the removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes by way of peeling the ovaries away from the cervix. Infection and prolepses are the most serious side effects of a hysterectomy. Infections can occur on the cervix and even effect other organs creating the environment for many other problems including cancer in other areas of the body due to the lowering of immune system functions opening the doors for cancerous cells to overpower healthy cells. "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man." (Genesis 2:23)

Three types of surgical procedures are available: vaginal, abdominal, and laparoscopic. These types are strictly ways to perform a variety of levels in which the female body is altered in order to attain optimal body function. Oophorectomy or ovariectomy is the name given to complete removal of the ovaries. Salpingo-oophorectomy is when the ovaries and the fallopian tubes are both completely removed. Either type of procedure will result in either positive or negative side effects of a hysterectomy. Ideally the positive will outweigh the negative. Both complete and partial surgery will result in hormonal changes, which will affect the way in which a woman responds sexually, physically, and mentally. In some cases only part of the ovaries are taken depending on the situation. Likewise, sometimes more than the ovaries and fallopian tubes are taken especially in the case of aggressive cancer.

Extreme experiences with PMS, weight gain, memory loss, fibroids, endometriosis, irritability, and tender or lumpy breasts could all be signs of pre-menopause if a woman is between the ages of 30 and 50. Action should be taken if these symptoms occur, but surgery is not the only option. Progesterone supplementation is a natural alternative to risking hysterectomy surgery complications, but may not offer help for cancer patients. In addition, changes in diet to include as many fresh fruits and vegetables may offer the needed change within the body to created noticeable changes possible solving the problems previously believed only to be solved by invasive surgery. In addition, realization that the human body changes with age, adequate adjustments in lifestyle are required in order for the body to achieve optimal possible performance. This is not to say that a woman can expect life in her 50s to be the same as life in her 20s based on responsible changes in diet and exercise, but rather the best the body can perform at. Progesterone supplementation may offer relief or prevention of thyroid imbalance, cramping, irregular menstrual flow, bloating, depression, irritability, migraines, hot flashes, and vaginal dryness. Although these symptoms are not solely caused by perimenopause, little or no risk is taken by short-term consumption. More major problems that progesterone supplementation can solve include: infertility, incontinence, endometriosis, osteoporosis, low sex drive, chances of breast cancer, and endometrial cancer. Each woman and her situation are different, therefore through research and discussion with a qualified doctor will aid her in the most appropriate personal decision.

If surgery is necessary, options for how the procedure is executed need to likewise be carefully considered. Abdominal incisions can offer a less invasive option as well as create the opportunity for laparoscopic devices to be used. Laparoscopic devices are small cameras inserted to the area surgery will be performed in order to give the doctor a better view. This lessens the instance of mistake and offers the opportunity for the surgeon to identify other problems if they exist. Hysterectomy surgery complications are lessened using the technology, which includes problems during surgery as well as problems encountered even years after. The surgical procedure itself can be accomplished through the abdomen or the vagina. Both offer their share of problems, however it is uncertain whether one is safer than the other due to the lack of adequate statistics. Common side effects of a hysterectomy include hot flashes, fatigue, insomnia, depression, urinary problems, weight gain, headaches, and general irritability. These are just some of the problems that could occur, but only a personal analysis of previous health and current problems will determine the most accurate problems to be concerned about. However, even with the best research and preparation, a woman is vulnerable to any or all of the hysterectomy surgery complications.

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