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Cholesterol Diet Plan

Foods that reduce cholesterol are important to include in anyone's diet as part of a daily regimen for better health. In the case of one's health, change can be a good thing. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8) Although Christ doesn't change, humans always do. A change in lifestyle to a healthier way of living can mean a second chance at life. A cholesterol diet plan can be found among many online sources addressing the important issue of cholesterol control. Most people aren't even aware of where this lipid originates and are unfamiliar with the steps to reduce its effects on the body. Too much can cause plaque to build up in arteries and eventually restrict the blood flow throughout the body. When the restriction becomes severe, a heart attack or stroke can result.

Cleansing the arteries of plaque is an important result of eating foods that reduce cholesterol. Oatmeal is one such food which has undergone up to 40 scientific studies and been found to help reduce this lipid in the body when added to a healthier lifestyle. It is now proven that overall levels can be reduced by eating approximately one and one half cups of cooked oatmeal a day, which is equivalent to about 3/4 cups uncooked oatmeal. For people who don't like plain oatmeal, they can look for fruit flavored instant oatmeal or combine plain with fresh fruit or raisins.

Scientists are not sure how adding oatmeal to a cholesterol diet plan lowers a person's lipid level. Dietitians and doctors hypothesized that the existing fiber in the oats passes through the intestine and causes cholesterol to adhere to the fiber. The fat is then washed from the intestines and removed from the body. However, no matter how this lipid does this, oatmeal remains one of the top dishes for reduction. It is easy to add to your present menu by eating the breakfast cereal, sprinkling oat bran as a topping on other foods, making lots of oatmeal cookies and adding as much oats to any recipe as possible.

Since the source of cholesterol resides in animals, the most important foods to eliminate are those that have large amounts of fat. Meats such as beef and pork as well products of animals such as cheese are high in this lipid. Fatty foods that are fried in animal fat also have high amounts adding to the overall high intake for any given meal. Many people are also unaware of the fact that the human body itself manufactures its own cholesterol as well.

A genetic predisposition for a high level can account for one person having a higher level with well-maintained healthy eating habits, while another person may eat fried foods and red meat all the time and maintain a low level. A person that is genetically predisposed for high cholesterol will need to implement a multiple attack by adding healthier snacks and meals to a healthier lifestyle. They will also need to add daily exercise and perhaps other vitamins, minerals, supplements or medicines.

Many people are quite health conscious and prefer to attempt to lower their level through other avenues rather than drugs. There are some supplements as well which have been touted to lower levels such as red yeast rice. Found in health food stores around the country, red yeast rice is a powder that can be added to a cholesterol diet plan. Studies have found that this rice lowers some user's levels as much as 40% and some consumers add it daily to their other foods that reduce cholesterol. Moderately priced, red yeast rice is very popular among health food enthusiasts who want to add an alternative to drugs to their healthier eating habits.

In a cholesterol diet plan, foods like red yeast rice and oatmeal can also be used in conjunction with replacing high fat foods with meats such as turkey, chicken and fish. One of the other important foods to replace is processed sugar. Processed sugar has been proven to elevate the level and choosing other sweeteners such as a natural sweetener can be very helpful. Stevia is one of the popular natural sweeteners that is derived from a plant rather than sugar cane. It is not processed chemically and can be used for cooking as well.

Healthy eating and exercise can reduce the risk for heart disease that is associated with high levels of cholesterol. Adding healthier snacks and meals can also be part of a healthy, preventive diet for adults and children. A healthier snack and meal schedule can actually be a normal pattern of eating for the whole family. Family members should work together in the household to maintain a healthier lifestyle. Replacing movies with bike rides and potato chips with foods that reduce cholesterol are simple ways to ensure a longer, healthier life.

Foods High In Cholesterol

Foods high in cholesterol may contribute to health risks associated with heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and stroke. Some foods contain large amounts of a waxy substance called cholesterol. This substance is produced within the body, by the liver, usually in substantial amounts. If an individual has been diagnosed with high cholesterol their physician will probably ask them to make dietary changes by encouraging them to eat foods to lower cholesterol. Make a grocery list with healthy choices and do some research online for recipes that will give some assistance on ways to cook these items.

Some individuals have an inherited tendency towards developing high cholesterol. These individuals may require prescription medication to provide the benefit needed in lowering blood count levels. Physicians usually prescribe medication to individuals with extreme blood count levels as well as suggest dietary changes and eating foods to lower cholesterol. It will greatly depend upon the weight of the individual and other health concerns as to the extent of the treatment.

To minimize risk factors associate with high cholesterol it is important to evaluate eating habits and make appropriate changes in diet and eliminate foods high in cholesterol. It's is a good idea to get a checkup with a physician at least once a year to check blood count levels since there aren't usually any symptoms associated with it. Since increased levels are associated with major health issues such as heart disease, and stroke it is wise to keep the numbers under control. Lab tests for blood levels will indicate a total count, LDL, HDL, and total triglycerides. The LDL count shows the bad levels in the blood and an HDL counts shows the good levels in the blood. Triglycerides are another form of fat found in the blood that can give indications of a predisposition to diabetes and heart disease as well. Total blood level numbers over 200mg/dL are borderline high and over 240mg/dL are considered high.

Some contributing factors of high cholesterol include diet, weight, and physical activity; these are changeable and should be altered appropriately. Other contributing factors include age, gender, and heredity; these are uncontrollable and unalterable. Factors that may aggravate and magnify the situation include smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, and eating foods high in cholesterol. Avoid dairy items such as butter, cheese, ice cream, and whole milk, as well as, liver and other organ meats, egg yolks, and fried foods. Choose snacks wisely because many choices may contain large amounts of fat and sugar. Food from the earth is inevitably the best choice. "He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth" (Psalm 104:14).

Add some healthy choices to a diet by eating foods to lower cholesterol. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables of all kinds but especially those high in fiber. Some of these are apples, carrots, dried beans and peas, oats, and barley. Flaxseed oil is also highly recommended for lowering blood count levels since it has increased fiber and provides protein, potassium, and beta-carotene. Flaxseed oil can be purchased at a health or vitamin store and should be kept refrigerated to prevent spoilage. It is also recommended for use in baked items such as quick breads, muffins, and pancakes or in salads.

Eating garlic and onions is beneficial to health and included in foods to lower cholesterol. Add spice to any dish by adding garlic and onions; doing so will provide health benefits and enhance flavor to a meal. Substitute soy products for high-fat dairy products to provide health benefits by lowering blood count levels and providing protein. Instead of eating snack foods high in cholesterol choose grapes and oranges that help to raise the HDL levels and provide added fiber to the diet.

Many sites online offer tips on many different types of foods choices as well as recipes. They also provide helpful information on foods to lower cholesterol and the content within many different items. When shopping for items at the grocery store pay attention to dietary labels on items. Look for items that are low in saturated fat but high in monounsaturated fat such as olive and canola oil. Pasta, potatoes, and rice are good sources of vitamins and minerals; during preparation don't add butter, whole milk, or rich sauces to them or they become foods high in cholesterol.

Exercise provides health benefits in many ways. Taking off those few extra pounds might make a big difference on blood count levels and the quality of life. Take a walk everyday or go to the local gym and workout. Hire a personal trainer to help with support and advice on how to avoid injury when exercising. Exercise even in moderation helps with energy levels and depression. Checking with one's doctor before beginning an exercise program is a good idea, especially if there are other health concerns.

Free List Of Low Cholesterol Foods

A Free list of low cholesterol foods is available on the Internet along with valuable information on how to have success in lowering cholesterol through diet and exercise. Helpful sites online provide free menus for high cholesterol diets with cooking tips on how to substitute high-fat foods with healthy choices. Popular sites feature recipes along with tips on how to prepare foods so they will benefit those who indulge. God's word provided instructions to the children of Israel on eating healthy. Some people believe that it doesn't matter what is ingested, but studies have proven that diet and exercise make a difference to the quality of one's life. Consider these things carefully and give thoughts to living a healthier lifestyle, it is worth trying. "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth" (3 John 1:2).

The healthiest way to prepare meat is by broiling, baking, grilling, or roasting. Don't allow the meat to remain in its own juice but use a rack to drain fat. Remove fat from the drippings before making gravy by placing in the refrigerator, this causes the fat to harden and can be removed from the top. Another choice for gravy is purchasing prepared gravy in a jar or can that is labeled low fat; be sure and check the label for additional information on the ingredients to keep choices as healthy as possible. For further assistance access free menus for high cholesterol diets online and read tips on preparing meat.

There is information on the Internet that will help to educate individuals on eating properly. Find out that food originating from animals contains the culprit, cholesterol, while plant foods do not. Keep this in mind when shopping for healthier items at the grocery store. Culprit foods include milk, cheese, meat, poultry, and eggs. Plant foods include fruits, nuts, veggies, and oatmeal or whole grains. The two most concentrated foods containing cholesterol are liver and eggs. A free list of low cholesterol foods will contain more detailed information on specific items and is available online.

Reducing cholesterol is possible through diet and exercise but some people find it difficult to make lifestyle changes. Some old habits may be hard to break, but when one's health is affected it is worth the effort. Learn how to prepare foods for health benefits by accessing free menus for high cholesterol diets online, helping to make lifestyle changes a little easier. A variety of recipes are bound to appeal to one's culinary tastes. Many sites recommend foods high in fiber such as 5 servings per day of fruits and vegetables. Dried beans or peas help to lower LDL counts and provide additional health benefits. Oat bran can be added to various types of dishes to provide some health benefits. Find some tasty recipes online that include oat bran such as muffin recipes. Muffins are easy to prepare and provide a snack between meals.

To replace high-fat content in baked items use applesauce, apple butter, mashed bananas, or nonfat dairy products such as yogurt or skim milk. When a recipe calls for eggs use only the white of the egg, the yolk contains high amounts of cholesterol. Additional changes that will reduce sugar and fat in baked goods is to reduce the sugar and use low-fat or light butter. When concerned with the taste add some healthy additions to the recipe. Adding nuts or fruit will add flavor and fiber as well. Adding fiber is especially beneficial to individuals with high blood count levels. Consider using extracts in place of salt when baking. Free menus for high cholesterol diets provide valuable information that can further enhance baked items.

There are many factors that might affect cholesterol levels and some of these are: food choices, level of physical activity, heredity, weight, gender and age, how much alcohol and tobacco is consumed, and stress level. For individuals diagnosed with high blood count levels, make changes whenever possible by altering food choices, increasing physical activity, limit alcohol and smoking, and shedding access pounds. There is helpful information online that includes free list of low cholesterol foods and tips on how to begin an exercise program. If it is needed a physician may also prescribe medication that will further aid the body in lowering blood count levels. Some of the newer drugs on the market have been showing promising results.

Left untreated high cholesterol blood count levels might lead to severe health conditions. Some of the severe health conditions that can result include diabetes, heart attack, and stroke. Take out some time to do a search online for free list of low cholesterol foods and start doing something positive that can absolutely change life for the better. Ask God to provide strength and guidance and courage to change the negative to positive.

Free Low Cholesterol Diets

Free low cholesterol diets are available on line at several different websites along with other helpful information for anyone concerned about the levels of cholesterol in their system, and wondering what do to about that. Scientists have determined the appropriate levels of cholesterol that should be in one's system to ensure good health, and nutritionists have provided a list of the foods that will keep those levels where they should be. Five servings a day of fruits and vegetables will provide soluble fiber and result in a drop in the LDL, or bad cholesterol. A serving is 1/2 cup. All of the dried beans or legumes also provide soluble fiber, and it is recommended that one serving of meat a day be replaced by a serving of beans.

Studies have also shown that nuts help lower cholesterol and inhibit its absorption, so nuts will be part of all free low cholesterol diets. Small amounts of nuts should be eaten though, because they are high in calories. Oats are another source of soluble fiber, so cooked oatmeal or dry oat cereals are helpful. Several oils are good for cooking, and they are: Olive, canola, peanut, corn and soy oils. Fish, as a meat substitute, is also good for lowering those numbers. Although someone might feel cheated with this limited list of foods, remember what the crowd had to eat that day when they were listening to Jesus teach all afternoon. "When I broke the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? They say unto him, Twelve." (Mark 8:19)

Anyone who has been watching TV lately knows that high levels aren't only caused by diet. Family history is important too, and when there is a family tendency toward high levels, diet along may not be enough to bring the numbers down to acceptable levels. That's when the doctor may prescribe one of the medicines that have been developed to bring those numbers down. Taking the pills along with a conscientious diet will bring the count down for patients who are struggling with diet alone.

There are free low cholesterol recipes on some of the websites concerning this problem, and certainly a person can try those, but generally speaking common sense will be enough when the list of approved foods is consulted. Using the permitted cooking oils mentioned above, even fried foods are permitted once in a while (too often will add too many calories). There are cookbooks one can buy to find tasty recipes too, so it really isn't too complicated to figure out how to prepare meals that will help keep the arteries free of blockage.

The reason for all of this attention to one factor in people's overall health is that congested arteries lead to heart attacks and strokes. There isn't a part of the body that is more vital than the heart, so everyone needs to do everything possible to prevent cardiovascular problems. The path too good health is very clearly marked in this instance, so a person can make up free low cholesterol recipes from the safe ingredients and look forward to a long and healthy life. It is certainly worth the effort, whatever it takes, and free low cholesterol diets make it easy.

When a person is searching around for free low cholesterol diets on the Internet, there are some common mistakes to be avoided: A person should not (1) trade one source of cholesterol for another; (2) cut back too much on total fat; (3) give up too soon on a diet; (4) quit the diet after being put on medication; (5) take supplements instead of changing foods in diet; (6) follow high fat, low carbohydrate diets; and (7) fail to get professional help with the diet. There are other things that go along with the recommended dietary changes to one's lifestyle. Exercise is a very important element of healthy living, and that is very much a part of the plan for lowering the cholesterol numbers to safe levels. Exercise helps to get rid of all kinds of poisons from the system, and keeps the muscles from becoming weak from too little use. Walking every day, or riding a bike, or swimming are good, but so is playing tennis or golf. Anything that will keep the body moving is recommended along with the free low cholesterol recipes.

There are several websites that offer free low cholesterol diets, and at least one of them actually tailors a diet to the individual by asking for a health profile. Most, however, just offer free low cholesterol recipes for anyone to copy and use. There are also a surprisingly large number of cookbooks available for sale online that are written exclusively to address this problem. If someone doesn't mind spending a few bucks to buy one of them, it might include a larger variety of recipes available for the person who really likes to cook.

Healthy Cholesterol Levels

Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels could be just the ammunition to ward off heart attacks and win the battle of the bulge. As people age, putting on a few pounds and slowing down are to be expected; but when excessive weight gain and lack of activity lead to cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary failure, strokes, and peripheral arterial blockage; it's time to take a good look at controlling the factors that jeopardize overall health. A fatty substance resembling tallow, cholesterol is manufactured in the liver and found in certain protein foods, such as meats, cheese, whole milk, and eggs. While the body relies on healthy cholesterol levels to aid in digestion and to produce nutrients for cell building, liver function, and metabolism; chronic imbalances can be problematic. High-density cholesterol (HDL) is considered good, while low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is considered bad. A proper balance between high-density and low-density lipoproteins promotes healthy digestion and keeps blood flowing to the heart, lungs, brain, and outer extremities.

Monitoring and striving to attain healthy cholesterol levels is one thing adults can do at any age to help prevent atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. A leading cause of death, hardening of the arteries is caused by a buildup of plaque in the blood. Plaque is made up of bad cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein (LDL); discarded cells, and insoluble fats which adhere to arterial walls. Over a number of years, plaque buildup, especially LDL, penetrates the smooth lining of arteries and blood vessels, causing blockages and blood clots. A blockage can cut off circulation of blood to the heart, the lungs, or the brain, causing coronary artery disease; angina; heart attacks; pulmonary embolism; carotid artery disease; strokes; or even death. Low-density lipoprotein is smaller than high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and more likely to penetrate the smooth lining of the arterial wall. HDL, or good cholesterol, acts like little brushes, purging the interior walls of bad cholesterol and destroying buildup. Similarly, the blood of Jesus purges the mind from the harmful effects of sin. "How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?" (Hebrews 9:14). HDL is like a drain cleaner; and the more high-density lipoproteins adults consume, the easier it is to avoid cardiovascular diseases that plague a lot of older men and women.

Most people are unaware that they are victims of atherosclerosis until symptoms such as chest pain, numbness in the feet and legs, chronic fatigue, breathlessness, or an inability to heal become evident. Two decades ago, there was very little information on healthy cholesterol levels; but physicians and researchers have made significant headway in identifying people who are at greater risk of chronic health problems associated with excessive LDL. Adults who smoke, have high blood pressure, diabetes,or are overweight and have a high degree of bad cholesterol are most at risk of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and peripheral arterial disease. People with dangerous levels may be placed on medication to prevent blockages from forming or blood thinners to increase flow to the hearts, lungs, brain and extremities.

When individuals visit a doctor and present symptoms of atherosclerosis, they will be asked to submit to a simple blood test, which measures the amount of good and bad cholesterol. Some tests are conducted after individuals have fasted, at least overnight; while others may be non-fasting. Levels are computed by measuring both high-density and low-density lipoproteins, along with triglycerides, another kind of fat transported by LDL. Alcohol, sugars, or calories that are not burned off are converted into triglycerides and stored in the body's fat cells. Healthy cholesterol levels should fall below 200; however measurements between 200 and 239 are considered moderately high. Readings of 240 and up are considered extremely high; and doctors recommend taking some major steps to bring the numbers down. High levels are not dependent upon a person's weight. Someone can be relatively thin; however routinely consuming high-fat, high-cholesterol, artery-clogging foods can contribute to plaque buildup. Evidence of atherosclerosis can be found in robust 20-year-olds just as well as 75-year-old senior adults.

In order to achieve healthy cholesterol levels, adults at any age should adapt and adhere to a good diet plan, which eliminates low-density lipoproteins, such as red meat and other animal proteins, sweets, white flour, and processed foods. Adding two to three servings of omega-3 fish, such as salmon, tuna, or sardines, can boost the immune system, increase healthy cholesterol levels, and cut plaque. Diets rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, high in fiber, and low in salt and sugar are good fuel sources and provide nutrients chock full of HDL. Reports also indicate that consuming oatmeal on a daily basis over a period of three to six months lowers low-density lipoprotein levels. In addition to a diet free of artery-blocking cholesterol, people should also try to incorporate lifestyle changes which support good health. "Couch potatoes" and sedentary older adults should try to engage in physical activity to improve circulation and prevent plaque buildup. Adding just 15 to 30 minutes of exercise into a daily routine can prove beneficial in jumpstarting a sluggish metabolism and boosting energy levels. Walking, cycling, hiking, dancing, or jogging help keep the blood circulating and avoid blockages. Doctors, nutritionists, and health food gurus may be able to recommend supplements to aid in lowering levels.

Many educational institutions, nursing homes, and hospital cafeterias have adopted heart-healthy menus to provide individuals access to foods that promote optimum health. Grade schools routinely serve low-fat entrees, waist-trimming salads, and fresh fruit to students in an effort to stem juvenile obesity and diabetes, and encourage teens to achieve and maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Regular exercise programs and competitive sports, such as gymnastics, interpretive dance, tennis, basketball, football and field hockey serve to prevent future generations from suffering hardening of cardiovascular disease and chronic health conditions that decrease the quality of life.

Adult ADHD Alternative Treatments

from job to job, or perhaps it has to do with poor work performance and the person find himself fired because of failure to follow directions, rules or skill set failures. Those with adult AD/HD get more speeding tickets, have more crashes, use illegal drugs more often and smoke more frequently than those who do not have the disorder. And with the failure with relationships at work also come a higher incident of divorce and re-marriage than the general adult population.

The initial process of receiving adult adhd alternative treatments comes when a sufferer is either diagnosed for the first time or rediagnosed from childhood. AD/HD never has an adult onset, it is present from childhood. The disorder may have had little effect on the patient as a child, or perhaps he or she was on medicine for it earlier in life but didn't like the side effects and discontinued use for a number of years. The usual place for a person over eighteen to start such a process of being evaluated might start with a routine visit to a counselor or a minister or maybe even a work foreman, who can then point to a licensed and qualified professional. Often a family therapist is recommended, sometime a psychiatrist or psychologist, but the health care professional who does the evaluation will need to be someone who has experience in dealing with adult adhd alternative treatments.

Since adult AD/HD is often difficult to diagnose, the healthcare professional will often try and obtain school records to see if childhood AD/HD was diagnosed. If the person over eighteen is still fairly young, the parents may be interviewed to see if there were any hints about AD/HD in the patient's childhood. No matter if the AD/HD was wildly prominent in childhood or not, a person over eighteen who has the disorder will sooner or later recognize that life is probably not going as well as it could. Experts in adult AD/HD suggest that the sufferers of this disorder typically admit with ease their inabilities to cope with certain issues such as relationships as well as the tendency to make poor decisions. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3: 5, 6)

The first line of therapy for an older person with AD/HD may be the same as with the child. Medication is thought to be the best approach for the child and while adult adhd alternative treatments are usually explored in depth, the first treatment considered for the person over eighteen will still be drugs. Because stimulant medications appear to work most effectively for children with this disorder, adults will also be considered good candidates. Medication that affects two neurotransmitters, norepenephrine and dopamine seems to be quite helpful for AD/HD patients. But beyond medications, there are adult adhd alternative treatments that may not be as helpful in children.

Psychotherapy is one of the flagships of adult therapy for AD/HD sufferers. This approach to counseling is really based on helping the patient understand that the thoughts he has cause him to feel the way he does. This therapy attempts to help the client to see that other people and circumstances don't cause feelings and behaviors, and it is an attempt to help people take responsibility of their own actions, not blaming others for destructive behavior. One of the things that the psychoanalyst will address is the impulsiveness of the adult AD/HD sufferer. But the one over eighteen may resent or at least miss the opportunity to act without thinking first. The psychoanalyst will explore with the over eighteen person about the ramifications of adopting the new behavior as well as those if it is not. But there are other adult adhd alternative treatments that include educational efforts.

A life coach can often help an adult with AD/HD to organize everyday tasks that would not normally be performed such as using visual aids around the house to remember to pay bills, take out the trash, buy certain needed grocery items and many other day to day decisions. Since adult adhd alternative treatments are meant to help a person organize themselves in a concise manner, there will be special places to put keys, important papers and bills. It is important that the person with this disorder be able to achieve and experience daily successes in order to spur him on regular habits that will build on success on top of another. The agencies that are proactive in helping find the human resources for life coaching will also be able to provide other reading and adult adhd alternative treatments for a lifetime of success. More than anything, those adults who suffer this malady must stay on their medication and continue to recognize their worth and value, especially embracing the fact that they are intelligent and can overcome this obstacle if they sustain the will to do so. Both children and adults of suffer with AD/HD have some unique personality characteristics that so many other do not have and those are a great deal of energy, great personal warmth towards others and an enthusiasm to try the impossible.

ADHD Natural Remedies

ent, learning disabilities, difficulty concentrating or paying attention in school, a very short attention span, a tendency to interrupt frequently or to talk incessantly, forgetfulness, and difficulty with organizational tasks. Individuals who exhibit these symptoms will usually have trouble dealing with outside stimulation. Normally, the human brain can handle and coordinate external stimulus. But for anyone who struggles with an attention deficit disorder, the brain does not seem to be able to efficiently process this information. Examples of external stimulus could include stimulation that comes from sounds, visual input, or feelings and emotions.

Concerns over the use of prescription drugs to treat these problems may cause some parents to seek out ADHD natural remedies. Certain diets have been suggested in the treatment of these disorders. Some parents believe that putting a limitation on the amount of sugar that a child consumes may be helpful. While limiting sugar is generally regarded as a healthy step for anyone, there is no proof that simply cutting back on sugar will eliminate attention deficit related symptoms. However, sugar can counteract the efficacy of certain drugs that are prescribed to treat ADD.

Behavioral difficulties and food allergies may have a connection and avoiding certain foods can provide ADHD natural remedies. Allergies to some chemicals that are found in certain foods may be a contributing factor. Such sensitivities might include some artificial food colorings with red, yellow or green being the most frequent offenders. Chemical additives such as BHA or BHT can be problematic as well. Many patients exhibit a sensitivity to foods that contain chocolate, eggs, milk, or wheat. A number of strange diets have been purported to be effective ADHD natural remedies. Strict diets of turkey, pears, lettuce, and rice seemed to offer improvements in behavior, but many families have a hard time persuading a child to stick to such limited dietary options. Diets that are free of additives and salicylates may be helpful, but have not been proven to supply a full and complete solution to all behavioral problems. Of course, avoiding artificial colors and flavoring in favor of foods that are organic and fresh is always a positive step. While such diets may show improvements, some physicians feel that children who respond to such dietary changes may not have actually suffered from a true attention deficit disorder.

Many families seek out ADHD natural remedies out of concern over the possible side effects of prescribed medications. Commonly prescribed medications could sometimes carry certain side effects that many parents would prefer to avoid. Some patients may exhibit nervousness, restlessness, tremors or anxiety while taking these drugs. Others have reported headaches, sleeplessness, constipation, and stomach pain. More serious complications can include nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions, an increase in blood pressure or even psychosis and hallucinations. Angina, changes in heart rhythms and pulse have also been reported. Physicians who prescribe these medications are generally attentive to these issues and will work with a patient to find the right drug and dosage that will meet a particular patient's needs. Of course, not all patients who take these medications will exhibit such symptoms, but many parents prefer to seek out alternative solutions and ADHD natural remedies out of a concern over the harmful potential that such side effects present. The Bible tells believers that there are rewards for those who have compassion for others and who reach out to help. "And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward." (Matthew 10:42)

Administering supplements and herbs are believed to provide viable ADHD natural remedies. There are certain omega 3 fatty acids that are needed for brain function. However, taking supplements of these oils has not been proven to enhance brain function or to offer hope to those who suffer from ADHD. Zinc supplements are another example of suggested non traditional treatments for attention deficit disorder. But not only is there no documentation of the efficacy of this approach, but there can be dangers associated with taking zinc supplements when a deficiency does not exist. The supplement has been reported to actually cause anemia in some patients. Neurofeedback therapy is a behavior modification treatment that is purported to help patients learn to focus and overcome attention deficit issues. During this therapy, electrodes are attached to the patient's head and brain waves are monitored. A computer screen will be used to visually reflect brain wave activity, alerting the patient to moments when they are able to concentrate fully. The hope is that the patient will be able to retrain the brain and learn to function more effectively. Other therapies using metronomes and music may also be helpful. For some children, simply learning to play a musical instrument can provide relief.

Certain herbs and supplements purport to be effective ADHD natural remedies. Melatonin is one example, but this supplement can cause an increase in seizures for some children who have preexisting neurological problems. Ginko is an herb that has few side effects, but can have dangerous interactions with other drugs. Ginseng, another popular herb, has been reported to be a factor in patients with low blood sugar. These remedies are not approved by the FDA. The help and advice of a physician is called for when considering any of these herbs or supplements as a solution to any kind of attention deficit disorder.

Adolescent Anger Management

ers and administrators over seemingly insignificant matters, and fights even between females are common place in school as well as those detailed on YouTube videos. Many parents are actually physically afraid of their children and seek as many opportunities as possible not to anger the children, even to the point of allowing self destructive behavior. Adolescents find themselves facing issues never before confronted in history, and the professionals who are tasked with adolescent anger management must have an intimate understanding of those issues.

The experts that work with young teens will remind us that adolescents are in the first of several hinge times in life. These hinge times are usually when the desire for independence from parents begins to develop as well as moving out for good, getting married and beginning a family and perhaps the empty nest years. And if we are all honest, adults don't always handle these hinge times well either. But for the pre and early teen, they are beginning to feel that parents are keeping them from self expression, they are learning how relationships work and don't work, and they are faced with wondering where and how they fit into the scheme of life. And more than ever before in history, these individuals are being told by the media that the definition of success is based on physical perfection and the possession of riches. The realization that flawless beauty for most is not attainable and money is not easy to come by provides a convenient platform for low self esteem, doubt and worry. All of these complicated issues are a resentment Petri dish and adolescent anger management is an important needed response for many teens.

Most adults will probably agree that their teen years are filled with memories of angry days. It is a natural part of growing and parents shouldn't come unglued at routine episodes. But experts who provide adolescent anger management list some signs that the ire is beyond the usual realm of teen expression. A young person, who begins to become openly defiant of requests by others, demeans parents and others who are in authority and may have actually put holes in walls and doors has a resentment problem beyond ordinary boundaries. Adolescent anger management is required for a teen that has uncontrollable fits of rage or may physically cruel to animals and initiates fights with others. But the other side of explosive anger is anger turned inward, which often is expressed in depression. A loner, who has trouble expressing emotions, is rarely talkative, having few friends and who may appear as a doormat until some final triggering event sets off violent behavior also needs adolescent anger management.

Before a parent puts a great deal of blame on the teen, the wise dad and mom will take the advice of the Bible. "And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonitions of the Lord." (Ephesians, 6:1) Now the verse is addressed to fathers, and it's true, dads are often the first to blow up with an unruly child, but in this culture moms and dads must both live the examined life. Do I do things such as being unreasonable or am I inconsistent in the way I treat my children are great questions to ask oneself. Many parents display undisciplined anger themselves and then wonder why their children do the same. Adolescent anger management, if handled correctly, will also help parents to look at their own anger issues and ways to display positive examples to their children.

Adolescent anger management classes or group therapy will cover the same basic issues no matter where the instruction is given. One of the most important issues to be tackled is helping a teen to get better at handling problems. Role playing and examining actually situations for constructive alternatives can help young people look at situations in ways not considered before. Giving them resources for finding answers to particular dilemmas can go a long way towards defusing an angry spirit. Teaching them to also understand what issues send them ballistic is also a key step in managing destructive behaviors. Adults are often able to recognize when they are entering choppy emotional waters and can either steer clear or identify anger triggers. Giving teens these same abilities are important for maintaining a more balanced emotional life.

A lot of people, both adults and teens will give the excuse that when someone pushes the right buttons they go crazy and there is nothing they can do about it. That excuse for an uncontrollable rage is symptomatic of American culture. Few of any people actually want to take personal responsibility for their actions. But in fact the heart and soul of cognitive therapy, an important part of anger management counseling, is grounded in getting the client to accept the fact that his emotions and reactions to those emotions are a decision. In many ways, that understanding of personal responsibility goes back to the training and upbringing received from parents. A parent who can admit wrong and ask for forgiveness from his or her children on a regular basis is a strong deterrent to an enraged and uncontrolled teen.

Adolescent Girl Depression

or teens will isolate many of these symptoms and make some answers apparent. Many symptoms are rooted in the more typical emotional responses for most people. This is a more pronounced emotional state that interferes in her productive living in some way. A feeling of hopelessness, despair, and sadness can plague any young person to the point that she cannot function normally day to day. She may not sleep well, may cry easily for no apparent reason and may shut out those around her.

A preoccupation with death displayed in her writings, music or clothing are obvious signs of emotional despair in many teens. In order to understand the symptomology, it is helpful to check with many online informational sources that offer depression quiz for teens and other helps. The causes can run the gamut of reasons including problems at home, relationship problems at school, abusive experiences, hormonal changes and personal losses through death to a family member. Other traumatic events can also trigger adolescent girl depression such as a family move from a comfortable environment, failure at a valued endeavor and rejection from peers.

Taking a quiz can help determine if there are typical factors that point toward adolescent girl depression in any teenage female. Typical signs are targeted in a depression quiz for teens such as personal isolation, lack of motivation, boredom, low self image, change in eating habits, lack of enjoyment in usual activities and sensitivity to rejection. In order to help a sufferer, extend understanding and a caring attitude toward the teenager. This may not always be accepted by a sufferer, but it opens the door to a teen that allows them to know they are not rejected.

Reaching these teens can be a complicated process and sometimes this may take the help of a professional to sort out the root causes and best resolution tactics. There are times when resolving some issue can lead to diminishment or complete disappearance. Issues such as family problems or group rejection through peers can be difficult because there are times when changes are not possible at the causal level. A strategy of personal resolution and management of the problems are generally the most helpful to sufferers.

Getting a girl to even admit she is having difficulties is helpful in using tools such as a casual depression quiz for teens that can be accessed through online sources. Many times this can provide an open line of discussion between parent and teen or professional counselor. Once there is an open line of communication, a plan for dealing with depression can be formed. Many problems with depression can be dealt with when a teen is open to a proper understanding of their standing with God. Realizing God's love, forgiveness and acceptance are major hurdles in receiving healing and direction for sufferers.

Many counseling websites offer online help as well as professional counselors that can personally guide a teen through the murky waters of despair. Taking notice of changes is important to see the first signs of any adolescent girl depression in order to extend help to the hurting youth. Those who experience extreme depression are candidates for suicide so it is necessary to take any signs seriously. "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear: but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7)

Even in cases of abuse or family difficulties, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will establish a connection with the Lord Who can heal, strengthen and direct through very difficult waters. The Bible offers answers to all of life's difficulties and when a sufferer chooses to turn to the Lord for help, there is hope beyond the typical situation. There are many online Christian counseling sources as well as ministries that specialize in adolescent girl depression. These sites can help determine the severity of the potential problem and offer many good solutions as well as preventative measures to take.

Alternative Therapies For Bipolar

oorly and giving in to a sedentary lifestyle can be difficult to change. Many physicians that treat with alternative sources recommend specific types of vitamins, herbs, and minerals to treat the anxiety or depression. Holistic counselors promote mental/spiritual wellness to enhance the treatments for the body. Some of the tools for therapy that are used by counselors include expressions that help to release deep emotional anxiety with art therapy, dance, music, and movement of the body to help the patient become more self-aware.

Massage therapy helps to relieve tension by kneading or rubbing a person's muscles. There are some massage therapists that use Biblical scriptures along with touch to help the patient experience the release of pent up emotions and worries. "And besought Him that they might only touch the hem of His garment: and as many as touched were made perfectly whole" (Matthew 14:36). Other therapists add music to the regimen to help the patient relax along with aromatic therapy that includes incense or candles that offer an aroma that is agreeable to the patient. Natural remedies for bipolar disorder may be a better method of healing for patients who don't tolerate prescription drugs well. Many people who try taking prescription drugs have difficulty with side effects and find that they are faced with either learning to live with the side effects in order to have some relief or decide not to take them at all. A nutritionist might recommend an herbal remedy as an alternative anti-depressant but it is important to make sure that herbal remedies are safe with prescription drugs that a patient is currently using.

Food allergies can cause mood swings in some patients. Alternative therapies for bipolar might involve the patient undergoing allergy tests or doing a self-evaluation on foods consumed. Paying attention to how the body reacts to certain foods may be helpful in determining a possible allergy. Eating too much sugar or caffeine can cause a person who doesn't tolerate them well to become nervous or irritable. Some foods such as chocolate or cheese can cause migraines in those who are susceptible. Foods that are culprits for allergies may include dairy products, peanuts, wheat, corn, chocolate, and shellfish. A wellness plan by a nutritionist will most likely result in observations about diet and lifestyle choices. Since each person has a body, a mind, and a spirit, a holistic physician will want to use therapy that addresses all three. The body and mind both need the proper nutrients and exercise to operate in a whole state. The spirit of a person needs nutrients of a different kind. Reading God's Word, participating in fellowship with other believers, and spending time in prayer all provide food for the spirit.

Hormonal changes should be considered when being diagnosed for manic-depression since they can cause mood swings and lethargy. Sometimes diagnoses are made for bipolar in adolescents due to hormone changes as well as women who are going through menopause, also the result of hormone changes. Natural remedies for bipolar disorder include nutrients that are related to mood swings. Some of those are B complex vitamins, folic acid, magnesium, calcium, manganese, and zinc. Having a deficiency in vital nutrients can produce symptoms in some people that are related to mania such as, anxiety, depression, irritability, and fatigue. Deficiencies in thiamine can produce symptoms that mimic bipolar disorder such as, insomnia, restlessness, memory loss, aggression, mood swings, and appetite changes. It might be helpful to do some research and then talk to a professional before starting alternative therapies for bipolar.

Genetic causes for depression or mental illness may be related to biochemical causes such as low serotonin levels in the brain. Close family members may suffer with the same types of mental illnesses. Alternative therapies for bipolar involve the use of natural substances by changing diet and making lifestyle changes. Lifestyle changes often include getting plenty of rest, eating a balanced diet, avoiding stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco, physical exercise, and relaxation activities. Read a good book or go see a good movie, take a walk, or listen to music, doing activities that help the body and mind relax are recommended. Don't neglect fellowship with other believers, practice thanksgiving, and meditate on God's Word. Other suggestions for coping well include keeping a journal, or keeping company with others who have a positive attitude. Natural remedies for bipolar disorder try to treat the root of the illness with sources that do not involve chemicals. To help a nutritionists pinpoint the missing nutrients in one's diet it is recommended that a food journal be kept for a month. Doing this will help the nutritionists in recommending natural substances for treatment.

Alternative Treatments For Depression

treatments, but it is important to buy quality herbs and vitamins from a good health food or vitamin store. Vitamin B complex for depression has shown favorable results regarding treatments for the mind and body. Natural treatments are better than unnatural treatments. Studies have shown that prescription drug use stresses the liver. Some drugs also affect other body organs unfavorably. Though sometimes prescription drug use is necessary, it is wise to seek out alternative approaches when possible.

Natural alternative treatments for depression along with natural anxiety treatments, are all key approaches to treating depression. Using elements of natural healing and nutrition treat the root problems in the body instead of just treating the symptoms. Alternative approaches show that the mind and body work in connection. Restorative sleep is another method used for alternative treatments. A vitamin b complex for depression might be a consideration towards finding successful treatments to help a person sleep well. Why use unnatural substances for feeling down when there are many alternative treatments for depression are available? Each person is different and may respond better to some methods than with others. Studies have shown that these treatments usually affect the nervous system by providing a calming affect to the body and mind. An affect alternative treatment is to medicate on Bible scriptures when a person is feeling down. God's word says, "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6) Learn more about God's Word with Bible resources such as a concordance or Bible dictionary.

Imbalances in the body might contribute to depressed behavior. Improper metabolism of fats and oils may have an affect on depressed people. Omega 3 class substances are very good for the body and mind. Hormone imbalances may contribute to feeling sad. Alternative treatments for depression use functional therapy for anxiety, depression, and stress. The idea is to treat the mind and body connection with a natural approach. Some approaches suggest starting with detoxification as well as food allergy elimination. An anti-inflammatory diet may prove to be effective as well as taking a vitamin b complex for depression. Some anti-inflammatory diets include eliminating dairy from the diet. Minerals and vitamins that have shown success in dealing with stress related symptoms are magnesium, zinc, vitamin B-12, B-6, and folic acid. Vitamin B complex is an alternative method that contributes to calming the mind and body. Herbal remedies that have shown success are St. John's Wart, Kava, and Ginseng.

It is important to get plenty of exercise and restorative sleep. Learning relaxation techniques can benefit the mind and body connection through taking moments out of the day for brief periods of rest. Often we take for granted the workings of our bodies when they are working properly. As we age or illness becomes prevalent, it is necessary to regroup and listen to our bodies. Even with the foods we choose to eat, our bodies will exhibit signs that may tell us what we are eating and drinking isn't agreeing with the body. Take the time to listen to your body and start taking better care of yourself. Participate in an exercise regime at least 3 to 4 times per week. Get plenty of sleep and eat nutritious foods and take a vitamin b complex for depression. Drink lots of water and eliminate problem foods from the diet. Some things are hard to give up, but a gradual change from one bad habit to a good one is a healthy approach that may just work. Trying to change everything all at once is probably not a good idea. Small steps are the best approach when making lifestyle changes. Find out what Christ says about a lack of joy. Scripture gives us hope and leads us to trust Christ with our body, mind, and spirit. Who better can understand us than our Maker? We can take comfort in knowing that, even though the body, mind, and spirit is a mystery to us, they are not to him.

Alternative treatments for depression may just be the answer that you need to lead a more productive life. Research online provides information on alternatives including vitamin b complex for depression. Pray about your concerns, "Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass" (Psalm 37:5). It is comforting to know that God is in control and that He does have all the answers to any problems we may have. Look to God for your answers.

Anger Management Counseling

ions can be seen in the person who is considered hotheaded, or is often described as having a short fuse. Anyone who must come in regular contact with these individuals knows, or will soon know that these anger management issues exist. More difficult to identify are the hidden aggressors who take great pains to keep their emotions under wrap. However, angry feelings have a way of getting out if they are not dealt with in a healthy way. These individuals will usually carry around bad moods and may be prone to episodes of sulking, pouting or may suddenly and uncharacteristically blow up, to the surprise of everyone around them. These outburst will frequently seem out of proportion to the events that appeared to trigger them.

Why do people behave in this manner and can anger management counseling be effective in all cases? Some who exhibit excessive anger may be naturally prone to do so. If these tendencies are a part of the individual's personality, counseling can be helpful in learning to handle these traits. Some problems may be related to upbringing. If a child has been trained to suppress negative emotions, and angry feelings were identified by parents as negative, this may have inadvertently taught the child to suppress these normal emotions in an unhealthy way. Many professionals who deal with these issues will take the time to look into a patient's family background. The family is the first training ground for learning to deal with emotions and relate to other people. By identifying any problems that may have occurred within the family, anger management counseling can have a greater chance of success. For example, if an individual has grown up in a family that believed that it was best to express all emotions without regard for their impact on others, this person may experience difficulty in getting along later in life.

A number of organizations offer anger management counseling and classes for corporations. Frequently, companies desire to set up anger management training classes for employees. This may be precipitated by a specific incident in the workplace or may be strictly a preventative step in ensure that no unfortunate incidents occur. These courses may cover such important topics as relationship building or conflict resolution. Developing sharpened communication skills among fellow workers is important as well and will generally be covered during these workplace events. The form that this anger management counseling will take can vary. Private, one on one meetings may be required in some cases and most services that offer these classes can provide this Coaching sessions, workshops and one time presentations can also be very effective. The topic of anger is addressed frequently in the Bible. "He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hated." (Proverbs 14:17)

The need for anger management counseling can also be tied to a number of health problems. Those who are perpetually angry will often be dealing with stress in a very ineffective way. As that stress continues to bubble up and boil over, serious health implications can result. Heart disease, high blood pressure, and various stresses on the body can damage the individual's quality of life. The negative impacts that emotional outbursts can have on the personal and professional lives of those who cannot manage their anger can also be very damaging. But there are answers available for those who are willing to reach out for help and make necessary changes.

There are a number of strategies that may be suggested during anger management counseling. Relaxation can be helpful for those who struggle to remain calm when under stress. Professionals can advise patients on a number of relaxation techniques that may be helpful in dealing with the temptations to burst out with angry feelings. Some of these techniques may include deep breathing exercises. Some professionals may recommend developing mental reminders to calm down or take it easy while breathing deeply. This technique will basically give the individual the opportunity to stop and count to ten before responding. Such a pause will hopefully prevent an inappropriate outburst. Breaking old habits and changing the way that the patient thinks and approaches certain situations can be important elements of counseling as well. With the help of trained professionals it is possible to gain control over this very powerful emotion.

Anger Management Therapy

to feelings. Dealing with anger does not mean that the person will not get angry; although in the long term, that might indeed be a desired outcome. The therapy actually helps a person isolate the problem or issue that is causing the acrimony and thereby giving a person a starting place to begin to deal with the particular issue. A person who engages in anger management therapy will learn how to appropriately respond to their temper rather than reacting to it. Instead of lashing out at people (usually reserved for those who are physically or emotional near), a person will learn coping skills that take these people out of the line of fire.

Anger is such an isolating condition. No one wants to be the brunt of someone's tirade. Self-control is essential to civility. Often times angry episodes include violent actions, verbal abuse, and intimidation causing fear. In anger management therapy the triggers of these explosive events can be uncovered. There is definitely a history that proceeds this behavior. Sometimes exposing the history is enough to get to the root of the problem. However, as human beings, people do not like to open themselves up to potential judgment by others. Therefore, the discovery process may be difficult. Diligence and persistence may eventually compel a person to open up. Effective anger management therapy will use subtle and transparent techniques to get the person talking. "Beating the person over the head, (figuratively, of course) has no merit and will produce minimal results; if any at all. The key is to replace aggression with assertion. This is not an easy sell to an aggressive person. The person needs to discover that a situation dealt with effectively can produce a positive outcome. As a matter of fact, it could be win-win.

The main skill a person will need to learn in anger management therapy is communication. In the therapy, the idea of taking a person's thoughts into captivity and not acting out on them is fundamental. "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. (2 Corinthians 10:3-6). A person can learn to pause after a thought comes into their head, take a breather (count to 10), and make a decision about the best thing to do with that thought. Often people, who have self-control issues, are attempting to control the behavior of someone else. This never works, of course. In the short term, or for a limited period of time, a person will allow a person to call the shots. But, this gets old after a while because power breeds more power. Instead of measuring the use of this control with a thimble, the angry person begins to use tablespoons, then cups, then gallons, and on and on. Losing control can lead a person down a slippery slope that may end in the person losing their freedom.

Because of the escalating nature of both power and passion, victims in these situations must either leave or the person must diligently seek to recover their self-control through anger management therapy. What happens, more times than not, is that victims leave. New victims replace the past victims and the cycle continues until either an unfortunate, but preventable, tragedy ensues or the angry person realizes that they are on the losing side of the equation. Not only are victims victims, but the perpetrators are also victims. Most people do not take into consideration that there are physical ramifications of aggressive outbursts. Anger can cause high blood pressure, hypertension, and/or depression. The weird thing about that is that it doesn't depend upon whether or not the displeasure is expressed. Frankly, although expressed anger may be dangerous to victims, it is also dangerous to the perpetrator. And unexpressed vexation is even more directly dangerous to the perpetrator; making anger management therapy all the more critical for this person.

Some pathological expressions of indignation come out in ways other than outbursts. When a person is constantly putting others down, making cynical comments, and critical of everything and everybody, there is usually a root in anger. People with these behaviors rarely recognize them as anger. They choose to deal with people passive-aggressively. Unfortunately, forging meaningful relationships is not usually possible. Therefore, they are generally unhappy people with few, if any, friends. And even when they do successfully develop a relationship, it often degrades in a short period. Anger management therapy, in a group setting, can be very beneficial for anyone with these types of issues; however for the person who is passive-aggressive, it is of particularly tremendous value. The idea is to engage in cognitive restructuring. What this means is altering the way a person thinks. People who are angry often speak in colorful language (cursing or using very dramatic and exaggerated words). These words resonate their inner thoughts. Replacing negative, derogatory, and pessimistic thoughts with more positive, appreciative, and favorable ones will begin to rewire a person's thinking.

Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety Attacks

controlling some levels of panic disorder in patients, but the long term use of them can produce unwanted side effects. For instance, some drugs are used to lower blood pressure in patients in order to create a calming effect. Side effects may include dizziness or drowsiness in those who take the drug. Some people who have resorted to prescription drugs for help with panic disorders have eventually turned to natural treatments for anxiety that generally induce no negative side effects in users.

There are many natural remedies that can be used to get the problem under control. Herbs are commonly suggested by natural health professionals to help induce a healthy, calming effect on people who experience the physical symptoms of anxiety attacks. Various remedies offer varying degrees of benefits to users, depending on the particular symptoms that each person experiences. Herbs can be used separately or can be found premixed in a blended form for easy use. Some herbs are produced in liquid form, tea bags, capsules or dried, bulk form. Some of the most effective herbs that are used for natural treatments for anxiety include St. John's Wort, Passifora Incarnata and Lavendar. "Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh. For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep they foot from being taken." (Proverbs 3:25-26)

Other herbs commonly used are Kava and Valerian, both of which help to induce a restful state for sleep and rest. Care should be taken when using Kava since too much can cause drowsiness during the day. Also, those who have reacted badly to any prescription anti-psychotic drugs should be careful in taking Kava. Valerian is particularly useful in promoting calmness and balancing out moodiness. It is a natural 'tranquillizer' and should not be taken in conjunction with prescription drugs. Chamomile tea is a well known herb that has a calming effect when taken in tea form. Recommended dosages are on the package of many of these products that can be found in health food stores or through online sources. It is best to consult with an herbalist before beginning a serious regimen of herbs for natural treatments for anxiety so that usage is monitored.

Using certain supplements has also proven to be helpful in the treatment of mild to moderate anxiety problems. Vitamin B complex is very effective in providing support to memory functions and helps in curbing stress related fatigue. Vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium are also effective in helping to provide balance to the immune system. Extreme stress can suppress the immune system and eventually result in other health problems that are secondary issues to the physical symptoms of anxiety attacks. Amino acid and pantothenic acid has also shown to be beneficial in dealing with the adverse signs of stress. One often overlooked treatment for high anxiety is an exercise program that is designed to lessen physical tenseness. A moderate exercise program can bring welcome relaxation through natural fatigue, raised serotonin levels in the brain and regulation of the heart rate.

Exercise is an extremely effective stress buster and anyone who is experiencing stress or abnormal anxiety levels will definitely benefit from a managed fitness program. There are also other natural treatments for anxiety that 're-condition' the stress signals that the brain receives which can dramatically eliminate the physical symptoms of anxiety attacks. Behavioral techniques can be learned that will 'rewire' the amygdala's response to anxiety by lowering the base level response to stimuli. There are many treatment options for those who suffer with out-of-control stress in their lives. For further information, check with several online, natural health resources that offer alternative treatments.

Symptoms Of Anxiety Attacks

neficial in the long run. "In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul." (Psalm 138:3)

Dietary changes can help decrease or eliminate characteristics of unneeded worry and concern. Elevated salt intake, excess refined sugar consumptions, and lack of vitamins can all lead to physical symptoms of anxiety attacks which lead to constant worry about other areas of life. If material health is failing, more effort is required to sustain optimal health. The introduction of Omega-3 fatty acid and increased vitamin C boosts many areas of the body towards wellness, which in turn lowers stress. In addition to healthy food consumption and a regular exercise program, the evaluation of current environment reveals many contributing factors including stress produced by family, chemicals, genetics, and personality. Because all the symptoms are the same as for other diseases, misdiagnosis is common. However, the onset of disease can cause physical symptoms of anxiety, which may need to be treated with medication. These diseases include thyroid disorders, diabetes, hypoglycemia, asthma, sleep disorders, adrenal disorders, epilepsy, heart disease, migraines, and certain psychiatric illnesses. Careful analysis of the underlying problem is crucial for quick and effective treatment. The administration of medication should be a last resort when dietary changes, exercise, and environmental changes don't work. Medication sometimes only treated the effect and not the cause, thus the problem is never solved. In addition, some medication actually causes increased physical symptoms of anxiety including illegal drugs, caffeine, decongestants, steroids, weight loss pills, hormones, respiratory medication, some herbal remedies, blood pressure medication, and Ritalin. Though brain chemistry is sometimes a factor, which cannot be changed, the incidence of trauma is also a factor in the diagnosis of this disease.

Certain factors in life create the environment for disease and stress. These factors can be handed down from generation to generation due to mindset, mental awareness, and education. Misdiagnosed or untreated physical symptoms of anxiety can lead to mitral valve prolapse, chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep apnea, irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic tension headaches. This disease works both ways: it causes other diseases and other diseases cause it. Therefore the treatment of any abnormality with the body is crucial to over all wellness. Finding a good doctor that is current to treatments and conditions as well as open to a variety of treatment is important to proper diagnosis and wellness. If no ailment is found; seeking the help of therapist may be effective in managing symptoms of anxiety attacks. In addition to therapy, lifestyle changes, and medication, herbal remedies may aid in healing and wellness. Specifically valerian root and kava kava have traditionally been used to fight symptoms, however insufficient data showing its effectiveness keeps it from being suggested. When used with synthetic drugs, herbal remedies may have adverse effects, which could make the whole situation worse. Talk to a doctor about the drugs and herbs that can be safely taken together. Some natural treatments not affected by the use of synthetic drugs include relaxation, meditation, and biofeedback. Exercising regularly, adequate sleep, and healthy diet are crucial to ward off infection and disease whether it is caused by symptoms associated with anxiety or untreated symptoms cause the disease. Fresh food instead of canned or otherwise processed will eliminate unneeded chemicals and preservative in the body creating a better chance of wellness. Likewise, diets high in fruits and vegetables and low in sugar and meat will strengthen all major systems of the body, which in turn fight off disease. Creating a support system including family, friends, people with similar problems, and professionals will increase a persons chances of complete healing and continual overall wellness. This may include concentration on building self-esteem, learning a new skill, or getting involved in a new activity, but mainly confidence building words said to the person.

Attention Deficit Disorder

without the blessings of the Lord. "Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Or what man is there for you, whom if his ask for bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?" (Matthew 7: 7-11) Seek appropriate council. Learn what the child needs physically and spiritually and pray for deliverance.

Scientific research and data suggests that ADD may be genetically transmitted in some cases. There is evidence linking attention deficit disorder to chemical imbalances in the brain. Deficiency in certain neurotransmitters may also be to blame. For a long time scientists, doctors, and mental health professionals considered ADD to be one specific disorder but with variations from person to person. But research determined that wasn't appropriate because some children display certain aspects of the disorder but not others. Now, ADD is divided into three subtypes: predominately combined type, predominately inattentive type, and predominately hyperactive-impulsive type. For each attention deficit disorder subtype, there are dominant main features or characteristics. These subtypes were developed because some children may not have any problem controlling behavior or with sitting still, but are inattentive. Other children may remain attentive, but they lose focus due to being hyperactive-impulsive.

According to one website, combined type is the most prevalent type of attention deficit disorder. Diagnosis of ADD can be complicated because like most mental health concerns there is no standard blood test or other medical formula to use. First, the doctor will thoroughly review the child's medical history. Then the doctor will perform a complete medical examination to rule out obvious physical reasons for the child's behavior. The diagnosis process will include interviews with the child, his or her parents, and teachers. Observations and behavioral ratings by teachers and parents will be considered. Finally, a variety of psychological tests will be performed. These tests measure the child's I.Q., social and emotional health, and determine the presence of any learning disability. A child with inattentive type will show signs of inattention and being easily distracted, which are two different problems. A child is distractible, if their attention process is easily disrupted. Signs to look out for are failure to pay attention to detail or making careless mistakes. Also, the child may not appear to listen, even when spoken to directly. The inability to follow basic instructions or to get and remain organized can also be indications of a serious problem. The child may avoid any work that involves mental effort. These are just a few of the signs of the inattentive subtype. For a complete list consult an attention deficit disorder website or mental health professional.

Visible signs of the hyperactive subtype include fidgeting with hands or feet. Also, the child may squirm when required to sit for periods of time. Hyperactive children may leave their seat or run and climb at inappropriate times. These children may seem to be on the go or talk excessively. Difficulty awaiting their turn or interrupting and intruding on others are signs of impulsivity. Keep in mind, almost every child will exhibit some or all of these behaviors at one time or another. So don't automatically assume the child has attention deficit disorder. If a child is diagnosed with ADD, the course of treatment is fairly standard. Treatment usually includes medication. Stimulants such as Ritalin and Dexedrine are often used. Both work to decrease hyperactivity and impulsivity while increasing attentiveness. According to ADD experts, educating parents and managing the child's classroom environment are important components of the treatment plan. Behavioral therapy is beneficial. Perhaps the most important part of the treatment program is understanding and support from parents, family, and teachers.

Attention Deficit Disorder Symptoms

D symptoms, he would have the first type, called inattentive. In this case, the person, either child or adult, would not pay close attention to details, would not be able to sustain attention, doesn't seem to listen, can't follow instructions, is not organized, easily distracted and forgets daily routines easily. Many of those with the primarily inattentive type of AD/HD or any type of AD/HD are very bright. There is certainly no issue with intelligence.

The second form of AD/HD deals with those who are primarily hyperactive. Those who suffer from this type AD/HD are more physical in their symptoms, unlike attention deficit disorder symptoms. Here, the person fidgets in their chair, doesn't want to remain seated, runs around for no reason, cannot be quiet, has a motor mouth, talks out of turn, can't wait in line and interrupts others. And then there is the third type of AD/HD which is a combination of the two. Both attention deficit disorder symptoms of inattention and AD/HD symptoms of physical activity make up the third type, and wow, are these handful for teachers! But let's face it; all children are like this at some time or another, so it takes a trained professional to eliminate the ordinary stuff from the disorder that is present in some.

There are still many people who think that those who are diagnosed with one of these types of disorders "just need that paddle taken to them." Some people might say that society just doesn't want to accept playfulness among children anymore and that this concern over seemingly childish behavior is all a lot of smoke and mirrors. But children with attention deficit disorder symptoms or any other AD/HD symptoms are more likely to drop out of school, have fewer friends, take up smoking, have addictions to drugs and alcohol and end up with psychiatric illnesses than those without the diagnosis. There is the mistaken idea that children who are diagnosed with AD/HD will grow out of it as they mature, but studies have shown that left untreated or if the treatment ends at a younger age, adults who have this chronic disorder will face many social, physical and mental issues all during life if treatment is ignored. Recognizing that there is no shame in having this disorder is the first step in parents and those who have the issue as adults seeking continued help for one's children and themselves.

Children who have been diagnosed with having attention deficit disorder symptoms or any other AD/HD symptoms may be placed in special classes at school, depending on the severity of the disorder and the response or lack of it to medical treatment. There are many resources for parents of children who have this diagnosis, including information and support groups. The classes at school for these children are usually not for lack of learning skills but because of behavior that can often derail the rest of the class's learning. In these special classes trained teachers can help children learn proper behavior and alternative ways to deal with stress. There are medications that can greatly diminish the effects of attention deficit disorder symptoms on the child, though not in every case. And because of the side effects of the medication, some parents are reticent to give it to their children. These side effects can include restlessness, tremors, headache, dizziness, dry mouth and in some cases lack of appetite so many parents have their children on the medicine Monday through Friday and off on the weekends, although this can prove counterproductive in the long run.

Since there is a great deal of information both online and from medical professional regarding AD/HD, and since educational professional deal with this issue every day, parents of these children should listen carefully and with wisdom to their recommendations. There is no reason why other opinions cannot be sought if one is not happy with what is being said. And adults should always consider staying with treatment after their adolescent years are over in order to enjoy as much career success as possible. Remain up to date with all the latest treatments and ask your physician about alternative treatments. Remember this from God's Word: ..."a man of understanding hath wisdom." (Proverbs 10:23b)

Attention Deficit Disorder Test

about the lack of intelligence.

Usually children in early elementary years or perhaps even in preschool will begin to display symptoms of AD/HD. And while all children are quite energetic and quite precocious, there is a marked difference between the normal amount of this energetic behavior and the often inappropriate and uncontrollable energy and distracted actions that can overtake a child with AD/HD. There are no lab tests to look for something physiologically imbalanced in the body causing the AD/HD, but it is important to make sure that there are not competing physical issues with the AD/HD. Because this is not always an easy disorder to nail down as being present, there may be two extremes that occur when a child is examined. One extreme may be so many attention deficit disorder test exams that the bill runs into a great deal of money. Parents should check with health insurance carriers before agreeing to any tests to make sure there is coverage for all recommended tests. The other extreme may be a family doctor just handing parents an attention deficit disorder test consisting of just a list of checked off symptoms that could have easily be gotten from a pop culture magazine.

Symptoms of AD/HD can mimic many other emotional and physical issues such as depression, learning disabilities, bi-polar disorder, Tourette's Syndrome, food allergies and even fetal alcohol syndrome. In fact, many children that have been diagnosed with having AD/HD don't have it at all, but suffer from something that can certainly look like the disorder. This may be the reason why so many tests are often run by health care professional before making a diagnosis. On the other hand, a school psychologist may see a number of symptoms that certainly are a part of the AD/HD profile, but never mention AD/HD by name in his or her report. In the end, the AD/HD Information Library says that 2 out of every 3 with the disorder are never diagnosed correctly. That means even as adults, people will never know what is really wrong with them. That places a huge amount of pressure on how much attention is paid to attention deficit disorder test exams and how thorough they have to be.

If an adult suspects that he or she may have AD/HD, there are actually online tests that can provide some clues as to whether or not the adult may have the disorder. Here are some issues that are covered in the attention deficit disorder test: impulsive spending, distractions during sex, often misplaced keys or wallet, frequent traffic violations, transposition of numbers or letters, usually late or in a hurry, trouble getting started, trouble keeping a job and many other typical signs of adult AD/HD. Answering yes to many of these attention deficit disorder test characteristics may point to adult AD/HD. In addition, other signs of possible adult AD/HD include trouble planning involved tasks, are thin-skinned, may have outbursts of rage, poor financial management, argumentative, mood swings, and worries needlessly or excessively and says things without thinking. The person with AD/HD certainly does have a life filled with troubles, but part of the key is overcoming them is to share those feelings with God, just like this psalm writer. "O Lord, God of my salvation, I have cried day and night before thee: let my prayer come before thee, incline thine ear to my cry for my soul is full of troubles..." (Psalm 88: 1, 2, 3a)

If a person has answered positively to many of these characteristics listed in this self help attention deficit disorder test, it is still not necessarily a sign that one has adult AD/HD. They are, however, a strong indication that there is a need to see a health care professional for a serious talk. A doctor may want the patient to seek some counseling to further reveal the presence of adult AD/HD. Should the diagnosis be made, the physician will be able to more correctly be able to prescribe both medication and further psychotherapy in order to maintain a more normal life. There is no 'cure' for AD/HD, but a lifetime partnership with physician and advocacy groups can make life a whole lot smoother for the sufferer.

Many patients don't like the side effects that medications have on themselves, and many parents worry about the effects of a drug therapy on their children. Once an attention deficit disorder test profile has been completed and the diagnosis has been made, every effort should be made to seek out counselor a person is most comfortable with and should the advice not be what one wants to hear, seek another opinion. There may be some ways to cope with the effects of AD/HD without drugs, but not every professional is convinced of that. And these cognitive ways of coping may not prove to be enough in the end, and the use of a drug therapy may have to be considered. But explore all possibilities and options, but do not ignore the symptoms in your child or yourself. Better things can be ahead with the right treatment.

Attention Deficit Disorder Treatment

It's a rare prescription medication that doesn't come with a long list of side effects. Researchers, educators, and parents need to ask themselves, on behalf of the children, if the cure is worse than the disease. The long term effects of prescription drug usage aren't really known, but researchers have discovered one disturbing trend: medicated children become adult drug addicts. As unwelcome as this news is, it can hardly be shocking. If children grow up being told by adults that they need a drug to cope with the world around them, then adults can hardly be surprised that these children continue to depend on drugs when they become adults themselves. This is a real, but unintended, consequence of using prescription drugs for attention deficit disorder treatment. Medicated children become medicated adults. Certainly, there are legitimate conditions that require a routine regimen of prescription drugs. But the addiction to drugs and the sheer numbers of children involved feed the controversy over using prescriptions to treat behavior and symptoms. It's sad to realize that a medicated child may no longer exhibit the symptoms that led to an ADD diagnosis, but to know that the child still has the learning disability or underlying behavioral issues indicated by the symptoms.

Some researchers are suggesting that there are other attention deficit disorder treatment plans that may alleviate symptoms without the use of drugs. Nutritionists have released research data that show modern children are actually addicted to sugar and refined flour in numbers much greater than previous generations. Nutritionists and other researchers suspect that excessive sugar and refined flour create physiological problems in developing bodies. Additionally, different food additives are of concern. Many children are known to have allergic reactions to additives that are designed to preserve food or to give food a certain color or look. When a child is having difficulties in school, the parent may want to evaluate the foods that the child is eating. It could be that changing the child's diet helps change the child's behavior. Some researchers also believe that toxic pollutants are at least partially to blame for the increase in ADD/ADHD diagnoses. Here again, a parent can evaluate a child's environment and take steps to protect the child from contaminants. Nutrition and environment are two important aspects of a multi-pronged attention deficit disorder treatment plan.

Jesus once said: "And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea" (Mark 9:42). This is a strong warning to take care of children. Second-guessing a physician's diagnosis isn't necessarily wise, but when a doctor diagnoses a child with ADD/ADHD, the parent has an obligation to become as educated on this topic as possible. Instead of simply agreeing to an attention deficit disorder treatment program that includes prescription drugs, the parent needs to ask a lot of questions and do her own research on the latest findings concerning ADD/ADHD. She also needs to find out as much as possible about the drug that is being prescribed, including all side effects.

Adults sometimes seek attention deficit disorder treatment when they realize that it's difficult for them control their moods or to maintain positive relationships. Perhaps the affected adult showed external symptoms of ADD/ADHD as a child. What researchers have learned is that a maturing child learns coping mechanisms so, as an adult, the symptoms of ADD/ADHD are often internalized and become manifest through emotional difficulties. Impulsive behavior, boredom, and a tendency to procrastinate may be indications of adult ADD/ADHD. Of course, these may also be indications of a lack of maturity. It's important to note that researchers don't equate hormonal imbalances with adult ADD/ADHD. Hormonal imbalances indicate a physiological condition that is often treated with a prescription drug regimen. The medication assists the body to restore balance. An adult needs to be sure that a diagnosis of ADD/ADHD is accurate before beginning an attention deficit disorder treatment. An adult may find that time management training helps with impulsivity and procrastination. The flip side of the negative tendencies is that many people with ADD/ADHD are energetic and creative risk-takers. Affected individuals may want to seek career counseling so that they can find vocations that appropriately channel their creativity and energy. This will help to alleviate boredom.

Attention Deficit Syndrome

sroom environment, either beJustify Fullcause of a learning disability or the difficulty of sitting in one place for long periods of time, is one indication of attention deficit syndrome. Some people believe that the increase in AD/HD patients would be reduced by providing more play time at school. In previous generations, school children often had recess two or three times a day. Today's school children seldom get the opportunity for unstructured play. Should educators and parents be surprised, then, that little boys get restless sitting in hard chairs when their bodies were made for running and jumping?

Some researchers attribute the rise in attention deficit syndrome to, at least in part, poor nutrition. Today's child eats more sugar and refined flour than her parents and grandparents did. Fast foods and food additives also contribute to poor nutrition in today's youth. The rate of obesity in U.S. children is rising at an alarming rate. The kids are eating poorly and aren't exercising nearly enough. Here again, a lack of recess may be contributing to the children's poor health. The apostle Peter once wrote: "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; . . . Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy" (1 Peter 1:13, 16). Adults need to ask themselves if the educational environment is doing more harm than good to our children. How does poor nutrition and lack of exercise injure young bodies? How are their imaginations and creativity being stifled because of a lack of unstructured play and recess? Are these factors adding to the increase in attention deficit syndrome among young children?

Some researchers say that poor nutrition and lack of play time has nothing to do with AD/HD. They cite studies that indicate an imbalance in neurochemicals in the brain for those who are diagnosed with the disorder. Additionally, some studies suggest that the disorder can be inherited. Perhaps this is true for some individuals. Yet the effects of poor nutrition and too much structure can't be completely ruled out as having an adverse affect on many children. Another controversial factor is ineffective parenting. Researchers should not close their eyes to the role some parents have in not teaching their offspring to behave appropriately. These children may not have an attention deficit syndrome except in the sense that they lack appropriate parental attention. Parents have a responsibility to teach children to have good manners and positive social skills. A child who lacks such teaching may find it difficult to interact with other children and adults.

Another controversy that surround attention deficit syndrome is the excessive use of prescription medications that are given to children who are diagnosed with the disorder. Studies are finding that children who take medications to cope with their behavior are more likely to become drug addicts as adults than those who don't take daily medications during childhood. Though some children, especially those with properly diagnosed hormonal imbalances, may benefit from medication, many children are being drugged for the convenience of the adults in their lives. Instead of resorting to medications, new studies and innovative researchers are looking at the positive side of those diagnosed with AD/HD. These researchers are viewing AD/HD patients as creative, intelligent, intuitive individuals who have a lot to offer society. They are questioning whether it's not society and the restrictions of mass education that create attention deficit syndrome in young children. Here again, hard questions need to be asked. Is individual imagination and creativity being stifled instead of encouraged in classroom settings? When a teacher has to monitor twenty or thirty squirming little bodies, how can she possibly ensure each child gets needed attention and the proper outlet for energy? Is it time to re-think how society teaches children and look for more innovative methods that reflect new understanding that not every child has the same type of intelligence? As research continues, those interested in the education of children can only hope so.

Bipolar Disorder In Children

ession or any sort of identification of a problem a child may have should be handled very sensitively to sustain trust with the child. Some examples may include when a child doesn't think the rules are meant for them, thoughts of being able to do superhuman things, changing subjects rapidly when speaking, and not being tired after inadequate sleep. Likewise, there are huge mood swings throughout the day no matter what is going on. Drug treatment for childhood bipolar disorder is not yet fully researched, therefore any child taking medication to control symptoms of bipolar disorder in children should be observed very carefully both externally and internally. Some adverse effects of medication include increase depression, dry mouth, stomachache, kidney disease, heart disease, attention problems, social withdrawal, and suicide. With the child's permission, making everyone significant in their life aware of what is going on will create a support system as well as create many more watch dogs for adverse effects of the medication.

There are a couple of classifications of depression that lead to bipolar problems for adolescents: Bipolar NOS, Bipolar II, and Cyclothymia. Each categorization shows definite signs of depression, however (in order) are classified according to severity. By dividing bipolar disorder in children into these categories, doctors are more easily able to prescribe medication. In addition, puberty creates another factor in the right type of medication for each level of the condition. While all medications show risk of some side effects, the type of side effect is the determinant of which ones will be least disruptive to the body's natural cycle. Likewise, some symptoms associated with childhood bipolar disorder may be short-term normal developmental actions. The diagnosis is hard and handled carefully. If a child shows at least 4 symptoms for more than 2 weeks, professionals suggest further action taken. Substance abuse and genetic disposition are linked to increased risk of developing this disease. If one parent is diagnosed with bipolar condition a child has up to a 30% risk of developing it sometime in their life. If both parents have been diagnosed then the risk increases up to 75%. Even if neither parent has ever been diagnosed a child still runs up to a 6%, which increases to 25% if any siblings show signs. Even with this diagnosis, history shows a broad spectrum of success from alcoholism to successful politicians. When treated properly through a variety of ways, little of no effect on life should take place. "And the Spirit of the LORD fell upon me, and said unto me, Speak; Thus saith the LORD; Thus have ye said, O house of Israel: for I know the things that come into your mind, every one of them." (Ezekiel 11:5)

Oftentimes what is recognized as characteristics of this disease are misdiagnosed or end with this diagnosis. Constant reevaluation should take place as well as keeping track of how medications are affecting daily life. Reaction to medication can easily be misdiagnosed as a successive disease to bipolar disorder in children. Diseases that usually occur in concurrence are depression, conduct disorder, oppositional-defiant, ADHD, panic, generalized anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, Tourettes syndrome, intermittent explosive, and reactive attachment disorder. Misdiagnosis of any of these diseases includes: borderline personality disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and schizophrenia. Parents are key ingredients to the success of any treatment plan including those successful with the administration of medication. Concentration on making the home environment a place for relaxation as well as positive stimulation is key to the management and cure of any mental illness. Structure also plays an important role in the treatment of childhood bipolar disorder. Keeping stress to a minimum and concentrating on positive self-talk for parent and child can have a tremendous impact on the success of therapy. In addition, careful evaluation of the home environment including the use of cleaning products, quality of water, and outside recreational area can impact the development of anyone living there. Studies show a connection to chemicals in the atmosphere as well as those in man-made products and the mental development of an individual. In addition to these changes, choosing a doctor that complies with the parents wishes as well as shows knowledge of current treatment options will increase success of overall management.