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Bulimia Symptoms

Bulimia symptoms can be difficult for family members or friends to notice immediately, because the actions associated with the disorder are almost always done in secret. Bulimia causes a sufferer to hide the large amounts of food they consume, and purge it privately later. Though the illness is considered a psychological disorder, it's hard to physically recognize the symptoms. Most bulimics are of normal weight or even overweight which differs from those suffering from a related eating disorder; anorexia nervosa. The disorder is categorized by a person to worrying constantly about their weight, their appearance, and eating in general. God has wonderfully made each individual and encourages those with low self esteem to have the strength to accept themselves, whatever their weight. "Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord" (Psalm 31:24).

Bulimia can be extremely damaging to a person's mind and body, and it can ultimately lead to death. Bulimia symptoms include eating uncontrollably, purging, strict dieting, fasting and vigorous exercise. The excessive vomiting and use of laxatives can cause a bulimic person to begin vomiting blood. Other symptoms to watch for in those expressing intense desire to lose weight are a frequent use of the bathroom after meals and swollen glands in neck and face. One problem bulimia causes that many sufferers don't realize is dental health issues. The acidic vomit constantly surrounding a sufferer's teeth results in cavities, tooth decay, and gum decay. This is a symptom that friends and family members can sometimes notice. In addition to tooth decay, blisters or calluses will often form on the tops of a bulimic's fingers and knuckles. They typically use their fingers to induce vomiting by pushing them down their throat until they gag.

Concerned family members or friends should always be looking for any irregularities in a friend or loved one's habits or patterns. Bulimia causes a potassium deficiency in the body because all of the nutrients have been excreted in one form or another. Some bulimia symptoms lead directly to fatality. An instance where this can be seen includes the Terri Schiavo case in Florida. Bulimics like Terri can go into cardiac arrest from lack of nutrition and end up in a coma. Researchers now believe that the disorder might be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, similar to some forms of depression. Whatever the case, the eating illness can be harmful on the body and a sufferer should receive both physical and mental treatment immediately.

1 коммент.:

Pearly Craig комментирует...

The fact that bulimia is dangerous, the more it is imperative for us to know the earliest bulimic symptoms.

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