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Medical Complications Of Abortions

There are a number of medical complications of abortions that are well documented, although such issues are often denied or minimized by those who support abortion rights. Among these complications are a perforated uterus, injury to the bladder or bowel, increased risk of breast cancer, increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, infection, hemorrhaging, a lacerated cervix, problems due to RH incompatibility, an increased chance of placenta previa during subsequent pregnancies, retained products of conception, and, in extreme cases, sterility. These medical complications of abortions should be explained thoroughly to any woman who is contemplating this procedure.

A perforated uterus can be a very serious complication. If a woman sustains a perforation in her uterus, she could bleed to death within ten minutes of the initial injury. Injury to the bladder and bowel may also result from medical complications of abortions. When this occurs, the risk of infection and the possibility of surgery later on to repair the damage will greatly increase. The need for a blood transfusion represents additional medical complications of abortion. Some women also suffer from infections following a terminated pregnancy. While any medical procedure can present a number of possible problems, the complications with abortion procedures are often down played in order to bolster the argument that abortions are simple gynecological procedures, only slightly more involved than having a tooth pulled.

Some studies also indicate an increase in the chances of developing breast cancer later on in life. Of the medical complications of abortions, this one may be the most frightening. This may be due to the changes that the cells in the breast undergo when a woman is pregnant. As the breasts prepare to nurse the infant, estrogen in the woman's body will increase. These additional hormones will cause cells in the breast to divide. During the normal course of pregnancy, these divided cells will mature and eventually become able to secrete the milk that is intended to nourish the unborn child. An abortion is not a natural way to end a pregnancy. When a woman has an abortion, these cells in the breast do not mature. Some experts contend that a woman's likelihood of being diagnosed with breast cancer at some later time will increase due to the presence of these immature cells. It should be noted that the number of breast cancer cases have risen by fifty percent in the United States since 1973, the year that abortion was legalized. Statistics also show that a woman who has had an abortion may be much more likely to experience an ectopic or tubal pregnancy at some later point. An ectopic pregnancy occurs anytime that the fetus does not complete the journey to the uterus and lodges in some other place in the body.

An often overlooked among the many medical complications of abortions are the psychological issues that undergoing this procedure can initiate. A number of women who had previously terminated a pregnancy through surgical intervention have complained of symptoms that are similar to those that accompany post traumatic stress syndrome. This fact certainly calls into question to assertion that abortion is merely a simple and painless procedure with no lingering after effects. While the initial reaction of many women who have alleviated themselves of the problem of an unwanted pregnancy may be one of relief, such emotions often do not last. This sense of relief may soon be followed by a feeling of numbness. Many women report feeling emotionally paralyzed. Such disconnection is often followed by a deep sense of guilt or regret. Other symptoms might include problems with sleep and a sense of nervousness and depression. Sexual dysfunction ans social regression may also be exhibited. These medical complications of abortions are often discounted or denied by those who favor liberal abortion laws. The Bible stresses the fact that each human life is a unique creation of God. "God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands." (Acts 17:24)

For women who choose to terminate a pregnancy, the medical complications of abortions can have a major impact on future pregnancies. A woman who has had an abortion may be more likely to experience bleeding during the first trimester of a subsequent pregnancy. The ability to deliver the child vaginally may be seriously impaired as well. If a vaginal birth is possible, there may still be additional complications. In a normal pregnancy, the placenta is expelled naturally after the baby is born. For women who have had abortions, the likelihood of needing manual assistance in the removal of the placenta may increase. Other complications for the infant may occur such as low birth weight or premature birth. The chances of experiencing a miscarriage can also increase if an abortion occurred earlier in life.

A condition called retained products of conception represents additional medical complications of abortions. During an abortion the unborn child, the umbilical cord, the amniotic sac, and the placenta are cut into small pieces and removed. If the abortionist fails to remove all of these "products of conception" a woman may suffer from a number of issues. These issues could include bleeding, pain, infection, and fever. When this occurs, antibiotics are usually prescribed and the woman may need to undergo additional surgery to correct the problem. With all of these negative health issues, it remains quite clear that abortion is not a simple gynecological procedure.

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