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Cystic Acne In Women

Cystic acne in women may occur when oil blocks the pores in the skin or hormonal imbalances trigger an outbreak. This type of acne usually means there is infection, usually resulting in swelling and inflammation. While no one knows for sure whether diet plays a role in the cause, there is much debate concerning these issues. Some studies show correlations between causes of nutritional issues concerning outbreaks. Cystic acne treatment can include certain dietary changes. Information online about diet related issues with outbreaks advise the importance of eating healthy, drinking lots of water, and exercising regularly. Other treatments may include antibiotics to take care of the infection and prevent scarring.

Stress can affect hormones and cause imbalances in the body. Finding cystic acne treatment for stress may also have a positive effect. With today's fast-paced living, women often find themselves in stressful roles. Trying to do too much and fit too much into one day can make our lives ultra stressful. Those who find that this describes a typical day for them should make some positive changes to alleviate some of the stress. They need to get loved ones to take some of the load and run some of the errands. It's also important to take some time each day in prayer with the Lord. He tells us in His word that if we will pray about our worries he will give us peace.

Using cosmetics that can clog pores may compound the condition. Choosing the correct cosmetics for skin type is important. It is much better if cosmetics could be discontinued while acne is prevalent. Discontinuing anything that maybe causing or aggravating cystic acne in women will help in the healing process. There are so many cosmetics to choose from it is hard to know what to purchase. Cosmetics that include fragrance, preservatives, and too many ingredients might be some to avoid. Women who must use cosmetics should try to use ones that do not contain ingredients that are known to cause skin irritation. Eliminating all possible causes will help in diagnosing and treating this condition.

Some medications may cause this condition in women. Any medications that affect hormones need to be considered. Women need to ask their doctors about cystic acne treatment using simple blood tests that helps to pinpoint excess of hormones within the body. Excessive production of certain hormones in women can cause outbreaks. There will usually be other symptoms caused by hormonal imbalances such as excessive hair growth, and menstrual disorders.

Some common treatments stress the importance of not squeezing or popping sores. Trying to squeeze pimples will spread bacteria and infection, causing more breakouts. Cystic acne in women is considered one of the most severe types. The cysts usually are deeper within the skin than other forms. There are cystic acne treatments that involve using cortisone injections to reduce inflammation. There are also prescription medications that may be administered to those with severe acne problems. There are side effects associated with taking these types of medications.

Treating this condition might include taking an herbal remedy. There are several different advertised herbal remedies online that promote the restoration of internal imbalances that may cause pimples and cysts. There are also many products advertised online that offer treatment. Many of the products are for topical use on cystic acne in women. Additionally there are many over the counter products for sell at the drug store that may help. Try one product at a time and give the product ample time to begin working. This will help to keep down excessive irritation in using too many different types of products. Test skin for allergy to the products before using it over the entire face or back. Don't over wash the face as this will probably irritate the acne and cause more breakouts. Wash the affected area twice daily. Those who suffer from back acne shouldn't wear tight fitting clothes as this may promote sweating. Wear loose clean clothing and wash immediately after exercising. Don't use laundry detergents that might cause skin irritation. Choose fragrance free and dye free soaps.

Severe scarring can result from outbreaks if there is not timely treatment. See a doctor for severe cystic acne treatment. The sooner one receives the proper treatment the less likely of permanent scarring. There is information online that may be helpful in addressing concerns associated with outbreaks. Women who suffer from severe outbreaks may also be suffering from depression. Ask a doctor about treatment for depression if you feel that this is a concern in your life. Talk to a pastor or seek Christian counseling. Pray and seek God concerning this problem. He will bring the right people around to help. He just wants us to ask him, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." (Matthew 7:7)

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