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Early Signs Of Pregnancy

Early signs of pregnancy vary from woman to woman but some of the common ones are fatigue, nausea, tender breasts, backache, headache, frequent urination, missed menstrual, and food cravings. These symptoms are caused by the hormonal imbalance that happens during pregnancy and because of the changes going on within the body. Some of the early signs of pregnancy could have another explanation. Stress can cause hormone imbalances in the body. Other illnesses can make the woman exhausted, depressed, and nauseous. A pregnancy test can confirm whether or not the symptoms are caused from something else. Experiencing multiple symptoms can cause a female to be depressed and anxious. Pray and ask God to give comfort and trust Him to help. "Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusts in Thee: yea, in the shadow of Thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be past" (Psalm 57:1).

Women who become pregnant may notice that there are obvious changes in the breast. They may get larger, feel very sore and tender, and the areolas around the nipples may get darker. Sometimes the tenderness lasts the entire nine months and sometimes this is just one of the early signs of pregnancy. The body usually adjusts to the changes in hormone levels in which time many symptoms will subside. Every pregnancy is different so a female cannot know if the present situation will be the same as a previous pregnancy. This is another good reason to be under a doctor's care early on so that the patient can talk over any concerns about symptoms.

Missing a menstrual cycle or two may be common for some ladies so this does not always indicate one of the early signs of pregnancy. Whereas a female who has a regular cycle each month will suspect immediately when one is missed. For women who don't have regular cycles they should suspect pregnancy when some of the other symptoms are present especially if they last longer than a month or so. One may have a menstrual cycle every month for the entire nine months. This is not common but it does happen. Or there may just be spotting occasionally. Another good reason why a patient needs to be under a doctor's care as soon as pregnancy is suspected because spotting and having a cycle could mean there is a problem. These could be early signs of a miscarriage. In some situations a doctor can prescribe bed rest and that will take care of the problem. Patients who have a problem like this should listen to the doctor and pray to God for help.

A female's mental state can be affected because of the changing hormone levels in the body. This is another one of the early signs of pregnancy that affects every woman differently. One may become depressed while another will feel more upbeat than usual during the gestation. Those ladies who feel depressed should let their physician know how they're feeling. One might want to consider counseling especially if the gestation is unplanned or unwanted. The main thing to remember during the gestation is that many of the symptoms will subside within time. They may seem unbearable for a little while but normally they go away after the first three months of gestation.

A woman may notice that food taste differently during gestation. Getting on a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement will help and so will eating right. The child takes what he or she needs for development and growth from the woman. Early signs of pregnancy may bring on cravings for different foods. Foods that once tasted good may start to taste funny. These cravings may include eating combination foods that sound terrible to the normal person. Some women have been known to eat pickles and ice cream together. This could mean waking up in the middle of the night starving for a particular food. A spouse needs to be understanding when this happens. Many men have had to make midnight trips to the store.

Some of the changes that a woman goes through may be unwanted and intolerable at times, such as having to go to the bathroom multiple times during the night. If this happens then taking a nap during the day will be imperative. Early signs of pregnancy may include sleeping more. Because of the changes in the body females who are in gestation may feel tired and sleepy frequently. The best thing to do is give in and rest often. This may be hard to do if other small children are around. Napping when they nap will be the best goal especially if there is not a spouse around who can watch the kids.

Around the later trimester of the pregnancy a female may have some swelling in the feet, hands, and ankles. When this happens a woman should sit and prop her feet up. This will help the swelling go down. This is not normally one of the early signs of pregnancy so if this happens in the first several months of gestation the patient needs to mention this to the doctor. This could be a sign that there is something else going on. High blood pressure along with swelling could indicate toxemia. When the patient develops toxemia, the doctor will normally prescribe complete bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy. Again, this is a good example of why the patient needs to be under a doctor's care the entire nine months of gestation. Staying in prayer and surrounding self with Christian friends will help with these nine months of changes. God knows what you are going through and will provide counsel and joy in the midst of all the changes. Keep the faith!

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