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Acne Skin Care Treatment

There are a variety of acne skin care products out on the market today and they can be found over the counter in local drug stores or by prescription through a physician. Finding the right acne skin care treatment to diffuse the signs of inflammatory bumps is the challenge. In order to discover what type of product to buy, a person suffering from the disorder must first understand what it is and why is it present in the first place.

Acne is a disorder of the Pilosebaceous unit, made up of a hair follicle and a sebaceous gland. It is caused by a specific bacterium, Propionibacterium Acnes, which is normal in healthy skin. This bacterium uses sebum as a nutrient for its growth and increases in the follicles during puberty. White blood cells are attracted to the follicle because of the increase in sebum. The body produces an enzyme which seeps into the walls of the follicle allowing breakage and the contents of the follicle to spill into the dermis (skin). This, in turn, causes an inflammatory response which creates pimples or zits.

A common ingredient in skin remedies is benzoyl peroxide. This, combined with a small dosage of salicylic acid will dry out most inflammatory cysts. Topical products kill the bacteria on the epidermis, allowing the skin to heal itself within days. Topical solutions work well for most light to moderate cases of the disorder. Regularly cleansing the face and neck with an antibacterial solution or soap will also help keep away external growth on the skin. It is important to remember, though, that pimples cannot always be eliminated through proper hygiene. Some people are just more susceptible to outbreaks than others.

When seeking a prescription strength remedy, a doctor's appointment will be required. Dermatologists are dermis doctors and must evaluate the type of cyst present before prescribing any specific acne skin care treatment. There are a variety of prescription strength products on the market. These can be antimicrobial or retinoid cream based, or they can be oral antibiotics. Depending on the severity of the bacteria present in the patient's dermis, tougher methods can be used.

In addition to antibiotics, there are also acne skin care products containing accutane that are used orally or topically. Adult and adolescent cysts are different. Adolescent pimples are triggered by the enhancement of hormones; adult pimples may be a sign of a deeper bacterial issue. Most dermatologists will refrain from the more severe methods of removal on adolescents. Typical skin care products will be useless on stronger strains of bacterium. More severe methods may be required to finalize the riddance of cysts.

Dermatologists use drainage techniques as an alternative when traditional methods fail. Draining the cyst is one method that can be used on stubborn growths that are resistant to oral or topical medications. Another technique performed by dermatologists is a surgical incision or otherwise known as acne surgery. This type of surgical procedure permanently removes pimples from a particular area. Some scarring may surface during recovery, but patients who use this method are usually already scarred from years of picking and fighting annoying cyst flare ups.

Another way to fight acne is to inject corticosteroids into the cyst to melt it. This procedure is done over the course of a few days and only performed by a dermatologist. Any extreme method should be used with caution and moderation. If one method is not producing results, then another method should be substituted after waiting a few days to be sure there aren't any side effects caused by mixing medications. Most products will have warnings on the labels that recommend what type of patient should use the product. Most topical products should be used in a test area before liberally applying them to the infected location. This will ensure that side effects are kept to a minimum because some people have allergic reactions to certain antibiotics and topical remedies.

Natural remedies are also used. Many over the counter acne skin care products contain natural foods such as oatmeal or herbs such as chamomile. An all natural acne skin care treatment can be a good option for people who are highly allergic to medications or who have lower immune systems. Most natural products can only be found at health food stores instead of local pharmacies. A variety of treatments can also be found online through independent retailers. Be cautious, however, when giving out personal information over the Internet, especially credit card information. Healing from a skin disorder is hard and emotional. Most people put a lot of effort into their appearance. Knowing that God, in His infinite wisdom created each person to look the way He wanted them to look is an accurate perspective to maintain "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." (3 John 1:2).

It is important to have patience when trying to get rid of acne. Whether the acne is on the face, neck or body; typical recovery periods can last anywhere from six to eight weeks. Each person's physiological makeup is different. Some will heal faster than others and some will be resistant to a variety of acne skin care products. Choosing one acne skin care treatment for all is impossible. Even some dermatologists will be unable to help. Getting a second opinion or using experimental methods is an option when dealing with a severe form of the disorder.

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