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Quick Facts Against Abortion

There are a number of compelling and quick facts against abortion that can effectively make the case in favor of the preservation of life and against the legalized termination of pregnancy. For many, the debate hinges on a determination of when life actually begins. Those who believe that life begins at conception see the act of abortion on the same level as the murder of another human being. For those who believe that life begins at birth, anything that is done before a child is born, including aborting the fetus, is seen as a completely moral choice. With such a flurry of opinions it is not surprising that those who are tempted to consider abortion can find it difficult to come to a conclusion that provides peace of mind. An honest examination of the heart coupled with a sincere searching of the scriptures can help to provide clear answers. Researching a few quick facts against abortion can also help the undecided individual find real answers.

Some of the arguments that are made by those who favor abortion center on the difference between a fetus and a full term infant. But this argument does not hold water under closer examination. A fetus will eventually develop into an infant, barring miscarriage or willful termination of the pregnancy. Following the same logic, a child will eventually become an adult barring any unforeseen tragedy. Does that mean that the life of the child is less valuable than that of the fully developed adult? Even if the notion of life beginning at conception is in doubt, isn't the doubt itself enough reason to preserve life? Why take the risk, not to mention the moral implications of destroying life if such an important conclusion is unclear. A basic review of a number of quick facts against abortion would indicate that it might be wise to err on the side of safety and honor the sanctity of life.

Among the most compelling and easy to understand quick facts against abortion may involve an understanding of fetal development. At the moment of conception, the unique and individual aspects of each human being are already formed. Questions such as the gender of the child, the hair and eye color, even whether or not the child will have a dimpled smile have already been answered. The minute that one cell divides, these things have been determined. It is very difficult to make an argument against life beginning at conception when these truths are considered. A little over two weeks later, the cells that will eventually allow for the formation of sperm or eggs have already begun to group together, laying ground for the next generation. Three short weeks after conception, which is right around the time that a woman would just begin to suspect pregnancy, the infant's spinal cord, nervous system, and brain have already begun to form. At this point, the child's heart has even begun to beat. In fact, twenty one days after conception, the infant's eyes and ears have also begun to form. Within a week two legs and two arms will be apparent. The lungs will also have begun to form at this point as well. These truths constitute compelling and quick facts against abortion.

The amazing level of fetal development that has already taken place at around the time that many abortions occur can provide additional quick facts against abortion. The features of the face are beginning to make an appearance. By the time a mother has missed her second period, the infant will already have a sense of smell and the brain is in the process of dividing into three parts. One part will deal with emotions and language, a second section will process hearing, and a third will handle sight. A woman who is eight weeks pregnant and contemplating getting an abortion will most likely not realize that she is carrying a child with a strong heartbeat, functioning liver and kidneys and with every organ present. A tiny and fully formed being will continue to grow and develop at an astounding rate, providing that nothing is done to interfere with this miraculous process. These quick facts against abortion make a very strong case for the idea of life beginning at the moment of conception. At ten weeks the beginnings of ten tiny fingernails and even fingerprints are forming. The sheer majesty of this process should remove all doubt that something divine is taking place. One week later, this delicate being is able to make facial expressions such as smiles or frowns. And yet there are many who will still argue that life has not yet officially begun. The Bible clearly notes the attention that God extends to new life withing the womb. "For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb." (Psalm 139:13)

The amount of risk to the woman that can be involved when a pregnancy is deliberately terminated may constitute some of the most under reported quick facts against abortion. The risk of such health issues as clinical depression, post traumatic stress disorder, bowel injury, and ectopic pregnancy have been reported to be higher in women who have had abortions. A laceration of the cervix during a medically induced pregnancy termination can also increase the likelihood of a miscarriage latter on in life. The possibility of dealing with a condition called placenta previa during a subsequent pregnancy is also reported to be higher among women who have previously terminated a pregnancy. Considering these and many other pertinent facts is necessary for anyone who is considering abortion.

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