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Abortion Complications

Abortion complications are much more common than believed by most of the general public. There is also an abortion horror story, one of many, that tells of a traumatic psychological after-math that has led to separation from God, and then suicide. As women rush to abort pregnancies, believing that the procedure will take care of an immediate crisis, the true crisis will only be beginning. Before considering pregnancy termination as an option for a life's crisis, women should find out as much about the side effects as possible and find God's perspective on destroying a life that He created.

The truth should be told to protect teenagers and women from making decisions that are based on what those selling the procedures are trying to convince them of. Abortion complications can result from neglect, physical damage, and spiritual damage as well. But, first, we should understand that side effects start with the clinics. Unfortunately, there are few legal standards enforced with clinics and most side effects are not documented by providers. Medical emergencies will be transferred to nearby hospitals, where any complication is documented as a pregnancy or female related problem. With an industry that makes millions of dollars, its hard to believe that there is no more accountability than this. This is just one abortion horror story of many.

Death as a result of aborting a child is rarely recorded because often a young woman's death occurs in the hospital due to abortion complications associated with the procedure. For example, when there is excessive bleeding due to a punctured uterine wall, the cause of death is listed as internal bleeding. Post operative, or post procedure complications can also damage a uterus and leave a woman infertile. Many women also experience a high rate of miscarriages because of the weakening of the cervix that has been forced open during the procedure. Illness is another complication, as many women suffer severe infections due to fetal parts and tissue left in the uterus by the doctor. Some infections have led to death.

There can also be psychological effects as the result of pregnancy termination. The reality of destroying a life that God created will eventually be brought to light for all those who have participated in pregnancy termination. God's truth about the life of the child will be revealed, and there will be spiritual consequences. Post abortion syndrome is now a recognized disorder among abortion complications that women who have had one or more abortions deal with. But, perhaps this syndrome is truly the manifestation of living outside the will of God, and neglecting to seek His forgiveness. Sin separates from God, and pregnancy termination is sin because it is taking a life that God created. When we support or participate in the procedure, we are demonstrating that we do not trust God, but trust our own foolish ways more.

The syndrome is known by the psychiatric community as a post-traumatic disorder. Because of the crisis surrounding the decision to abort a child, the trauma of enduring the procedure, and the psychological guilt experienced by most women afterwards, post traumatic symptoms will generally begin appearing within one to seven years after the procedure has been performed. The symptoms that occur with the syndrome are loss of appetite, sexual dysfunctions, anger, depression, increased drug and alcohol abuse, obsessive behaviors with other children, an inability to bond with future children, and in some cases, suicidal tendencies. And for the Christian, there is extreme shame that comes after a pregnancy is terminated, and this will lead to lies and a cover-up. God's Word is clear that one sin leads to another, and another, and another. There is nothing good that can come of pregnancy termination, only one more abortion horror story after another.

When Janie discovered that she was pregnant, her boyfriend, "Tom," pushed for aborting the baby. Both were college students who needed to stay in school and continue on the path of education and beginning careers. Although Janie felt that she could somehow manage a pregnancy and school with Tom's support, she quickly gave into his demands for pregnancy termination, unaware of any abortion horror story. Janie felt that she did not want to jeopardize the relationship by forcing the issue. After all, they had future plans to marry after college and that would be the better time to start a family.

Janie scheduled an abortion for a Saturday and planned to be back into class the following Monday. Even though Tom had begun to withdraw and became easily irritated, Janie associated the change in his behavior due to the stress of the pregnancy. Once the procedure was complete, Janie felt their lives could continue as before, two happy college students with bright futures ahead of them. Janie never feared becoming an abortion horror story.

Saturday, after the pregnancy termination, Tom drove her to her apartment and left her there to rest. Janie slept most of the afternoon away, waking to a telephone call early in the evening. It was Tom. It seems he had been seeing another girl on campus for several weeks now, and decided that he wanted to break up. He had done his duty by seeing Janie through the procedure. The next day, Janie could not escape the impending doom that seemed to engulf her. She couldn't believe her drastic measures to secure the relationship and their future plans, and now it was gone in a matter of minutes. That night, unable to face God, and in complete despair, Janie attempted suicide, one of many types of abortion complications.

Thankfully, Janie did not die, but the guilt drove her to desperate measures, and she asked for forgiveness. But with time, Janie sought Christian counseling and found help through a Post Abortion Bible Study, where she was able to talk about that decision and seek God's gracious mercy and forgiveness. Now Janie speaks out about the experience and works in Crisis Pregnancy work, helping to warn others about the spiritual dangers and physical dangers of aborting a child.

If someone is considering abortion, they should first seek wise counsel with those who could be supportive of the decision to carry a baby to full term. "O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me." (Psalm 139:1) Whither shall I go from thy spirit? Or whither shall I flee from thy presence?" (Psalm 139:7) God truly is close in your situation, and He knows what is best. Turn to Him.

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