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Facts Against Abortions

When considering the facts against abortions many feel that it is impossible to remain uncommitted regarding this controversial topic. While some may attempt to look for areas of middle ground, an honest examination of the pros and cons of abortion will usually lead to strong feelings on either side of the issue. Those who support abortion rights feel that the right to make this choice should supersede all other rights. Conversely, those who oppose the legalized termination of pregnancies feel that abortions represent an all out assault on the sanctity of human life. When listing the many facts against abortions, the sheer number of abortive procedures that take place every day in the United States demand that this difficult and polarizing topic be tackled. For those who oppose abortion, the thousands of pregnancy terminations that occur daily represent a heinous disrespect for innocent life. Those who advocate abortion rights maintain that the aborted fetus does not represent life and that the quality of the mother's life and her right to choose is more worthy of respect. Since there seems to be no possibility of middle ground regarding this issue, a careful examination of the facts is called for.

When citing facts against abortions, those on both sides agree that the decision to terminate a pregnancy is a very difficult one. This is as it should be. Choosing to end a life should not by any means be an easy decision. The fact that it is difficult, that a woman would need to wrestle with such a choice does not automatically mean that considering and carrying out such a step is morally right. While it is true that before abortion was legalized in America in 1973, there were many practitioners who carried out illegal and unsafe abortions. But does the fact unscrupulous individuals, as well as their patients, were willing to break the law automatically mean that choosing to terminate a pregnancy, whether legally or illegally, does not involve the destruction of life? Any argument of the facts against abortions should fairly address the abuses that many women suffered through illegal abortions. But for most who oppose legalized abortion believe that the level of harm that women were once subjected to through back ally abortions does not compare to the harm that is done to the innocent unborn during an abortion procedure.

Some of the most compelling facts against abortions would surely need to include descriptions of the various abortion procedures. These procedures may involve a dissection of the unborn child's body or a poisoning of the fetus through injections into the uterus. Late term abortions will require much more violent measures to end the pregnancy. While it can be very difficult to take an honest look at what these procedures entail, no discussion is of this topic can be considered complete without examining what actually happens during an abortion. Many who argue in favor of abortion rights point out the injustice of requiring a woman who has been raped or is a victim of incest to carry a child to term. But the truth is that only one percent of pregnancy terminations take place as a result of incest or rape. Does this one percent justify the millions of abortions that have taken place since this procedure was legalized? Those who argue the facts against abortions are often criticized for not having an adequate respect for the right of a woman to make the choice to terminate a pregnancy. However, abortion opponents believe that real choice begins with the decision to utilize responsible birth control. These individuals also believe that the rights of the unborn child far supersede the right of the mother to choose abortion.

The mother's health is another issue that is often cited by pro-abortion forces. As with cases of rape or incest, the number of women who choose to terminate a pregnancy because of health issues represents around one percent of all abortions that are performed. Such facts against abortions are frequently overlooked. Clearly, the overwhelming number of these procedures are carried out for reasons other than rape, incest, or the health of the mother. For those who are facing an unwanted pregnancy, the temptation to simply sweep the situation under the rug by obtaining an abortion can be very strong. Young teens who do not live in states that require parental notification may be in particular danger of undergoing an abortion without obtaining any kind of counseling or information on exactly what the procedure means. If it is possible to deal with the problem without ever needing to inform a child's parents, many minors take will unfortunately terminate a pregnancy without adequate council. The physical and emotional repercussions of these abortions can haunt these teens for years to come. The Bible tells believers to take courage and know that God is with them. "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?" (Psalm 118:6)

Abortion rights advocates will frequently portray the unborn child as simply a random collection of cells rather than a life. The facts against abortions do not support such a position. The distinct genetic make up of an individual is determined at the moment of conception through the formation of the DNA code. This is an indisputable scientific fact. Those in favor of the legalized termination of pregnancy may attempt to muddy up the waters by denying such truths, but according the dictates of both medicine and science, a fetus represents far more that a hodgepodge gathering of cells. Once such facts are understood, making a decision regarding this controversial issue is much easier.

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