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Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Embryonic stem cell research is a controversial subject often discussed by politicians and scientists. Most Americans want to know where politicians stand on controversial subjects concerning morale issues. Scientists often discuss embryonic stem cell research because they are excited about the prospects of discovering ways to help people combat disease or physical trauma. Usually a person is either totally for research using embryos or they are totally against it. Although some stand on the dividing line and do not take one side or the other. Others do not really understand what is at stake with using human embryos for laboratory experiments. They've heard about the subject but do not know the specifics about the process. "Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin" (Isaiah 30:1).

A human embryo is fully human, a fertilized egg that already has a nervous system, brain activity, heartbeat, and functioning organs. After being removed from the mother this little person is frozen. If this embryo is not used for reproduction then he or she is usually donated to the fertility clinic for embryonic stem cell research. Extracting the cells from the embryo or zygote will mean his or her destruction. Some of these cells are used to treat brain tumors and other anomalies in mice. The success of this type of experiment can be compromised if the frozen zygote has been stored for a long period of time because anomalies occur within the chromosomes that create cancer cells.

When President Bush was in office he allowed embryonic stem cell research to take place through private companies such as pharmaceutical corporations or state funding programs but not with Federal funds. Some researchers believed that this put the U.S. behind other countries in finding ways to help cure disease. In 2009, President Obama gave an executive order to allow funding on embryonic stem cell research using Federal funds. In a nutshell this means that every American who pays taxes is helping to fund this type of research. Destroying a human life for experiments does not set well with many Christians nor does it set well with others who are pro life. In the medical field doctors take the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm. Yet medical science seems to have no problem with using an embryo for research and therapy.

Studies have led to claims by some scientists that they found a way to fuse zygote stem cells with adult ones without killing the zygote or fetus. This is not a process that is complete and it could take many years to figure out. If the process does work then this controversy over embryonic stem cell research could be a discussion of the past. Still today the potential for using embryos far exceeds the potential when using adult stem cells. This is mostly because zygote cells are programmable because they have never been programmed before by the body so they can treat many types of diseases and injuries. Some of these include Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and spinal cord injuries among others. There is a need for help with these devastating diseases but how can we justify one life for another. Our legal system does not condone murder even when there is justification for it yet who speaks for the ones who have no voice that are murdered everyday?

The argument that researchers use for advancing embryonic stem cell research involves the rationalization that these embryos would most likely end up dying anyway. This is because the couples who provided them are not willing to donate them to other couples. However, some couples will donate them to be used in experiments. But scientists have no way to know for sure what the future holds for these little humans. To use the excuse they will be destroyed anyway is not a reason to deliberately kill. God has given us His Word so that we can learn His will about the many questions that perplex us. Even if there is the smallest doubt in one's mind that life may not begin at conception, there is no way to be sure so how can we take the chance? Is this murder? A lot of people believe it is. Even medical science can back up the different stages of a baby in the womb. Early on in the fifth and sixth week after conception the child has brain activity and a heartbeat.

An alternative that may prove to be a success over using embryos is using stem cells from human umbilical cord blood. After a child is born the umbilical cord is usually discarded. Researchers are working on a way to program the cells in the blood to resemble those found in a fetus. This find could lead to the regression of embryonic stem cell research because of morale and ethical issues. Since there are viable ways to harvest adult stem cells and even umbilical cord blood to work on cures for disease and injuries why would any scientist want to continue with the pursuit of using embryonic stem cells when so many people in America strongly disapprove? To continue after other options have been found would not make sense especially since adult stem cells and umbilical cord blood are both viable options. So, will the embryonic research continue even though alternative options have been discovered? Only time will tell. Meanwhile Christians should pray for our country and pray for those who seem to have no conscience when it comes to extinguishing an innocent human life.

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