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Bipolar Support Groups

he mania and depression associated with the disease. People who have the disease are prone to drug and alcohol addiction and extreme or risky behavior. Mood swings can be ongoing and mania and depression can occur at the same time. When this happens one minute the person will feel energized and euphoric the next moment suicidal thoughts can surface. Having the disorder can cause chaos in a person's life; affecting relationships and job performance. Bipolar support groups can help to provide the encouragement needed for the patient to continue with treatment avoiding the chaos felt by chemical imbalances. The severity of the symptoms can vary for each individual. Some patients do not have the severe episodes mania but instead have milder episodes that alternate between mania and depression.

Many patients with the disorder experience feelings of grandeur where their thoughts make them feel invincible. Paranoia and hallucinations have been experienced by some patients with the disorder. Families often have a hard time understanding a loved one that has this disease; they may think that he or she is just exhibiting bad behavior. Bad behavior is a possibility but there may be an underlying cause of some of the extreme behavior exhibited by individuals that have a chemical imbalance in the brain. Bipolar support groups help the family come to an understanding about why and how there is a behavior problem. After the patient begins medication and his or her behavior changes for the better a family can see the difference and realize that there is a psychological problem that is the underlying root for unexplained behavior. Hearing the stories of other people who have dealt with these same kinds of issues helps a person to cope better when he or she realizes other people are going through the same thing. Support from Christian friends can provide a patient with fellowship that involves prayer and faith in God. Praying for friends is important as can be seen with Job and his friends in the Bible. "And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before." (Job 42:10)

Life should be as normal and routine as possible for a person who is suffering with bipolar disorder. Too many changes and excitement can bring an episode of mania and depression. Routine living along with medication can help the patient to avoid episodes that wreck havoc on his or her life. Other lifestyle changes that can benefit the patient include eating healthy, exercise, and restorative sleep. Bipolar counseling helps the patient realize the importance of making healthy lifestyle changes and sticking with ongoing sessions. Learning positive coping techniques can help the patient and the family.

Bipolar does not have a cure but the disease can be managed with the proper treatment. The disorder does seem to run in families therefore indicating that it may be genetic. Environmental issues such as lifestyle choices can cause the onset of the disorder especially if a person indulges in drug or alcohol use. A physician will need to know if there has been drug or alcohol abuse with a patient. One way to help avoid drug or alcohol abuse with future episodes is becoming involved with bipolar support groups. A support group may include teaming up with other members and being able to call them when there is a problem. Having someone to depend upon to help when times of weakness occur can mean a lot for someone with bipolar disorder.

Some of the warning signs that an episode may be coming on is an increase in energy level, concentration level changes, sleep pattern changes, and the desire to indulge in drugs or alcohol. Some things that can trigger episodes include stress, anxiety, illness, and changes in day to day activities. Bipolar counseling can educate a person to be on the alert for triggers or symptoms of an episode. Mania episodes can deceive a person; at first the heightened energy and creativity can be positive. However, the problem that usually results from these episodes is that a person will become carried away to the point that he or she will take risks that can affect others. Behavior can ruin friendships, cause a person to lose a job, and affect close relationships with family. The importance of treatment can not be over emphasized when it comes to bipolar disorder.

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