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Substance Abuse Counseling

Participating in substance abuse counseling is beneficial in helping those with substance abuse, drug dependence, and chemical addictions to regain control and return to a sense of normalcy in life. Alcohol abuse as well as abuse of other chemical substances including nicotine, marijuana, and cocaine can generally be characterized by the inability of a person to perform regular life activities without collateral damage. Abusers cost the United States more than half a trillion dollars each year for the issues created by them. This includes police, justice, and social services workers along with the administration and operating costs for these workers. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40:30-31)

The overuse of substances is often called drug addiction, chemical dependency, or simply drug abuse. These are "catch-all" phrases for the use of chemical substances outside of the socially accepted mores. However, it is important to understand that even when substances are used well within the limits of what is considered socially responsible, there may still be an issue. Substance abuse counseling is beneficial because even the use of substances can easily lead to addiction or substantial dependence. According to many in the medical community, a person can actually become physiologic dependent. What this means is that if the person were to stop utilizing the preferred chemical, of which the person has become physically tolerant, there would be a physical backlash. These symptoms are called withdrawal symptoms. Whenever there is an overindulgence of a legal or illegal substance that leads to personal detriment to a person's physical, or psychosocial health, or impacts others in a negative way, substance abuse counseling may be needed. For example, someone who binges on alcohol may be able to take it or leave it depending on the circumstances. While a person with a dependence may not need it physiologically, but needs to be weaned from it physically in order to feel normal after having abused a substance. In other words, dependence usually suggests abuse, while abuse can easily occur without dependence.

Additionally, abuse and dependence can be distinguished from addiction in that an addict has a compulsion; whereas an abuser or dependent may not have a compulsion. For the addict, over use of drugs sparks changes in how the brain operates. For the majority of people, drug use was initially recreational in nature. But, because drugs have the ability to chemically alter a person's brain, repeated drug abuse can impact an individual's ability to exercise self-control and good judgment. The chemicals tap into the person's brains communication system and muddle the signals that send, receive, and process information. This ailment usually compels people to act in ways that are socially unacceptable. The individual will often make repeated excuses for their inability to keep their word. Most are preoccupied and easily distracted. The person exhibits behaviors that seems reckless and irresponsible. These behaviors will, in fact, damage work, family, and school relationships. Most of the time, if left unbridled, legal issues are also bound to ensue. Despite the dire and grave consequences, an addict will continue to use very hazardous chemicals, even when cautioned that death may be approaching. In order for an addict to begin recovery, they must personally experience a wake-up call. Because of the complexities of the psychological aspects of addiction, substance abuse counseling is usually only a portion of the treatment necessary to break the addiction and resume a "normal" life. For a lot of addicts, there will never be such thing as a "normal" life. Though it has been seen and done by millions, there is still a great number of people, who continue to feel the compulsion to use year after year, month after month, and day after day.

Along with substance abuse counseling, groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) exists to help people stay on track. There are confidential meeting places and scheduled activities that become part of the weekly calendar for recovering addicts. There are people who start off strong, and fall back into their addictive lifestyle; only to return to the program months, or years later. Both of these programs have tremendous success rates. Recovering addicts coach and counsel other recoveries. One foundational principle is that recovery itself is a lifestyle. Therefore, there will always be a meeting to go to, as there will always be a group of people who will not be judgmental of the person's lifestyle choices. They will, in fact, be supportive, ongoing associates and friends who provide substance abuse counseling on a very personal level.

Other than AA and NA, the primary objectives of substance abuse counseling are to amplify and maintain a person's motivation for change. Because the brain has been chemically altered, cognitive work is necessary to correct behavior and provide insight to motivation. This is done by helping the person to abstain from taking any and all psychoactive drugs; first and foremost. A high level of support is needed during recovery. Successful substance abuse counseling models seek to work with and through the abuser's issues to help the person deal with them more effectively. This is often possible when the counselor has been through a recovery process of their own. Drug testing on a regular and spontaneous basis will help to identify relapses. The individual is also trained to develop a new set of coping mechanisms which might include impulse control and problem solving skills.

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