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Drug Treatment For Alcoholism

Drug treatment for alcoholism is offered at a variety of drug treatment centers that utilize medication as a means to help an alcoholic. The idea of treating alcoholism through the use of drugs is controversial since the drugs used to treat the condition are also addictive. It is important to distinguish between a hard reduction approach and a treatment approach to addiction. The use of methadone for heroin addicts is a good example of harm reduction. Methadone is a highly toxic, addictive substance that is given under medical supervision at drug treatment centers. While this approach apparently substitutes one addiction for another, the idea is that the second addiction is less harmful.

Caution should be taken whenever dealing with an addict. They have proven that they possess addictive personalities, and the last thing they need is to become addicted to another substance. Because of the recent interest in the biochemistry of addiction, there is a new emphasis on drug therapy as a direct drug treatment for alcoholism. The assumption underlying this approach is that addicts are suffering from a biochemical imbalance that causes their addiction. Recent research on the levels of dopamine and serotonin in the brains of all types of addicts supports this theory.

Drug treatment centers also use medication as a means of counteracting the effects of the addictive substance--making the person feel ill if taken in conjunction with the substance. The drug Disulfuram (antabuse) is an example of this. The alcoholic becomes very sick if he drinks alcohol while antabuse is present in the system. Although this treatment for alcoholism does not treat the underlying addiction, it certainly does make the addiction physically uncomfortable. It could also prevent the alcohol from taking effect. Drug treatment for alcoholism can be beneficial if the patients are highly motivated to avoid relapse.

Christians considering entering any drug treatment centers should look into one of the many faith-based centers. These facilities allow patients to enlist help and support from God, which is the only place their real strength will come from. God is aware of every person's need for strength to combat all of life's temptations, especially for addicts. Turning to God in prayer during an affliction is very wise, as God is the only one that can truly eliminate the problem. "For he hath not despised not abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard," (Psalm 22:24).

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