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Carpal Tunnel Treatment

The reasons that people need carpal tunnel treatment are varied, but many of them are related to work injuries, especially from repetitive actions such as typing or working on a factory assembly line. This syndrome happens when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the hand, becomes squeezed or pressed. This problem results in a tingling feeling, numbness, or even shooting pains. Most people look for carpal tunnel pain relief through over-the-counter medications at first, but then find that the repetitive action at work just exacerbates the problem. That's because the tendons in the hand begin to swell or thicken from overuse, and irritate the nerve, causing narrowing of the passageway in the wrist. This can result in weakness in the hand, and pain radiating up the arm. Those who suffer from this condition may question if they can even continue working because the pain becomes so severe. The first symptoms are burning and itching in the wrist or hand, and the feelings may change to numbness and tenderness. The hand may eventually lose its ability to grip or grasp. In severe cases, the muscles in the area may waste away and the skin may lose its sensation to distinguish between hot and cold.

One reason that carpal tunnel treatment may be difficult to find is that the causes for the condition are not always clear. For some sufferers, the wrist's passageway is small, and may be susceptible to this wear and tear disease. Sometimes, an injury may be the underlying cause, and the damage may be difficult to remedy. Repeated use of vibrating tools such as hand drills is another cause. Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, overactive pituitary gland, hypothyroidism, development of a cyst, diabetes, and mechanical problems in the wrist joint may also be linked to the condition. Water retention during pregnancy or menopause can be another reason for developing the disease. But in some cases, no cause can be found. Therefore, sometimes the diagnosis may be difficult to ascertain through medical tests and patient history. But this condition is different than writer's cramp, bursitis, or tendonitis, so the medical professional must distinguish between these problems before the patient can experience carpal tunnel pain relief from taking the advice of the doctor.

Women are more likely to complain of this condition than men, possibly because women's wrists are smaller than men's, so are therefore they are more susceptible to this condition than are men. Children do not seem to have this problem; it is an adult disease. But people from across the work spectrum have lost work days because of this syndrome. However, those who have assembly line jobs are more likely to injure their hands because of the repetitive nature of their jobs. Studies show, however, that workers who use computers or who are in data entry are not more likely to have this condition. But one important factor in curing this disease is early prevention and therapy. A doctor will examine each finger for tenderness, look at the neck, arm, and wrist, and the muscles at the base of the hand. He will likely also order X-rays and laboratory tests to rule out other diseases that mimic carpal tunnel. The physician may also order electrodiagnostic tests, in which electrodes are placed in the hands and wrist and electric shocks applied to the muscles and nerves to see how quickly the impulses are transmitted through the body. Or electromyography may be conducted in which small needles are inserted into the hand to see if the median nerve is damaged. Sometimes, ultrasound is also used to locate any damage to the muscles or nerves to provide for carpal tunnel pain relief.

There are both surgical and non-surgical procedures for carpal tunnel treatment. Surgical remedies include open release surgery and endoscopic surgery. Physical therapy is often needed after the hospital stay, and often the healing takes months. Sometimes, the hand is not completely repaired and may lose its strength. Other side effects of these procedures are infection, nerve damage, stiffness, and recurring pain. These procedures should be undertaken only after other remedies have been tried or if the condition is severe and painful. The non-surgical procedures include drugs, exercise, chiropractic and massage therapy. Surprisingly, massage therapy has been found to be effective among some patients, restoring hand grip and lessening soreness and stiffness. Another essential element in healing is to rely on spiritual strength, which comes from God. Second Corinthians 3:5 states, "Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God." Turning our eyes upward helps us to take our minds off the insufficiency we have in our health and puts our confidence in God.

Another essential part of the road to recovery is to take steps at work or at home to alleviate the repetitive motions. Many people find that carpal tunnel pain relief is greatest when accompanied by therapies designed to counteract the wear and tear to nerves and muscles. Ergonomic work spaces make a lot of sense to those who suffer from this disease. Many companies provide ergonomic desk areas, ergonomic keyboards, and train their employees in exercises to do at certain times in the day. If a worker does not have access to these advantages and helps, the Internet can provide information about how to obtain them. Drug stores have splints for the wrist and hand, fingerless gloves, and other devices that can prevent the need for carpal tunnel treatment. Most important, each person must judge how many breaks he should take and which conditioning exercises will help to alleviate the condition. Prevention is the best carpal tunnel pain relief.

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