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Laparoscopic Surgery For Endometriosis

Laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis can help a physician determine the severity of the condition and remove any visible growths, cysts, and scar tissue. Gas is inserted into the abdominal area so that the physician can see the organs better. Removing the tissue can be done with a laser or through excision. The surgery is usually done through an outpatient clinic and recovery time is minimal. For women who do not wish to undergo surgery there is an alternative treatment for endometriosis. Estrogen causes the lesions or tissue to grow so hormone therapy is used to counter effect estrogen levels. Hormone therapy may involve using oral contraceptives or using other hormones, such as progesterone. Progesterone helps to lower estrogen levels which in turn will oppose the growths caused by endometriosis. In more severe cases removing the female organs through a hysterectomy may be considered. Some of the symptoms of the condition include painful periods, pain during intercourse, excessive bleeding during and in between periods, and cramping.

Endometriosis is uterine lining or tissue growing outside of the uterus. The condition can cause pelvic pain but there are other problems that can cause similar symptoms so these should be ruled out before a diagnosis is made. Some of these are pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, irritable bowel syndrome, and menstrual cramps. A pelvic exam alone will normally not be enough to determine the presence of the tissue. A doctor may first do an ultrasound to see if there are signs of the disease. The next step would be to do laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis to determine the severity of the disease. A blood test can also be done to see if there is an elevation in a blood protein that indicates the disease is present.

Women in their childbearing years should try to seek help for the disease, not only because of the pain associated with it, but because the disorder can eventually lead to infertility. Tissue that grows around other organs and vital areas in the body may cause other types of symptoms. Uterine tissue can affect the urinary tract, the bowel, the lungs, and even the brain. Alternative treatment for endometriosis may greatly depend upon the location of the uterine tissue and what organs or bodily functions it is affecting. Usually for other parts of the body such as the lungs and the brain to be affected a doctor may surmise that the immune system is not functioning properly.

The cause of the disorder is not entirely known. Genetics and the environment can both play a role in the development of the disease. Studies have shown that the exposure to toxic chemicals can affect hormone levels of estrogen. Too much estrogen in the body can cause the tissue to grow and form cysts. Research has shown that the disorder does seem to run in families. Normally women who suffer with the worst symptoms are ones that have not given birth. Other studies have shown that having an infection that has affected the pelvic region can lead to the growth of uterine tissue. Laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis can help a surgeon to find out the location and size of the tissue but does not usually help to understand the cause for the development of the disorder.

The thought of having surgery or being treated with prescription drugs is not always the best or most popular form of treatment. Some women prefer treatment with using a less invasive and more natural approach. A natural alternative treatment for endometriosis is the use of bioidentical progesterone cream. This type of cream is made mostly from plants and the hormones are similar to hormones found in the body. The cream may also contain other natural ingredients such as evening primrose oil, dandelion, and chaste tree. Bioidentical progesterone cream can help to balance out the hormones so that estrogen is not dominant. Some of the symptoms that progesterone can help to improve include pain, cramps, irritability, mood swings, headaches, breast discomfort, weight gain, fluid retention, and acne.

A laparoscopy to discover the reason for pelvic pain usually involves removing some of the abnormal tissue and looking at it under a microscope before a diagnosis can be definitively made. Laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis allows the surgeon to remove some of the tissue and to view the organs for signs of infected areas. Although this is somewhat of an invasive procedure, a laparoscopy can be done within 45 minutes and the recovery time to resume normal activities is normally seven days. Removal of uterine tissue and even having a hysterectomy does not guarantee that the tissue will not grow back and that the pain will not return. Dealing with pain can make a person feel depressed and discouraged. During this time a woman should spend time in prayer and in God's word along with spending time in fellowship with other Christians, placing all hope in Him. "The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him" (Lamentations 3:24).

A hysterectomy is normally only recommended to women who have severe endometriosis and who are suffering with pain and heavy bleeding. Some women who are looking for an alternative treatment for endometriosis seem to believe that a hysterectomy will just make it all go away. Removing the organs does not guarantee a complete removal of the uterine tissue. Since uterine tissue growth can often be found within the pelvic cavity and not just around or within the organs it is logical to assume that it is possible to leave some behind even with a complete hysterectomy. Uterine tissue feeds off of estrogen and most women who undergo a hysterectomy are put on hormone replacement therapy especially if they are still young. Hormone replacement therapy may include dealing with many side effects and discomfort. A woman should carefully consider all of the options available before considering a complete hysterectomy.

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