When someone wants to increase testosterone levels, there are medical treatments available; but the best approach is all natural. Testosterone is a hormone whose primary responsibility is growth and development of the male sex and reproductive organs. The penis, testes, scrotum, prostate, and seminal pathways are all involved in this complex system. In addition to the appendage growth, there are also internal mechanisms, that must be enhanced, that are called secondary male sex characteristics. These characteristics include laryngeal enlargement and vocal chord thickening to change the pitch of the voice from high to low. Fat distribution to change the shape of the body from androgynous to distinctly masculine. Also the muscles and bone mass are reconfigured for added strength and endurance. Women's bodies do not go through these particular changes. However, there are some women, who have experienced or sought to increase testosterone levels; which enhanced their masculinity.
Testosterone deficiency can happen at any age. For some, it is first noticed in puberty. Some young men have a marked enlargement of breast tissue while others have underdeveloped genitals. There are still other young men who have little or no pubic and body hair; while muscles fail to develop in others. When these symptoms become apparent in a young man's life, they can be devastating. In most cases, treatment to increase testosterone levels is sought. Depending upon many factors, a physician may delay any treatment. Frankly, in the majority of cases a young man who suffers this condition may just be a late bloomer. Other causes may be the use of certain drugs (both prescribed and street drugs); the use of an essential oil called "lavender" which may be present in personal care products, foods, or certain beverages; or there may even be an undiagnosed condition present. Until the doctor is able to pin down the cause, treatment may be delayed. Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. (1 Corinthians 1)
Later in life, some adult men also experience symptoms of testosterone deficiency. Unlike the puberty experience, men who suffer from deficiency have another set of symptoms. Muscle weakness and loss of body hair are at the minor end of the scale. On the other hand, driving complete devastation to most men is a diminished libido (sex drive) and/or erectile dysfunction. In this case, the rush to increase testosterone levels is imminent. Treatment often comes in the form of hormone replacement therapy. Two transdermal patches have been developed that deliver a steady stream of medication throughout the blood stream for either 12 or 24 hours at a time. The recommendation of one of the patch makers is to place the patch in one of the following locations at the same time every evening: 1) abdomen, 2) lower back, 3) thigh, or 4) upper arm. The other patch is to be worn on the arm, back or upper buttocks. The testosterone patch has become the most common form for treating deficiency of testosterone in adult males. The patches increase and preserves hormone levels without causing any serious side effects in most people who use them for treatment.
Though some men experience itching, acne, fluid retention, or temporary abnormal breast development, these symptoms are far outweighed by the benefits. By finding a way to increase testosterone levels, these men will be able to normalize their lives. Sexual desire returns, fertility increases, energy abounds and their mood even improves. With all that being said, for some hormone replacement therapy is still the best way to go for treatment. Though not a serious side effect, as side effect go, hair loss is a common side effect that can be devastating to some men. It's easy to see why. When a man loses his hair, he knows that society normally associates hair loss with growing old. If a man is only 40 or 50 years old, there is no way that person wants to be seen as old. For many men, this is the prime of life. Various goals have been achieved, family life is just becoming settled, the house is almost paid off, and everything is pretty stable. This is no time to start breaking down.
There is actually a more natural way to increase testosterone levels that does not include the use of drugs. Though a healthy lifestyle is the key to diminishing all types of physical ailments, it has not caught on as the number one determinant of good health. This includes normalizing testosterone levels in men. The male physique and subsequent characteristics is developed naturally and maintained when certain activities happen consistently in a man's life. Exercise is one of those things that people allow to go by the wayside that is crucial to personal health and can increase testosterone levels. A gym membership is not at all necessary. If a man were to make a goal of staying physically fit, some of the things they would want to do is: 1) go outside and take care of the landscaping at home or around the community; 2) volunteer to coach a sports team and do all the activities that are required of the team members; 3) Join an adult sports team (and not as the water boy); 4) get a set of weights along with a buddy, to help one another stay accountable, and use them three or more times per week; 5) volunteer at church to do any activity that requires moving, building, lifting or carrying anything.
Exercise is one of those things that people allow to go by the wayside albeit crucial to personal health. Bodies are built to move. Muscles are developed to lift and carry heavy objects. Actually according to research, men who make it a routine to exercise intensively will produce more growth hormone and testosterone than those who spend their time on the computer or watching TV. There are many other health benefits that include lowering cholesterol and blood pressure and thereby; decreasing risks for heart disease, strokes, and hypertension. Medicine is great to stave off imminent demise; but the maintenance of a personal physicality is one of the most critical, yet neglected, arenas in most people's lives. Becoming active to increase testosterone levels is natural and could be a person's best defense to testosterone deficiency.
Testosterone deficiency can happen at any age. For some, it is first noticed in puberty. Some young men have a marked enlargement of breast tissue while others have underdeveloped genitals. There are still other young men who have little or no pubic and body hair; while muscles fail to develop in others. When these symptoms become apparent in a young man's life, they can be devastating. In most cases, treatment to increase testosterone levels is sought. Depending upon many factors, a physician may delay any treatment. Frankly, in the majority of cases a young man who suffers this condition may just be a late bloomer. Other causes may be the use of certain drugs (both prescribed and street drugs); the use of an essential oil called "lavender" which may be present in personal care products, foods, or certain beverages; or there may even be an undiagnosed condition present. Until the doctor is able to pin down the cause, treatment may be delayed. Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. (1 Corinthians 1)
Later in life, some adult men also experience symptoms of testosterone deficiency. Unlike the puberty experience, men who suffer from deficiency have another set of symptoms. Muscle weakness and loss of body hair are at the minor end of the scale. On the other hand, driving complete devastation to most men is a diminished libido (sex drive) and/or erectile dysfunction. In this case, the rush to increase testosterone levels is imminent. Treatment often comes in the form of hormone replacement therapy. Two transdermal patches have been developed that deliver a steady stream of medication throughout the blood stream for either 12 or 24 hours at a time. The recommendation of one of the patch makers is to place the patch in one of the following locations at the same time every evening: 1) abdomen, 2) lower back, 3) thigh, or 4) upper arm. The other patch is to be worn on the arm, back or upper buttocks. The testosterone patch has become the most common form for treating deficiency of testosterone in adult males. The patches increase and preserves hormone levels without causing any serious side effects in most people who use them for treatment.
Though some men experience itching, acne, fluid retention, or temporary abnormal breast development, these symptoms are far outweighed by the benefits. By finding a way to increase testosterone levels, these men will be able to normalize their lives. Sexual desire returns, fertility increases, energy abounds and their mood even improves. With all that being said, for some hormone replacement therapy is still the best way to go for treatment. Though not a serious side effect, as side effect go, hair loss is a common side effect that can be devastating to some men. It's easy to see why. When a man loses his hair, he knows that society normally associates hair loss with growing old. If a man is only 40 or 50 years old, there is no way that person wants to be seen as old. For many men, this is the prime of life. Various goals have been achieved, family life is just becoming settled, the house is almost paid off, and everything is pretty stable. This is no time to start breaking down.
There is actually a more natural way to increase testosterone levels that does not include the use of drugs. Though a healthy lifestyle is the key to diminishing all types of physical ailments, it has not caught on as the number one determinant of good health. This includes normalizing testosterone levels in men. The male physique and subsequent characteristics is developed naturally and maintained when certain activities happen consistently in a man's life. Exercise is one of those things that people allow to go by the wayside that is crucial to personal health and can increase testosterone levels. A gym membership is not at all necessary. If a man were to make a goal of staying physically fit, some of the things they would want to do is: 1) go outside and take care of the landscaping at home or around the community; 2) volunteer to coach a sports team and do all the activities that are required of the team members; 3) Join an adult sports team (and not as the water boy); 4) get a set of weights along with a buddy, to help one another stay accountable, and use them three or more times per week; 5) volunteer at church to do any activity that requires moving, building, lifting or carrying anything.
Exercise is one of those things that people allow to go by the wayside albeit crucial to personal health. Bodies are built to move. Muscles are developed to lift and carry heavy objects. Actually according to research, men who make it a routine to exercise intensively will produce more growth hormone and testosterone than those who spend their time on the computer or watching TV. There are many other health benefits that include lowering cholesterol and blood pressure and thereby; decreasing risks for heart disease, strokes, and hypertension. Medicine is great to stave off imminent demise; but the maintenance of a personal physicality is one of the most critical, yet neglected, arenas in most people's lives. Becoming active to increase testosterone levels is natural and could be a person's best defense to testosterone deficiency.
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