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Types Of Abortion Procedures

An honest look at the various types of abortion procedures that are performed daily on a routine basis can be eye opening for anyone who is trying to come to a conclusion on the moral implications of this issue. In the United States a woman may legally obtain an abortion during any phase of pregnancy. It will generally be more difficult and costly to terminate a pregnancy that is more advanced, but the law does not prohibit late term abortions. This procedure was legalized in America in 1973 and a number of variations on how the act is carried out exist. Understanding the nature of these different types of abortion procedures may be helpful to anyone who is trying to come to a decision regarding this controversial and emotional topic. The kind of procedure that may be utilized will usually depend on how advanced the pregnancy is. First trimester abortions, for example, will generally require steps that vary widely from those that are routinely utilized if the pregnancy is more advanced. Unfortunately, the decision to go through with this procedure is made with little information as to what is actually entailed. Research and education along with informed counseling should be explored before making such an important and life altering decision.

Among the different types of abortion procedures that are performed during the first trimester are the dilation and curettage method, the suction aspiration method, and the chemical method. Dilation and curettage, or D&C, involves a scraping of the uterus with a looped steel knife. The placenta and infant are cut into pieces when this method is used. The doctor will then either scrape or suck out the pieces from the woman's body. General anesthesia is usually require for this procedure and the woman may experience a good deal of bleeding. The suction aspiration is a more commonly used method and involves a numbing and stretching of the cervix, followed by placing a sharp edged hollow tube into the uterus. The body of the infant is then sucked into the tube and the body is torn apart in the process. Additional suction then removes placenta and fetus together. The third of these three types of abortion procedures is called the chemical abortion. This method can only be used very early in the pregnancy. Using this method, the pregnancy is terminated through the administering of an abortifacient drug such as RU-486 or methotrexate. These medications can have serious side effects and may also cause life threatening complications.

Second and third trimester abortions can be a good deal more complicated. This is due to the advanced maturity and size of the unborn infant during these stages of pregnancy. Dilation and evacuation methods involve dilating the cervix much more widely and ending the pregnancy by removing the unborn child in larger pieces. For late term abortions, the physician may inject lethal chemicals directly into the womb and causing the unborn child to be killed. While such descriptions of these types of abortion procedures may sound quite graphic, they are an accurate representation of what takes place during an abortion. Proponents of this type of legalized termination of pregnancy claim that the unborn child does not feel any pain during these procedures, but scientific and medical evidence would flatly contradict such assertions.

One of the real tragedies of these types of abortion procedures may lie in the misinformation and ignorance has been circulated regarding just what is happening as the unborn child develops within the mother's womb. Abortion proponents claim that no life is being destroyed since the fetus represents a collection of cells and not a living being. Nothing could be further from the truth. At the very moment of conception, an individual DNA code is created. This code immediately determines the gender of the child as well as which features and traits the child will inherit. Will the child be a freckled red head or a dimpled brunette? Can the parents expect curly blond hair and blue eyes or a brown eyed child with straight brown hair? The answers to these and many other questions have already been determined at the moment of conception thanks to the DNA code. And yet, many different types of abortion procedures that will destroy the life potential that this astounding creation represents are performed by the thousands each year.

By the time that the expectant mother has her first indications that she may be pregnant, the nervous system, the brain and the spinal cord have all begun to form and a tiny heart has begun to beat. At one month into her pregnancy, the fetus will have two arms and two legs will begin to bud. The nose, the mouth and the features of the face have also begun to form. This developing life most certainly does not represent a haphazard tangle of cells. To make such assertions is to simply lie. Abortions are routinely performed within the first trimester of pregnancy, and yet, by the end of the first trimester the unborn child possesses finger nails and hair, is able to swallow and will respond to stimulation of the skin. Vocal chords as well as facial features that may resemble the child's mother or father are already present. And all of this occurs before the expectant mother has even felt her baby kick. A woman who is only four months pregnant is carrying a child that is capable of sucking a thumb or turning somersaults within the womb. When these facts are more clearly understood, the violence of these types of abortion procedures becomes obvious to most fair minded individuals. The Bible also points to God's delicate attention to life inside the womb. "For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb." (Psalm 139:13)

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