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Abortion Is Immoral

To come to the conclusion that abortion is immoral, a woman must first understand what abortions are and why women choose to have them. Pro-life supporters say that abortion equals the murder of a human life, before it's even allowed to live. There are now over 1.3 million surgical abortions per year in the United States; that number greatly increases when the rest of the world is calculated into the equation. Statistics show that many women believe in the immorality of the abortions but still have them for two distinct reasons: lack of financial resources and lack of emotional support. Pro-Life Christians and feminists recognize that it's plain and simple murder and a symptom of, not a solution to, the continuing struggles women face in the workplace, at home, and in society. Pro-life feminists and Christians seek to address root causes because of the fact that each fetus that's aborted is a person and prefer to promote solutions; from prevention to practical resources.

Christians take a strong stand against the aborting of a child. Taking that stance comes from a variety of unbiblical actions that eventually cause a woman to get an abortion. While every person is responsible and accountable to God for actions, society as a whole and Christians in particular should take on a greater role in aiding and offering the truth and alternative avenues for women when facing an unexpected pregnancy aside from just telling them that abortion is immoral. Living with the aftermath of "abortion is murder", can be devastating. The first step in addressing the root causes would be to empower young men and young women with the Holy Spirit by introducing them to the love of God and His forgiving and compassionate nature. The best way is first by modeling a Christ like behavior towards everyone. The secular world watches a Christian in action. If they see a Christian being judgmental and unforgiving, will want no part of Christianity as they perceive it to be. No compassionate person, Christian or Non-Christian wants to see a teenage girl drop out of school and face a lifetime of poverty because she became pregnant. No compassionate person wants her to suffer the pain and anguish of abortion.

Since abortion is immoral, the stigma attached to the character of the woman for the rest of her life by pro-lifers and Christians alike, isn't a realistic way for a woman to deal with the complexities and fears of an unwanted pregnancy. Public and private funding for comprehensive programs that emphasize celibacy and teen pregnancy prevention must be increased dramatically. Abortion is murder and should be taught as such with unbiased evaluation and replication of effective programs that include proven strategies, such as life planning skills, self-esteem workshops, and mentoring by older peers must be conducted. The church should be taking an active role in promoting these programs in and out of the public sector. Adjusting the programs to state biological reasons why this act is considered murder, and facilitating programs in modern day ethics that prove it's immoral will be a way to reach those that oppose any organized religion or Christianity in particular.

Christians need to be careful not to just "preach to the choir", but should be out in the secular world using wisdom and God given understanding to influence men and women to follow God's will for their lives, which includes the understanding that abortion is immoral and unethical in a variety of ways, even if they are not sure about God yet. Boys as well as girls should be included in the efforts to raise awareness to the biological facts. Groups and resource centers regularly get calls from women who feel that it's wrong but who are pressured by partners who say they will pay the $300 for the procedure, but will not pay a dime in child support. Men and boys need to be reminded that the laws have changed and have been strengthened to support child support enforcement, and paternity establishment. No longer can women be coerced into having abortions by threatening to abandon their children if they are born. Payments are not the end all be all of answers. Children that are born need more than just money for support.

Across the country, Americans on both sides of the abortion debate agree that women have a right to make informed decisions about their pregnancies. Women would be empowered to exercise this right by the passage of "Right to Know" legislature. As with any other medical procedure, women have the right to full disclosure of the nature of the abortion procedure. Now, clinics have no uniform inspection or reporting requirements; even veterinary clinics are better regulated. Doctors who have botched abortions, caused infertility or death and lost their medical licenses have been known to jump state lines to continue performing abortions and even open new clinics. There are no regulations to stop them. Why can't the government enforce regulations on abortion if it's a normal medical procedure? They can't because it isn't a normal medical procedure. Abortion is murder. How do you regulate murder? Women, when becoming pregnant, are told that the action's immoral, therefore their character is immoral, and are sometimes forced to discontinue their education or quit their jobs. This isn't a Christian behavior. Christians should show compassion, by supporting those that make mistakes and become pregnant. They should not be playing the blame game, and should be instructing women and men in the truths about abortion. Abortion is murder, and replacing another sin to substitute the sin of fornication is not appropriate. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15)

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