Pro-life arguments against stem cells state that every human life deserves to be respected and protected. Using embryonic stem cells for research does not respect or protect the human embryo. Those who believe God's Word realize that nothing good can come from sin. Committing murder is sin and that is what will happen to babies who are used for research. These little ones should have the respect and protection that every human deserves to have. God created each person in His image. Being created in the image of God and being valued by God are important pro-life arguments against stem cells. God gave us dominion over the earth. That means we have a responsibility to all creatures great and small, to the environment, and to all other people that we share this world with. Laws have been put in place to protect the lives of every human on this planet. One law has taken away the right to life from the tiniest of us, the unborn babe. This should not have happened and likewise taking the life of an embryo is wrong no matter what the reason or the excuse. "The face of the LORD is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth" (Psalm 34:16).
Abstinence should be practiced among every person who is not married to another. For those who do not choose abstinence they should think about the consequences of their actions before engaging in risky behavior. Pro-life arguments against stem cells favor abstinence but society teaches that using a condom is what's important. When risky behavior could result in an unwanted pregnancy the couple involved should be willing to get married and do the right thing, which is have the child they have conceived together. Instead many do not think twice about risky behavior because terminating a pregnancy is legal and easy to do.
One of the excuses used by scientists to use embryonic stem cells is that the embryos will die anyway. Pro-life arguments against stem cells make the point that all of us are going to die eventually. Terminally ill patients are going to die but no one has the right to kill them or use them as research experiments. This argument is just not valid. The same rights for people who have already been born should apply to embryos who are fully human and alive. Allowing this type of research goes against the Word of God. This makes using embryos for research unethical and immoral. The privilege of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is for all humans no matter how small. Allowing one exception to this rule can always lead to justification of another exception. Let's hope and pray that this type of disrespect to one human life does not lead to disrespect of other human lives.
Cloning is another excuse for using embryonic stem cells. Animals have been experiments of cloning for many years. The famous sheep named Dolly that was cloned was suppose to be a scientific milestone. Dolly only lived half as long as naturally born sheep do. She suffered kidney failure and died prematurely. Pro-life arguments against stem cells include refuting human cloning. Human cloning does not recognize the sanctity of life deserving to all humans. Reducing humans to a scientific experiment shows a devaluing of all human life. And what will be the outcome of those who are cloned? Will these humans be given all the rights and privileges of being human or will they be used for further scientific experiments?
Talk regarding human cloning has brought about many ideas from the scientific community that are very disturbing. Researchers have proposed to use animal eggs for human cloning experiments thus creating a combined human and animal species. God forbid that this type of experimentation should take place. This is a good example of how a society could get carried away when humans become devalued. Human hybrids are something that one could see in a science fiction movie and pro-life arguments against stem cells do not agree with experimentation that would lead to a mockery of God's creation.
Looking at Israel's history in the Old Testament a person will find that when the children of Israel were rebellious and refused to follow the Lord terrible things happened to them. In fact, the Bible is plain that anyone who refuses to obey God is cursed. Many times Israel faced defeat and exile because of their disobedience. They were often influenced by other nations to the point that they even sacrificed their children to idols. What does this example say for those who are disobedient to God's word today? God has not changed. His word does not change. Pro-life arguments against stem cells are based upon the word of God. Even Christians become influenced by worldly ideas and slowly may accept things that society accepts especially if we don't keep God's word before us everyday to remind us of right and wrong. As a nation we need to seek God and ask Him to guide us in His will.
Pro-life arguments against stem cells are not against the research that comes from adult stem cells. These cells do not cause harm to the person they are taken from. In most situations adult stem cells are taken from the patient's bone marrow, then grown in a laboratory over several days. The cells are then injected into the patient where needed. This type of treatment is actually being done today with some measure of success. With the possibilities being promising more researchers should concentrate in this area over using embryonic stem cells because doing so would not be unethical.
Abstinence should be practiced among every person who is not married to another. For those who do not choose abstinence they should think about the consequences of their actions before engaging in risky behavior. Pro-life arguments against stem cells favor abstinence but society teaches that using a condom is what's important. When risky behavior could result in an unwanted pregnancy the couple involved should be willing to get married and do the right thing, which is have the child they have conceived together. Instead many do not think twice about risky behavior because terminating a pregnancy is legal and easy to do.
One of the excuses used by scientists to use embryonic stem cells is that the embryos will die anyway. Pro-life arguments against stem cells make the point that all of us are going to die eventually. Terminally ill patients are going to die but no one has the right to kill them or use them as research experiments. This argument is just not valid. The same rights for people who have already been born should apply to embryos who are fully human and alive. Allowing this type of research goes against the Word of God. This makes using embryos for research unethical and immoral. The privilege of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is for all humans no matter how small. Allowing one exception to this rule can always lead to justification of another exception. Let's hope and pray that this type of disrespect to one human life does not lead to disrespect of other human lives.
Cloning is another excuse for using embryonic stem cells. Animals have been experiments of cloning for many years. The famous sheep named Dolly that was cloned was suppose to be a scientific milestone. Dolly only lived half as long as naturally born sheep do. She suffered kidney failure and died prematurely. Pro-life arguments against stem cells include refuting human cloning. Human cloning does not recognize the sanctity of life deserving to all humans. Reducing humans to a scientific experiment shows a devaluing of all human life. And what will be the outcome of those who are cloned? Will these humans be given all the rights and privileges of being human or will they be used for further scientific experiments?
Talk regarding human cloning has brought about many ideas from the scientific community that are very disturbing. Researchers have proposed to use animal eggs for human cloning experiments thus creating a combined human and animal species. God forbid that this type of experimentation should take place. This is a good example of how a society could get carried away when humans become devalued. Human hybrids are something that one could see in a science fiction movie and pro-life arguments against stem cells do not agree with experimentation that would lead to a mockery of God's creation.
Looking at Israel's history in the Old Testament a person will find that when the children of Israel were rebellious and refused to follow the Lord terrible things happened to them. In fact, the Bible is plain that anyone who refuses to obey God is cursed. Many times Israel faced defeat and exile because of their disobedience. They were often influenced by other nations to the point that they even sacrificed their children to idols. What does this example say for those who are disobedient to God's word today? God has not changed. His word does not change. Pro-life arguments against stem cells are based upon the word of God. Even Christians become influenced by worldly ideas and slowly may accept things that society accepts especially if we don't keep God's word before us everyday to remind us of right and wrong. As a nation we need to seek God and ask Him to guide us in His will.
Pro-life arguments against stem cells are not against the research that comes from adult stem cells. These cells do not cause harm to the person they are taken from. In most situations adult stem cells are taken from the patient's bone marrow, then grown in a laboratory over several days. The cells are then injected into the patient where needed. This type of treatment is actually being done today with some measure of success. With the possibilities being promising more researchers should concentrate in this area over using embryonic stem cells because doing so would not be unethical.
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