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Cystic Pimple

A cystic pimple is symptomatic of a severe case of acne vulgaris and is quite different than the typical bumps and blemishes associated with general skin problems. Big pimples that are filled with fluid and are as large as 5mm in width are cystic blemishes. These cysts or nodules can appear on or below the surface of the skin and can be so deep that they are even hard to see at times. The cause of these types of bumps are the same as most other forms of acne. Oil ducts get clogged which causes infections that lead to large, painful abscesses.

Teenagers are the most affected by this condition which can ultimately lead to scarring and serious skin damage if left untreated. "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." (3 John 1:2) An abscessed pimple is generally found on the face rather than other parts of the body. This makes having big pimples that much more traumatic, especially for self-conscious teenagers. Research has shown that contrary to popular wisdom, most acne is not directly caused by certain foods or poor hygiene. The fundamental cause of facial blemishes is related to hormonal changes that occur at puberty.

Other relative causes of the condition can be genetic, environmental, medicinal, or cosmetological. Unfortunately, some people just inherit the propensity to develop skin problems at certain times of their lives. For those who have a family history of acne, careful attention to the onset of puberty in children should be taken in order to circumvent a full blown condition that may follow a teen throughout his young adult years. Environment can also be a factor for some people such as living in a very humid climate or where heavy pollution occurs. Working in certain situations that continuously expose an individual to things like oil or grease in the air is also problematic for those who may develop serious pimples.

Using certain medicines such as barbiturates or lithium can stimulate epidermal abscesses to appear. A cystic pimple can develop when using certain medications so watchful vigilance of the skin should be taken when ingesting atypical medicines. Cosmetic products are sometimes the culprits in stimulating blemishes that can occur within 24 hours after using them. Makeup, shampoos, hair gels, shaving lotions or creams, and cleansers are all possible offenders for some people. Using hypoallergenic or acnegenic solutions may help at time, but users should not assume these are safe either.

Always monitor the use of skin or hair care products if a sudden outbreak of bumps occurs. A treatment protocol for a cystic pimple is not only to reduce the initial swelling and inflammation at the time, but to address the fundamental causes of the problem over the long term. As mentioned early, even though typical acne is not generally the direct result of foods or hygiene, abscessed bumps are the only condition which may be irritated or related to a poor diet. Doctors have surmised that toxins within the body may be involved in causing big pimples. It has been found that people who eat an unbalanced diet rich in fat and who do not drink lots of water tend to develop infected cysts.

Refined sugar, starches and cholesterol-laden foods are not healthy for the skin especially when combined with a lack of the necessary fluid intake. A lack of fruits, vegetables and fiber also makes it even more difficult for the body to rid itself of toxic build up. A complete change of eating habits is oftentimes recommended. A balanced diet that includes less meat with more fruits and vegetables as well as drinking 8-10 oz. glasses of water a day is the first place to start. Some doctors may even recommend a detox regimen that is designed to rid the body of toxic build-up in the digestive tract since a cystic pimple is usually an indication of systemic problems.

Those who work around oily environments may need to curtail or eliminate their exposure altogether in order to find relief. For example, teens who work in fast food restaurants, especially in the kitchen area, can develop large pimples due to the oil in the atmosphere that may settle on their facial skin over time. Infrequent boils and abscesses may be treatable at home, but cases of continuous and prolonged infections should be seen by a dermatologist. If adequate care is not taken, big pimples can cause serious, permanent scarring and discoloration.

Besides attention to general diet and environmental exposure, a doctor can prescribe topical as well as oral medications that will significantly reduce swelling and inflammation. A patient should never attempt to pop or drain a cystic pimple. Putting pressure on the bump only makes the infection and redness spread, complicating the problem. Trying to open the nodule with a sharp instrument will definitely not help and may lead to more scarring. Antibiotics are often used to treat big pimples and for those who have very severe cases, the drug Isotretinoin can be prescribed. This particular drug can clear over 85% of all cases but should be monitored for adverse side effects.

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