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Pain Management Clinic

Registering at a pain management clinic can help a sufferer find treatments, remedies, and therapies to block or eliminate misery altogether. It is a human condition to feel different at different times depending on what is going on in their lives. Physical discomfort of any type indicates to people that something is not right. Sixty percent of all Americans are currently experiencing some type of chronic or recurring pain. Nearly 2/3 of the people who suffer in misery have lived in agony for over five years. The most common ailments of this type are muscle, lower back, arthritis, bone/joint, and fibromyalgia. Causes of illness or injury that go untreated can halt many daily activities. Concentration, sleep, and exercise are also impacted. A person who lacks sufficiency in these areas will not make good choices, will not perform well in activities, and will generally not have enough energy to follow through on their responsibilities. People often lose days of work, are kept from daily activities, and are generally unproductive due to considerable affliction. Frankly, more than 36 million Americans have missed work, one or more times, because they were miserable.

Missing work is a very small consequence for someone who suffers with chronic agony from a disease or injury. A visit to a pain management clinic can help to relieve some of the symptoms in a very short period of time. Medications for these types of conditions abound. But, as many people know, prescription drugs can cause another type of hazard. The media presents cases daily of people who have gone beyond relieving their misery and become addicted to the very medications that were supposed to help them. Oxycodone is one such drug. More well known by the brand name OxyContin, it is an opiate derivative. This medicine has been abused so often, in fact, that some chronic pain sufferers refuse to accept a prescription for OxyContin. They fear that addiction is a natural outcome of the use of this drug. Moreover, there are doctors who won't even write a OxyContin prescription because they don't want the reprisals from someone becoming addicted. Addiction, once entered into, can be as chronic as the disorder that caused the person to take the prescription medicine in the first place.

A pain management clinic most often uses pharmaceutical therapy as it's main way of treating physical misery. Narcotic relief is actually quite popular. Some of the most common narcotic drugs are Tylenol #3; which is also known as codeine. This drug is very widely used for agony that is outstanding, but not unbearable. Darvocet, which is propoxyphene, is prescribed for the next level of severity. Then, hydrocodone, frequently known as Vicodin, represents even more intensity. Unbearable agony can usually be temporarily eased with oxycodone. This drug goes by two notorious names: Oxycontin and Percocet. When prescribed and managed through a pain management clinic, these medications can be used quite effectively. Under the care of a physician, a person can be monitored for dependency while the doctor seeks to cure the condition and wean a patient off of the medication entirely.

Surgeries, pain medication management, and nerve manipulation are among the multi-disciplinary activities that happen at a pain management clinic. Used appropriately they have been the most popular and most effective treatments available. There are repair surgeries that help to eliminate causal elements such as bulging discs; carpal tunnel; torn, stretched, or strained ligaments; inflammation and tearing of cartilage; or broken, cracked, or deteriorating bones. Implantation surgeries are used to install long term control devices. The implants help the management of medication delivery. These devices are used to relieve both severe, nagging ailments and muscle spasms. They pump in narcotic relief either at prescribed intervals or according to the patient's perceived need. With the accompanying medication that flows through such devices, the perception of agony is replaced by a feeling of running water. It even helps in cases of "phantom limb disorder" following an amputation.

Of course, there are other medication delivery methods that are more frequently used in a pain management clinic setting. They include; injections, heat therapy, cold therapy, and barometric chamber solutions. Extremely popular and most extensively used in the sports world is the use of the RICE technique for treating sports injuries. RICE therapy is an acronym for rest, ice, compress, and elevate. Anyone who follows professional sports knows that the goal is to get the athlete back in the game. Therefore, the techniques used must be very effective. And they are. Nerve manipulation is very different from some of the more aggressive treatments in this article. It is a gentle hands-on approach to create flow within the nervous system. Developed by French Osteopaths, Jean-Pierre Barral and Alain Croibier, nerve manipulation is a delicate therapy. It is a specialty that addresses restrictions of the dural and neural components of the musculoskeletal system. These elements are traditionally not the focus of an assessment of musculoskeletal symptoms at a pain management clinic.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:8-9) Physical misery can be excruciating for both the individual and the their family. Not all remedies work with everyone. With the variety of different pain relief efforts that have been undertaken by divergent disciplines at a pain management clinic; there appears to be several types of treatment modalities available for various ailments. Unrelenting pain can be treated with dignity. Pharmaceuticals are not always the answer for pain suffers. As the health care profession continues to evolve, more and more treatments, techniques, and life changing therapies are made manifest in order to heal pain sufferers.

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