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Caffeine Allergy Symptoms

Caffeine allergy symptoms range from a minor rash to life threatening seizures. The severity of the reaction depends on what the person is actually allergic to and to what extent a person is allergic. Some of the reactions associated with caffeine allergies include difficulty breathing, shock, tongue, and facial swelling. These reactions are different than those associated with consuming too much caffeine which include jitters, headache, insomnia, and irritability. An uncommon component to caffeine that people experience adverse reactions to is tannins, but it does happen. Tannins are not only found in coffee and soda, but in chocolate and red wine as well. Adverse reactions to herbicides and pesticides used to grow coffee beans is a much more common culprit of adverse reactions. Keeping a diary of food consumed, physical and mental feelings each day, and physical activity will aid in discovering specific reasons for allergic reactions.

Changing diet to include more organic and natural foods will not solve caffeine allergy symptoms, but create a sound platform for overall wellness, which will strengthen the immune system. With a strong immune system a person can better combat proteins and other consumable nutrients causing adverse effects to the human body. This task can be overwhelming, but taken piece-by-piece a person can succeed over time. Educating oneself on healthy food choices such as wheat instead of white bread will enable a person to carefully make the needed changes. Additionally, changes in food budget may be necessary to account for healthier food purchases. An important fact to keep in mind is that moderation is the biggest key to healthy eating. If serious caffeine allergy symptoms occur then complete avoidance is necessary, but if minor reactions occur then moderate consumption may be all that is necessary. Some people replace breakfast with a cup of coffee, which not only creates a dependency on coffee creating the environment for caffeine allergies, but also neglects the body of needed nutrients for all day energy and mental functioning and puts a person at reisk for caffeine allergies. Diets high in protein, Vitamin B, and Vitamin C will create a good starting platform for natural energy in which people try to extract from drinking caffeinated beverages. A multi-vitamin is an easy way to ensure the required nutrients enter the body without having to take the time to change actual food consumption. However, the more sugar and other empty calories consumed will counteract with any effort taken to live a healthier life.

Understanding what it means to have an allergic reaction or know when a reaction may occur is important. It is not unrealistic to think that a person should feel good 99% of the time. Even if a person has experienced these reactions their whole life, change is possible and realistic. Reducing stress, exercise, and changing life based on information revealed in the food diary will ensure the healthiest life. Most people do not have completely debilitating diseases, but rather have simply not discovered the reason for not feeling well. Caffeine allergy symptoms can be as subtle as tingling in the mouth, itchy skin, and minor swelling of the throat. People who have these reactions every day may not even notice them, but when these symptoms dont occur they will notice. Always striving for feeling better and treating the body better through nutrition, exercise, and mental wellness will increase enjoyment in life as well as decrease the chances of illness and disease. Americas busy lifestyle often creates the environment for neglecting to take care of the physical and mental body which ultimately results in additional problems causing more money and time to fix. Simply waking up a half hour earlier and spending possibly $50 more a month to upgrade one staple in the current diet will greatly impact overall health and wellness. This impact can also be accomplished by reducing stress. Evaluating the real need for certain responsibilities will help determine what can be removed from life in order to better the emotional and spiritual wellness. And [for] his diet, there was a continual diet given him of the king of Babylon, every day a portion until the day of his death, all the days of his life. (Jeremiah 52:34)

Many alternatives are available to replace caffeinated beverages and foods. Some people depend on drinking a warm beverage in the morning or throughout the day which can be replaced with chia tea, soy coffee, or Teeccino. All these options eliminate the consumption of caffeine, but still offer a hot beverage to be consumed. Likewise these beverages can be consumed cold and may additionally offer an alternative later in the day. Morning exercise can warm the body and stimulate the brain imitating the effects of coffee while avoiding caffeine allergy symptoms. Likewise, making sure the mattress and bedding used for nighttime sleeping does not cause irritation in any way will additionally decrease the dependency of caffeine. If adverse reactions occur when a person is lying in bed, a chemical reaction to the type of material or detergent used may also need to be addressed. There are no tests that can prove chemical sensitivity associate with caffeine allergies so trail and error conducted by the person is the only way to find relief. This means continuing the diary kept about food consumption and physical feelings. In addition to food consumption a person should record any adverse feelings while wearing certain clothing, using certain blankets, or even sitting in a certain chair. Once the potential culprits are identified, make changes one at a time in order to best identify the specific problem.

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