Natural family planning will allow a couple to adopt natural birth controls methods so they can plan when to have a child. Determining when ovulation occurs is the best way to adopt natural birth control. This can be done with an ovulation indicator test kit, through using calendar rhythm, or by determining basil body temperature. Other family planning methods include but are not limited to the use of oral contraceptives, condoms, intrauterine devices, diaphragms, and contraceptive patches or shots. A couple who is unsure about what method of birth control to use may want to consider finding a clinic that specializes in family planning and talk to a counselor about all of their options. In addition, decisions like these should be considered carefully and thoughtfully but also prayerfully. "Cause me to hear Thy loving kindness in the morning; for in Thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto Thee" (Psalm 143:8).
Couples who are married may decide to put off having a family right away. This could be for many reasons. Maybe both work and they want to be financially secure before bringing a child into the world. Natural family planning might be the best way to go if the two are willing to try and interpret the signs of ovulation. Women who have regular menses cycles are the best candidates for pinpointing exact times of ovulation. In addition, a couple may find that other methods of birth control are not tolerated very well. Sometimes oral contraceptives can cause many side effects and some of them may be very uncomfortable. With this type of dilemma the woman will have to weigh the benefits against the detriments to make a decision.
Oral contraceptives can cause discomfort because of common side effects. Side effects include but are not limited to nausea, headaches, weight gain especially with contraceptive shots, fluid retention, mood swings, depression, breast tenderness, and breakthrough bleeding. Many of the side effects may go away after being on contraceptives for at least three months. A woman should also consider the increase of health risks with long term use of oral contraceptives such as atherosclerosis, blood clots, gallbladder disease, cervical cancer, and breast cancer. Family planning methods that provide effective results with birth control include oral contraceptives that are taken exactly as prescribed. However, for the women who can not tolerate the side effects there are some other options.
An option for couples who choose to plan when to start their family is to purchase an ovulation indicator test kit. Most drug stores carry these and there are different brands to choose from. Basically these are used similar to pregnancy test kits. The woman can use the test to determine if the pituitary gland has released a hormone that will show up the day before ovulation occurs. The urine present on the stick will change colors if the hormone is present. Natural family planning methods that help a woman determine when ovulation occurs can be done by using this method. However, it may take a few sticks and a few days of checking to get a positive reading. Women who have regular menses will probably have more success at pinpointing the time close to ovulation compared with women who have very irregular menses. Talking to a physician about when to start using the test kit will be very helpful for women who are just unsure about when to start. More information can be found online regarding other ways to pinpoint ovulation including calendar rhythm and basil temperature.
The Bible says that children are a reward and a blessing from God. "Lo, children are a heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward" (Psalm 127:3). Starting a family takes commitment and sacrifice by a couple but the rewards are many. If a couple decides to wait for awhile to have a child then there should be a planned method of birth control. Family planning methods require commitment from both husband and wife in order for birth control to be successful. Temporary solutions may be to use condoms or a diaphragm. Condoms are available for both males and females. A woman may decide to use a diaphragm but a doctor should be consulted before doing so. A diaphragm and condoms can only be used one time. People who are allergic to latex may not be able to use either.
An intrauterine device can be a very effective method of birth control as it changes the environment of the uterus where conceiving would be almost impossible. Possible side effects of an IUD include possible cramping and heavy bleeding during menses. The positive side of using an IUD is that it is effective for many years and it is easy to use. An intrauterine device will not interfere with conception once it is removed. Concerns for family planning methods usually revolve around risks or complications. Signs of complications are usually evident with abdominal pain, vaginal discharge, and fever which could all indicate infection.
Couples who are not married should seriously consider what the Bible says about marriage, "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge" (Hebrews 13:4). Services available to couples can help them to make a decision towards choosing the best method of contraception. Natural family planning will usually take the couples lifestyle into consideration; what their plans are for the future; how soon they might want to have children; and their health and family medical history. Using a Christian counselor can provide insight into a Biblical perspective on issues concerning family as well as making suggestions on what birth control methods might work best for the couple's unique circumstances.
Couples who are married may decide to put off having a family right away. This could be for many reasons. Maybe both work and they want to be financially secure before bringing a child into the world. Natural family planning might be the best way to go if the two are willing to try and interpret the signs of ovulation. Women who have regular menses cycles are the best candidates for pinpointing exact times of ovulation. In addition, a couple may find that other methods of birth control are not tolerated very well. Sometimes oral contraceptives can cause many side effects and some of them may be very uncomfortable. With this type of dilemma the woman will have to weigh the benefits against the detriments to make a decision.
Oral contraceptives can cause discomfort because of common side effects. Side effects include but are not limited to nausea, headaches, weight gain especially with contraceptive shots, fluid retention, mood swings, depression, breast tenderness, and breakthrough bleeding. Many of the side effects may go away after being on contraceptives for at least three months. A woman should also consider the increase of health risks with long term use of oral contraceptives such as atherosclerosis, blood clots, gallbladder disease, cervical cancer, and breast cancer. Family planning methods that provide effective results with birth control include oral contraceptives that are taken exactly as prescribed. However, for the women who can not tolerate the side effects there are some other options.
An option for couples who choose to plan when to start their family is to purchase an ovulation indicator test kit. Most drug stores carry these and there are different brands to choose from. Basically these are used similar to pregnancy test kits. The woman can use the test to determine if the pituitary gland has released a hormone that will show up the day before ovulation occurs. The urine present on the stick will change colors if the hormone is present. Natural family planning methods that help a woman determine when ovulation occurs can be done by using this method. However, it may take a few sticks and a few days of checking to get a positive reading. Women who have regular menses will probably have more success at pinpointing the time close to ovulation compared with women who have very irregular menses. Talking to a physician about when to start using the test kit will be very helpful for women who are just unsure about when to start. More information can be found online regarding other ways to pinpoint ovulation including calendar rhythm and basil temperature.
The Bible says that children are a reward and a blessing from God. "Lo, children are a heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward" (Psalm 127:3). Starting a family takes commitment and sacrifice by a couple but the rewards are many. If a couple decides to wait for awhile to have a child then there should be a planned method of birth control. Family planning methods require commitment from both husband and wife in order for birth control to be successful. Temporary solutions may be to use condoms or a diaphragm. Condoms are available for both males and females. A woman may decide to use a diaphragm but a doctor should be consulted before doing so. A diaphragm and condoms can only be used one time. People who are allergic to latex may not be able to use either.
An intrauterine device can be a very effective method of birth control as it changes the environment of the uterus where conceiving would be almost impossible. Possible side effects of an IUD include possible cramping and heavy bleeding during menses. The positive side of using an IUD is that it is effective for many years and it is easy to use. An intrauterine device will not interfere with conception once it is removed. Concerns for family planning methods usually revolve around risks or complications. Signs of complications are usually evident with abdominal pain, vaginal discharge, and fever which could all indicate infection.
Couples who are not married should seriously consider what the Bible says about marriage, "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge" (Hebrews 13:4). Services available to couples can help them to make a decision towards choosing the best method of contraception. Natural family planning will usually take the couples lifestyle into consideration; what their plans are for the future; how soon they might want to have children; and their health and family medical history. Using a Christian counselor can provide insight into a Biblical perspective on issues concerning family as well as making suggestions on what birth control methods might work best for the couple's unique circumstances.
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