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Cons Of Having An Abortion

Any discussion of the cons of having an abortion would most certainly lead to some pretty strong feelings on both sides of the issue. Those who favor abortion believe that the woman should have the right to choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy. They see this right as a priority that trumps all other concerns, including the life of the unborn child. Those who believe that abortions are wrong and should be banned feel very strongly about the basic sanctity of life. For these individuals, terminating a pregnancy is seen as equal to the destruction of life. Such strong feelings have propelled a debate that still rages in the United States decades after the original Roe v. Wade decision of 1973 that legalized abortion.

Anyone who is considering the pros and cons of having an abortion owes it to themselves to explore the whole truth about what this procedure entails as well as the long term ramifications of terminating a pregnancy. The emotional and financial pressure that many women feel when facing unwanted pregnancies can sometimes block out all other concerns. But it is very important for anyone who is contemplating terminating a pregnancy to take the time to understand that abortions do not simply remove inconvenient situations. A woman does not simply return to a pre-pregnancy existence after the pregnancy has been terminated. This is particularly true if the woman has mixed feelings about going through with an abortion or feels coerced by others to do so. The long lasting emotional costs that have been reported by women who have terminated a pregnancy can serve as one of the most important cons of having an abortion.

But perhaps the most significant reason not to abort an unwanted pregnancy is the very life of the child. Some may shy away from attempting to define exactly when life begins, but science and medicine do not seem to be so timid. At the moment of conception a child's DNA code is established. This genetic information will dictate everything about the child including physical features, hair and eye color and other factors that will follow the child through life. A strong belief that life begins at conception is the deciding factor for most individuals who identify themselves as anti-abortion. Additionally, the right to choose argument that is put forth by abortion proponents wears a little thin in light of the many sources of birth control that are available. Individuals and groups who take an anti-abortion stance belief that the concept of choice applies most effectively to the choice to use birth control to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. An honest understanding of the cons of having an abortion has persuaded many that life is worth preserving regardless of the cost.

Many abortion proponents point to situations in which a woman is raped and becomes pregnant as an argument in favor of legalized abortions. Even those who agree with the many cons of having an abortion have difficulty with the issue of rape. Any feeling human being would surely have sympathy for the woman who has survived the violence of rape only to discover that she is pregnant by the rapist. There is no easy choice available to this woman. Through no fault of her own she must decide whether or not to allow her own child to be surgically dismembered and removed from her body or to go through nine months of pregnancy. If she chooses to carry the child, she faces the decision of whether or not to give up her child for adoption or to raise the child of the man who raped her. Pro-abortion forces would argue that the woman has suffered enough and should be permitted to terminate the pregnancy. Anti-abortion groups would point out that the rapist is the guilty party here and is the one who should be punished. Terminating the pregnancy punishes the innocent child and not the rapist. The sanctity of life is the heart of the issue here and the disregard for human life is often listed as one of the major cons of having an abortion.

Those who believe that life begins at conception would naturally favor that the life of the child be protected regardless of the circumstances surrounding how the child was conceived. The fact remains that pregnancies that are a result of rape represent only one percent of all of the abortions that are conducted each year. For many, such a small fraction of terminated pregnancies does not justify the legalization of abortions. A woman can legally obtain abortions at any stage of pregnancy, resulting in the deliberate killing of infants that are capable of surviving outside of their mother's body. Surely this truth ranks high among the many cons of having an abortion that are frequently cited. However, no one would suggest that such a commitment to life would be easy to follow through on. The Bible assures believers that even during life's most trying times, God is there to provide mercy and help. "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16)

Contemplating the cons of having an abortion is very important for any woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy. Some would argue that any child that is not wanted should not be brought into the world. However, this argument is not grounded in fact. There are long waiting lists of parents who wish to adopt newborn infants. These parents would offer loving homes to these infants which certainly represents a better alternative than to end the child's life before birth. Sorting through the truths and myths surrounding this controversial issue is very important for anyone who is making such an important life and death decision. With help and support, the value of life can be honored in even the most difficult circumstances.

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