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Abortion Costs

Abortion services are available throughout the United States, and the world, to assist women in need of help. While some of these programs and organizations are there to support women in the decision to choose to abort the child, many Christian organizations exist to provide information on alternatives. Often pregnant women, especially younger girls, feel there is no way around a pregnancy but to end the life of the child. This is an option that has been heavily publicized, endorsed, and glamorized by the media, often allowing women to feel empowered by making the choice. Many Christian organizations can assist women in seeing the true abortion costs that exist, far beyond the scope of monetary and financial costs. Some of these costs include emotional turmoil, physical affects, and spiritual anguish. By educating women on the true devastation of this procedure and alternative solutions, Christian organizations provide help for those who are desperate for a solution.

Many Christian abortion services are available to assist women in need of help. These organizations are often created as an outreach to women, especially those within the church, who may be experiencing unplanned pregnancies. Most large cities have some type of group or organization that can offer women assistance in choosing a better alternative. If there is not an organization like this in a town or city, there are women and men within churches who can help find alternative solutions. For someone who is a non-Christian, or not currently attending a church, it may be difficult to reach out to someone from this type of organization for help. Shame, guilt, and many other emotions may come into play when trying to seek a decision. A pregnant woman seeking help must understand that people working in these Christian abortion services or organizations are there as counselors, teachers, and friends. They are not there to condemn or chastise an individual who may have had thoughts of aborting a child before making the decision to seek help. On the contrary, the individuals working within these organizations will admire an individual who has struggled with the decision to terminate a pregnancy and ultimately chosen to give life to the child.

For those individuals still thinking about choosing to have an abortion, it is important for a Christian organization to educate the woman on the abortion costs that may arise from the procedure. Many surgical procedures are used to abort babies. These procedures can range in intensity and side effects. It is important for an individual to understand that many of these surgical procedures can lead to the inability to conceive children. If the individual is still able to conceive after an abortion, they may experience complications with pregnancy. Abortions can often make women more susceptible to miscarriages, hemorrhages, and other complications with labor and delivery. These can be very dangerous, not only to the mother, but the child as well. Physical problems are probably much easier to deal with than the emotional costs that may be faced. Individuals may struggle with the decision to choose an abortion for years to come. Seeing young children on the street that may be about the same age as the child that was aborted can be devastating to an individual. Guilt, sorrow, and emotional turmoil can lead to feeling inadequate and unhappy for a long time.

It is very important for Christian abortion services to explain alternative choices to individuals who may be considering ending the life of their unborn baby. After the abortion costs are explained, these individuals need to understand what other options there are. Many women feel this is the only way out. While it is a way that many choose, it is the most devastating and painful way to deal with an unplanned pregnancy. One of the best alternative choices is actually raising the child. This may be a difficult choice because the individual may not be financially secure enough to undertake the effort, but there are ways to seek help from the government and organizations such as the Christian organizations that counsel women in choosing life over the death of a child. Another great alternative is allowing another family member to raise the child. Often grandparents will jump at the chance to take in a child when the child's parent is financially unable to do so. If this is not an option, adoption may be a great answer. Many couples are unable to have children and are seeking a child to love and raise as their own.

Christian organizations can make it much easier for a woman to choose to have a child instead of terminating a pregnancy. These abortion services seek to provide education on many issues often associated with these procedures. The abortion costs can be very hard for an individual. Physically, women may become unable to conceive or may develop difficulties with future pregnancies. The emotional costs may include guilt, anguish, and other negative feelings. Choosing life can be liberating to a female who had previous thoughts of abortion. If raising the child is impossible, there are numerous alternatives including giving the child up for adoption. "Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward" (Psalm 127:3). Seeking help will provide a female with help in deciding what alternative to select.

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