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Abortion Alternatives

Women who are seeking abortion alternatives can turn to one of the many service organizations that offer both practical help and emotional support to individuals who are facing an unplanned pregnancy. Anyone who is considering abortion but is experiencing doubts should definitely explore all options before following through with the termination of a pregnancy. The long term emotional impact of abortions can take a serious toll on the lives of women. While there are many organizations that favor legalized abortions, there are also a great number of groups that oppose this practice on moral grounds. It is important that any woman who feels uneasy about aborting the child seek help from a sympathetic counselor who will respect her doubts and not attempt to pressure her to follow through with a step that will have life long repercussions. Abortion is not the only answer for those who are faced with unplanned pregnancies. There are a number of viable abortion alternatives. A woman could choose to carry the child to term and then place the newborn up for adoption. Or she could opt to raise the child herself. Many organizations provide help and support to women who wish to keep their child, but may need assistance of some kind to do so.

A crisis pregnancy center can be a good place to turn if a woman suspects that she may be pregnant and is not sure what to do next. Pregnancy tests and many other valuable resources are available at these facilities. In general, a crisis pregnancy center will be faith based in nature and in the business of offering abortion alternatives. While they will provide information about abortions, they will not act as advocates for this procedure. Their role is to make sure that a woman fully understands the ramifications of aborting a child and to offer help and counsel that will help the woman choose not to terminate the pregnancy. These centers make no apologies regarding their stance on this controversial issue and they will never advise a woman to abort her child.

Understanding abortion alternatives is particularly important for young women who may feel coerced or pressured to terminate a pregnancy. Pressure to sweep the problem under the rug by aborting the unplanned pregnancy can come from a variety of sources. Parents may be concerned about the stigma that is attached to a teenager's pregnancy. The child's father may also attempt to coerce the mother to abort the child. To force another person to submit to abortions is against the law. Any woman who is uncomfortable with the decision to abort should know that they do not have to submit to this procedure if they do not wish to. A responsible doctor will never pressure a patient into taking such a drastic step. In fact, a medical professional should take pains to make sure the the patient has been informed about what the procedure entails and that they have a choice in the matter. Any woman who is feeling pressured should make it plain that this is not how she wishes to handle the situation. It is also important to refuse to sign any documents that give consent to terminate the pregnancy. If the pressure that is being applied is financial there are organizations that offer abortion alternatives. These groups can help a woman find lodging, work, and other types of support that will enable the mother to carry the child to term.

Along the same line, women have specific rights regarding the decision to surrender parental rights and allow the child to be adopted. While placing a child up for adoption presents just one of a number of positive abortion alternatives, the decision can be a difficult one. Most states allow a grace period of around six months after the child is born. This grace period permits the birth mother to change her mind about placing the child for adoption. In an open adoption, if the mother has selected a set of adoptive parents, but changes her mind before the child is surrendered to these parents, she has the right to do so. There are occasions when a mother simply finds it impossible to surrender the newborn, even though she was convinced that this is the step that she wished to take before the child was born.

Any woman who is sensing pressure or coercion regarding adoption issues should know that the final decision is hers. Adoptions are wonderful abortion alternatives, but a birth mother does have specific rights under the law. Those who are reaching out to help are generally committed to compassionate support along with helping an expectant mother deal with the strong emotions that she is feeling. The Bible instructs believers to be happy for those who are experiencing positive blessings and to support and identify with those who are experiencing sorrow. "Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep." (Romans 12:15)

Once a woman has decided to place the baby for adoption, there are still other choices to be made. The mother will need to decide which type of adoption she is interested in pursuing. A closed adoption means that the birth mother and the adoptive parents have no contact whatsoever. Semi open adoptions offer a little more contact. For example, there will usually be no face to face meeting with the birth parents, but there may be an exchange of photographs or letters. In open adoptions, there will usually be a number of in person meetings between the birth mother and the adoptive parents. The amount of contact that continues during the life of the child may vary with each situation. Whatever choice a mother might make, seeking out solid abortion alternatives is of vital importance.

Quick Facts Against Abortion

There are a number of compelling and quick facts against abortion that can effectively make the case in favor of the preservation of life and against the legalized termination of pregnancy. For many, the debate hinges on a determination of when life actually begins. Those who believe that life begins at conception see the act of abortion on the same level as the murder of another human being. For those who believe that life begins at birth, anything that is done before a child is born, including aborting the fetus, is seen as a completely moral choice. With such a flurry of opinions it is not surprising that those who are tempted to consider abortion can find it difficult to come to a conclusion that provides peace of mind. An honest examination of the heart coupled with a sincere searching of the scriptures can help to provide clear answers. Researching a few quick facts against abortion can also help the undecided individual find real answers.

Some of the arguments that are made by those who favor abortion center on the difference between a fetus and a full term infant. But this argument does not hold water under closer examination. A fetus will eventually develop into an infant, barring miscarriage or willful termination of the pregnancy. Following the same logic, a child will eventually become an adult barring any unforeseen tragedy. Does that mean that the life of the child is less valuable than that of the fully developed adult? Even if the notion of life beginning at conception is in doubt, isn't the doubt itself enough reason to preserve life? Why take the risk, not to mention the moral implications of destroying life if such an important conclusion is unclear. A basic review of a number of quick facts against abortion would indicate that it might be wise to err on the side of safety and honor the sanctity of life.

Among the most compelling and easy to understand quick facts against abortion may involve an understanding of fetal development. At the moment of conception, the unique and individual aspects of each human being are already formed. Questions such as the gender of the child, the hair and eye color, even whether or not the child will have a dimpled smile have already been answered. The minute that one cell divides, these things have been determined. It is very difficult to make an argument against life beginning at conception when these truths are considered. A little over two weeks later, the cells that will eventually allow for the formation of sperm or eggs have already begun to group together, laying ground for the next generation. Three short weeks after conception, which is right around the time that a woman would just begin to suspect pregnancy, the infant's spinal cord, nervous system, and brain have already begun to form. At this point, the child's heart has even begun to beat. In fact, twenty one days after conception, the infant's eyes and ears have also begun to form. Within a week two legs and two arms will be apparent. The lungs will also have begun to form at this point as well. These truths constitute compelling and quick facts against abortion.

The amazing level of fetal development that has already taken place at around the time that many abortions occur can provide additional quick facts against abortion. The features of the face are beginning to make an appearance. By the time a mother has missed her second period, the infant will already have a sense of smell and the brain is in the process of dividing into three parts. One part will deal with emotions and language, a second section will process hearing, and a third will handle sight. A woman who is eight weeks pregnant and contemplating getting an abortion will most likely not realize that she is carrying a child with a strong heartbeat, functioning liver and kidneys and with every organ present. A tiny and fully formed being will continue to grow and develop at an astounding rate, providing that nothing is done to interfere with this miraculous process. These quick facts against abortion make a very strong case for the idea of life beginning at the moment of conception. At ten weeks the beginnings of ten tiny fingernails and even fingerprints are forming. The sheer majesty of this process should remove all doubt that something divine is taking place. One week later, this delicate being is able to make facial expressions such as smiles or frowns. And yet there are many who will still argue that life has not yet officially begun. The Bible clearly notes the attention that God extends to new life withing the womb. "For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb." (Psalm 139:13)

The amount of risk to the woman that can be involved when a pregnancy is deliberately terminated may constitute some of the most under reported quick facts against abortion. The risk of such health issues as clinical depression, post traumatic stress disorder, bowel injury, and ectopic pregnancy have been reported to be higher in women who have had abortions. A laceration of the cervix during a medically induced pregnancy termination can also increase the likelihood of a miscarriage latter on in life. The possibility of dealing with a condition called placenta previa during a subsequent pregnancy is also reported to be higher among women who have previously terminated a pregnancy. Considering these and many other pertinent facts is necessary for anyone who is considering abortion.

Abortion Bible Verses

Abortion bible verses show that children are precious to the Lord, "Whosoever shall receive this child in My name receiveth Me, and whosoever shall receive Me, receiveth Him that sent Me. For he who is least among you all, the same shall be the greatest" (Luke 9:48). At eight weeks old a baby is formed with every organ in place. The heart is beating and the liver is making blood. The brain has divided into three distinct sections so the child can experience emotion as well as learn and understand language. Children should be cherished and protected. Children should be cared for and loved. Abortion bible verses may not specifically mention abortion but there are many that show how precious life is to our Creator. "Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture" (Psalm 100:3).

As early as twenty weeks after conception a child can survive outside of the womb. Since medical technology continues to advance this could change. Babies born weighing only ounces have survived. This is miraculous! Knowing this fact alone should make a person realize that this tiny miracle has the will to live, the will to survive. This brand new life should not have to suffer for the mistakes that adults make. Becoming pregnant need not be the end of the world nor should it be the end of a life. Abortion bible verses remind us that there is hope. Placing our hope and trust in God is important in times of indecision and stress. Praying for guidance is an act that shows hope and trust in God. Placing one's faith in God means talking to Him about the problem and then trusting Him for the answer.

One reason that a young girl might want an abortion is because she is scared to tell her parents. Sometimes young girls do tell their parents and it's the parents who push the termination of the pregnancy; or women decide to have the procedure because a boyfriend pushes them to do so. While there are many reasons that females consider abortion there are many why they should not consider this option. Women today have access to more information than ever before. The Internet makes researching any subject easy. A person can easily look up abortion bible verses online to find out valuable information on the moral and spiritual reasons to not consider aborting a child.

Those of us who have been brought up in church singing Sunday school songs can relate to "Jesus Loves Me" or "Jesus Loves the Little Children." These have been etched in our memory. We may even sing these songs to our own children. The same is true of scriptures that we learned in church. Abortion bible verses remind us that God loves us. They remind us of the importance of prayer. In addition, we are reminded of right and wrong and how choices we make are important. Bad choices reap bad consequences but good choices reap blessings. Not accepting Christ will one day lead to eternal separation from God. Accepting Christ will lead to spending eternity with Him in glory. But even those who have been brought up in church are sometimes led astray and make bad choices. When this happens then asking for forgiveness with a repentant heart will restore one in the Lord.

For those who were not brought up in church there may be much more confusion on the issue of abortion. Maybe the girl next door never had Sunday school songs sung to her. Perhaps she has never read God's Word or looked up abortion bible verses. The invitation to come to Christ is for everyone. Most choices that a person makes on a given day have to do with earthly things. The choice to come to Christ is one that has eternal implications. The joy and peace that the Lord gives us here are incomprehensible. When He is Lord of all then life becomes different. Life has a different face. One's perception changes to include knowing that the Lord will take care of us. He will see us through whatever we are going through. Those who are facing a tough decision on whether or not to have an abortion, Christian or not, should consider what the Lord would say on the subject. Abortion bible verses are reminders of right and wrong. They are reminders that Christ has already paid the price for that little babe's sin that he or she might commit in the future. Perhaps this is the best example of the love of God. He loves us so much, that He gave His only son so that we might have eternal life and this is extended to that precious little unborn child too!

A person may believe that she has the right to choose what happens to her own body. However, abortion bible verses tell us that our body is God's Temple (1 Corinthians 3:16-17). Certainly, God gives us free will to make our own choices, but do the choices we make please Him? And will there be consequences for the choices we make when those choices lead to sin? God's word is very clear about the consequences of sin. In the Old Testament one can read about Israel and how they were disobedient and sinned against the Lord. The children of Israel suffered greatly because of the sins they committed. They were taken into captivity and many of them died. Those who did not believe that God could protect them in the Promised Land and who had sinned because of their unbelief never got to see the Promised Land.

Private Adoption Agency

Private adoption agency selection involves criteria such as cost, type of child, requirements, and waiting period. These facilities may specialize in infant, special needs, specific country, or teen as well as many other specialties. In general instate and international adoption agencies run the same involving and initial application and interview followed by information validation, payment arrangements, and pick up of the child. Though these categories are broad, they encompass the generality of the process. Requirements remain different from organization to organization, however the basic need for a loving and financially supportive home remains consistent throughout. Choosing the perfect situation will depend on the specific situation of the family wishing to adopt. Finding the perfect situation for the family wishing to adopt remains the job of the organization, which in most cases is the only way to adopt outside of family.

Choosing to adopt is just as serious and important as the decision to have a baby. The costs of adopting are usually greater than that of birthing, but otherwise it is the same ethical and commitment decision. Additionally, adopting requires scheduled visits from social workers in order to ensure home quality. These visits are not meant to intimidate, but rather ensure a quality fit for parent and child, likewise women choosing to put their children up for adoption due to unplanned pregnancy find comfort in knowing the home chosen for their child will be monitored. International adoption agencies work with social workers in the area to which to the family lives in to ensure quality. Once the child is received into the family they will only see their home country by personal choice of child (when of age) or parent. Contacting a private adoption agency can get a person in touch with area support groups or individual families who have given permission for other people to contact them. These people can encourage, answer questions, and further educated potential adopting families. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with [him], that we may be also glorified together. (Romans 8:14-17)

Though the cost varies depending on the private adoption agency chosen and the type of child desired, in general a person can count on spending at least $10,000 between paperwork and legal fees. Fully understanding the costs of paperwork as well as the cost to receive the child if using international adoption agencies such as plane tickets and amenities should be considered before starting the process. Understanding these costs can also be discussed with families who have already adopted. These people may also offer suggestions for food while overseas, gifts for international contacts, and items required for the new child when they get home. The cost of the actual process should be considered in addition to the normal cost of raising a child. These costs might be compared to those of a hospital stay and prenatal care. A private adoption agency gathers income information as well as inspects the house in order to get a feel for the way in which money is spent and how it is earned. Budget counseling is available through many government and local organizations outside the international adoption agencies. These services can aid in preparation for the financial burden of these costs.

Adopting when biological children are present in the house adds complexity to this enormous life change. The private adoption agency may offer literature or refer organizations that may offer support and assistance in preparing for that life change. Feelings of insecurity and confusion may overcome a child of any age when a parent decides to adopt. Carefully nurturing that child and communicating fully, to the level of their understanding, will help them feel included and loved equally. At this point only traditional feelings of sibling rivalry remain. Even if the child is only 2 years old, life change affects them dramatically. A positive attitude by the parents will further ensure a smooth transition once the adopted child comes home. Family meetings with existing children no matter if they are biological or adopted is necessary for smooth transition as well. Even the smallest of children can help prepare a room or color a picture for the new child. Global adoption agencies may offer additional suggestions based on the country to which the child is coming from.

Honoring an adopted childs home country while welcoming them into a new country may create some confusion, however International adoption agencies are trained and educated to answer these questions and offer suggestions. Purchasing items while in their home country eliminates the confusion about American made international items. Some families choose to save the items purchased at time of adoption as a memory box for when the child is older if adopted in infancy. Honoring traditional holidays such as Chinese New Year is important in order for the child to see people who look like them, especially as they get older, but is recommended from time of acceptance. Researching appropriate celebration rituals and area events make participation easier for the parents as well as the child. Due to the overwhelming amount of immigrants to America, opportunities for international events are somewhat easy to locate. Focus on the loving and honoring the adopted child remains the most important issue and subsequently all other things will follow.

Reasons Against Partial Birth Abortion

Exploring the many compelling reasons against partial birth abortion can involve dealing with information that is both disturbing and difficult to fully understand. Nevertheless, a full comprehension of what this controversial procedure entails is necessary before an honest evaluation can be attempted. In many cases, a woman who undergoes this procedure does not understand the dangers to her own body or what will happen to the unborn child that she is carrying. These types of abortions are now illegal in the United States thanks to the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. When this legislation was under consideration, members of congress heard disturbing testimony from medical professionals on how these abortions are carried out. Such convincing testimony resulted in the first federal ban on this type of late term abortion. However, there are still many proponents of this practice that are seeking to find loopholes around the existing law. Those who disregard the many reasons against partial birth abortion reason that to limit abortions in any way takes away a woman's right to choose. For many, respect for human life far surpasses any imagined rights to kill an innocent and defenseless unborn child. But in spite of the mounting evidence against the kind of barbaric practice that partial birth abortion represents, the debate rages on.

For those who have come to understand what happens during this procedure, looking for additional reasons against partial birth abortion is not necessary. In order for the unborn child to be removed from the mother's body, the mother's cervix will need to be dilated through artificial means. Once this has been accomplished, the infant is drawn into the birth canal and the feet, torso and arms are then delivered. The infant's head will remain inside of the mother's body. Since the head is the largest part of the body, it is the most difficult to deliver. To solve this problem, the abortionist will insert a sharp object into the back of the unborn infant's head, forming a hole. A tube is then place in this opening. Using extremely powerful suction, the brain tissue of the living infant will be removed. This action will frequently cause the child's head to collapse and the now lifeless infant can be removed from the womb. In some cases, the abortionist may be forced to use forceps to crush the baby's skull. During this procedure the child is both alive and able to feel pain. Such graphic descriptions undoubtedly supply the most convincing reasons against partial birth abortion.

When the facts regarding this inhumane procedure are known, it is hard to imagine that anyone could argue with the many reasons against partial birth abortion. But the battle to uphold a federal ban against this gruesome practice continues to be fought. Prior to the federal ban, thirty states had passed legislation that made the practice illegal. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court struck down these laws, spawning a push toward federal legislation. But even this federal law is being fought in court. Those who disregard the many compelling reasons against partial birth abortion argue that there are occasions when this type of procedure is necessary. In reality, there is no evidence to support such assertions. Opponents of legal bans also claim that lawmakers who voted for the ban were guilty of determining medical treatment for women without sufficient understanding of the related medical issues. The truth would seem to be exactly the opposite of this assertion. The more that is understood about what happens to both the mother and the unborn child during this procedure, the stronger and more vocal the opposition to this practice becomes. The Bible clearly indicates that God forms human life within the mother's womb. "Thus saith the Lord, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the Lord that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself." (Isaiah 44:24)

There are a number of myths that are frequently circulated to counter reasons against partial birth abortion. Proponents of these abortions maintain that there are times when the procedure is medically necessary. This is a flat falsehood. When legal, a partial birth abortion was performed on women that were more than twenty weeks pregnant. These second and third trimester abortions are more complicated and potentially dangerous to the mother. As unfortunate as it may be, a woman who chooses to undergo a late term abortion has many options other than the partial birth approach. While none of these procedures can honestly be described as humane, they are certainly preferable to the outright butchery that this controversial practice represents. Additionally, these procedures may cause undo risk to the mother's health and future ability to bear children.

Another argument that is often presented to oppose the many reasons against partial birth abortion is the notion that this procedure is somehow safer than other abortive measures. Many medical professionals maintain that this approach is in fact the most dangerous to the woman and the most inhumane to the unborn child. A number of life threatening complications can occur during these abortions. Some of these risks can include infection, a ruptured uterus and an embolism of the amniotic fluid. In the case of a ruptured uterus, a woman could easily bleed to death in a matter of minutes. The forced dilation of the cervix that is involved in these procedures can have a profoundly negative impact on the woman's health. When all of these factors are considered, any reasonable justification for these procedures is hard to imagine.

Arguments Against Abortion

Arguments against abortion range from objections based on the US constitution's protection of the right to human life all the way to the biblical bases for the belief that human life begins at conception. Proponents of pro-choice rights or their advocates disclaim both bases, while arguments for a woman's right to choose are rooted in a fundamental secularism of human life and dignity that supersede the Christian world view that man was created in the image of God. For those who side with the pro-life debate, abortion alternatives are also part of the solution to this polarizing issue. To learn more about what the Bible says about abortion, please take this Abortion Bible Quiz.

Constitutional pro-life arguments are generally based on the strict constructionist view of the constitution. This elevates the sanctity of human life to a protective status and overrides the right of anyone to terminate another human life for their own convenience. In order to pass Roe V. Wade, proponents of this legislation have had to 'reinvent the wheel' in order to legislate laws that allow the controversial medical procedure. The deaths of millions of unborn children to date are the result of such legislation that does little to foster any abortion alternatives. The fundamental constitutional right to human life is grounded in Judea-Christian ethics which further incites opposition to killing unborn children from a religious point of view.

Those who rely on the Word of God as the final authority for their faith and practice can substantiate their arguments against destroying unborn children quite effectively through several biblical references to God's view and dealings with this subject. In Luke 1:41, there is a biblical account of the unborn child, John, who leaped in response to Mary's salutation to his mother, Elizabeth. This is just part of the entire miracle surrounding his conception and birth from the womb of an aged mother who had previously been childless. Further arguments against abortion are sited in relation to Psalms 139:13-16 in which David writes about God placing the child in the mother's womb.

"Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them." These and other passages in Psalm 139 indicate the specificity in which God forms, knows and cares about each child even before birth. Arguments against the highly debated procedure and the subsequent abortion alternatives include the idea that God is the Designer at conception of each human being when they were "made in secret" as well as the fact that He records the development of each human "...and in thy book all my members were written." Learn more about this and other controversial issues, visit these Bible resources.

Most pro-life arguments typically have their root in an all-wise, all knowing God of the universe Who knows, loves and cares for humanity. That is why arguments against abortion are usually followed up by practical alternatives for women who are caught in the dilemma of unwanted pregnancies. In a culture that values situational ethics, it is not surprising that proponents bristle at these arguments and alternative solutions. If there is no one to be accountable to or if there is no definitive guideline of ethics, then it is easy to justify cruel and inhumane procedures such as killing unborn children.

Within the whole reasoning of situational ethics resides the assumption that people do not have an immortal soul. Most arguments against the procedure take the opposite tack and assume that since man is created in the image of God, he is too important to throw away when a pregnancy is inconvenient. This leads to abortion alternatives such as adoption, education for motherhood and emphasis on marriage when possible. The rise in homes for unwed mothers, adoption agencies and educational programs for unwed mothers have been on the rise since these specific laws gave way to unbridled abortions in America.

Even for those who do not accept the biblical view of the pro-life stance, there are many other options available for unwed mothers other than termination of life. Unfortunately, the strategies of secularists who propose abortion as the major alternative to unwanted pregnancies have clouded many young women's minds in understanding the psychological and physical problems that will follow an abortion for anyone who chooses this option to an unwanted pregnancy. Many young girls have an intrinsic need to see their baby born but succumb to pressure to terminate pregnancy with no arguments against abortion offered. After years of documented abortions in this country, the after effects for many women who have undergone the procedure is quite clear.

Even the woman cited in the Roe V. Wade case has come to the forefront years later to decry the law and is a proponent of abortion alternatives for unwed mothers. If an unwed mother or the parent of a daughter faces an unwanted pregnancy decision, there are many online sources that offer Christian based solutions. The repercussions that many experience who have had an abortion adds fuel to abortion arguments so it is important to explore the many options for the sake of the mother as well as the unborn child.

Anti Abortion Arguments

Anti abortion arguments are often based upon the personhood of the developing fetus. Pro-life arguments confer that life begins at conception and pro-choice arguments do not recognize that a fetus is a human being until much later when the child has developed fully. Some do not even acknowledge that the baby is a person until birth takes place and the child is breathing on his or her own. Anti abortion arguments include the terrible atrocities of how the act of killing the unborn is causing terrible suffering. When a criminal is sentenced to the electric chair or by lethal injection, it is because of the little amount of suffering involved. We do not allow our criminals to suffer when they are sentenced to death. Yet, an unborn child goes through terrible suffering before death occurs during the act of abortion. Even in a medical abortion where the mother takes two pills, the child literally starves to death. "Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not" (James 4:2).

The unforgettable act of losing a child is included in anti abortion arguments. The psychological act of aborting one's child affects the woman's psyche and the psyche of other family members. Studies show that women often suffer with depression after losing a child. Repressing one's feelings can lead to serious mental disorders; eating disorders, anxiety disorders, relationship problems, anger problems, substance abuse, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and even suicide are just a few. A female is apt to have more difficulties coping if she believes in the moral implications of abortion. In other words, if she believes in right and wrong and that she has murdered her child.

The physical effects on a woman's body are very persuasive when it comes to anti abortion arguments. Those who have gone through a surgical abortion will have physical problems afterwards. In order to abort the child the surgeon must go in and stretch the cervix. Often this causes tearing and scarring and a weakening of the cervix. This can make it impossible for a woman to carry another child full term, if at all. This is why women who have had abortions often have miscarriages, stillbirths, and premature births. In addition, the procedure can cause damage to a female's uterus, bladder, and other organs. Uterine scarring can lead to complications with future pregnancies. In addition, anti abortion arguments include the likelihood of health risks associated with the termination of a pregnancy. These may include an increased risk of breast cancer, uterine cancer, cervical cancer, and infectious disease.

Moral principles are the real issue with anti abortion arguments. The dividing line for some is between those who believe in God and what the Bible says and those who don't believe what the Bible says. So if abortion is a moral debate then we must decide if having one is right or wrong. This does not always come down to just Christian or non-Christian. There are many other religions and some do not believe that abortion is moral and should only be considered if the woman's life is in jeopardy. So the moral debate affects many types of people differing in religions, race, color, and culture.

We can't talk about anti abortion arguments and not include women's liberation. Those who favor the women's liberation movement view abortion as a social issue where women should have the right to decide what to do with their own bodies. If a woman does not want to get pregnant then she should take all precautions to prevent it from happening in the first place. Abstinence works the best but if that is not feasible then there are numerous methods of birth control to choose from. A female should exercise the right to choose by making the decision to choose not becoming pregnant in the first place. That should be the first choice but if pregnancy should occur anyway despite all efforts to avoid it then do not make the child suffer because it happened. A woman's right to choose not only hurts the child one is carrying but family members will suffer too. The father of the child should have a voice. There are some fathers that will not want the responsibility of raising a child but their morale compass may lead to wanting the child to be put up for adoption. Some men will even take the responsibility to help the woman through the pregnancy and adoption. Others may want to raise the child themselves.

A society that stoops so low to kill their unborn children might want to consider the evil and the suffering they are condoning. Anti abortion arguments question whether or not a society is civilized when they can easily murder their own children. Human life begins at conception. The development of this life may be ongoing for a little while but this little person is still fully alive and fully human. Once this little child is conceived then the life of the mother and father to be should be changed. Changed to the point that their own selfish needs are set aside. This would be the moral choice, the right choice. People within the society can use all kinds of arguments to justify their cause, no matter what the cause is. But the reality is simple. Two people's actions brought about a little person that deserves the right to be born, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The same right that all of us have had who were born into this world.

Anti Abortion Bible Verses

"Thou shalt not kill" is one of the many anti abortion Bible verses that can be found in God's Word (Exodus 20:13). For those who believe that extinguishing the life of the unborn child is not murder, consider medical science. Medical science says that life does begin at conception. As of 1973, the Supreme Court of the United States has given women the choice of taking the life of their child without fear of retribution. Scripture also says that anyone who takes a life should be punished. So, do we listen to the justice system or do we listen to God? This is a question that every woman should be asking before they decide to terminate a pregnancy. "If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life" (Exodus 21:22-23). Anti abortion Bible verses are very clear about taking the life of a child. If a man can cause a woman to lose her unborn then one can surmise that anyone who causes loss of the life of a child is guilty of sin. "Life for life" signifies that the unborn should have equal protection under the law.

Arguments against using Biblical law within a society are often made by Christians and non-Christians alike. One argument is that there are too many laws for a person to keep in the Old Testament and they do not apply today because we are now under grace. There is just no way that a person can keep these laws and that is why Jesus came and died for our sins. So how do anti abortion Bible verses apply to those who are under grace? Paul tells us in Romans that without the law we would not realize that we are sinning (Romans 4:31). We are justified by faith but that does not give us a license to sin.

At the time conception takes place is within the first hours of fertilization, the mother's chromosomes and the father's chromosomes provide over 15,000 genes to this new life. Genetic factors are in place at the time of the joining of these two people. Immediately growth begins. The heart starts beating three weeks from conception and continues to beat until death occurs. For some that death takes place before birth. Others are born and live a full life, all the while, the heart keeps beating most likely until old age sets in or disease cuts it short. Anti abortion Bible verses tells us that God knows us in the womb. He sees the form of our little bodies and the first time that the heart starts beating and pumping blood. God sees when our nervous system is formed and when all of our organs are formed within the first weeks of life. He knows the color of our eyes. The very hairs of our head are all numbered and the Lord knows the exact number (Matthew 10:30).

The Lord tells readers throughout His Word that human life is sacred. One of the six things that the Lord hates can be found in Proverbs 6:16-17, that is the shedding of innocent blood. In Deuteronomy chapter 27, the Lord says that anyone who accepts a bribe (money) to kill an innocent person is cursed (vs. 24-25). Anti abortion Bible verses are many but the question still remains for some about whether or not an unborn child is actually a person. The Bible tells us that children are a blessing from the Lord. He entrusts us with caring for that child until he or she becomes a consenting adult. The child is a separate human being even in the mother's womb. The mother's body provides nourishment for the child to develop and grow but has a separate body. The bloodstream of the babe is separate from the mother's.

Life does begin at conception but this argument does not seem to hold validity with those who put the woman's rights at the forefront. Medical science has proven and has documented the stages of growth in the womb. So, if this is a life, a human life, then how convincing is the argument that the child is not self-aware. Anti abortion Bible verses may not convince one that a child is self-aware in the womb but since there is doubt why would a person risk taking the chance. There are those that claim a child does not become self-aware until months after birth. Yet women who have killed their babies after they were born are prosecuted for murder in a court of law. So this logic does not make sense.

The good news is that Christ came and died for our sins so that we can ask for forgiveness and be saved. Women who are convinced that terminating a pregnancy is not sin often struggle with the decision later and regret they're actions. These ladies can repent of sin and ask for forgiveness. One must be truly sorry and willing to never repeat the same offense. Anti abortion Bible verses show the love and forgiveness that God extends to His children but we must ask. The mercy of God extends to all. He can heal all of the wounds caused by sin and this includes any sin. There is hope and healing for those who come to Him that are humble and sincere. If there be any question as to whether or not abortion is sin then anti abortion Bible verses will put this to rest for those who truly want to know the truth. God blesses us with this precious life and expects us to be responsible with what He has given.

Abortion Arguments For Pro Choice

Abortion arguments for pro choice must be understood in order to fight the fight against abortion. Christians and pro-lifers must know on what premise the pro-choice supporters claim their good reasons for abortion. The most popular arguments appear, at first, to be the claim of whether or not the fetus or embryo is a person worth of human life. As science and the courts have already established through many laws protecting the rights of an unborn child, there is a value placed on the life of a baby while still in the mother's womb. In fact, pro choice advocates are not denying the fact that at conception a human life is formed. Yet, the supporters deny that abortion, in this sense, is describing murder, a premeditated and deliberate act of taking someone's life. The Bible speaks against the murder of the innocent.

Belief and support from the feminist activists was the beginning of the pro-choice legal movement. Pro choice feminists state that good reasons for abortion are based on the idea that a woman is better off to have control of her own reproductive rights. Those who call themselves pro-choice and support abortion arguments for pro choice (which is approximately half of all Americans), maintain that whatever their personal beliefs, the right to impose those beliefs on anyone else is not right. However, the Bible warns about conforming to society.

People wonder how the Old Testament population could conform to the evil society in which they lived, by sacrificing their children to heathen idols. Our society is no different today. An idol is anything put before God. The arguments are not about the life of the baby, but about the rights of women to choose what to do with their bodies, stating that good reasons for abortion include the beneficial results from allowing a woman to choose to have one if she feels unable to raise a child, or is mentally unwilling. Today children in the womb are sacrificed to the idols of selfishness, convenience, and so called "women's freedom". Pro-choicers agree that raising a child is a wonderful and difficult responsibility, and if a child will not be loved appropriately, and nurtured for the way he/she should, then that child is better off not ever being born. Supposedly better for the mother, and better for the baby? God is the only predictor of success and fulfillment in life, not a woman's idea of what she thinks may happen in the future. God strictly forbids it.

Pro choice advocates state a woman is better off to have this controversial procedure rather than have an unwanted baby, look at what statistics have really shown us. The truth is that when interviewing hundreds of thousands of women who have had abortions, the facts prove that they don't feel the sense of relief and equality promised afterwards. Abortion arguments for pro choice promote women's equality, but in truth, the results have only hurt women. Only women feel the immediate or long term physical complications, emotional chaos, and psychological trauma that abortion causes. The primary responsibility of child bearing and raising has been shifted off of the father and family and has been placed solely on the shoulders of the woman. Remember "For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well", because God has a plan for each and every person. (Psalm 139:13-14).

Those that disagree with abortion blame only the woman for having one. Those that agree with abortion blame the woman for having a child and requiring the support financially and emotionally from her family and community. It actually has turned into a lose/lose situation. The Bible is full of instances in which the family and community are expected to step in and help."If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain" (Proverbs 24:11). If society believes that because they didn't actually perform the abortion, they will not suffer its consequences, they are sadly mistaken. Guilt comes in the form of standing by and doing nothing as well. Many woman who have abortions because they were convinced of their choice in the matter by the so called good reasons for abortion , are now feeling the effects of the loss of a child, as do all parents when the death of a child has happened. The major difference in these situations are not only the feelings of loss, loneliness, emptiness, sorrow and devastation, but the added feelings of guilt for making the choice to voluntarily end the life of the child, and the inability to express these mourning feelings in public. A tidal wave of sorrow and remorse is building in our time, but has not been recognized until recently, especially by those who have abortion arguments for pro choice. Typically, women who have abortions suffer the same feelings as women who have lost children; only they suffer these same feelings with even greater intensity; sometimes even 10, 20, 30 or even 50 years later.

The theory that the freedom to choose what a woman wants to do with her body, that it is her burden and option alone, removes the responsibility of the father, the family and the community from the collaborative effort of raising a child. As we see so predominantly in this culture, the community effort that lacks in our modern day nation has given birth to a myriad of social problems, and will only continue to spiral downward, unless we place the responsibility back with the community, whereby, we recreate the family of brothers and sisters God meant for His children in the beginning. There are no good reasons for abortion.

Articles Against Abortion

Articles against abortion are readily found online as well as in the newspapers especially around election time due to the controversial nature. Most of this literature places focus on the biology from conception to birth allowing for the reader to envision a real person developing during the nine months of pregnancy. Though some of this literature does not use grounded facts, the ethical dilemma of playing God remains. There are many occurrences throughout life that scientists simply cannot explain, but Christians know lifes situations are God exemplifying His sovereign plan. The conception of a child is certainly no exception.

Taking the control of life and death into ones own hands remains debatable between Christians and non-Christians. Christians do not always write pro-life abortion articles, however note that the ethical standards of these people, in general, eventually turn to Christianity at some point. Whether this is a conversion or friendly visit of sorts, it is impossible to ignore the existence of God within the conception of life. Many examples are available of good non-Christian people who convert after delving into matters of deep ethical subject. Pro-life abortion articles may include those suggestion adoption, marriage, and coping with the major life change. Whatever the choice is except abortion, God will honor and support as long as faith continues and is wholeheartedly devoted throughout life.

Written material that appears to be articles against abortion may be the exact opposite. Understanding fully what one is reading is crucial when decisions of this importance are at stake. Though a piece of writing may imply the saving of a life or prolonging existence, an underlying theme of blame and guilt may appear which may in effect cause a woman to damage the baby in some way during pregnancy. Though it would be uncommon for this to happen after reading one article, the propaganda of many writings with the same theme may cause confusion and distress. Therefore, understanding the goal of the author as well as his or her background before reading can ensure better success in making a sound decision. Many strong opinions about the termination of pregnancy flood the Internet and written publication world with topics ranging from why abortion is murder to reasons why this process should be considered a regular medical procedure. Pro-life abortion articles speak of the act of terminating a pregnancy however the main focus is to educate women about the dangers both physically and mentally.

Honoring the life that God created is important not only for the babys sake, but for the womans sake especially during time of judgment. Justice and judgment [are] the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. (Psalm 89:14) People who fear the Lord and want to go to heaven take note of everything done throughout life. Though entrance to Heaven does not depend on works (good or bad) it does depend on a daily walk with Jesus, which leads to good works. Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by [your] good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation. (1 Peter 2:12) However, this may not be exemplified in articles against abortion, but rather as an illustration of honorable choices pleasing to God. Understanding the difference between neutral works and good works is important for the overall development of any Christian. People who stand by and do not conduct good works are worse than those that do bad works. Advocating and educating women about the physical and moral dangers of terminating pregnancy is a good work because it helps save Gods potential people.

Statistics, personal stories, and medical description are all focus in articles against abortion. It is hard to find women who are truly happy that they aborted their child. Pro-life abortion articles will undoubtedly support this statement through stories of depression and regret felt by women who chose to abort. Unlike most decisions in life, this one is irreversible and unforgettable. Learning from other womens mistakes leads to better personal decisions. These women who write pro-life abortion articles generally desire for other women to make smarter choices than they did. Additionally, sharing statistics in an informal publication in comparison to a medical report, which provides the same information about patient and child deaths as well as descriptions of the medical procedure and personal stories of experience.

Adoption is a viable option when the mother cannot provide a nurturing home or wishes not to keep the child. God calls His people to take care of all people including the unwanted children. Then the king answered and said, Give her the living child, and in no wise slay it: she [is] the mother thereof. (1 Kings 3:27) Gods people are called to take care of each other even outside their own family or beyond imaginable ability. God empowers people to accomplish insurmountable tasks when they believe in Jesus. A child exemplifies the faith required for belief in God and Jesus. Through ministries and articles against abortion anyone can share the truth of Jesus as well as the facts about aborting babies. Those who decide against abortion, but do not wish to trust Jesus should be respected just the same. The choice for life is the most important step to begin a life of ethical choices; patience and endurance for completion of a faith walk may come in time.

Abortion Bible Passages

Abortion Bible passages give hope to those who are seeking forgiveness after having an abortion. "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool" (Isaiah 1:18). For those who have not yet made the decision to terminate a pregnancy there are answers to questions that can help one to choose another option. For financial concerns there are organizations and churches that can provide services that can help. Women who are wondering about moral implications can find abortion bible passages that will answer questions on whether or not having one is right or wrong.

The subject of abortion is very controversial. The legalization of abortion has led some to decide to go ahead and terminate a pregnancy. However, legalization does not take away the risks and problems that go along with having an abortion. The best way to tackle making a decision this big is to look at abortion bible passages and to seek counsel from a trustworthy source. There are many alternatives available for those who choose to consider them. Many couples are looking to adopt a baby. This may be the best answer for the woman who does not have the financial means to raise a child. If adoption isn't a good choice then there are State and Federal programs that can help families in need. Section 8 housing helps with a place to live. Food stamps can provide a way to buy food when there is no money. Medicaid is there for pregnant women who do not have any insurance or the financial resources to pay to have the child. Doing some research may take a little time but the time to do so will help one to not make a rash decision that may be regretted later on.

Resources that can be found online are numerous. For those who choose to allow a couple or family to adopt their baby there are sites online that have applicants who give a history of their life along with pictures and a way to contact. Adoption is a good choice for women who desire for their tiny miracle to have a beautiful life with a loving family. The main thing to remember when considering other resources is that you are not alone. Various non-profit organizations provide shelter, education, counseling services, and financial services. Abortion bible passages provide resources to the moral implications of terminating a pregnancy. A pregnant woman may feel she has no hope but God's word provides hope to those who are need of answers. Christian counseling is one avenue that can provide answers to God's will concerning abortion.

The psychological effects of the termination of a child are real. Many women suffer mentally when trying to cope with a decision this serious. At first relief is felt but after awhile the truth begins to sink in. Studies have shown that women who abort their babies often suffer with depression, eating disorders, anger issues, relationship problems, and destructive behavior. Women who have grown up knowing God's Word and believe that murder is wrong will most likely suffer with mental issues after terminating a pregnancy. They will never be able to reconcile or resolve what has happened because the decision to terminate the life of a child goes against everything they believe in. Abortion bible passages can help a woman who is suffering from psychological effects to find peace. Forgiveness is available to those who will ask. The Lord tells us to not be anxious about anything but instead to pray and give our burdens to Him. Putting trust and faith in the Creator of all is the key to being able to cope with an act that can never be undone. Murder cannot be undone but sin can be forgiven.

Life is all about challenges and making choices. Praying for guidance from the Lord can help to alleviate some of the stress associated with the challenges in life. Abortion may seem like the best choice but God knows the need and if one will ask He will supply the means to make the right choice. Abortion bible passages can help in understanding God's will. Many answers can be found in the word of God. Even in cases that seem hopeless, if we ask Him, he will help us. He understands and knows what we are going through. Sometimes the answer may come through another individual. Talking with others who have gone through the same challenges can give us hope and provide guidance for what to do to help ourselves. One day a person can feel like there is no hope, no help, no way out. At the dawn of a new day that can all change by reading abortion bible passages and as God provides the way to acquire a new perspective.

Pride sometimes gets in the way of asking for help. A woman in distress over having an abortion should set aside her pride and seek out help from those who offer it. This is also the case for a female that is pregnant and doesn't know what to do. She may feel alone and her pride may keep her from seeking the help she needs. Many women have been in the same condition and would not shy away from the chance to help a fellow human being. Testimonies of females who have had the same decision to make can be found online at sites that offer help. Just reading someone else's testimony and how they overcame can be uplifting and give hope where there is none. Testimonies and abortion bible passages can be found online.

Abortion Bible Scripture

An abortion bible scripture can provide answers to the dilemma of when life begins. The child in the womb is sacred to our Lord. Medical science even testifies to the fact that life does begin at the moment of conception. The advancement in technology provides information about the developing fetus inside the womb. So, if we can come to the conclusion that life does begin at conception then how can we consider terminating this life? God created us in His image, "God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them" (Genesis 1:27). We are all divine beings that God has told to "Be fruitful and multiply" (Genesis 1:28). The Lord is bigger than any problem we could ever face in this life. If He can create every person who has ever lived or will ever live on this planet then He can certainly take care of us through any trial imaginable. The key to finding that answer is by reading God's will through an abortion bible scripture and then committing our situation to Him.

The creation, when it was complete, was good. Sin is what happened to our world and it came through Adam and Eve to all humans who have followed. We deal with temptations daily and sometimes we become desensitized to sin because we live in a world that is corrupt and evil. This is why Christians must stay in God's Word so we are reminded of His work and what He has done for all humans everywhere. He reconciled us to Himself through Christ so that we can be in right standing with Him. That does not mean that each person will not have difficulties in this life. Reading an abortion bible scripture can remind us that God loves us and He wants the best for those who will turn to Him.

The Bible says that children are a blessing. Being pregnant with an unwanted child may not feel like a blessing to those who have troubles surrounding them because of this outcome. Meditating on an abortion bible scripture can help to give one strength and clarity of thought. When humans are upset and distressed about something there is a tendency to have a confused mind. God is not the author of confusion so where does this come from? When this happens to a person, he or she may become shortsighted and blind. The thing or trouble that is causing this confusion will seem bigger than life, maybe even bigger than God. One's perception is affected to the point where life seems unbearable. Nothing can feel right again until this problem is solved. We must see this confusion and distress through the word of God in order to be restored. One abortion bible scripture can reveal truth that cuts through the confusion in the mind. Giving up the hopelessness and fear to the one that created humans can bring peace and settle a matter forever.

One of God's commandments given to Moses to deliver to the children of Israel specifically says, "Thou shalt not kill" (Deuteronomy 5:17). Revelation, chapter 22 reaffirms this because it plainly says that no murderers shall enter the kingdom of heaven. This one commandment or one abortion bible scripture is very clear on killing another human being. Still, some would have others to believe that this precious life that begins at conception is not really a human being. So, therefore terminating this life is not murder. When the legal system is contrary to God's word confusion can be the result. Could sin be the result of a legal system that would go against the word of the Lord? Those who favor the woman's right to choose do not seem to recognize that our bodies belong to the Lord not to ourselves. God's Word tells us to honor Him with our bodies, that our bodies are His Temple. We have been bought through the blood of Christ. Christians should honor God in everything.

Other controversial issues associated with abortion include a woman's right to choose in case of rape or incest, and if the mother's life is at stake. These are tough subjects and every circumstance is different. In the case of rape or incest a woman has gone through a terrible trauma so therefore terminating the pregnancy may seem to be the answer. One could wonder why the unborn child has to suffer for the mistakes of another person. Searching out an abortion bible scripture can bring peace during such a trying time as this. God's word does not change even though our circumstances may change. If the mother's life is at stake then a decision must be made to save the mother because without the mother the child cannot be born. Studies make the argument here that this type of scenario rarely happens. Getting a second medical opinion is warranted when there is a situation to the mother where her life is at risk.

Christians should pray for those who are in opposition to scripture. We must not seek out hurtful means to help those who do not know the truth or who make decisions contrary to an abortion bible scripture. John tells us in chapter 3, verses 11-12 that we are to love one another unlike Cain who killed his brother Abel. Through Christ anyone who asks can receive forgiveness. Christians should be living examples of Christ in this world. There are many women who are suffering right now because they made a decision to terminate the life of their child. They are suffering mentally and spiritually. We should pray and seek God for them so they can be restored in faith and love.

Biblical Worldview On Abortion

Developing a biblical worldview on abortion includes reading the Bible and talking with a pastor about the Christian stance on this subject. God wishes that all life is blessed and honored because He created it all. The thought of personally making the choice whether a person lives or dies is against God. Anyone against God is subject to His judgment. One the other hand, political views of abortion may not even represent the actual beliefs of politicians, thus have other goals in mind such as population control, popularity for voting, and national budget concerns. Depending on the life focus of an individual or group, they will hold one of these two ideas.

Due to the fact that the United States is a melting pot of many different cultures, view on many different subjects including the voluntary termination of pregnancy may be difficult to define. Although many cultures have come together in one place, a common belief must be developed in order to identify the country as its own. This decision is made by collaborating opinions and current cultural medical practices. The biblical worldview on abortion always supports saving a potential childs life. There is no instance in which it is acceptable to voluntarily terminate life. Taking a stance on this subject is much more reasonable than trying to find places which will conduct the procedure without legal penalty. Political views of abortion differ from state to state depending on the people voting. These differences may be due in part to cultural upbringings or the stress endured by other political agendas.

It is uncommon, but possible that political agendas work with the biblical worldview on abortion, but as history shows, those who have tried are pulled out of power or succumb to peer pressure and change personal stance. Without the pressure of non-Christians, budgets, and the thought of worldly success the focus remains on ethical standards clearly described in the Bible. In addition to a stance on pregnancy termination, a Christian should exemplify the life that Jesus led by handing over all struggles to Christ and helping others. As this example, other people can see Christ through these people and possibly change personal political worldview. Whereas Bible-based beliefs follow what God says about living life, political views of abortion focus on what a human thinks, history, and popular ways of thinking. Due to the sin in the garden of Eden, all human thought is imperfect therefore focus on the Bibles instructions is the best chance for successful life on earth as well as Heaven.

In general political views of abortion go against everything the Bible teaches in order to rebel against it. Even though proven methods for peaceful and successful society are apparent in the Bible and throughout the rest of history, people rebel with many excuses in hand. These excuses may include the cultural differences, time period change, or how successful life was not exemplified in the Bible. Though many peopled failed and struggled in the Bible, repeatedly it was due to disobeying God. Finding someone who is well versed in the rules set up in the Bible will clear up any questions about political views on abortion as well as any other subjects. Though history of society nor the Bible show anyone without struggle and testing, God did not promise these things would be void from life. How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. (2 Corinthians 8:2)

Training children from early childhood can ensure a biblical worldview on abortion without having to get descriptive with young children. This process may include teaching them about the importance of human life and Gods plan for all his children even before conception. Taking this matter into ones own hands in generally unlawful and unethical. Political views of abortion may seem compelling especially when making a decision of whether a mother lives through childbirth. Speaking with a trusted and educated religious counselor in this situation can further ensure the proper method of action. Politicians may even lie when discussing personal views about terminating pregnancies due to the desire to please the majority of people. Likewise, some well meaning politicians may lie about their definite stance against abortion simply to get votes and change focus as soon as they are in office. Neither way is honorable to God, but the later will help save lives.

Additionally, some well-meaning Christians believe that this world is separate from the world God intended His people to exit in therefore the rules do not apply. In response to that belief, acceptance of abortion may be justified in order to comply to an easier worldly life. This thought is wrong if the instructions of God are directly disobeyed. Though life may be difficult by following the path of Christianity, Christians are promised a fulfilling life in Heaven. No other ways of thinking should get in the way of this agenda. And all these thy servants shall come down unto me, and bow down themselves unto me, saying, Get thee out, and all the people that follow thee: and after that I will go out. And he went out from Pharaoh in a great anger. (Exodus 11:8) Many examples are given in the Bible as to what happens when Gods law is not followed. Becoming proactive against the action of any abortion personally exemplifies ones belief basis and subsequently impacts other people.

Newest Birth Control Options

The newest birth control options may offer a higher level of assurance to avoid pregnancy, however the risks associated with the chemicals used in these options cannot be researched due to their short life span on the market. However, natural options remain safe and just as or more effective than synthetic choices available. Living a healthy lifestyle can increase the chance of effectiveness of any type of pregnancy barrier. Regulating cycles is not only healthy for the overall woman, but likewise reduce the instance of side effects of different types of birth control. Speaking with a doctor and a variety of women with similar health issues can aid in making a decision.

Depending on the motive for using any one of the different types of birth control, a perfect match can be discovered through careful research and possibly some trial and error. In general, the choices include oral, injected, patched, natural, and surgery. Many choices include inserts that contain spermicide, however these options are not always safe. The newest birth control options are generally much more advanced in design than older versions. However, as stated above, the risk of insufficient side effect data remains a risk especially if new synthetic materials or drugs are used. The stronger dose of drugs used the less risk of pregnancy, but the higher risk of side effects. The final decision on this matter will depend on the level of desire to not become pregnant, however the lower the use of hormones to not become pregnant may result in eptopic pregnancy or other complications.

Natural methods include tracking temperature, counting days of menstrual cycle, and using testing machines for fertility. Many methods date back for centuries and created no adverse effects unless conducted incorrectly and pregnancy occurred, unlike synthetic methods, which may cause increased risk of heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, and obesity. Participation of both partners is necessary for success with these different types of birth control. In addition, some cultures and individual beliefs the use of herbs and certain foods increase or decrease the chance of fertility. These foods are in addition to healthy lifestyle and supplemental vitamins. Some of the newest birth control options compliment dietary effort to NOT get pregnant. These may include: lack of vitamins, dairy, and trans fat.

Permanent options are available, but carry hormonal risks due to the bodys natural need for the chemicals released due to normal hormonal functioning. These options include vasectomy hysterectomy. A vasectomy removes the possibility of sperm to exit the body. This procedure is minor in regards to medical invasiveness, but is a serious decision that may be permanent. Tubal ligation, also known as a hysterectomy is the same type of procedure for females. This involves securing the passageway of the egg thus disabling the possibility of pregnancy. Like most surgical procedures risks of ineffectiveness are present therefore all options and risks should be discussed in detail with a qualified doctor before any treatment is started. Different options may be more realistic depending on health issues and age. My fruit [is] better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver. (Proverbs 8:19)

Discussing conception issues with a spouse or significant other can offer added support and confidence in the decision a woman makes. However, not all of the newest birth control options are the responsibility of the woman. Condoms are the time-tested way for a man to offer responsibility, but caring for the woman using the pill, patch, shot, or diaphragm is just as important. If the pill is not consumed at the same time every single day, then it can cause problematic pregnancies or illness to the woman. Likewise, if the man contributes to the responsibility then he will not have doubts in his mind about the success of the contraceptive. Conception choices may change as a relationship develops, however time away from a contraceptive should remain significant to that of potential pregnancy. If conception occurs before the recommended time, then serious side effects including birth defects could occur due to the different types of birth control.

Discussing the newest birth control options with a doctor aid in obtaining an educated decision about what is best for the patient. This form of medication is not always used to prevent pregnancy; other health issues such as acne, ovarian cyst syndrome, irregular periods, and some depression diagnosis can be treated with this type of medication. By controlling the hormones in the body a control and more properly diagnose a health problem. Though an initial diagnosis leads to the use of different types of birth control, taking away some minimally treatable symptoms may discover a more specific root problem. Some side effects may occur due to the ingestion of these medications, however the possible side effects may outweigh the problem they are trying to solve. Some of the most common side effects include weight gain, nausea, dizziness, headaches, depression, vaginal infections, high blood pressure, and decreased sexual interest. More serious side effects possible for anyone taking this type of medication include blood clots, stroke, liver tumors, heart attacks, gallstones, jaundice, and cervical cancer. The probability of developing these health problems is not always dependent on the overall health of the person. In rare, but notable amount of instances ectopic pregnancy can occur. This is when the sperm meets the egg and develops in the fallopian tubes. Danger to the mother and baby can occur in this instance, however careful monitoring can lead to a successful pregnancy.

Birth Control Questions

Alternative birth control methods include oral contraceptives that can eliminate monthly menses for three months or up to one year if so prescribed by a doctor. Pills containing hormones are taken continuously until the need for a menses. During the week of menses placebos are taken in place of the pills that contain hormones. Taking this type of contraceptive often has women asking many birth control questions. These oral contraceptives contain low doses of hormones and have been considered safe to take but women who use them may experience breakthrough bleeding. Doctors usually recommend only going as long as three months without a menses cycle. There are risks and side effects to using oral contraceptives of any kind. Other methods that can help to prevent pregnancy include shots and patches, surgery, using an intrauterine device, and abstinence. According to the word of God couples who are not married should abstain from having sexual relations. "For this is the will of God, even your sanctification that ye should abstain from fornication" (I Thessalonians 4:3).

Each woman will have to decide which method of prevention is best for her. Alternative birth control using oral contraceptives is the most successful in preventing pregnancy if a woman takes them as prescribed. Experimentation is often used in trying to find the best method for each woman. What works well for one may not work well for another. The side effects will vary as well. Some of the side effects associated with oral contraceptives that delay menses include but are not limited to breakthrough bleeding, cramping, headaches, nausea, and general discomfort. Some studies have linked taking oral contraceptives with increased risks of developing liver, cervical, and breast cancer as well as an increase of developing blood clots, heart attack, and stroke.

Two of the concerns associated with women taking oral contraceptives are the possibility that they cause weight gain and can affect blood pressure. These concerns are among the most common of birth control questions. Oral contraceptives have been linked to an increase in blood pressure among women who smoke and that are older than their mid 30's. Doctors do not usually recommend oral contraceptives for women who are in their 50's because of the probable onset of menopause and the increased risk of heart disease. A woman who is going through menopause may not realize it while taking oral contraceptives because menses will usually continue even though the ovaries have stopped releases hormones.

For women who are single the obvious choice for preventing birth control should be to abstain from having sexual relations. God's word is very clear on the subject of fornication and adultery. "Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honor thy father and mother" (Mark 10:19). For married women who wish to wait to have children there are alternative birth control methods that may be tried but the importance of listening to a physician should take precedence with making the decision on which method to use. For women who have a hard time remembering to take a pill there is the birth control patch that delivers the hormones directly through the skin. In addition, some women like going for three months without a menses by opting for a contraceptive shot.

The birth control shot may sound very attractive for women who do not want to have to worry about taking a pill everyday and who enjoy the freedom from menses that the shot provides. Birth control questions about this type of method is largely about the side effects and risks associated with it. After abstinence this method is one of the most effective controls in preventing pregnancy. Some side effects associated with the shot are weight gain, breast tenderness, mood swings, breakthrough bleeding or spotting, and headaches. Life threatening risks associated with a contraceptive shot are severe abdominal pain, chest pain, shortness of breath, vision changes, and severe leg pain. This method can also delay pregnancy for over a year after discontinuing the shot.

A device that can help to prevent pregnancy is called an intrauterine device or IUD. The intrauterine device is a very effective alternative birth control method. An IUD is inserted into the uterus as it works to prevent fertilization by changing the lining of the uterus. The device should be checked at least every three months but is good for up to ten years depending upon the type of device that is used. Some of the side effects are headaches, acne, and breast pain. The risks include ovarian cysts, and the possible occurrence of pelvic inflammatory disease.

For married couples who have prayerfully and thoughtfully decided to not have anymore children there are two surgeries that can provide permanent sterilization. For the male there is the vasectomy and for the female there is tubal ligation. Couples should discuss these two surgeries with a physician in determining which one should be done. In most cases a vasectomy is less invasive, cost less, takes less recovery time, and can be done in a doctor's office whereas a tubal ligation must be done with anesthesia and in the hospital. A doctor can answer all birth control questions that surround these two forms of sterilization and about any other types of methods to prevent pregnancy. Once the surgeries are performed they are usually not reversible so couples should really give this consideration before making a final decision.

Christian Adoption Agencies

Christian adoption agencies provide the resources necessary to answer questions and provide detailed instructions on how to adopt a child. Parents who adopt are considered the legal guardians for the child but in order for the process to be legal it must go through the court system before a judge. Christian adoption services help a single person or a couple to understand what is needed to become a legal guardian of a child including the costs that are involved. The court will not make a determination toward the petition unless there is evidence that the birth parent or parents have relinquished their legal rights to the child. Part of the process includes counseling and educating the parents to be. A petition to adopt is presented to the court and the judge will determine from all testimonies and documents whether to approve the petition or deny it. "When thou cuttest down thine harvest in thy field, and hast forgotten a sheaf in the field, thou shalt not go again to fetch it: it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hands" (Deuteronomy 24:19). The Word of God says that helping the fatherless (orphans) is commendable.

A petition to adopt will usually involve an evaluation by the case worker from the agency, reports about counseling and education of the parents to be, and any other pertinent documentation. Christian adoption agencies work with the petitioner in an effort to make sure that they are emotionally and financially stable while helping them to understand all the legalities involved with the procedure. The petitioners need to understand that once the petition is approved by the court there is no changing their mind. They need to be certain that they are ready to take on all of the responsibilities that entail becoming a parent.

Open adoptions are where the adoptive parents and the birth parents have openness between them and where the child knows the situation. This type of situation helps the child to understand more about what is going on and why. With the open concept some parents who have given up their right to be a legal guardian choose who the child's new parents are going to be. Christian adoption services serve as the agency or liaison over this type of procedure. Many Christian agencies are founded upon Biblical principles to answer the call from God to take care of the fatherless. "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world" (James 1:27).

Single parent adoptions are possible but are a little harder to complete than couples who petition. Some sources claim that single parent adoptions overall have fewer problems after the petition is approved and view the process as very positive. The best way to begin proceedings is to research Christian adoption agencies and go with one that has experience with single parent petitions. Most States require that the petitioner be at least 18 years of age with no alcohol or drug abuse problems. In addition, the petitioner must be able to pass a criminal background check, and to show that he or she can financially take care of a child.

The costs of a petition to adopt can be very pricey. Many people are involved in the process especially through Christian adoption agencies and other nonprofit agencies that provide the many resources necessary for adoption to be successful. An organization that does International adoptions has travel costs that can be tremendous. In addition, many of these organizations provide food and shelter for the children that do not have any other place to go. There are also court costs and attorney fees to pay with any petition to the court. The time, personnel, professional skills, documentation, legal fees, and travel can all add up. For people who need assistance in paying the costs for the process there are some financial institutions that offer low interest loans and some organizations that offer assistance. In addition, there are state and federal tax credits for children who have special needs.

Organizations that offer assistance can be found on the Internet by doing a search for Christian adoption services. Some companies use donated money to help with the cost of abortion. Others offer low interest loans and grant money to help those who have a real desire to adopt a child. Many nonprofit organizations provide all types of services and resources to help the petitioners who want to adopt but do not have resources to do so. Many Christian companies that help petitioners do so to fulfill the call from the Lord to help the fatherless. "Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy" (Psalm 82:3).

Christian adoption services are basically working to bring the family and child together. The child will have the security of a positive home environment and people who love him or her. A family that functions positively is one that takes the responsibilities of having children very seriously. This can be done by teaching them right from wrong and providing support and resources so they can grow into responsible members of society.

For mothers who are searching for the right family to place their little one with, there are Christian adoption agencies that have families who have applied for a child and are awaiting that little addition to their family through prayerful and thoughtful hope. The beginning process is usually making an appointment and talking with a counselor. A counselor or case manager will be able to answer all questions and concerns. In addition, someone will be there to help through the entire process. Mothers who are torn and do not know what to do, should place their faith and trust in God. There are many other options that can be found by doing a little research and making some phone calls to the right people.

Counseling Before An Abortion

Counseling before an abortion provides a woman with options that will save the life of her child. Women who get pregnant, especially for the first time may not realize the services that are available to them. Financial assistance provides for the medical care of the mother and child while she is pregnant. Organizations that are pro life often have services that help the mother-to-be obtain maternity clothes. In addition, baby clothes and supplies are offered for women in need of them. Options such as adoption can be discovered through counseling before an abortion. There may even be someone in the family of the mother-to-be who can not have children of their own. Even if this is not so there are many couples out there who cannot have children of their own. The patient is encouraged to talk to many different couples in hopes that she will feel comfortable giving them her child to raise as their very own. "And again, I will put my trust in him. And again, Behold I and the children which God hath given me" (Hebrews 2:13).

According to statistics over 1 million abortions have been performed every year since 1973 when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of legal abortions. Some women will decide to terminate a pregnancy because it is now legal to do so. A few ladies use the procedure as a form of birth control but some do not realize that they are committing murder of a human life because they have been told that this developing life within them is just a zygote or a fetus, not yet a baby. Counseling before an abortion with a pro life organization will provide the facts to a mother-to-be, that life begins at conception and this little blob of tissue is fully human and fully alive. A baby is a full and functioning human being very early in his or her development. Once conception takes place a precious child with all of his or her individual characteristics exist. After eight weeks, the child has a fully functioning brain and nervous system along with working organs including a liver that is making blood and a heart that is steadily beating.

An ideal situation would be for clinics to give extensive counseling before an abortion; where the pregnant female is given all the facts, not only about the procedure but about the developing child, and the psychological after effects of having an abortion. Abortion clinics need to be regulated carefully to make sure that they are in compliance. What would be great is if clinics were required to send the pregnant woman to a pro life group so that she can understand the permanent implications of her actions; once the procedure is done there is no turning back and this is a memory that will be with her for the rest of her life. Counseling before an abortion should be mandatory to combat the psychological effects a woman deals with after terminating a pregnancy. Statistics have shown that many women suffer afterwards especially psychologically. Although it is not always documented, ladies can develop anger issues and mental disorders because of this act.

Thank God there is some information available online that is there for anyone who has an Internet connection. Anyone wanting to know the legal facts that led to the procedure becoming legal in the United States can read that online. They can read about the ban on partial-birth abortions signed by President George W. Bush in 2003. This type of information can be helpful for those considering the termination of a pregnancy. Basically, a partial-birth abortion is one that takes place in the second and third trimester of the pregnancy and the only exception is if the mother's life is in danger. This ban recognizes the rights of the child in the womb and is there to protect that life. Counseling before an abortion should contain factual information about lawmakers that do exist in this country who are trying to protect the innocent. One of the things that the Lord hates is a person who sheds the blood of the innocent. Praise God for people in office who have morals and are ethical.

Medical history should be included in counseling before an abortion. A physician should consider any diseases that may have affected their patient's reproductive organs especially sexually transmitted ones. Patients who have a history of serious medical problems should be counseled and may not be a candidate for an abortion. Some of the diseases include diabetes, high blood pressure, anemia, bleeding disorders, and heart disease. Cancer of the reproductive organs is another disease that qualifies as a special medical problem. Counseling should include the history of medications being taken by the patient. A physical exam will help to determine any other issues that might be of concern. An ultrasound is done to confirm the pregnancy and the development of the fetus. Also, physicians should be able to rule out an ectopic pregnancy when doing an ultrasound.

Some states do have mandatory counseling before an abortion where the patient is given options on the risks and benefits of different procedures. In addition, some states require that the patient go through a mandatory waiting period between receiving counseling and actually having an abortion. Unfortunately, not many states have these requirements. The patient should seek out additional information on her own and know all the facts. Hopefully, between counseling and a waiting period the women in those states who require these will change their mind and not terminate the life of their child.

Emotional Effects Of An Abortion

Emotional effects of an abortion include numbness, fear, loneliness, low self-esteem, denial, insomnia, and depression. Repressing guilt feelings over having an abortion can lead to numbness. After the numbness, one may go through a period of denial. Holding feelings in can increase one's tendency to feel anger and rage especially when seeing other mother's with their children. The emotional effects of an abortion will not just go away. A female needs to seek counseling so she can reconcile her own pain. Without counseling there is a chance that the symptoms will excel over time to include a feeling of loneliness. Fear can be present because she will not want anyone to find out about her abortion. This fear will lead to isolation and an even greater feeling of loneliness and despair. Eventually a woman who has had an abortion will suffer with depression along with having insomnia and nightmares. "And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people" (Matthew 9:35).

Not being able to sleep will add to the depression to the point that hopelessness and thoughts of suicide may occur. Emotional effects of an abortion are very serious and every woman thinking about terminating a pregnancy should consider what kind of emotional, mental, and spiritual effect it will have on her life. Some women have been known to develop mental disorders from not reconciling their emotions after terminating a pregnancy. Some of the common ones mentioned in various studies include obsessive compulsive disorder, major personality disorder, eating disorders, and anxiety disorders. Post traumatic stress disorder is one of the major occurrences with women who have terminated a pregnancy. The trauma of the ordeal may be relived over and over.

Post traumatic stress disorder does include several major symptoms. Symptoms may include outbursts of anger, irritability, aggressive behavior, extreme responses when startled, anxiety attacks, intense grief, avoidance behavior, sexual dysfunction, substance abuse, destructive tendencies, and suicidal acts. Post traumatic stress disorder symptoms may not show up for years after having an abortion. Women may have relationship problems resulting in divorce or a break-up. Studies have shown that there is a higher risk of child abuse in the home of mother's who have had an abortion. Drug abuse and alcohol abuse are common. All of these symptoms can lead to job loss, auto accidents, and violent behavior. Emotional effects of an abortion should not be taken lightly.

Studies have shown that most women will feel relief right after having an abortion because they were so distressed over having another child. Some women feel that they have been forced into having the procedure. Others may feel relief right away but then guilt feelings take over. Emotional effects of an abortion affect every woman differently. Sometimes it depends upon one's religious beliefs, moral character, and previous psychological problems. If a female believes God's word and that terminating a pregnancy is murder then she will have great difficulty dealing with her decision. The same would be true for someone who has a high standard of morality and personal ethics.

Most all women will experience a feeling of loss and mourn for the lost child. The grief should subside over time and will if the female can reconcile her feelings. For some women this will happen but for others the feelings will increase and lead to behavior changes. This is one good way to judge the emotional effects of an abortion and if one needs to get counseling or not. A change in one's personality is one indication that something is definitely wrong. Feeling angry all of the time and not being able to sleep are other indications that counseling should be sought. Chronic crying and sadness are warning signals. Losing interest in social activities and family time are indicators that one is withdrawing.

Physical complications from having an abortion can precipitate psychological problems. Not being able to have more children can cause a female to be depressed and suffer with other emotional effects of an abortion. Subsequent miscarriages because of physical complications from terminating a pregnancy can take a toll and add to guilt feelings. Feeling confused all the time and not being able to make simple decisions are indicators of emotional distress. Some women who suffer with emotional effects of an abortion may have physical symptoms because of their distress. The symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, exhaustion, withdrawal from relationships, and thoughts of suicide. Becoming complacent with no desire to do anything will be obvious in one's behavior. A female may just lie in bed all the time letting all of the daily chores pile up. She may not have any desire to eat, bathe, dress, or talk to anyone even those she is closest to. The inability to forgive self over having an abortion can lead to thoughts of suicide or actual suicide attempts.

Women who find that they are having difficulty coping should seek professional help. Also, taking one's problems and cares to the Lord can bring about healing and restoration. The Lord is merciful and forgiving. He loves you no matter what sin that you've committed. The main thing to remember though is that He wants us to ask for help. Reading His word everyday can bring about healing and renewal of one's mind. Spending time with Him in prayer will make a big difference in how you cope with life everyday.