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What Is Cholesterol

Asking "What is cholesterol?" helps people understand how this bodily substance can be helpful and how to take care of their bodies for long-term health. Today, there's much talk about cholesterol numbers and getting these numbers down. Nearly everyone can quote a series of numbers associated with this natural body steroid, but do people have a true understanding of what function this steroid plays in the body? While the average person understands that high numbers are not good, most people never truly understand why these high numbers are bad and what they are significant of. With a little research online, those wanting to take good care of the bodies given by God can discover the good and bad news about this natural steroid.

A soft and wax-like substance, lipid fats, are found in the human bloodstream and cells. This substance, which acts as a natural steroid, is called cholesterol and is used by the body to help develop cell membranes and some necessary hormones. Unfortunately, when there's too much of this substance found in the bloodstream, the carrier becomes at high risk for a heart attack or stroke. The condition of having high counts of cholesterol in the bloodstream is called hypercholesterolemia. So, what is cholesterol and why is it important? It's a life sustaining substance that every person needs a certain amount of. And, so the next discussion point will be about what causes high cholesterol.

High cholesterol, or hypercholesterolemia is a condition that's prevalent in those who have too much low-density lipoprotein in the blood. Lipoprotein's a protein that carries cholesterol through the blood. If there's an excessive amount of low density lipoprotein (LDL) in the blood stream, there can be a build up of this substance on artery walls causing thick and hardening plaque. Plague can clog veins and arteries that lead to the heart, causing a heart attack. When veins leading to the brain are blocked by plaque, the result can be a stroke. Both effects are potentially disabling and fatal. What causes high cholesterol are high numbers of LDL is mainly diet or the intake of certain foods.

The body actually makes some cholesterol through the liver. But also, certain foods can contain this steroid as well. The human body, generally speaking, produces enough of this substance to live on, and extra doses are not truly needed. Asking "What is cholesterol?" and "Where does it comes from?" will certainly help health mindful people not eat the foods that can contribute excessive amounts of the steroid that's also found in animals. Egg yolks, fish, seafood, poultry, and many dairy products carry the steroid. However, the steroid is not found in edible plants, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and various grains. The foods that have fatty acids will especially raise blood counts and are what causes high cholesterol. Trans fats can also be a danger. The liver will remove some excess from the human body, but recommendations call for limitations. The daily intake should be less than 300 milligrams. For those who may already be at risk for heart disease or stroke, an intake of under 200 milligrams is recommended.

Treatment plans for those who have hypercholesterolemia can vary from one person to the next. Generally, doctors will prescribe a drug therapy program for those who are a great risk for heart attack and stroke. There are several drugs on the market today that will help lower the LDL counts and these drugs are called statins. It is a good idea to research any drug prescribed by a doctor before taking the drug, gaining an understanding of all possible side effects. But, controlling eating habits and incorporating a healthy diet plan will be the single largest factor in defending against hypercholesterolemia, because diet is largely what causes high cholesterol. To keep hypercholesterolemia under control, there may need to be significant life changes.

The Bible teaches that in all circumstances, God's people are to pray and place hope in God. Even in times where illnesses seem to be uncontrollable, it's good to know that God has control and He cares for His people. Along with any medical treatment and diet change, it will be good to turn to the Lord and seek His wisdom and blessings in all circumstances while asking, "What is cholesterol?"

Take time and research hypercholesterolemia, discovering what number counts mean and where healthy counts should fall. When asking the question, "What is cholesterol?", people may find a way to lead a healthier and happier lifestyle. Log onto the Internet today and research the causes to take positive steps and make a difference.

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