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Symptoms Of Insulin Resistance

can result in type II diabetes in approximately a third of those who are diagnosed with the condition.

Those who develop diabetes may still experience higher levels of glucose in the blood even though they receive synthetic insulin to keep it under control. Almost everyone who is diagnosed with type II diabetes has the symptoms of insulin resistance as well as patients who have coronary disease or obesity. Serious problems that impact blood glucose levels are obesity and lack of exercise. Obesity and inactivity are high risk factors for developing blood sugar problems. Experts recommend that anyone who is over the age of 45 and obese should be tested for diabetes. Obesity is not the only risk factor for developing insulin resistance symptoms or pre-diabetes. "For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink: but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men. Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another." (Romans 14:17-19)

Other risk factors include heredity, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and abnormal cholesterol. Heredity such as race and family history of diabetes creates a serious predisposition for the problem. Insulin resistance symptoms run in families and if one or more immediate family member presented with the problem in the past, there is a strong likelihood of a close relative developing the same problem. Race or ethnicity figures into the equation as well, with many minority groups such as African Americans, Mexican Americans and Native Americans being more susceptible to the condition. Some of the predisposition is an off shoot of certain groups which lend toward more obesity than others. Mothers who have given birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds or who have a history of developing diabetes while pregnant, run a significant risk of developing problems later on. Another risk factor is high blood pressure that again, is also related to obesity, although not always.

Abnormal cholesterol levels which results in high triglycerides and low HDL levels should be carefully monitored. Symptoms of insulin resistance may not become apparent until after the problem is acute. Working with a physician to maintain normal cholesterol is important in preventing a variety of health problems as well as maintaining adequate blood glucose levels. Since it is common for patients to be unaware of insulin resistance, testing is important to determine a person's health condition. There are two tests that can be conducted that will pinpoint blood sugar levels. A fasting glucose blood test is taken the morning after a patient has gone without food since the previous evening. It provides a more accurate reading of glucose levels and indicates whether or not a person is pre-diabetic.

A glucose tolerance test can also be performed on a patient who has fasted the previous night, but is given a sweetened liquid to drink approximately two hours before the blood test. These tests are helpful to physicians in determining the likelihood or actual existence of symptoms of insulin resistance. They are not conclusive, however, but a doctor may suggest a lifestyle change based on the findings in order to circumvent a future problem. Many times the condition can be neutralized or prevented by personal changes such as eating correctly, exercising enough and stopping smoking. All of these choices can further reduce the dangers of high blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels which contribute to the condition.

Prescription medications can also be helpful for many who struggle with the condition. Certain drugs can improve the body's response to insulin and help to alleviate any further symptoms of insulin resistance that can damage the body. Usually medication is reserved for those who have already developed a serious condition and must undergo immediate treatment. Some patients are able to stop using medication when they have lost weight, added an exercise plan to their lives and have quit smoking. Medical experts agree that the best method to treat insulin resistance symptoms is through preventive maintenance even before a problem is evident. Those who feel they may be at risk should check with their doctor for testing and further information about this common condition.

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