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Reversing Coronary Heart Disease

The good news is that reversing coronary heart disease is possible in many cases and with the many surgical and medicinal aids at the disposal of the medical community, this once deadly disease need not be a death sentence any more. CAD is defined as blockages of major arteries and blood vessels surrounding the heart area. These blockages minimize blood flow to the heart causing its tissue to slowly starve for oxygen, killing off cardiac effectiveness. Blockages eventually cause heart attacks that often are fatal. But the disease can be reversed with both the help of the medical world and the will power of the patient.

When major blockages occur, there are some things the physician can do to remove the blockage. The first of course is the decades old bypass surgery. In this case, veins from the leg are used to replace damaged blood lines near the heart. This surgery appears to prolong the life of most that would have faced a much shortened span of existence under the medical regimen prescribed before the surgeries were first performed. Reversing coronary heart disease or at least the relieving of symptoms of the disease can also be obtained by the medical procedure known as percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Most people are aware of this surgical technique of using a balloon placed inside the walls of the blood vessels near the cardiac muscle and expanding the balloon to push the plaque up against the walls. While not providing for reversing coronary heart disease per se, this procedure does provide relief from chest pain often called angina.

Additionally while not exactly performing the reversing coronary heart disease as such, an atherectomy is one of the newest procedures in the arsenal of the physician to help rid the body completely of the plaque that surrounds arterial walls near the cardic muscle. Using a high speed cutting device, a surgeon clears away plaque blocking an artery by cutting, shaving and vaporizing the plaque buildup. This cutting device is placed in a catheter that is entered into the blood stream, usually introduced into vein in the leg. This technique is used when the plaque buildup is exceptionally hard or calcified or when clots are present in the artery. It is not always the first technique of choice, but does provide a very rigorous therapy for the diseased arteries.

It does appear, however, that real medical evidence shows that when the disease is discovered early and a low fat diet along with higher doses of cholesterol busting drugs are prescribed, reversing coronary heart disease is possible. This is at least the claim among many medical experts, but there are others who say differently. The claim that a low fat diet along with cholesterol medicine can reverse CAD is the view of the majority of coronary experts and is usually the one that most patients will hear about when talking to the doctor. The heart is always looked on in the Bible has a symbol of the core of a person's being. When David sinned, he prayed this prayer, one we should all model our prayer after: "Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me: cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy spirit from me." (Psalm 51: 10, 11)

While certainly not in the majority, some physicians advocate for a different kind of diet to help in reversing coronary heart disease. The low fat diet is one in which red meat is basically eschewed and whole grains are encouraged along with fruits and vegetables are claimed by those who support the well known Adkins to actually be the cause of arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Some go so far as to argue that low fat diets, especially in women, cause an increase in LDL cholesterol. Those who espouse that reversing coronary heart disease can be established with a high protein, high fat diet and almost no carbohydrates look to several university studies over the past few years for supporting their views. These tests cited some evidence that perhaps a low fat diet actually increased LDL levels and decreased the healthy HDL levels.

Whatever tests are cited, there is sure to always be huge discussions and controversy surrounding the opinions of medical practitioners in regarding a diet that is mean to help reverse such cardiac issues. This website is only reporting general information and any decision about diet to help combat heart disease should be thoroughly explored with one's own physician. In fact, there is nothing wrong with bringing in copies of studies that have been found on the Internet; however, and this is a big caveat, don't take in copies of someone's ranting and ravings on Internet blogs and believe that your physicians will look on it with any credibility. Instead, there are many universities that have been releasing studies on various nutritional and food studies the last few years, some even praising the low carb high fat diet and it is that kind of information that your doctor will more likely be to sit and read and consider. Of course one can get other opinions from other physicians but it should be remembered that if a person has already been diagnosed with heart disease, it is not a condition to be experimented with and going against a physician's counsel is not wise. Explore every option of reversing coronary heart disease with your physician and consider his or her experience in these life and death matters.

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