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Reversing Atherosclerosis

Reversing atherosclerosis includes keeping cholesterol at and acceptable level and lowering intake of refined sugars as well as processed vegetable oil. In addition to living an active healthy lifestyle with proper exercise and low stress, these changes in diet will aid in reversing heart disease. A person's history will greatly determine other health factors such as genetic disposition and other underlying health problems, which will determine the plan of action toward total wellness. Once the triggering factor is determined appropriate medication or lifestyle changes can be put into place. Each method of treatment show some risk of failure, but the alternative is to wait and see.

Lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, dietary changes, stress level, and exercise can dramatically change the chances a person has of getting heart disease as well as complimenting and necessary medication. Though it would be the goal of most people to avoid medication, due to genetic make up or permanent damage to the body, medication may be necessary to ensure the best result. It may become overwhelming to make such drastic lifestyle changes all at one time so creating a plan for gradual change may be the more successful option. This may be done with the help of a counselor, friend, or family member. The goal is to increase the quality of a person's life by reversing heart disease, not discourage them to the point of failure. The introduction of Omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and folic acid (for women) have shown dramatic change in a person's chance for reversing atherosclerosis. Likewise, studies show great success in cultures who consume only animal fat for their diet. The instance of illness is miniscule compared to America's diet of refined sugar and trans fat. In addition to diet, exercise is important for overall wellness as well as in reversing atherosclerosis. Even if a person has never exercised before, it is never too late to start. Simply walking to the mailbox to get the mail instead of driving up to the mailbox on the way home from work is a great place to start on a path for increased wellness and aids in reducing heart disease. From there a more complex plan can be developed including weight training, cardiovascular, and even yoga. Stretching before any sort of exercise is crucial to the maintenance of joints as well as encouragement toward total wellness.

Seeking support for any lifestyle change will aid in creating an overall positive experience. When trying something outside of a person's comfort zone anxiety may occur as well as lack of motivation. Teaming up with someone who has accomplished similar goals or who is on the same road to wellness increases the chances of success. Consulting a professional whether or not support is sought may be important in creating a reasonable plan that is attainable and safe. "Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father;" (1 Thessalonians 1:3)

Lifestyles changes such as decreased stress and the elimination of bad habits can greatly change a person's outlook for developing or worsening health conditions. If the result of not changing habits will result in debilitation or even death, lifestyle changes might not seem so drastic or bothersome. Evaluate the life currently being lived concentrating on anything negative that could be changed. This includes constant snacking, TV for recreation, and smoking. Programs and education is available to enhance a person's life toward health and overall wellness. Information is available through community programs as well as through a personal doctors office or from a specialist. Studies show even just moderate lifestyle changes decreases a person's chances by over 80% of worsening or developing this illness. People between the ages of 70 and 90 run a greater risk of developing these problems due to the slower rate at which the body can process foods. The elimination of cholesterol aids in the instance of heart attacks, but is not the major cause. Overall, a balanced diet including leafy green vegetables, omega-3 fatty acid, and a moderate level of protein will aid in overall wellness as well as moderate exercise and stress reduction. If a job is stressful then finding ways to unwind after work is crucial for stress reduction. Breathing exercises not only relax, but strengthen the respiratory system and immune system which aids in reversing atherosclerosis.

Other dietary measures can be taken to promote overall health as well as reduce the instance of disease. A low glycemic diet eliminates bread, pasta, and potatoes from the diet. Not only will this diet aid in reversing heart disease, but prevent obesity and diabetes. Studies show a 70% reduction in the occurrence of heart attacks compared to people who did not follow this diet. In addition the elimination of over the counter pain medications will aid in reversing atherosclerosis. Some people have shown success in the increase of fiber in the diet found in supplements or flaxseed. With these additions or changes to diet, a person will find change in their overall wellness and when tested for illness will show improvement to the body's overall function. Supplements of vitamin C have also shown to help in reducing heart disease. The key to reversing heart disease is moderation; any type of food consumed in excess will undoubtedly show adverse effects of some sort. Even if a person is not at risk, simple choices such as whether to eat fried food or a grilled sandwich can prevent the onset of such debilitating diseases.

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