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Lower Cholesterol Naturally

Most people can lower cholesterol with diet, exercise and proper intake of supplements or appropriate medications. No matter what condition a person's health is in, medical professionals assert that doing what it takes to drop LDL levels can still significantly decrease the chance for heart attacks or strokes. If possible, it is also best to lower cholesterol naturally in order to avoid any risk of side effects related to prescribed medications. The best approach to conquer climbing LDL levels is a multi-pronged plan that most health professionals and holistic doctors encourage, but that can be a drastic lifestyle change for those who face serious heart disease or even death.

Doctors say; the higher the LDL levels in a person's bloodstream, the more risk there is to various problems associated with heart disease. There are, however, no particular symptoms that those with high cholesterol may experience, until too late. Angina may be the only early indicator that a person experiences before seeing need to consider how to lower cholesterol naturally, even though some heart damage may already be present. Even though angina can be associated with issues other than heart disease, any acute physical symptoms such as dizziness, sweating, pressure in the chest, pain in the arms and rapid heart beats should be taken very seriously. A simple blood test can reveal whether or not a patient needs to seriously address the issue of high cholesterol.

Several things can contribute to high levels of LDL in the bloodstream including genetics, weight and gender. People that are overweight, especially as they reach middle age, run a greater risk of health problems and can lower cholesterol with diet. There are some risks that cannot be changed and that are part of heritage or birth designations. Women tend to have lower LDL levels than men up until they enter menopause. After that, some women can experience increased LDL levels. Genetics is a huge factor in determining who will and who will not have problems with cholesterol.

Unfortunately, some people can work very hard in doing all the right things medically as well as making the right lifestyle choices and still experience difficulties in maintaining low LDL levels. Others may not address the issue at all and still benefit from a genetic predisposition to low LDL levels. Medical professionals stress, however, that it is possible to significantly lower health risks even if there is a genetic predisposition that makes it more difficult to reach the safe zone. One of the first ways to attack the problem is to lower cholesterol with diet changes that may not only stop further elevation of LDL but can actually diminish it. The most popular and well known food that can actually lower cholesterol is eating adequate amounts of oatmeal every day. "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." (I Cor. 10:31)

Oatmeal has been scientifically proven in over 20+ studies to provide help in decreasing LDL levels in the bloodstream. Eating at least 3/4 cups a day of oats is an easy way to lower cholesterol naturally without taking any medications. Oatmeal can be a preventive measure taken by anyone who adds it to their normal diet as well. Oats can be sprinkled on food, eaten as a hot breakfast cereal, mixed into cookies or added to a variety of other food preparations. Another popular health supplement that is very helpful is red yeast rice. Red yeast rice is found in capsule form and can be purchased in most health food stores. Adding red yeast rice to a daily regimen can decrease LDL levels noticeably. This natural food is relatively cheap and easy to swallow.

Garlic is a common food found in many forms that is easy to ingest for anyone who wishes to use it as a protection against heart disease. Scientific studies have revealed that garlic can be taken in amounts as much as 900 mg. every day and can greatly lessen the risk for heart attacks. Garlic can be purchased in most grocery stores, health food stores, drug stores or department stores. The easiest method to receive the greatest amount of garlic in a single dose is through capsule or pill form. Olive oil, as well, is suggested to lower cholesterol naturally and a tablespoon of virgin olive oil can be taken every day for the most effective dosage.

Olive oil can also be consumed in foods, but insuring that enough is ingested to make a real difference will generally require taking some everyday. There are other foods, herbs and supplements such as green tea, vitamin C, and aspirin that are suggested to help decrease LDL levels. People who want to lower cholesterol with diet additions or changes would do well to add many of these foods to a diet regimen. Cholesterol can be lowered, especially in the earlier stages of increasing LDL levels, by adding helpful foods, eliminating cholesterol-causing foods, and choosing exercise over a sedentary lifestyle.

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