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Low Cholesterol Menu Plans

Low cholesterol menu plans include ways to eat healthy by watching dietary fats and foods high in cholesterol. Saturated fats can increase cholesterol levels in the blood and are found in animal products and processed foods. Diets for high cholesterol emphasize the importance of reading labels before buying products. Beef is rich in saturated fat and should be limited in the diet. Lean meats such as fish and poultry are encouraged as well as whole-grain and foods high in fiber such as oatmeal, apples, and carrots. Choose low-fat dairy products instead of high-fat and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Exercise is very important when trying to reduce lipid levels in the blood. Sometimes reducing weight alone will lower cholesterol as well as increasing energy and providing additional health benefits. Pursuing a healthy diet and lifestyle is essential when diagnosed with high blood lipid levels to combat the risks associated with heart disease.

Limiting foods such as liver and organ meats as well as egg yolks, high fat dairy products, and high fat process meats such as hot dogs and bologna should be included in low cholesterol menu plans. Some meal plans on the Internet include suggestions that are helpful without sacrificing flavor. Use nonstick cooking spray or canola oil instead of margarine, butter or vegetable oils. Choose high protein meat substitutes such as dried peas or beans. Substitute egg whites for a full egg to limit saturated fat and avoid foods high in sugar. Adding flaxseed to the diet will provide additional fiber and since it is a type of omega 3 fatty acid it will provide benefits in lowering blood lipid levels. Wild salmon is another good source of omega 3 fatty acids and is low in cholesterol and fat. The Lord has blessed us with variety and healthy food choices that provide excellent health benefits. "Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness" (Acts 14:17).

The Internet has many helpful sites that provide some good tips and ideas about diets for high cholesterol and provide helpful information explaining the importance of combining diet and exercise to help lower blood lipid levels. Individuals with concerns on blood lipid levels should get a blood lipid test to determine cholesterol levels. HDL is a good lipid and helps to keep arteries clear from blockages and favorable levels are at 60mg/dL and above. LDL is a bad lipid and less than 100mg/dL or lower is better because high levels can contribute to hardening of the arteries and heart disease. Total cholesterol levels should be less than 200mg/dL to be considered optimal. Keeping a check on blood lipid levels is very important if other risk factors for heart disease are present. Some of these include being overweight, not exercising, diabetes, high blood pressure, and hereditary factors.

Managing risks for heart disease may include many lifestyle changes including low cholesterol menu plans. Symptoms that need to be taken seriously include discomfort, pressure, burning, or pain in the chest, shoulders, arms, neck, throat, jaw, and back. Shortness of breath and irregular heart beat, nausea and sweating, may be indications of coronary artery disease. Some people mistaken symptoms for heartburn and indigestion and some experience no symptoms with a heart attack. In diagnosing heart disease a physician may look at many things including blood work, chest x-ray, stress tests, electrocardiogram or echocardiogram, cardiac catheterization, among other things. There are many drugs available to help with treatment of heart disease including blood thinners and taking aspirin everyday. A heart friendly diet and exercise is essential along with learning how to cope with stress.

Doctor's usually recommend at least 30 minutes of physical exercise per day to help lower blood lipid levels. Diets for high cholesterol along with exercise may be enough to lower LDL and raise HDL but sometimes medication may need to be prescribed to provide additional benefits. There are about 7 different stain drugs on the market that can be prescribed for high blood lipid levels. Do some research online about side effects and studies on these different drugs and ask a physician about the best one to take. Some common side effects may include upset stomach, headache, muscle pain, and these drugs can affect the function of the liver. Sites online recommend the cessation of smoking and limiting alcohol intake to provide further health benefits especially if a patient suffers from other health problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

Niacin, a b-complex vitamin, has shown success in lowering LDL and raising HDL cholesterol. There are a couple different drugs on the market that contain niacin and are available by prescription. Consulting low cholesterol menu plans may provide some interesting results on diet changes and alternative therapy treatments. Some of these treatments include taking herbs, and other natural substances. Diets for high cholesterol may include tips that suggest taking a vitamin/mineral supplement daily. Decreasing sodium intake and increasing fiber are good rules of thumb to remember as well as decreasing total fat and increasing complex carbohydrates.

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