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Cataract Surgery Recovery

Cataract surgery recovery will certainly be of interest to many folks who are over fifty and face the removal of these pesky films. Cataracts can form over the eye lens causing a loss of vision that may be slow in developing but becomes more and more disturbing as time moves on. At first, there may seem to be a bit of a haze that comes over the vision area, but later begins to affect night vision, especially when driving. Sometimes colors don't appear as bright as before, but often all these issues come on gradually and nothing to really notice until later when the cataract becomes a true menace to seeing normally. Thankfully, cataract eye surgery is very routine and is performed thousands of times each year across the country. And just as thankfully, cataract surgery recovery only takes a matter of a few days or weeks.

Long before the time of the operation, a person must choose a surgeon who will do the work. Of course when dealing with eyesight, a person will want to make sure that the ophthalmologist that does the work has a track record of successful surgery on such vision issues. An ophthalmologist is an MD who has specialized in diseases of the eye and vision problems. In most cases, this type of doctor has done surgery on the eye routinely throughout the years of his or her practice. As a matter of course, check to see if your physician is also a member of a hospital staff in your area. Should a doctor not have entree into a hospital in the area that may be a red flag of concern that needs to be considered. Ask around with your friends who have had to face this type of operation and cataract surgery recovery and ascertain their appraisal of their physician.

The first diagnosis of having a cataract is certainly not necessarily the time when the surgery will be performed. In fact, there may be a number of years between the first discovery of such an eye anomaly and the time when the condition becomes bad enough to warrant removal. But as in many medical situations the time will come when surgery is the only real answer to relief from the condition. When that day arrives, one can expect about ninety minutes of time spend in the physician's office before being able to go home and face cataract surgery recovery issues. The cataract will be broken up by one of a couple of ways, depending on the physician's preference. The cloudy film may be broken up by an ultrasound instrument, or the film, which is gelatin like in makeup may be removed by tools the doctor applies to the eye. Despite the blindness that so many people have today, the Bible declares that one day all will have vision to see a great event: "Behold he cometh in the clouds and every eye shall see him and they also which pierced him and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him, even so, Amen." (Revelation 1:7)

In most cases, cataract surgery only occurs on one eye at a time, even though both eyes may be afflicted. There may only be a few weeks in between the two surgeries, but almost never together. Certainly, after the artificial lens replaces the damaged one that is removed, the eye just operated on will see more clearly than the one that is still afflicted. But there will be cataract surgery recovery rules that will have to be followed in order to minimize any risks or long term complications for the procedure. A protective eye patch will have to be worn for several days and strenuous activity and lifting will absolutely forbidden for at least the first week. Essentially, any bending or exercising that causes sudden blood flow to the head area needs to be avoided. Oh yes, that hot tub that you enjoy so much and swimming at the Y will have to be verboten for at least two weeks as part of the cataract surgery recovery procedure.

Sometime after this type of procedure, and even after the patient has followed strictly the several cataract surgery recovery rules, there are still complications such as glaucoma issues that arise as a result of the procedure. This is pressure increased inside the eye and may have to be treated by an application of eye drops, sometimes a laser procedure, medicine or perhaps more surgery and can be a dangerous condition if not treated. A follow up exam to the doctor will probably uncover such a problem if it does occur. On rare occasions, the replaced artificial lens may become misaligned on the eye and may need repositioning and sometimes, although rarely, there may occur a tear where the lens was inserted and may need immediate attention for re- stitching. In addition to the risk of glaucoma with some patients and misalignment of the replaced lens, there is also, in about three percent of patients who have faced cataract surgery recovery, the possibility of retinal detachment. In some cases of patients who have diabetes, an infection called endophthalmitis can occur causing widespread inflammation of the eye which can lead to permanent vision loss and even blindness. This is a good reason to disclose every medicine that one is taking and all condition that a patient may have with the eye surgeon before proceeding with this surgery that has helped millions to see clearly again.

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