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Night Eating Syndrome

Symptoms and indications of night eating disorder include skipping breakfast, continual snacking after dinner, waking up during the night to eat, suffering from insomnia, and suffering from depression. This disorder often plagues individuals who already have a weight problem. Possible causes of night eating syndrome are fluctuations in hormone levels, stress, strict dieting during the day, sleep apnea, biology, genetics and emotions. Treatments may include doing a sleep study, taking medication, changes in diet, and counseling. Consider prayer and meditating on God's Word before bedtime. "That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." (1 Corinthians 2:5)

People who skip breakfast, eat more in the evening and like to stay up late are often referred to as night owls. A couple of the symptoms of night eating syndrome is skipping breakfast and eating more in the evening; however, that doesn't mean that all night owls have the syndrome. Individuals who have the syndrome have other symptoms as well. They usually have trouble sleeping, suffer from insomnia, and awake often during the night, suffer with guilt feelings about snacking and have emotional issues that they try to solve by eating.

Emotional eaters are individuals who are trying to fix the way they feel by using food as a drug. Eating makes them feel better temporarily but it doesn't last. Being on an emotional roller coaster can cause a person to overeat and eventually suffer from obesity and other health problems associated with it. Obesity and night eating disorder often go hand in hand. Obesity can be part of the problem since being overweight can cause changes in hormone levels and neurotransmitters in the brain. Take chocolate for an example, it raises the serotonin levels in the brain and provides a temporary feeling of pleasure and well-being. The problem is the feeling is only temporary so that means having more a little later or just eating it continually to keep experiencing the high.

Dieting during the day and consuming most of the calories in the evening and at night is typical with someone who has night eating syndrome. Those suffering with guilt feelings for snacking so much will often decide not to eat anything during the day or may decide to put themselves on a strict diet. Research has revealed that skipping meals causes the body to go in starvation mode. This causes the body to hold on to fat stores and when this happens any weight that is lost is probably muscle tissue instead of fat. Of course by the end of the day a person's blood sugar will drop causing lethargy and fatigue. So the cycle begins again, the individual eats to feel better and figures that abstaining from food all day makes it alright to eat a lot.

Stress can have a big effect on a person's eating habits and can lead to psychological problems. Prolonged stress can lead to obsessive compulsive disorder and night eating syndrome. Stress can deplete the body, affect hormone levels, cause panic attacks, depression and irritability, cause a person to be less productive in their work and with relationships, lead to feelings of guilt, and feelings that their life is out of control. A person who suffers with unmanaged stress should talk to a doctor. Taking stress management classes can help an individual learn how to cope with their stress. Counseling and therapy may be helpful as well.

Sleep studies are often prescribed for a person who has night eating disorder and other sleep related problems. Other sleep problems include but are not limited to sleep apnea, nocturnal sleep-related eating disorder, restless legs syndrome, narcolepsy, insomnia, and sleep-walking. A sleep study monitors the patient while experiencing sleep cycles in an effort to determine a diagnosis. A patient should keep a diary for 2 weeks before the sleep study to assist the doctor in making an informed diagnosis and treatment.

Dietary changes may provide some significant help with sleeping difficulties. A doctor will suggest discontinuing the use of caffeine and alcohol because both of these substances can interfere with sleep. A dietitian or nutritionist can provide a meal plan that can help with weight loss and provide health benefits that can work towards helping a person with a night eating disorder. Snacking on fresh fruits and vegetables will help to provide an individual with needed nutrients. Whole grains, foods high in fiber, and foods high in omega 3 fatty acids are other good choices. Limit simple carbohydrates and items that are high in sugar and fat.

Medications may be effective for treating illnesses that affect sleep. Some medications that are commonly prescribed for night eating syndrome are anti-depressants, and sleeping pills. Some other things that can be done that provide health benefits and more refreshing sleep include exercising early in the day, keeping the bedroom sleep friendly by turning off all lights, making sure the temperature is comfortable, and turn off all noise makers. Try not to eat at least 2 hours before bedtime. If a snack is needed close to bedtime choose one that promotes sleepiness such as bananas, apricots, almonds, peaches, walnuts, and oats. Don't eat foods high in protein or sugar before bedtime and don't watch television. Practice relaxation techniques and resolve worries of the day before heading to bed.

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