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Hair Loss Treatment For Men

When considering hair loss treatment for men, it is important to understand the life cycle of this part of the body. One hair grows for two to six years. In that time, it grows less than a half an inch per month. The hair may go through a resting phase, but nine out of ten hairs are in the growing stage at one time. When a hair goes into a resting stage, it lasts about two to three months, then it falls out. A new one begins growing in its place. This cycle of growth and loss is normal, and as long as the hair is replaced as quickly as it is lost, baldness does not occur. Excessive hair loss can come from several factors. One is an illness or surgery that causes physical stress to the body. But many times this is temporary, and as soon as the body is healthy again, the hair regrows. This may be true for men, women, or children. But these reasons rarely result in a need for surgical hair restoration.

Another reason for hair loss is problems with hormones. Male and female hormones, called androgens and estrogens, can get out of balance. If the imbalance is corrected, the problem may reverse itself. Sometimes, a woman may find that a few months after she has a baby, her hair may fall out. The cause for this is usually a change in her hormone levels. When a woman is pregnant, high levels of hormones interrupt the normal growth cycle of hair, causing the woman to keep hair that should have fallen out. Then when her hormones go back to normal after the birth, all that hair falls out. Thyroid disease may also cause balding, both an overactive and an under active thyroid. Some types of medications can also cause hair loss. Some of these are blood thinners, gout medications, drugs used for chemotherapy, too much vitamin A, birth control pills, and antidepressants. These reasons also rarely result in a need for surgical hair restoration.

Another cause is certain infections, such as fungal infections of the scalp. This is often seen in children and is easily treated with antifungal creams. Some diseases can also cause hair loss, such as lupus or diabetes. Therefore, a person should consult a doctor to find the underlying cause. But most men's problems concern male-pattern baldness, which is a permanent condition. Most of the time, this condition is inherited. Some men start losing their hair at an early age; these men usually develop a more extensive receding hairline. At this point, many men investigate surgical hair restoration by consulting a doctor who is trained in this area. When consulting a doctor, he will probably ask a medical history, including questions about diet, medications, recent illnesses, and how the patient takes care of his scalp. He may also take blood tests or a biopsy of the scalp to rule out any underlying diseases.

The reason a doctor will ask about scalp care during hair loss treatment for men is that a man can cause his hair to fall out by taking improper care of his body. Wearing hairdos like pigtails or using implement like tight rollers where the hair is pulled tightly can cause damage or a type of problem called traction alopecia. If the scalp becomes scarred, the problem is permanent. But if the person stops pulling his hair like this, then it will grow back in. Certain treatments, like hot oil treatments or chemicals used in perms put into the hair can also cause hair loss. They can cause inflammation of the skin and the follicle. In the past, remedies for this problem were not effective. In fact, many times people sold medications or other types of treatment for balding that had no effective yet were touted as miracle cures. But medical science has come along way in understanding the reasons for baldness. Today, there is effective hair loss treatment for men and surgical hair restoration.

Some new drugs slow down the cycle of hair loss. One, called Rogaine, is an over-the-counter application that anyone can buy. It was first developed in pill form to treat high blood pressure, but it had one odd side effect, hair began growing on strange places like the cheeks or the forehead. Scientists then began applying it to the scalp and found that it was useful in hair loss treatment for men. Another type of drug is only available through prescription, finasteride. It can take up to six months to work. Originally developed to treat prostrate enlargement, it had the side effect of increasing hair growth. The medicine interfered with the enzyme that causes hair to fall out. Since the drug had already been cleared through the FDA, doctors because using it for this purpose also. But it is not effective for all types of baldness.

But a person still has to be careful of those advertisements that claim to solve the problem. One good way to determine if the medication is good is to see if it has been approved by the FDA or recommended by the American Hair Loss Association. Those two groups serve as watchdogs over these products. If the claims of the advertisements seem too good to be true, chances are that the product is not viable. Many men wonder if surgical hair restoration works. There is a transplant operation that takes plugs of hair from the back of the head just above the neck to implant into the bald spots. The point is that this part of the head rarely loses its covering, so the new hairs would be resistant to falling out. This is a very costly procedure and takes multiple visits to complete. Fortunately, how we look is not the most important part of our life. The Bible says of those who are in God's care, "But there shall not an hair of your head perish" (Luke 21:18).

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