Eye laser surgery is for those that have inhibited vision due to nearsightedness or farsightedness and desire a permanent solution to this vision problem. In order to understand how procedures of this nature work, the concept of how vision in the human body works must first be explained. The eyes are perhaps the most important sensory organ. They provide people with countless pieces of information, such as the size and shape of objects, colors, distance, and movement. A person without sight cannot read a newspaper, drive a car, watch a movie, catch a ball, or do many other things that people with sight can easily do. Seeing is a complex process. Eye surgery enhances a person's seeing ability, and it is no wonder this procedure is one of the hottest growing surgeries existing today. Many ask the question of what sight really is. The answer can be found in science. "For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard." (Psalm 22:24)
Eyes, nerves fibers, and the brain are the three components needed to produce sight. The eyes alone cannot see anything without a brain to interpret the images and without nerve fibers to relay the messages. Sight begins with light entering the front of the eye by passing through the clear cornea and lens. The cornea is what is manipulated during eye laser surgery. These structures bend the rays of light to focus an upside down image on to the retina, which is the lining on the back of the eyeball. Corrective eye surgery is primarily associated with only the cornea and not the retina. The retina contains specialized cells that are sensitive to light. When light strikes these cells, they send a message along the optic nerve that leads from the eye to vision centers in the brain. In the brain, the messages are interpreted and then a person can see.
The eyeball is nearly round and about the size of a ball used for table tennis. Its outer surface is a tough protective layer made up of the sclera and the cornea. The sclera is white and forms most of the outer surface at the sides and the back of the eye. Attached to the sclera at the front of the eye and bulging slightly is the clear cornea. Eye surgery focuses more on the cornea. The cornea's curved shape bends light rays and helps direct them towards the back of the eye. If the cornea's curve is slightly off shape, such as peeking too high, or lying too flat, it results in nearsightedness or farsightedness. Eye laser surgery combats that problem by smoothing out a higher peeking cornea to correct the bending of the light rays which improves vision, or by raising the curve in order to bend the light rays more correctly to improve vision. General procedures can be used for a number of problems, but typically they have to do with the curve in the cornea.
The most common disorders that affect the eyes and require surgical care are problems in the focusing power of the cornea and lens. These problems can often temporarily be corrected by eyeglasses or contact lenses. In a person wanting eye laser surgery with nearsightedness, the focal point is in front of the retina instead of directly on it. This results in an inability to focus clearly on distant objects, such as words on a blackboard or traffic signs. For individuals needing corrective eye surgery for farsightedness, the image is focused behind the retina. This results in the inability to focus clearly on objects close up, such as words on a page. As people get older, their lenses become less rubbery and cannot focus easily. This condition, called presbyopia, is one of the reasons why some people with good vision when young, need glasses in middle or old age.
A surgical procedure can also be an option for those that suffer with astigmatism. This is when they have unevenness in the surface of the cornea. This causes a portion of the object to begin focus and the remainder of the object to be out of focus. Some cases can be corrected through eye laser surgery. Infections sometimes develop. Conjunctivitis is an infection of the moist tissues. A stye is a swelling in the eyelid caused by an infection of a small oil gland and can be treated through eye surgery. Cloudy areas in the lens, called cataracts, can develop in older individuals. The cloudy lens can be removed through surgery and replaced by a clear plastic lens. These procedures can lead to wonderful results, where individuals with poor vision have the ability to again see clearly. It is important to consult with a doctor before making the decision, in order to determine the best plan of action.
Eyes, nerves fibers, and the brain are the three components needed to produce sight. The eyes alone cannot see anything without a brain to interpret the images and without nerve fibers to relay the messages. Sight begins with light entering the front of the eye by passing through the clear cornea and lens. The cornea is what is manipulated during eye laser surgery. These structures bend the rays of light to focus an upside down image on to the retina, which is the lining on the back of the eyeball. Corrective eye surgery is primarily associated with only the cornea and not the retina. The retina contains specialized cells that are sensitive to light. When light strikes these cells, they send a message along the optic nerve that leads from the eye to vision centers in the brain. In the brain, the messages are interpreted and then a person can see.
The eyeball is nearly round and about the size of a ball used for table tennis. Its outer surface is a tough protective layer made up of the sclera and the cornea. The sclera is white and forms most of the outer surface at the sides and the back of the eye. Attached to the sclera at the front of the eye and bulging slightly is the clear cornea. Eye surgery focuses more on the cornea. The cornea's curved shape bends light rays and helps direct them towards the back of the eye. If the cornea's curve is slightly off shape, such as peeking too high, or lying too flat, it results in nearsightedness or farsightedness. Eye laser surgery combats that problem by smoothing out a higher peeking cornea to correct the bending of the light rays which improves vision, or by raising the curve in order to bend the light rays more correctly to improve vision. General procedures can be used for a number of problems, but typically they have to do with the curve in the cornea.
The most common disorders that affect the eyes and require surgical care are problems in the focusing power of the cornea and lens. These problems can often temporarily be corrected by eyeglasses or contact lenses. In a person wanting eye laser surgery with nearsightedness, the focal point is in front of the retina instead of directly on it. This results in an inability to focus clearly on distant objects, such as words on a blackboard or traffic signs. For individuals needing corrective eye surgery for farsightedness, the image is focused behind the retina. This results in the inability to focus clearly on objects close up, such as words on a page. As people get older, their lenses become less rubbery and cannot focus easily. This condition, called presbyopia, is one of the reasons why some people with good vision when young, need glasses in middle or old age.
A surgical procedure can also be an option for those that suffer with astigmatism. This is when they have unevenness in the surface of the cornea. This causes a portion of the object to begin focus and the remainder of the object to be out of focus. Some cases can be corrected through eye laser surgery. Infections sometimes develop. Conjunctivitis is an infection of the moist tissues. A stye is a swelling in the eyelid caused by an infection of a small oil gland and can be treated through eye surgery. Cloudy areas in the lens, called cataracts, can develop in older individuals. The cloudy lens can be removed through surgery and replaced by a clear plastic lens. These procedures can lead to wonderful results, where individuals with poor vision have the ability to again see clearly. It is important to consult with a doctor before making the decision, in order to determine the best plan of action.
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